Can navigationbar items be left-justified? - swiftui

If you use navigationBarItems, what you see is displayed on the right.
I want to make this on the left, is that possible?
This is a code
NavigationView {
List {
}.navigationBarTitle("New", displayMode: .inline)
HStack {
Button(action: { self.onDismiss() }) {
This is a picture

Yes, it's possible, you need to use .leading, or you can use both:
NavigationView {
List {
.navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action: { self.onDismiss() }) {
}, trailing: Text("trailing"))
// ...
the result:


Buttons inside ToolbarItem cannot dismiss sheet

In Xcode 12 Beta 6, dismissing a sheet doesn't work inside a button's action inside a ToolbarItem.
My sheet view looks like:
NavigationView {
Form {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $name)
.navigationTitle("New Thing")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .cancellationAction) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
ToolbarItem(placement: .confirmationAction) {
Button(action: {
do {
// some saving logic
} catch {
print("didn't save due to \(error.localizedDescription)")
}, label: {
EDIT: here's how I constructed the sheet
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(results) { result in
HStack {
NavigationLink(destination: SingleResultView(result: result)) {
SingleResultRowView(result: result)
.onDelete(perform: deleteResult)
.navigationTitle("All Results")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30, alignment: .center)
.sheet(isPresented: $isNewResultSheetPresented) {
// ^ this contains the code above
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, self.managedObjectContext)
When the sheet is first presented, immediately a console log appears:
2020-09-13 20:52:02.333679-0700 MyApp[2710:89263]
[Presentation] Attempt to present <_TtGC7SwiftUI22SheetHostingControllerVS_7AnyView_: 0x1027b7890> on
<_TtGC7SwiftUI19UIHostingControllerGVS_15ModifiedContentVS_7AnyViewVS_12RootModifier__: 0x10270d620>
(from <_TtGC7SwiftUIP10$194f39bd428DestinationHostingControllerVS_7AnyView_: 0x103605930>)
which is already presenting <_TtGC7SwiftUI22SheetHostingControllerVS_7AnyView_: 0x103606d60>.
I can dismiss the sheet only by swiping down.
For reference, I went back to an older commit where I used NavigationBarItems and it worked perfectly. But from what I understand, this is a situation where I'm supposed to be using ToolbarItem.
Does anybody know why the good old self.presentation.wrappedValue.dismiss() doesn't work here or why is the sheet being presented twice?
Move sheet out of toolbar, as
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(results) { result in
HStack {
NavigationLink(destination: SingleResultView(result: result)) {
SingleResultRowView(result: result)
.onDelete(perform: deleteResult)
.navigationTitle("All Results")
.sheet(isPresented: $isNewResultSheetPresented) { // << here !!
// ^ this contains the code above
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, self.managedObjectContext)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30, alignment: .center)

How to align a dynamic button in navigationBarItems

I'm trying to make a custom menu (dynamic based on the editMode) in the trailing part of the navigation bar. I need 3 buttons in "view" mode and only one in "edit" mode.
The problem is I can't align the buttons to the right as below:
As you can see, the "done" button is way to the left.
I tried adding Spacers() but no luck.
leading: BackButton(label: "") {
HStack {
if self.mode?.wrappedValue == .inactive {
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: "trash")
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
CustomEditButton() {
} else {
HStack {
CustomEditButton() {
Same issue. Spacer()'s inside or outside of conditional statement don't work.
I noticed is that the alignment is fixed/correct when popping back to the view from a NavigationLink screen, though...
In any case, I made it work on my end using opacities depending on the condition driving the changes.
In your case, a workaround may look like this:
leading: BackButton(label: "") {
ZStack {
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: "trash")
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
CustomEditButton() {
.opacity((self.mode?.wrappedValue == .inactive) ? 1.0 : 0.0)
HStack {
CustomEditButton() {
.opacity((self.mode?.wrappedValue == .inactive) ? 0.0 : 1.0)

SwiftUI NavigationLink Hide Arrow

Is there a way to hide the arrow to the right of the navigation link view that is automatically added?
I want to show an image grid using NavigationView -> List -> HStack -> NavigationLink_1 - NavigationLink_2
The NavigationLinks have arrows and it looks weird
The way it worked for me:
List {
ForEach(elements) { element in
ZStack {
CustomView(element: element)
NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView()) {
The easiest way I've found is to place the navigation in the .background modifier with the opacity of zero:
List {
Text("The cell")
.background( NavigationLink("", destination: Text("The detail view")).opacity(0) )
And with this solution you don't loose the dynamic height functionality of the cells.
I got it done with this
NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView()) {
.frame(width: 0, height: 0)
#State var selection: Int? = nil
var body: some View {
let navigation = NavigationLink(destination: Text("View"), tag: 1, selection: $selection) { EmptyView() }
VStack {
Text("Tap").onTapGesture { self.selection = 1 }
The only thing that helped me is to add .opacity(0) to NavigationLink like so:
List {
ForEach(elements) { element in
ZStack {
CustomView(element: element)
NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView()),
label: {}).opacity(0)
List {
ForEach(elements) { element in
ZStack {
CustomView(element: element)
NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView()) {
Setting .opacity(0) on the NavigationLink seems to be the most reliable solution for me because I noticed that it might show the indicators again when messing with the .listStyle property. You will also not lose the highlighted effect.
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(items) { item in
ZStack(alignment: .leading) {
NavigationLink(destination: EmptyView()) {
This is what worked for me, just adding an empty NavigationLink in a ZStack
List(viewModel.items, id: \.id) { item in
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: Destination()) {}
CustomView(item: item)
Only this worked for me, when I tried to implement button tap inside row in List:
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: FlightBoardInformation(flight: flight), tag: FlightBoardNavigation.toFlightDetailed, selection: $navigation) {
.frame(width: 0, height: 0)
Button(action: {
self.navigation = .toFlightDetailed
}) {
Text("\(self.flight.airline) \(self.flight.number)")
Although .background(...).opacity(0) works, in a more complex view it expands itself through all the view and conflicts with other elements like buttons.
If you need it inside a List, what worked for me is also marking the NavigationLink as .disabled(true):
.background( NavigationLink(...).opacity(0).disabled(true) )
Use .background modifier.
ForEach(elements) { e in
NavigationLink("", destination: DestinationView()))
Finally found out a way how to avoid the the chevron without doing some tricky ZStacks and other solutions. The only downside is that this is only tested on iOS 16 with the new NavigationPath + NavigationStack.
Instead of using a regular NavigationLink where you apply the hashable object, you'll just use a regular Button and append the object to the NavigationPath.
#State private var path = NavigationPath()
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.customers) { customer in
Button {
} label: {
CustomerCell(customer: customer)
.navigationDestination(for: Customer.self) { customer in
CustomerView(customer: customer)
For projects using the NavigationBackport (for preparing the new navigation), it might work as well. As you can use NBNavigationPath and append the object to the path with a Button just like the example above.
The best workaround for me is using background:
NavigationLink(...) {}
HStack {
Text("Your custom view without arrow")
Or if you need dynamic height as #turingtested posted use NavigationLink as background
Text("Your custom view without arrow")
.background(NavigationLink( ... ) {}.opacity(0))
though there is lots of solution. I'm posting my one.
var body: some View {
ForEach (items){item in
switch item.onClick {
//For SettingsOverviewView
case .Settings:
NavigationLink (destination: SettingsMenuView(item: item)){
//some views that you will show as your listItem
HStack {
A lot of examples playing around with ZStack and .opacity but for my opinion SwiftUI can offer more elegant solution using NavigationLink with isActive parameter that works perfect with .listRowSeparator or .listStyle modificators:
struct HidingNavArrowInList: View {
let planets = ["Mars", "Sun", "Mercury", "Venus", "Jupiter", "Uranus", "Saturn", "Earth"]
#State var selectedPlanet: String?
#State var showDetailView = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(planets, id: \.self) { planet in
.onTapGesture {
segue(planet: planet)
NavigationLink(isActive: $showDetailView, destination: {
if let unwrappedPlanet = selectedPlanet {
VStack {
Text("This is detail view of \(unwrappedPlanet)")
}, label: {
private func segue(planet: String) {
selectedPlanet = planet
I've also struggled with this recently and I think I've found a solution by using a custom view for the navigation link (it works for me):
struct CustomNavigationLink<D: View, L: View>: View {
#ViewBuilder var destination: () -> D
#ViewBuilder var label: () -> L
#State private var isActive = false
var body: some View {
Button {
withAnimation {
isActive = true
} label: {
.onAppear {
isActive = false
.overlay {
NavigationLink(isActive: $isActive) {
} label: {
And you use like this:
CustomNavigationLink {
} label: {
Text("hello world")
2023 Update
This simple solution works for me:
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) {
You can also do like:
This worked for me,
#State var boolValue: Bool = false
HStack {
Text("Your text")
Toggle(isOn: $boolValue){
if boolValue {
NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView()) {
}.frame(width: 0)
It also works with any View (not only Text)
ZStack {
Text("Some text")
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Hello")) {
}.frame(width: 0)
I set the opacity of the navigationLink to zero and it work like a charm
destination: Text("Destination"),
label: {}

SwiftUI - Form "styling" being applied to navigation destination view

In SwiftUI, whenever a NavigationLink is inside a form, the destination view also seems to "styled" as if it's also in the form. This makes sense for pickers and such, but I'm just wanting to display a list of messages for an internal app that includes a simple email client. See recreated example below.
import SwiftUI
struct BasicRootView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
struct FormRootView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
struct MessageListView: View {
var body: some View {
List(0..<30) { i in
Text("Message \(i)")
.navigationBarTitle("Mailbox", displayMode: .inline)
struct MailboxListView: View {
var body: some View {
Section(header: Text("").font(.headline)) {
NavigationLink(destination: MessageListView()) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "tray")
NavigationLink(destination: MessageListView()) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "paperplane")
NavigationLink(destination: MessageListView()) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "bin.xmark")
NavigationLink(destination: MessageListView()) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")
The BasicRootView above doesn't look as I want it to, but the destination of its links looks like a normal list. So when I try to put it in a form to get the layout and look I'm going for, the destination list now itself looks like it's in a form as well, an unnecessary gap between the start of the list and the nav bar.
^^ No good
^^ Good
^^ Good
^^ No Good
Any way to "shed" the form in a destination view?
Just define the listStyle for both of your lists:
struct FormRootView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
} .listStyle(GroupedListStyle())
struct MessageListView: View {
var body: some View {
List(0..<30) { i in
Text("Message \(i)")
} .listStyle(PlainListStyle())
.navigationBarTitle("Mailbox", displayMode: .inline)

SwiftUI NavigationButton without the disclosure indicator?

When making a List with a row that pushes to a new view, SwiftUI adds a disclosure indicator ">" automatically? How do I remove it if I don't want it?
NavigationView {
List {
NavigationButton(destination: DetailView()) {
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Some title"))
On a UITableViewCell you set Accessory to None but how do I do that in SwiftUI?
Setting the NavigationLink width and hiding it did the trick for me
List {
ForEach(pages) { page in
HStack(spacing: 0) {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Somewhere")) {
.frame(width: 0)
Swift 5, Xcode 11. ZStack works perfect.
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.currenciesViewModel) { cellViewModel in
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: ChooseCurrencyListView()) {
.navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline)
The easiest one. The content for each item in the list.
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) {
As workaround I can suggest to add .padding modifier like this:
NavigationView {
List {
NavigationButton(destination: DetailView()) {
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Some title"))
.padding(.trailing, -32.0)
So you will get rows without visible disclosure:
You can also put it in the .background modifier:
List {
Text("Go to...")
.background(NavigationLink("", destination: Text("Detail View")))
If you already have the background modifier on the Text, you can wrap the Text in a HStack and apply background to the HStack.
What you can do, if you are using list, is setting the navigationlink to hidden and its frame width to zero.
Button(action: {self.statusShow = 1}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
NavigationLink(destination: StimulatorSettingView(),
tag: 1,
selection: self.$statusShow){
}.hidden().frame(width: 0)
This worked for me.
As of beta 6, this works well:
struct SwiftUIView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
HStack {
Text("My Cell Content")
NavigationLink(destination: Text("destination"), label: {
You don't have to use NavigationLink to wrap your Label directly. It will work as long as the link is anywhere in your view hierarchy.
Here I've wrapped it in a button, which allows you to trigger an action prior to pushing the view. Since the NavigationLink has an EmptyView for the label the disclosure indicator is not visible. You can also style this with ButtonStyle.
struct NavigationButton<Destination: View, Label: View>: View {
var action: () -> Void = { }
var destination: () -> Destination
var label: () -> Label
#State private var isActive: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
.background(NavigationLink(destination: self.destination(), isActive: self.$isActive) {
And to use it:
action: { print("tapped!") },
destination: { Text("Pushed View") },
label: { Text("Tap me") }
NavigationLink is what we should define in a scope enclosed inside a NavigationView.
But when we use NavigationLink it is attached to the enclosing view, so to reuse the same NavigationLink with other views, we use tag which differentiates between different Destinations.
struct SwiftUIView: View {
#State private var viewState: Int? = 0
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("View 1"), tag: 1, selection: $viewState) {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("View 2"), tag: 2, selection: $viewState) {
Text("First View")
.onTapGesture {
self.viewState = 1
Text("Second View")
.onTapGesture {
self.viewState = 2
Here we bind a Hashable property with all the NavigationLinks present in our VStack so that when a particular View is tapped we can notify which Destination should be opened by setting the value of Bindable property.
If we don't notify the correct Destination by setting the value of tag, always the View defined inside the Closure of NavigationLink will be clickable and nothing else.
Using this approach you don't need to wrap all your clickable views inside NavigationView, any action on any view can use any NavigationLink just by setting the tag.
Thanks, hope this helps.
Works well for me!
import SwiftUI
struct LandmarkList: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(landmarkData) { landmark in
LandmarkRow(landmark: landmark)
NavigationLink(destination: LandmarkDetail(landmark: landmark)) {
struct LandmarkList_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ForEach(["iPhone SE", "iPhone 11 Pro Max"], id: \.self) { deviceName in
.previewDevice(PreviewDevice(rawValue: deviceName))
Use .frame(width: 0).opacity(0.0):
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(options) {
option in
ZStack {
YourView(option: option)
NavigationLink(destination: ProductListView(),
label: {
}).frame(width: 0).opacity(0.0)
My version of this solution is to make a view modifier. I think it's the cleanest way, as it doesn't use AnyView.
Note that this solution runs the init() for the destination when it draws the element the .navigationLink() is attached to.
// put your destination here
How To
import SwiftUI
extension View {
func navigationLink<Destination: View>(_ destination: #escaping () -> Destination) -> some View {
modifier(NavigationLinkModifier(destination: destination))
fileprivate struct NavigationLinkModifier<Destination: View>: ViewModifier {
#ViewBuilder var destination: () -> Destination
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
NavigationLink(destination: self.destination) { EmptyView() }.opacity(0)
This helps to push and pass the model to the next navigation view controller.
struct ContentView : View {
#State var model = PostListViewModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List( { post in
ListCell(listData: post)
}.navigationBarTitle(Text("My Post"))
struct ListCell: View {
var listData: Post
var body: some View {
return NavigationButton(destination: DetailContentView(post: listData)) {
HStack {
ImageRow(model: listData) // Get image
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
}.padding(.leading, 10)
}.padding(.init(top: 5, leading: 0, bottom: 5, trailing: 0))
Here's a reusable "plain" navigation link view (i.e. without the chevron disclosure indicator) that can be a drop-in replacement for NavigationLink:
struct PlainNavigationLink<Label, Destination>: View where Label: View, Destination: View {
#ViewBuilder var destination: () -> Destination
#ViewBuilder var label: () -> Label
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: destination, label: {})
To use it, simply replace NavigationLink with PlainNavigationLink:
NavigationView { // or NavigationStack in iOS 16
List {
ForEach(1...30, id: \.self) { _ in
PlainNavigationLink {
Text("Hello, world!")
} label: {
Text("Hello, world!")
We can also extend it with convenience initializers for LocalizedStringKey and String, just like NavigationLink does.
just came here looking for the answer to this question, but none of the proposed solutions worked for me (can't have an empty view, because i want to put something in the list row; i'm already messing with the padding (and increasing trailing padding didn't seem to work) ... i was about to give up, and then something occurred to me: what if you crank up the z-index of the list row itself? seemed somewhat unlikely, but i gave it a try and, i'll be damned, it worked! i was so pleasantly surprised, i felt like sharing ...
// in body of your list row view
HStack(alignment: .top, spacing: 0.0) {
// stuff ...
If you need children behaviour for List and NavigationLink, without additional discloser in the same time, I want to promote this tricky solution, main point at HStack
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(items, children: \.items) { item in
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: DetailsView()) {
HStack {
RowView(item: item)
Once you put your button in a scrollview, the disclosure button will be hidden. Just make sure to disable your scroll indicator.
there is no documentation yet, so you can use ScrollView for now
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
ForEach(0...100){ x in
NavigationButton(destination: Text("ss")) {
HStack {
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 32)
Removing List and just using ForEach works fine with navigation link. You just have to create your own list row. This works for me
NavigationView {
ForEach(pages) {
page in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) {