What does "d" stand for in d-pointer? - c++

Qt makes heavy use of the PIMPL idiom in their development process: https://wiki.qt.io/D-Pointer
As I've read here: "The name 'd-pointer' stems from Trolltech's Arnt Gulbrandsen, who first introduced the technique into Qt, making it one of the first C++ GUI libraries to maintain binary compatibility even between bigger release.". But nobody says what "D" stands for.
So what does the "D" stand for in D-Pointer?

From this page Data Sharing with Class (an old docs from QT), it says:
Before we can share an object's private data, we must separate its interface from the private data using an idiom called "d-pointer" (data pointer)
So, d-pointer means data-pointer

I'll add my own answer, since I remember the day it happened.
I was trying to extend something while maintaining binary compatibility, and noticed that there was a pointer called 'data' that I could reuse for a different purpose. So I made a private class for implementation-related data (a pimpl), put both the old data and my new data there, and since the existing name seemed to fit I kept the name.
I abbreviated it from data to d after a short meeting later on the same day, where we agreed that the pattern I'd invented stumbled upon was good and we should use it widely, and that d-> was short enough and unique enough to be used everwhere as a mark of implementation-specific fields.
At the same meeting, we decided to put implementation-specific data in d-> as a matter of policy from then on, mostly in order to keep the number of includes down, but also to keep the declared API clean in general. Fewer private variables in the class declaration means few opportunities for error, fewer temptations, fewer things that can conflict with subclass naming and so on. Better hygiene.


Significance of classes over data-structures

Whats the significance of classes over data-structures or data-structures over classes?
Ok so The most basic ones can be that we can use "Access Specifiers In Classes" meaning we can prevent some and allow some to access our data.
next can be that data-hiding.
But whats the main thing that separates classes and data-structures? I mean why need data-structures when we have classes or vice-versa?
C++ has fundamantal types, and classes.
Struct and Class are both keywords that introduce a new class. There are slightly different defaults.
Data structures are an arrangement of data with some kind of invarient. They can be a class, they can contain classes, or they could be completely class free.
They are different categories of thing. It is like asking what the difference is between steel and an automobile.
In a course assignment, what the teacher is asking for is for you to know the definition the teacher or the text taught those terms meant. Terms mean what the context they are in tells them to mean. It is a matter of "are you paying attention" not "do you know this fact"; having asked it of the internet, you have already failed.
In terms of syntax, in C++ the only difference between a class and a struct is that members of a struct are public by default, while the members of a class are private by default.
From a perspective of implied design intent, however, there is a larger difference. struct was/is a feature of C, and was/is used (in both C and C++) to help the programmer organize Plain Old Data in useful ways. (for example, if you know every Person in your persons-database needs to store the person's first name, last name, and age, then you can put two char arrays and and int together in a struct Person and thereby make it more convenient to track all of that data as a unit, than if you had to store each of those fields separately).
C++ continues to provide that C-style struct functionality, but then goes further by adding additional features to better support object-oriented-programming. In particular, C++ adds explicit support for encapsulation (via the private and protected keywords), functionality-extension via inheritance, the explicit tying-together of code and data via methods, and run-time polymorphism via virtual methods. Note that all of these features can be approximated in C by manually following certain coding conventions, but by explicitly supporting them as part of the language, C++ makes them easier to use correctly and consistently.
Having done that, C++ then goes on to muddy the waters a bit, by making all of that new functionality available to structs as well as classes. (This is why the technical difference is so minor, as described in the first paragraph) However, I believe it is the case that when most programmers see a struct defined, they tend to have an implicit expectation that the struct is intended be used as a simple C-style data-storage/data-organization receptacle, whereas when they see a class, they expect it to include not just "some raw data" but also some associated business-logic, as implemented in the class's methods, and that the class will enforce its particular rules/invariants by requiring the calling code to call those methods, rather than allowing the calling code to read/write the class's member-variables directly. (That's why public member-variables are discouraged in a class, but less so in a struct -- because a public member-variable in a class-object contradicts this expectation, and violates the principle of least surprise).

C++ Why should I use get and set functions when working with classes [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why use getters and setters/accessors?
(37 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I've been told not to make my variables public inside a class. I should always make a get and a set function. For example :
class Whatever
void setSentence(const std::string &str) { sentence = str; }
void setAnInteger(const int integer) { anInteger = integer; }
std::string getSentence() { return sentence; }
int getAnInteger() { return anInteger; }
std::string sentence;
int anInteger;
Why should I do that? Isn't just simply using those variables more convenient? Also, is that a good c++ programming style?
The main reason is to increase encapsulation. If your class exposes those member variables, many functions in your client code will have a dependency towards those variables.
Suppose one day you want want to change the name of those variables, or you want to change the implementation of your class so that the type and number of member variables would be different than the current one: how many functions would be affected by this change? How many functions would you have to re-write (at least in part)?
Right, potentially infinite. You just can't count them all. On the other hand, if you have getters and setters, only those 4 functions will have access to the internal representation of your class. Changing the internal representation won't require any change to the code of your client functions; only those 4 member functions may have to be changed.
In general, encapsulation makes your life easier with respect to future changes. At a certain point in time you may want to log a message every time a certain property is set. You may want to fire an event every time a certain property is set. You may want to compute a certain value on the fly rather than reading it each time from a cache data member, or read it from a database, or whatever.
Having getters and setters allow you to implement any of those changes without requiring to change the client code.
As far as general design philosophy is concerned, there is no "always" or "never" when it comes to implementing accessors versus not implementing accessors that the community as a whole agrees on.
Many will advise you to make all data members private and provide accessors & mutators. Always.
Others will tell you to make data members private if changing them from client code is undesirable, and leave them public otherwise.
Yet others will tell you that classes shouldn't have more than one or so data member at all, and all the data should be encapsulated in yet another object, preferably a struct.
You have to decide for yourself which is right, keeping in mind that this will depend not only on your approach, but also that of the organization for which you work.
If you ask me, my preference is to make everything public until I have a reason not to. Simple. But that's just me.
You write explicit getters and setters as a sane plan for future development. If your class' users are directly accessing its members and you need to change the class in a way that is incompatible with that habit, you have to change every chunk of code that interfaces with you in this way. If you write a getter and setter, the compiler will optimize it to be time-equivalent to direct access (if that is all it does) and you can later change the logic if you need to - without having to change a ton of other code.
When you make get or set method and use it 40 times in your code, you can handle future changes more easily.
Imagine, that you use public variable and use it 40 times in your code. After a month of developing your program, you'll come up with a great idea: What if I divide this variable by 1000 and so I would have better values to calculate with!
Wow, great, but now I have to find every single line, where I use it and change it. If I only had a get method :(
That's the main reason of getters and setters, even if they are very simple, it's better to have it. You will thank yourself once.
Data encapsulation is one of the major principles of OOP. It is the process of combining data and functions into a single unit called class. Using the method of encapsulation, the programmer cannot directly access the data. Data is only accessible through the functions existing inside the class so that the implementation details of a class that are hidden from the user. It's to protect both the caller and the function from accidentally changing the behavior of a method, or from needing to know how a method works.
The textbook-ish answer recalled from me taking the first OOP class was: Get and set methods are used to wrap around private variables. Usually people compare between having get and set or just simply set those variables to be public; in this case, get and set approach is good because it protects those variables from being modified accidentally due to bugs and etc..
People (me when I took that class) might ask "isn't get and set also modify those variables, if so, how is that different than being modified as a public variable".
The rationale is: to have get and set function, you are asking the user or yourself to explicitly specify they want to modify the variable by calling those functions. Without calling those functions, the private variables will be less likely (still possible depends on implementation) modified unwillingly or accidentally.
In short, you should not do that.
In general, I suggest to read Fowler's Refactoring, then you will have a picture what gets hindered by having naked data, and what kind of access aligns well. And importantly whether the whole thing applies to your cases or not.
And as you know pros&cons you can safely ignore "should do/don't" stuff like at start of this answer or others.

What is a fat Interface?

Ciao, I work in movie industry to simulate and apply studio effects. May I ask what is a fat interface as I hear someone online around here stating it ?
Edit: It is here said by Nicol Bolas (very good pointer I believe)
fat interface - an interface with more member functions and friends than are logically necessary. TC++PL 24.4.3
very simple explanation is here:
The Fat Interface approach [...]: in addition to the core services (that are part of the thin interface) it also offers a rich set of services that satisfy common needs of client code. Clearly, with such classes the amount of client code that needs to be written is smaller.
When should we use fat interfaces? If a class is expected to have a long life span or if a class is expected to have many clients it should offer a fat interface.
Maxim quotes Stroustrup's glossary:
fat interface - an interface with more member functions and friends than are logically necessary. TC++PL 24.4.3
Maxim provides no explanation, and other existing answers to this question misinterpret the above - or sans the Stroustrup quote the term itself - as meaning an interface with an arguably excessive number of members. It's not.
It's actually not about the number of members, but whether the members make sense for all the implementations.
That subtle aspect that doesn't come through very clearly in Stroustrup's glossary, but at least in the old version of TC++PL I have - is clear where the term's used in the text. Once you understand the difference, the glossary entry is clearly consistent with it, but "more member functions and friends than are logically necessary" is a test that should be applied from the perspective of each of the implementations of a logical interface. (My understanding's also supported by Wikipedia, for whatever that's worth ;-o.)
Specifically when you have an interface over several implementations, and some of the interface actions are only meaningful for some of the implementations, then you have a fat interface in which you can ask the active implementation to do something that it has no hope of doing, and you have to complicate the interface with some "not supported" discovery or reporting, which soon adds up to make it harder to write reliable client code.
For example, if you have a Shape base class and derived Circle and Square classes, and contemplate adding a double get_radius() const member: you could do so and have it throw or return some sentinel value like NaN or -1 if called on a Square - you'd then have a fat interface.
"Uncle Bob" puts a different emphasis on it below (boldfacing mine) in the context of the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) (a SOLID principle that says to avoid fat interfaces):
[ISP] deals with the disadvantages of “fat” interfaces. Classes that have “fat” interfaces are classes whose interfaces are not cohesive. In other words, the interfaces of the class can be broken up into groups of member functions. Each group serves a different set of clients. Thus some clients use one group of member functions, and other clients use the other groups.
This implies you could have e.g. virtual functions that all derived classes do implementation with non-noop behaviours, but still consider the interface "fat" if typically any given client using that interface would only be interested in one group of its functions. For example: if a string class provided regexp functions and 95% of client code never used any of those, and especially if the 5% that did didn't tend to use the non-regexp string functions, then you should probably separate the regexp functionality from the normal textual string functionality. In that case though, there's a clear distinction in member function functionality that forms 2 groups, and when you were writing your code you'd have a clear idea whether you wanted regexp functionality or normal text-handling functionality. With the actual std::string class, although it has a lot of functions I'd argue that there's no clear grouping of functions where it would be weird to evolve a need to use some functions (e.g. begin/end) after having initially needed only say insert/erase. I don't personally consider the interface "fat", even though it's huge.
Of course, such an evocative term will have been picked up by other people to mean whatever they think it should mean, so it's no surprise that the web contains examples of the simpler larger-than-necessary-interface usage, as evidenced by the link in relaxxx's answer, but I suspect that's more people guessing at a meaning than "educated" about prior usage in Computing Science literature....
An interface with more methods or friends than is really necessary.

what if i keep my class members are public?

In c++ instance variables are private by default,in Python variables are public by default
i have two questions regarding the same:-
1: why Python have all the members are public by default?
2: People say you should your member data should be private
what if i make my data to be public?
what are the disadvantages of this approch?
why it is a bad design?
You can use a leading underscore in the name to tell readers of the code that the name in question is an internal detail and they must not rely on it remaining in future versions. Such a convention is really all you need -- why weigh the language down with an enforcement mechanism?
Data, just like methods, should be public (named without a leading underscore) if they're part of your class's designed API which you intend to support going forward. In C++, or Java, that's unlikely to happen because if you want to change the data member into an accessor method, you're out of luck -- you'll have to break your API and every single client of the class will have to change.
In Python, and other languages supporting a property-like construct, that's not the case -- you can always replace a data member with a property which calls accessor methods transparently, the API does not change, nor does client code. So, in Python and other languages with property-like constructs (I believe .NET languages are like that, at source-code level though not necessarily at bytecode level), you may as well leave your data public when it's part of the API and no accessors are currently needed (you can always add accessor methods to later implementation releases if need be, and not break the API).
So it's not really a general OO issue, it's language specific: does a given language support a property-like construct. Python does.
I can't comment on Python, but in C++, structs provide public access by default.
The primary reason you want a private part of your class is that, without one, it is impossible to guarantee your invariants are satisfied. If you have a string class, for instance, that is supposed to keep track of the length of the string, you need to be able to track insertions. But if the underlying char* member is public, you can't do that. Anybody can just come along and tack something onto the end, or overwrite your null terminator, or call delete[] on it, or whatever. When you call your length() member, you just have to hope for the best.
It's really a question of language design philosophies. I favour the Python camp so might come down a little heavy handedly on the C++ style but the bottom line is that in C++ it's possible to forcibly prevent users of your class from accessing certain internal parts.
In Python, it's a matter of convention and stating that it's internal. Some applications might want to access the internal member for non-malignant purposes (eg. documentation generators). Some users who know what they're doing might want to do the same. People who want to shoot themselves in the foot twiddling with the internal details are not protected from suicide.
Like Dennis said "Anybody can just come along and tack something onto the end, or overwrite your null terminator". Python treats the user like an adult and expects her to take care of herself. C++ protects the user as one would a child.
This is why.

Extending an existing class like a namespace (C++)?

I'm writing in second-person just because its easy, for you.
You are working with a game engine and really wish a particular engine class had a new method that does 'bla'. But you'd rather not spread your 'game' code into the 'engine' code.
So you could derive a new class from it with your one new method and put that code in your 'game' source directory, but maybe there's another option?
So this is probably completely illegal in the C++ language, but you thought at first, "perhaps I can add a new method to an existing class via my own header that includes the 'parent' header and some special syntax. This is possible when working with a namespace, for example..."
Assuming you can't declare methods of a class across multiple headers (and you are pretty darn sure you can't), what are the other options that support a clean divide between 'middleware/engine/library' and 'application', you wonder?
My only question to you is, "does your added functionality need to be a member function, or can it be a free function?" If what you want to do can be solved using the class's existing interface, then the only difference is the syntax, and you should use a free function (if you think that's "ugly", then... suck it up and move on, C++ wasn't designed for monkeypatching).
If you're trying to get at the internal guts of the class, it may be a sign that the original class is lacking in flexibility (it doesn't expose enough information for you to do what you want from the public interface). If that's the case, maybe the original class can be "completed", and you're back to putting a free function on top of it.
If absolutely none of that will work, and you just must have a member function (e.g. original class provided protected members you want to get at, and you don't have the freedom to modify the original interface)... only then resort to inheritance and member-function implementation.
For an in-depth discussion (and deconstruction of std::string'), check out this Guru of the Week "Monolith" class article.
Sounds like a 'acts upon' relationship, which would not fit in an inheritance (use sparingly!).
One option would be a composition utility class that acts upon a certain instance of the 'Engine' by being instantiated with a pointer to it.
Inheritance (as you pointed out), or
Use a function instead of a method, or
Alter the engine code itself, but isolate and manage the changes using a patch-manager like quilt or Mercurial/MQ
I don't see what's wrong with inheritance in this context though.
If the new method will be implemented using the existing public interface, then arguably it's more object oriented for it to be a separate function rather than a method. At least, Scott Meyers argues that it is.
Why? Because it gives better encapsulation. IIRC the argument goes that the class interface should define things that the object does. Helper-style functions are things that can be done with/to the object, not things that the object must do itself. So they don't belong in the class. If they are in the class, they can unnecessarily access private members and hence widen the hiding of that member and hence the number of lines of code that need to be touched if the private member changes in any way.
Of course if you want to access protected members then you must inherit. If your desired method requires per-instance state, but not access to protected members, then you can either inherit or composite according to taste - the former is usually more concise, but has certain disadvantages if the relationship isn't really "is a".
Sounds like you want Ruby mixins. Not sure there's anything close in C++. I think you have to do the inheritance.
Edit: You might be able to put a friend method in and use it like a mixin, but I think you'd start to break your encapsulation in a bad way.
You could do something COM-like, where the base class supports a QueryInterface() method which lets you ask for an interface that has that method on it. This is fairly trivial to implement in C++, you don't need COM per se.
You could also "pretend" to be a more dynamic language and have an array of callbacks as "methods" and gin up a way to call them using templates or macros and pushing 'this' onto the stack before the rest of the parameters. But it would be insane :)
Or Categories in Objective C.
There are conceptual approaches to extending class architectures (not single classes) in C++, but it's not a casual act, and requires planning ahead of time. Sorry.
Sounds like a classic inheritance problem to me. Except I would drop the code in an "Engine Enhancements" directory & include that concept in your architecture.