Opengl/glsl : Pass float array to shader by texture - opengl

I am trying to pass a float* that contains 128*128 float to a shader. Since this array is too big, I am trying to pass by a texture to get my float* in my shader. The problem is I don't know how to use this array inside my shader.
I print my float* before sending it to my shader, and It contains number between -1 and 1.
My goal is to simulate waves on water with perlin noise, so my array of float is perlin noises.
So I instantiate my noise texture like this :
_perlin_noise = new float[_dimension * _dimension];
//... I put float inside my _perlin_noise variable
//Then I instantiate my texture :
glGenTextures(1, &_perlin_noise_text);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _perlin_noise_text);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R32F, _dimension, _dimension, 0,
GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, _perlin_noise);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
My water use two textures : One texture is full blue, the other is a texture of foam.
So now I have a third texture that is my perlin noise. And I want to ajust the height of my vertices by perlin noise.
So before anything, I alocate uniform variable to my shader like this :
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(main_water_shader->getProgram(), "main_water_texture"), 0);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(main_water_shader->getProgram(), "foam_texture"), 1);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(main_water_shader->getProgram(), "perlin_noise"), 2);
Then I want to ajust vertices's height in my vertex shader, but I don't know how to do it. I tried to do that in my vertex shader :
uniform sampler2D perlin_noise;
//some other uniform...
void main()
//calculating vertex height
float height = float( texture2D(perlin_noise, vec2(x, y)) );
vec3 new_vertex_position = vertex_position;
new_vertex_position.y = height;
//Standard stuff
vs_position = vec4(ModelMatrix * vec4(new_vertex_position, 1.f)).xyz;
vs_texcoord = vec2(vertex_texcoord.x, vertex_texcoord.y );
vs_normal = mat3(ModelMatrix) * vertex_normal;
gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix * ModelMatrix * vec4(new_vertex_position, 1.f);
Nothing change, the height of my vertices is still the same. And if I try to display my perlin_noise texture in my fragment shader onto a plan, I get this :
You can see my plane (which is very large) with a black and white texture on it that is repeated. So I guess my perlin_noise texture does contains something (even if it is a bit weird), but I can't figure out how to use it in my vertex shader.
EDIT : In my screenshoot, I also use a vertex shader with height ajusted with perlin noise, but as you can see, my plane is plane, so It does not seems to work.
EDIT2 : If I'm not clear enough, tell me


Sampling 3D texture to get a 2D image

I have a scalar field of values which I have mapped to a 3D texture( image_texture ). And then given a plane gPlaneParams , I have to render the texture of the scalar-field along it.
What I'm doing:
I send 4 points which span the window dimensions using two triangles to the shaders. I bind the texture using a sampler in the fragment shader. Below is the fragment shader code.
#version 330 core
uniform sampler3D text_sampler;
uniform vec4 gPlaneParams;
in vec4 inPos;
void main()
vec4 Pos = inPos;
// position input is a square[-1,1]^2
// and needs to be mapped the plane ax+by+cz=d, where a,b,c,d are the plane parameters;
//where x,y,z belongs to [0,1]^3
if (gPlaneParams.z!=0){
Pos.z = (gPlaneParams.w - gPlaneParams.x*Pos.x - gPlaneParams.y*Pos.y)/gPlaneParams.z;
if (gPlaneParams.x!=0){
Pos.x = (gPlaneParams.w - gPlaneParams.y*Pos.y - gPlaneParams.z*Pos.z)/gPlaneParams.x;
else if (gPlaneParams.y!=0){
Pos.y = (gPlaneParams.w - gPlaneParams.x*Pos.x - gPlaneParams.z*Pos.z)/gPlaneParams.y;
In my C++ code, I bind the texture as follows:
glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_RGB,object_size[0],object_size[1],object_size[2], 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, image_texture1);
bool err=glIsTexture(textureID[0]);
cout<<"Texture bound?"<<err<<endl;
Unfortunately, this does not render any output. Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?
I have done everything else correctly
The 4 Vertices and 2 triangles are properly bound (I can render them by giving them constant colours)
The image texture is contiguous in memory image_texture = (unsigned int*) malloc(object_size[0] *object_size[1] *object_size[2]*3* sizeof(unsigned int));
All my inputs to the shader are successfully bound.:
gSamplerLocation = glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram, "text_sampler");
gPLaneLoc = glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram, "gPlaneParams");
glUniform1i(gSamplerLocation, 0);

OpenGL OGLDev SSAO Tutorial Implementation Fragment Shader yields Noise

I am trying to implement SSAO after OGLDev Tutorial 45, which is based on a Tutorial by John Chapman. The OGLDev Tutorial uses a highly simplified method which samples random points in a radius around the fragment position and steps up the AO factor depending on how many of the sampled points have a depth greater than the actual surface depth stored at that location (the more positions around the fragment lie in front of it the greater the occlusion).
The 'engine' i use does not have as modular deferred shading as OGLDev, but basically it first renders the whole screen colors to a framebuffer with a texture attachment and a depth renderbuffer attachment. To compare the depths, the fragment view space positions are rendered to another framebuffer with texture attachment.
Those texture are then postprocessed by the SSAO shader and the result is drawn to a screen filling quad.
Both textures on their own draw fine to the quad and the shader input uniforms seem to be ok also, so thats why i havent included any engine code.
The Fragment Shader is almost identical, as you can see below. I have included some comments that serve my personal understanding.
#version 330 core
in vec2 texCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
const int RANDOM_VECTOR_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE = 128; // reference uses 64
const float SAMPLE_RADIUS = 1.5f; // TODO: play with this value, reference uses 1.5
uniform sampler2D screenColorTexture; // the whole rendered screen
uniform sampler2D viewPosTexture; // interpolated vertex positions in view space
uniform mat4 projMat;
// we use a uniform buffer object for better performance
layout (std140) uniform RandomVectors
void main()
vec4 screenColor = texture(screenColorTexture, texCoord).rgba;
vec3 viewPos = texture(viewPosTexture, texCoord).xyz;
float AO = 0.0;
// sample random points to compare depths around the view space position.
// the more sampled points lie in front of the actual depth at the sampled position,
// the higher the probability of the surface point to be occluded.
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_VECTOR_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE; ++i) {
// take a random sample point.
vec3 samplePos = viewPos + randomVectors[i];
// project sample point onto near clipping plane
// to find the depth value (i.e. actual surface geometry)
// at the given view space position for which to compare depth
vec4 offset = vec4(samplePos, 1.0);
offset = projMat * offset; // project onto near clipping plane
offset.xy /= offset.w; // perform perspective divide
offset.xy = offset.xy * 0.5 + vec2(0.5); // transform to [0,1] range
float sampleActualSurfaceDepth = texture(viewPosTexture, offset.xy).z;
// compare depth of random sampled point to actual depth at sampled xy position:
// the function step(edge, value) returns 1 if value > edge, else 0
// thus if the random sampled point's depth is greater (lies behind) of the actual surface depth at that point,
// the probability of occlusion increases.
// note: if the actual depth at the sampled position is too far off from the depth at the fragment position,
// i.e. the surface has a sharp ridge/crevice, it doesnt add to the occlusion, to avoid artifacts.
if (abs(viewPos.z - sampleActualSurfaceDepth) < SAMPLE_RADIUS) {
AO += step(sampleActualSurfaceDepth, samplePos.z);
// normalize the ratio of sampled points lying behind the surface to a probability in [0,1]
// the occlusion factor should make the color darker, not lighter, so we invert it.
outColor = screenColor + mix(vec4(0.2), vec4(pow(AO, 2.0)), 1.0);
outColor = vec4(viewPos, 1); // DEBUG: draw view space positions
The fragment colors texture is correct.
The texture coordinates are those of a screen filling quad to which we draw and are transformed to [0, 1]. They yield equivalent results as vec2 texCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / textureSize(screenColorTexture, 0);
The (perspective) projection matrix is the one the camera uses, and it works for that purpose. In any case, this doesnt seem to be the issue.
The random sample vector components are in range [-1, 1], as intended.
The fragment view space positions texture seems ok:
When i set the AO mixing factor at the bottom of the fragment shader to 0, it runs smooth to the fps cap (even though the calculations are still performed, at least i guess the compiler wont optimize that :D ). But when the AO is mixed in it takes up to 80 ms per frame draw (getting slower with time, as if the buffers were filling up), and the result is really interesting and confusing:
Obviously the mapping seems far off, and the flickering noise seems very random, as if it corresponded directly to the random sample vectors.
I found it most interesting that the draw time increased massively only on the addition of the AO factor, not due to the occlusion calculation. Is there an issue in the draw buffers?
The issue appeared to be linked to the chosen texture types.
The texture with handle viewPosTexture needed to explicitly be defined as a float texture format GL_RGB16F or GL_RGBA32F, instead of just GL_RGB. Interestingly, the seperate textures were drawn fine, the issues arised in combination only.
// generate screen color texture
// note: GL_NEAREST interpolation is ok since there is no subpixel sampling anyway
glGenTextures(1, &screenColorTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, screenColorTexture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, windowWidth, windowHeight, 0, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);
// generate depth renderbuffer. without this, depth testing wont work.
// we use a renderbuffer since we wont have to sample this, opengl uses it directly.
glGenRenderbuffers(1, &screenDepthBuffer);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, screenDepthBuffer);
glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, windowWidth, windowHeight);
// generate vertex view space position texture
glGenTextures(1, &viewPosTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, viewPosTexture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA32F, windowWidth, windowHeight, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL);
The slow drawing might be caused by the GLSL mix function. Will investigate further on that.
The flickering was due to the regeneration and passing of new random vectors in each frame. Just passing enough random vectors once solves the issue. Otherwise it might help to blur the SSAO result.
Basically, the SSAO works now! Now its just more or less apparent bugs.

OpenGL, blending transparent textures with object color

I can set my fragment shader to showing colors of the object or the texture color of the object. My question is, how can I combine those two so that I can have a transparrent picture with lines for bricks, and then show the different colors underneath, so that by changing the color of the object, you change the color of the bricks.
I tried using mix() for that in the fragment shader, but it only shows me the glClearColor where it is transparent insteath of the red color I have assigned it!
My fragment shader:
#version 120
uniform sampler2D diffuse;
varying vec3 shared_colors;
varying vec2 shared_texCoords;
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(shared_colors, 1);
vec4 texture = texture2D(diffuse, shared_texCoords);
vec4 finalColor = vec4(mix(color.rgb, texture.rgb, 1), 1);
gl_FragColor = finalColor;
EDIT: Added texture loader func:
void Texture::createTexture(SDL_Surface *rawImage, GLenum format) {
//Convert to a texture of pure color pixels for OpenGL
SDL_Surface *image = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(NULL, rawImage->w, rawImage->h, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SDL_BlitSurface(rawImage, NULL, image, NULL);
//Generate texture
glGenTextures(1, &m_texture);
//Tell OpenGL to use this texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture);
//Set texture parameters
//Generate texture from image
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, image->w, image->h, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image->pixels);
m_dimension = new PixelSize(image->w, image->h);
//Free loaded images
You should take a closer look at mix (...) to understand why using 1 for a effectively does nothing meaningful (it returns y).
Let us start by considering the usual alpha blending function: GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
This means to take the alpha channel of the source and multiply it by the source color (fragment color) and add that to the inverse of the alpha channel multiplied by the destination color (framebuffer).
  AlphaBlend = SrcRGBA * SrcA + DstRGBA * (1.0 - SrcA)
Now, if you look at the implementation of mix (...) it should look quite familiar:
  x * (1.0 - a) + y * a
Clearly, this is order dependent for any value of a != 0.5 (1.0 - 0.5 = 0.5) and more importantly in this case it completely throws out one of your colors if you use a value of 1.0 for a (as this multiplies x by 0.0).

about VTF(vertex texture fetch)

I'm studying clipmap algorithm, and I want to get elevations by VTF.
But I've got a problem when using vertex textures. I don't know what's wrong.
the related code is like this:
int width=127;
float *data=new float[width*width];
for(int i=0;i<width*width;i++)
glGenTextures(1, &vertexTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, vertexTexture);
width, width, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_FLOAT, data);
the GLSL code in vertex shader is like this:
#version 410
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
uniform sampler2D vertexTexture;
in vec2 vVertex;
void main(void)
vec2 vTexCoords=vVertex/127.0;
float height = texture2DLod(vertexTexture, vTexCoords,0.0).x*100.0;
// I also tried texture2D(vertexTexture, vTexCoords)
// and texture(vertexTexture, vTexCoords),but they don't work.
vec4 position=vec4(vVertex.x,height,vVertex.y,1.0);
gl_Position = mvpMatrix * position;
I store some random floats in array data then store them with a texture,and as the vertex shader showing,I want to get some values to the y coordinate by VTF.but the result is that the height is always 0.I think something must be wrong. I don't know what's wrong and how to do it the right way.
it's solved now.the answer is here.thank you all!
Try setting the texture's minification filter to GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR after glTexImage2D():
The OpenGL default is to use mipmaps and you didn't send any which makes the texture incomplete and will disable that texture image unit.
Then you can use texture(vertexTexture, vTexCoords) inside the shader instead of the deprecated texture2DLOD() version with the explicit LOD access.

Texture mapping on a cylinder

I want to apply an uniform checkerboard texture to a cylinder surface of height h, and semiradii (a,b).
I've implemented this shader:
Vertex shader:
varying vec2 texture_coordinate;
float twopi = 6.283185307;
float pi=3.141592654;
float ra = 1.5;
float rb= 1.0;
void main()
// Transforming The Vertex
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
// -pi/2 < theta < pi/2
float theta = (atan2( rb*gl_Vertex.y , ra*gl_Vertex.x)+pi*0.5)/pi;
// Passing The Texture Coordinate Of Texture Unit 0 To The Fragment Shader
texture_coordinate = vec2( theta , -(-gl_Vertex.z+0.5) );
Fragment shader:
varying vec2 texture_coordinate;
uniform sampler2D my_color_texture;
void main()
// Sampling The Texture And Passing It To The Frame Buffer
gl_FragColor = texture2D(my_color_texture, texture_coordinate);
while on client side I've specified the following options:
My texture is a 3768x1200 checkerboard. Now I would like that the texture is applied in order to keep the checkerboard uniform (squares without stretch), but I obtain a correct aspect ratio only in the less curved part of the surface, while on the more curved parts the tiles are stretched.
I would like to understand how to apply the texture without distorting and stretching it, maybe by repeating the texture instead of stretching it.
I also have a problem of strange flickering on the borders of the texture, where the two borders intersect, how to solve it (it can be seen in the second image)?
You can modify the texture coordinates to "shrink" it on an object a bit. What you can't do is to parametrize the texture coordinates to scale non-linearly.
So, the options are:
Quantize the sampling, modifying texture coordinates to better accomodate the non-circularity (dynamic, but quality is low when using low-poly tesselation; it's the simplest solution to implement, though).
Use fragment shader to scale texture coordinates non-linearly (possibly a bit more complicated, but dynamic and giving quite good results, depending on the texture size, filtering used and the texture contents(!))
Modify the texture (static solution - will work only for given Ra/Rb ratio. However, the quality will be the best possible).
As to the flickering on the borders, you have to generate mipmaps for your textures.
Let me know if you need more information.