LLVM GetAnalysis() failing with required passes - c++

I have a custom set of passes created using LLVM to run on some bitcode.
I've managed to get it to compile, but whenever I try to run it with a pass that calls getAnalysis() on another pass type it fails with:
Assertion `ResultPass && "getAnalysis*() called on an analysis that was not " "'required' by pass!"' failed.
The custom pass that is calling getAnalysis() requires its type, specifically;
bool Operators::doInitialization(){
ParseConfig &parseConfig = getAnalysis<ParseConfig>(); // Fails here.
void Operators::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const{
I've spent a few days on this and am quite lost. I know the following is true:
ParseConfig is registered successfully via the RegisterPass<> template, and I have stepped through it in GDB to find that it does get registered.
Also using GDB I have found that when looking into getAnalysis() that the list of registered passes is always empty (which causes the assertion).
Important Note: I will eventually be using this on a Fortran project which is compiled with Flang, thus the LLVM library version I'm using is the Flang fork (found here). That fork is right around LLVM 7.1, but the specific files associated with registering passes seems to not be different from the current LLVM library.

Move getAnalysis function from doInitialization to runOnFunction would make it work.
From LLVM page
This method call getAnalysis* returns a reference to the pass desired. You may get a runtime assertion failure if you attempt to get an analysis that you did not declare as required in your getAnalysisUsage implementation. This method can be called by your run* method implementation, or by any other local method invoked by your run* method.


How to get loopinfo in Module Pass

I want to get loopinfo in each function by iterating through functions in Module Pass. My code is as follows:
for (auto &F:M) {
LoopInfo &LI = getAnalysis<LoopInfoWrapperPass>(F).getLoopInfo();
However, there is an error, I think my variable Settings should conform to the first function definition, how should I resolve.
clang-12: /llvmtest/llvm/lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp:1645: virtual
std::tuple<llvm::Pass*, bool>
llvm::AnalysisID, llvm::Function&): Assertion `FPP && “Unable to find
on the fly pass”’ failed. PLEASE submit a bug report to
https://bugs.llvm.org/ and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed
source, and associated run script.
You can not do this with the legacy pass manager. In the legacy pass manager, every pass could only get info from same-scoped passes -- module from module, function from function, loop from loop, plus one exception allowing function passes to get data from module passes.
With the new pass manager, you'd create a LoopAnalysisManager and add the analysis pass you want and run it. See https://llvm.org/docs/NewPassManager.html#using-analyses .
Note that most of LLVM is presently written to support both pass managers at once. If you do this, you'll need to write your pass differently from most of LLVM's passes, you can't use the types with names like "WrapperPass" that exist to support both legacy and new pass managers.

Running standard optimization passes on a LLVM module

Say I have a valid LLVM module:
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module;
I want to run LLVM traditional optimization passes on it:
llvm::PassBuilder passBuilder;
llvm::ModulePassManager modulePassManager = passBuilder.buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(llvm::PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel::O3);
llvm::ModuleAnalysisManager moduleAnalysisManager;
modulePassManager.run(*module, moduleAnalysisManager);
Unfortunately, the call crashes and debugging shows that the moduleAnalysisManager has only the module passes, but
not the function ones that are wrapped with the proxy class.
How should I setup modulePassManager to handle all (module) passes of a specific level? I don't have individual functions, so I can't run the function passes just on them.
The proper LLVM way is to create all analysisManagers and then link all of them together. Let's start by creating them:
llvm::PassBuilder passBuilder;
llvm::LoopAnalysisManager loopAnalysisManager(true); // true is just to output debug info
llvm::FunctionAnalysisManager functionAnalysisManager(true);
llvm::CGSCCAnalysisManager cGSCCAnalysisManager(true);
llvm::ModuleAnalysisManager moduleAnalysisManager(true);
Then we register each manager individually, and then we cross register them. This means that the number of managers here is fixed by design and if LLVM (7 at this time) changes the number of managers, this will need to be adapted:
// This is the important line:
loopAnalysisManager, functionAnalysisManager, cGSCCAnalysisManager, moduleAnalysisManager);
Once the passBuilder is created, we can finally make the optimization passes for the module with a call to the moduleAnalysisManager.
llvm::ModulePassManager modulePassManager =
modulePassManager.run(*module, moduleAnalysisManager);
This will run module level passes as well as all inner passes that LLVM can run on pieces of the module (function level, loop level...).

llvm irbuilder call instruction throwing exception on function inlining pass

I'm new to LLVM. I am using the clang c++ API to compile multiple stub files (in c) to IR, and then stick them together using IR builder (after linking them) to eventually run via JIT.
All this works great, unless I add a functionInlining pass to my optimizations, at which point one of these function calls made in IR builder will trigger the following exception when the pass manager is run:
Assertion failed: (New->getType() == getType() && "replaceAllUses of value with new value of different type!"), function replaceAllUsesWith, file /Users/mike/Development/llvm/llvm/lib/IR/Value.cpp, line 356.
This is how I make the call instruction (pretty straight forward):
Function *kernelFunc = mModule->getFunction( (kernel->Name() + StringRef("_") + StringRef(funcName)).str());
if (kernelFunc){
CallInst* newInst = builder.CreateCall(kernelFunc, args);
Later the module is optimized:
legacy::PassManager passMan;
PassManagerBuilder Builder;
Builder.OptLevel = 3;
//Builder.Inliner = llvm::createFunctionInliningPass(); //commenting this back in trigger the exception
passMan.run( *mModule ); //exception occurs before this call returns
Any ideas what to look for?
Try running llvm::verifyModule on your module to see if it's correct. You might have an error and have been getting lucky beforehand but it tripped something up in the inliner.
In general assertions check a subset of things that can be wrong with your module but verify checks a lot more.
It could be a bug in LLVM but more than likely it's a bad module, it's easy to happen.
So I finally setup my dev environment so I could inspect the assertion call in the debugger. I turns out the basic block being replaced had a different context set than the one it was being replaced with. going back and making sure IRBuilder was using the same context as the IR parsers solved the problem.

Trying to detour IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy & IUnknown_Release_Proxy without success

For some reason, I cannot get the address of IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy and IUnknown_Release_Proxy using the DetourFindFunction() or locate it using SymEnumSymbols(). I found another one in rpcrt4, but have determined that there is one in combase that is the one I'm looking for.
The two functions I've used can locate the one in rpcrt4 but not in combase, and yet, when I get to the line in comip.h where it calls the respective functions, it does not call the one in rpcrt4 but the one in combase. This information must be available somewhere since the VS debugger shows it on the call stack. How do I get the address of the one in combase?

unable to successfully call function in dynamically loaded plugin in c++

I've successfully loaded a C++ plugin using a custom plugin loader class. Each plugin has an extern "C" create_instance function that returns a new instance using "new".
A plugin is an abstract class with a few non-virtual functions and several protected variables(std::vector refList being one of them).
The plugin_loader class successfully loads and even calls a virtual method on the loaded class (namely "std::string plugin::getName()".
The main function creates an instance of "host" which contains a vector of reference counted smart pointers, refptr, to the class "plugin". Then, main creates an instance of plugin_loader which actually does the dlopen/dlsym, and creates an instance of refptr passing create_instance() to it. Finally, it passes the created refptr back to host's addPlugin function. host::addPlugin successfully calls several functions on the passed plugin instance and finally adds it to a vector<refptr<plugin> >.
The main function then subscribes to several Apple events and calls RunApplicationEventLoop(). The event callback decodes the result and then calls a function in host, host::sendToPlugin, that identifies the plugin the event is intended for and then calls the handler in the plugin. It's at this point that things stop working.
host::sendToPlugin reads the result and determines the plugin to send the event off to.
I'm using an extremely basic plugin created as a debugging plugin that returns static values for every non-void function.
Any call on any virtual function in plugin in the vector causes a bad access exception. I've tried replacing the refptrs with regular pointers and also boost::shared_ptrs and I keep getting the same exception. I know that the plugin instance is valid as I can examine the instance in Xcode's debugger and even view the items in the plugin's refList.
I think it might be a threading problem because the plugins were created in the main thread while the callback is operating in a seperate thread. I think things are still running in the main thread judging by the backtrace when the program hits the error but I don't know Apple's implementation of RunApplicationEventLoop so I can't be sure.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
class plugin
virtual std::string getName();
std::vector<std::string> refList;
and the pluginLoader class:
template<typename T> class pluginLoader
public: pluginLoader(std::string path);
// initializes private mPath string with path to dylib
bool open();
// opens the dylib and looks up the createInstance function. Returns true if successful, false otherwise
T * create_instance();
// Returns a new instance of T, NULL if unsuccessful
class host
addPlugin(int id, plugin * plug);
sendToPlugin(); // this is the problem method
static host * me;
std::vector<plugin *> plugins; // or vector<shared_ptr<plugin> > or vector<refptr<plugin> >
apple event code from host.cpp;
host * host::me;
pascal OSErr HandleSpeechDoneAppleEvent(const AppleEvent *theAEevt, AppleEvent *reply, SRefCon refcon) {
// this is all boilerplate taken straight from an apple sample except for the host::me->ae_callback line
OSErr status = 0;
Result result = 0;
// get the result
if (!status) {
return status;
void host::ae_callback(Result result) {
OSErr err;
// again, boilerplate apple code
// grab information from result
if (!err)
void host::sendToPlugin() {
// calling *any* method in plugin results in failure regardless of what I do
EDIT: This is being run on OSX 10.5.8 and I'm using GCC 4.0 with Xcode. This is not designed to be a cross platform app.
EDIT: To be clear, the plugin works up until the Apple-supplied event loop calls my callback function. When the callback function calls back into host is when things stop working. This is the problem I'm having, everything else up to that point works.
Without seeing all of your code it isn't going to be easy to work out exactly what is going wrong. Some things to look at:
Make sure that the linker isn't throwing anything away. On gcc try the compile options -Wl -E -- we use this on Linux, but don't seem to have found a need for it on the Macs.
Make sure that you're not accidentally unloading the dynamic library before you've finished with it. RAII doesn't work for unloading dynamic libraries unless you also stop exceptions at the dynamic library border.
You may want to examine our plug in library which works on Linux, Macs and Windows. The dynamic loading code (along with a load of other library stuff) is available at http://svn.felspar.com/public/fost-base/trunk/
We don't use the dlsym mechanism -- it's kind of hard to use properly (and portably). Instead we create a library of plugins by name and put what are basically factories in there. You can examine how this works by looking at the way that .so's with test suites can be dynamically loaded. An example loader is at http://svn.felspar.com/public/fost-base/trunk/fost-base/Cpp/fost-ftest/ftest.cpp and the test suite registration is in http://svn.felspar.com/public/fost-base/trunk/fost-base/Cpp/fost-test/testsuite.cpp The threadsafe_store holds the factories by name and the suite constructor registers the factory.
I completely missed the fact that I was calling dlclose in my plugin_loader's dtor and for some reason the plugins were getting destructed between the RunApplicatoinEventLoop call and the call to sendToPlugin. I removed dlclose and things work now.