Use regex to strip out emails - regex

I know that this is a notoriously difficult topic. The best regex that I've found after trawling many different answers is the one at
It works great at validating an email address, but I'm struggling to alter this regex to find all email addresses in a string.
I'm using the PHP version of the regex.
How would I go about using this regex to find all of the email addresses in a string?
I know about the preg functions, my PHP code isn't as much the problem as adapting that regex.
$redacted = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) {
return '[' . $this->getHashedValue($matches[0]) . ']';

If you already have a working regular expression, you can use PHP's preg_replace to replace all (non-overlapping) matches by a certain string, in our case "" (to remove them).
preg_replace($your_regex, "", $your_string)
This should strip all matches from your string.
Also, as #MonkeyZeus commented, if your regex contains the start anchor (^) or the end anchor ($), make sure to remove those before using preg_replace. Otherwise, the only match you can get will be the entire string, if it matches.


How can I match multiple hits between 2 delimiters?

Hi, my fellow RegEx'ers ;)
I'm trying to match multiple Texts between every two quotes
Here's my text:
...random code
someArray[] = ["Come and",
"get me,",
"or fail",
"Yours truly"]
random code...
So far, I managed to get the correct matches with two patterns, executed after each other:
this extracts the text between the two brackets and on the result, I use this one:
This is working just fine, but I'd love to get the Texts in one regex.
Any help is highly appreciated!
Consider using \G. With its help, you may match "(.*?)" preceded by either someArray[] = [ or previous match of "(.*?)" (well, strictly speaking previous match of entire regex). Then just grab first capture groups from all matches:
How you grab the first capture groups from depends on the language you're using regex in. For example in PHP you may do something like this:
preg_match_all('/(?:(?s).*someArray\[\].*?=.*?\[|\G[^"\]]+)"(.*?)"/', $input, $matches);
$array_items = $matches[1];

Regex in Yahoo Pipes: append only if match found

In Yahoo Pipes, I'm trying to append content to existing string, but only if a match is found in that string.
Specifically, I want to append "#Fracking" to the end of the line, but only if "Hydraulic Fracturing" is found in the item.title.
My regex is as follows (doesn't work): replace (?(Hydraulic Fracturing)(.*)) with $1 $#Fracking
What am I doing wrong? Does Yahoo Pipes not support conditional regex? I could not find an answer to that.
Thanks for any help!
If I understood correctly, you could do like this:
pattern: .*Hydraulic Fracturing.*
replacement: $0#Fracking
It seems that in Yahoo Pipes the matched string can be back referenced with $0.
Here, the .* in the front and back make the entire string match if it contains "Hydraulic Fracturing", and then replace the whole thing with itself, plus "#Fracking" appended. If the string doesn't contain "Hydraulic Fracturing" then there will be no replacement.

How do I craft a regular expression to exclude strings with parentheses

I have the following SDDL:
Unfortunately I keep getting this:
And what I want is just (A;;CCDCSW;;;WD).
My regex is: (\(A;.+;WD\)) : find "(A;" some characters ending in ";WD)"
I've tried making the match lazy and I've tried excluding the ")(" pair of characters based on a search of the stackoverflow regex tag looking for examples where others have answered similar questions.
I'm really confused why the exclusion of the parens isn't working:
(\(A;.+[^\(\)]*.+;WD\)) : find "(A;" followed by some characters where none of them are ")('' followed by other characters ending in ";WD)"
And this was my guess at using negative look around:
which didn't match anything.
I'm also doing this in PowerShell v3.0 with the following code:
$RegExPattern = [regex]"(\($ACE_Type;.*;$ACE_SID\))+?"
if ($SDDL -match $RegExPattern) {
$MatchingACE = $Matches[0]
Where in this instance $ACE_Type = "A" and $ACE_SID = "WD".
You almost had the solution with your second regex pattern. The problem was that you included too many . wildcards. This should be all you need:
And of course if you just want to capture the string in between A; and ;WD:
Then just replace with \1.
I simplified this a lot and then added lookarounds so that you only matched the intended string (in between A;...;WD). This looks behind for A;, then matches 1+ non-parenthesis characters, while looking ahead for ;WD.

parsing url for specific param value

im looking to use a regular expression to parse a URL to get a specific section of the url and nothing if I cannot find the pattern.
A url example is
I wish to get the bolded text in it.
Currently im using the regex "d=([^#]*)" but the problem is im also running across urls of this pattern:
and im getting the bold section of it
I would prefer it have no matches of this url because it doesnt contain the #
Regexes are not a magic tool that you should always use just because the problem involves a string. In this case, your language probably has a tool to break apart URLs for you. In PHP, this is parse_url(). In Perl, it's the URI::URL module.
You should almost always prefer an existing, well-tested solution to a common problem like this rather than writing your own.
So you want to match the value of the id parameter, but only if it has a trailing section containing a '#' symbol (without matching the '#' or what's after it)?
Not knowing the specifics of what style of regexes you're using, how about something like:
regex = "id=([\\w-])+?#"
This will grab everything that is character class[a-zA-Z_0-9-] between 'id=' and '#' assuming everything between 'id=' and '#' is in that character class(i.e. if an '&' is in there, the regex will fail).
-Self explanatory, this looks for the exact match of 'id='
-This defines and character class and groups it. The \w is an escaped \w. '\w' is a predefined character class from java that is equal to [a-zA-Z_0-9]. I added '-' to this class because of the assumed pattern from your examples.
-This is a reluctant quantifier that looks for the shortest possible match of the regex.
-The end of the regex, the last character we are looking for to match the pattern.
If you are looking to grab every character between 'id=' and the first '#' following it, the following will work and it uses the same logic as above, but replaces the character class [\\w-] with ., which matches anything.
regex = "id=(.+?)#"

I want to modify this regex to include apostrophe

This regex is used for validating email addresses, however it doesn't include the case for apostrophy (') which is a valid character in the first part of an email address.
I have tried myself and to use some examples I found, but they don't work.
How do I modify it slightly to support the ' character (apostraphy)?
Per the documentation for an email address, the apostrophe can appear anywhere before the # symbol, which, in your current regex is:
You should be able to add the apostrophe into the brackets of valid characters:
This would make the entire regex:
EDIT (regex contained in single-quotes)
If you're using this regex inside a string with single-quotes, such as in PHP with $regex = '^([\w ..., you will need to escape the single-quote in the regex with \':
You need to update the first part as follows: