Willingly introducing a race condition on a 64-bit pointer value - c++

I have an application object which can receive messages from multiple services running in multiple threads. The message gets dispatched internally by an instance of a dispatcher object in the threads of the services. The application can at any time change the current dispatcher. Dispatchers never get destroyed. The services never outlive the application.
Here's an example code
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
using Msg = int;
struct Dispatcher
virtual ~Dispatcher() = default;
virtual void dispatchMessage(Msg msg) = 0;
struct DispatcherA : Dispatcher
void dispatchMessage(Msg msg)
cout << "Thread-safe dispatch of " << msg << " by A" << endl;
struct DispatcherB : Dispatcher
void dispatchMessage(Msg msg)
cout << "Thread-safe dispatch of " << msg << " by B" << endl;
struct Application
Application() : curDispatcher(&a) {}
void sendMessage(Msg msg)
// race here as this is called (and dereferenced) from many threads
// and can be changed by the main thread
void changeDispatcher()
// race her as this is changed but can be dereferenced by many threads
if (rand() % 2) curDispatcher = &a;
else curDispatcher = &b;
atomic_bool running = true;
Dispatcher* curDispatcher; // race on this
DispatcherA a;
DispatcherB b;
void service(Application& app, int i) {
while (app.running) app.sendMessage(i++);
int main()
Application app;
std::thread t1(std::bind(service, std::ref(app), 1));
std::thread t2(std::bind(service, std::ref(app), 20));
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
app.running = false;
return 0;
I am aware that there is a race condition here. The curDispatcher pointer gets accessed by many threads and it can be changed at the same time by the main thread. It can be fixed by making the pointer atomic and explicitly loading it on every sendMessage call.
I don't want to pay the price of the atomic loads.
Can something bad happen of this?
Here's what I can think of:
The value of curDispatcher can get cached by a service and it can always call the same one, even if the app has changed the value. I'm ok with that. If I stop being ok with that, I can make it volatile. Newly created services should be ok, anyway.
If this ever runs on a 32-bit CPU which emulates 64-bit, the writes and reads of the pointer will not be instruction-level atomic and it might lead to invalid pointer values and crashes: I am making sure that this only runs on 64-bit CPUs.
Destroying dispatchers isn't safe. As I said: I'm never destroying dispatchers.


C++ Thread does not detect global variable change

I have 2 threads monitoring the same global state, if the state.shutdown becomes false, the thread run() should return. The code is below.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
struct State {
bool shutdown = false;
~State() {
shutdown = true;
State state;
{ \
std::cout << (state.shutdown ? " SHUTDOWN " : " NOSHUT ") << typeid(*this).name() << std::endl; \
if (state.shutdown) { \
return; \
} \
class Mythread {
void join();
void run();
void launch();
std::thread self_thread;
void Mythread::run() {
while(1) {
void Mythread::join() {
if (self_thread.joinable()) {
void Mythread::launch() {
self_thread = std::thread(&Mythread::run, this);
std::mutex mtx;
void shut() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
state.shutdown = true;
int main()
Mythread thread1;
Mythread thread2;
//state.shutdown = true;
shut(); //This makes no difference with the line above
return 0;
However, even I manually set the state.shutdown to be true, the threads can never detect it. I got prints like:
NOSHUT 8Mythread
NOSHUT 8Mythread
NOSHUT 8Mythread
...Program finished with exit code 0
Press ENTER to exit console.
at the end. I'm also confused given that the run() function is never returned, the threads join should hang. However the threads can join successfully.
Any help would be very appreciated here!
You have a data race on shutdown.
When an evaluation of an expression writes to a memory location and another evaluation reads or modifies the same memory location, the expressions are said to conflict. A program that has two conflicting evaluations has a data race [...]
In shut() you set the shutdown flag using a mutex, but the check is performed without the mutex (and the State destructor doesn't use a mutex either). Thus you have conflicting operations (read + write) on a non-atomic variable, without the proper happens before relation. This is a data race which results in undefined behavior.
The simple solution would be to make shutdown an std::atomic<bool>, then you wouldn't even need the mutex to set the flag.
For more details about data races and the C++ memory model I can recommend this paper which I have co-authored: Memory Models for C/C++ Programmers

Unexpected behavior when std::thread.detach is called

I've been trying to develop a better understanding of C++ threading, by which I have written the following example:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
class Test {
Test() { x = 5; }
void act() {
std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
std::thread worker(&Test::changex, this);
std::cout << "2" << std::endl;
void changex() {
std::cout << "3" << std::endl;
x = 10;
std::cout << "4" << std::endl;
int x;
int main() {
Test t;
return 0;
To me, I should get the following output when compiled with g++ linked with -pthread:
as the cout calls are in that order. However, the output is inconsistent. 1 and 2 are always printed in order, but sometimes the 3 and or 4 are either omitted or printed double. i.e. 12, 123, 1234, or 12344
My working theory is that the main thread exits before the worker thread begins working or completes, thus resulting in the omission of output. I can immediately think of a solution to this problem in creating a global boolean variable to signify when the worker thread has completed that the main thread waits on for a state change before exiting. This alleviates the issue.
However, this feels to me like a highly messy approach that likely has a more clean solution, especially for an issue like this that likely comes up often in threading.
Just some general advice, that holds both for using raw pthreads in C++ and for pthreads wrapped in std::thread: The best way to get readable, comprehensible and debuggable behavior is to make thread synchronization and lifetime management explicit. I.e. avoid using pthread_kill, pthread_cancel, and in most cases, avoid detaching threads and instead do explicit join.
One design pattern I like is using an std atomic flag. When main thread wants to quit, it sets the atomic flag to true. The worker threads typically do their work in a loop, and check the atomic flag reasonably often, e.g. once per lap of the loop. When they find main has ordered them to quit, they clean up and return. The main thread then join:s with all workers.
There are some special cases that require extra care, for example when one worker is stuck in a blocking syscall and/or C library function. Usually, the platform provides ways of getting out of such blocking calls without resorting to e.g. pthread_cancel, since thread cancellation works very badly with C++. One example of how to avoid blocking is the Linux manpage for getaddrinfo_a, i.e. asynchronous network address translation.
One additional nice design pattern is when workers are sleeping in e.g. select(). You can then add an extra control pipe between main and the worker. Main signals the worker to quit by send():ing one byte over the pipe, thus waking up the worker if it sleeps in select().
Example of how this could be done:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
class Test {
std::thread worker; // worker is now a member
Test() { x = 5; } // worker deliberately left without a function to run.
if (worker.joinable()) // worker can be joined (act was called successfully)
worker.join(); // wait for worker thread to exit.
// Note destructor cannot complete if thread cannot be exited.
// Some extra brains needed here for production code.
void act() {
std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
worker = std::thread(&Test::changex, this); // give worker some work
std::cout << "2" << std::endl;
// rest unchanged.
void changex() {
std::cout << "3" << std::endl;
x = 10;
std::cout << "4" << std::endl;
int x;
int main() {
Test t;
return 0;
} // test destroyed here. Destruction halts and waits for thread.

When one worker thread fails, how to abort remaining workers?

I have a program which spawns multiple threads, each of which executes a long-running task. The main thread then waits for all worker threads to join, collects results, and exits.
If an error occurs in one of the workers, I want the remaining workers to stop gracefully, so that the main thread can exit shortly afterwards.
My question is how best to do this, when the implementation of the long-running task is provided by a library whose code I cannot modify.
Here is a simple sketch of the system, with no error handling:
void threadFunc()
// Do long-running stuff
void mainFunc()
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (auto &t : threads) {
If the long-running function executes a loop and I have access to the code, then
execution can be aborted simply by checking a shared "keep on running" flag at the top of each iteration.
std::mutex mutex;
bool error;
void threadFunc()
try {
for (...) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (error) {
} catch (std::exception &) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
error = true;
Now consider the case when the long-running operation is provided by a library:
std::mutex mutex;
bool error;
class Task
// Blocks until completion, error, or stop() is called
void run();
void stop();
void threadFunc(Task &task)
try {
} catch (std::exception &) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
error = true;
In this case, the main thread has to handle the error, and call stop() on
the still-running tasks. As such, it cannot simply wait for each worker to
join() as in the original implementation.
The approach I have used so far is to share the following structure between
the main thread and each worker:
struct SharedData
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable condVar;
bool error;
int running;
When a worker completes successfully, it decrements the running count. If
an exception is caught, the worker sets the error flag. In both cases, it
then calls condVar.notify_one().
The main thread then waits on the condition variable, waking up if either
error is set or running reaches zero. On waking up, the main thread
calls stop() on all tasks if error has been set.
This approach works, but I feel there should be a cleaner solution using some
of the higher-level primitives in the standard concurrency library. Can
anyone suggest an improved implementation?
Here is the complete code for my current solution:
// main.cpp
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "utils.h"
// Class which encapsulates long-running task, and provides a mechanism for aborting it
class Task
Task(int tidx, bool fail)
: tidx(tidx)
, fail(fail)
, m_run(true)
void run()
static const int NUM_ITERATIONS = 10;
for (int iter = 0; iter < NUM_ITERATIONS; ++iter) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
if (!m_run) {
out() << "thread " << tidx << " aborting";
out() << "thread " << tidx << " iter " << iter;
if (fail) {
throw std::exception();
void stop()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
m_run = false;
const int tidx;
const bool fail;
std::mutex m_mutex;
bool m_run;
// Data shared between all threads
struct SharedData
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable condVar;
bool error;
int running;
SharedData(int count)
: error(false)
, running(count)
void threadFunc(Task &task, SharedData &shared)
try {
out() << "thread " << task.tidx << " starting";
task.run(); // Blocks until task completes or is aborted by main thread
out() << "thread " << task.tidx << " ended";
} catch (std::exception &) {
out() << "thread " << task.tidx << " failed";
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared.mutex);
shared.error = true;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared.mutex);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static const int NUM_THREADS = 3;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Task>> tasks(NUM_THREADS);
std::vector<std::thread> threads(NUM_THREADS);
SharedData shared(NUM_THREADS);
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < NUM_THREADS; ++tidx) {
const bool fail = (tidx == 1);
tasks[tidx] = std::make_unique<Task>(tidx, fail);
threads[tidx] = std::thread(&threadFunc, std::ref(*tasks[tidx]), std::ref(shared));
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(shared.mutex);
// Wake up when either all tasks have completed, or any one has failed
shared.condVar.wait(lock, [&shared](){
return shared.error || !shared.running;
if (shared.error) {
out() << "error occurred - terminating remaining tasks";
for (auto &t : tasks) {
for (int tidx = 0; tidx < NUM_THREADS; ++tidx) {
out() << "waiting for thread " << tidx << " to join";
out() << "thread " << tidx << " joined";
out() << "program complete";
return 0;
Some utility functions are defined here:
// utils.h
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H
#if __cplusplus <= 201103L
// Backport std::make_unique from C++14
#include <memory>
namespace std {
template<typename T, typename ...Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(
Args&& ...args)
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
} // namespace std
#endif // __cplusplus <= 201103L
// Thread-safe wrapper around std::cout
class ThreadSafeStdOut
: m_lock(m_mutex)
std::cout << std::endl;
template <typename T>
ThreadSafeStdOut &operator<<(const T &obj)
std::cout << obj;
return *this;
static std::mutex m_mutex;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> m_lock;
std::mutex ThreadSafeStdOut::m_mutex;
// Convenience function for performing thread-safe output
ThreadSafeStdOut out()
return ThreadSafeStdOut();
#endif // UTILS_H
I've been thinking about your situation for sometime and this maybe of some help to you. You could probably try doing a couple of different methods to achieve you goal. There are 2-3 options that maybe of use or a combination of all three. I will at minimum show the first option for I'm still learning and trying to master the concepts of Template Specializations as well as using Lambdas.
Using a Manager Class
Using Template Specialization Encapsulation
Using Lambdas.
Pseudo code of a Manager Class would look something like this:
class ThreadManager {
std::unique_ptr<MainThread> mainThread_;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<WorkerThread> lWorkers_; // List to hold finished workers
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<WorkerThread> qWorkers_; // Queue to hold inactive and waiting threads.
std::map<unsigned, std::shared_ptr<WorkerThread> mThreadIds_; // Map to associate a WorkerThread with an ID value.
std::map<unsigned, bool> mFinishedThreads_; // A map to keep track of finished and unfinished threads.
bool threadError_; // Not needed if using exception handling
explicit ThreadManager( const MainThread& main_thread );
void shutdownThread( const unsigned& threadId );
void shutdownAllThreads();
void addWorker( const WorkerThread& worker_thread );
bool isThreadDone( const unsigned& threadId );
void spawnMainThread() const; // Method to start main thread's work.
void spawnWorkerThread( unsigned threadId, bool& error );
bool getThreadError( unsigned& threadID ); // Returns True If Thread Encountered An Error and passes the ID of that thread,
Only for demonstration purposes did I use bool value to determine if a thread failed for simplicity of the structure, and of course this can be substituted to your like if you prefer to use exceptions or invalid unsigned values, etc.
Now to use a class of this sort would be something like this: Also note that a class of this type would be considered better if it was a Singleton type object since you wouldn't want more than 1 ManagerClass since you are working with shared pointers.
SomeClass::SomeClass( ... ) {
// This class could contain a private static smart pointer of this Manager Class
// Initialize the smart pointer giving it new memory for the Manager Class and by passing it a pointer of the Main Thread object
threadManager_ = new ThreadManager( main_thread ); // Wouldn't actually use raw pointers here unless if you had a need to, but just shown for simplicity
SomeClass::addThreads( ... ) {
for ( unsigned u = 1, u <= threadCount; u++ ) {
threadManager_->addWorker( some_worker_thread );
SomeClass::someFunctionThatSpawnsThreads( ... ) {
bool error = false;
for ( unsigned u = 1; u <= threadCount; u++ ) {
threadManager_->spawnWorkerThread( u, error );
if ( error ) { // This Thread Failed To Start, Shutdown All Threads
// If all threads spawn successfully we can do a while loop here to listen if one fails.
unsigned threadId;
while ( threadManager_->getThreadError( threadId ) ) {
// If the function passed to this while loop returns true and we end up here, it will pass the id value of the failed thread.
// We can now go through a for loop and stop all active threads.
for ( unsigned u = threadID + 1; u <= threadCount; u++ ) {
threadManager_->shutdownThread( u );
// We have successfully shutdown all threads
I like the design of manager class since I have used them in other projects, and they come in handy quite often especially when working with a code base that contains many and multiple resources such as a working Game Engine that has many assets such as Sprites, Textures, Audio Files, Maps, Game Items etc. Using a Manager Class helps to keep track and maintain all of the assets. This same concept can be applied to "Managing" Active, Inactive, Waiting Threads, and knows how to intuitively handle and shutdown all threads properly. I would recommend using an ExceptionHandler if your code base and libraries support exceptions as well as thread safe exception handling instead of passing and using bools for errors. Also having a Logger class is good to where it can write to a log file and or a console window to give an explicit message of what function the exception was thrown in and what caused the exception where a log message might look like this:
Exception Thrown: someFunctionNamedThis in ThisFile on Line# (x)
threadID 021342 failed to execute.
This way you can look at the log file and find out very quickly what thread is causing the exception, instead of using passed around bool variables.
The implementation of the long-running task is provided by a library whose code I cannot modify.
That means you have no way to synchronize the job done by working threads
If an error occurs in one of the workers,
Let's suppose that you can really detect worker errors; some of then can be easily detected if reported by the used library others cannot i.e.
the library code loops.
the library code prematurely exit with an uncaught exception.
I want the remaining workers to stop **gracefully**
That's just not possible
The best you can do is writing a thread manager checking on worker thread status and if an error condition is detected it just (ungracefully) "kills" all the worker threads and exits.
You should also consider detecting a looped working thread (by timeout) and offer to the user the option to kill or continue waiting for the process to finish.
Your problem is that the long running function is not your code, and you say you cannot modify it. Consequently you cannot make it pay any attention whatsoever to any kind of external synchronisation primitive (condition variables, semaphores, mutexes, pipes, etc), unless the library developer has done that for you.
Therefore your only option is to do something that wrestles control away from any code no matter what it's doing. This is what signals do. For that, you're going to have to use pthread_kill(), or whatever the equivalent is these days.
The pattern would be that
The thread that detects an error needs to communicate that error back to the main thread in some manner.
The main thread then needs to call pthread_kill() for all the other remaining threads. Don't be confused by the name - pthread_kill() is simply a way of delivering an arbitrary signal to a thread. Note that signals like STOP, CONTINUE and TERMINATE are process-wide even if raised with pthread_kill(), not thread specific so don't use those.
In each of those threads you'll need a signal handler. On delivery of the signal to a thread the execution path in that thread will jump to the handler no matter what the long running function was doing.
You are now back in (limited) control, and can (probably, well, maybe) do some limited cleanup and terminate the thread.
In the meantime the main thread will have been calling pthread_join() on all the threads it's signaled, and those will now return.
My thoughts:
This is a really ugly way of doing it (and signals / pthreads are notoriously difficult to get right and I'm no expert), but I don't really see what other choice you have.
It'll be a long way from looking 'graceful' in source code, though the end user experience will be OK.
You will be aborting execution part way through running that library function, so if there's any clean up it would normally do (e.g. freeing up memory it has allocated) that won't get done and you'll have a memory leak. Running under something like valgrind is a way of working out if this is happening.
The only way of getting the library function to clean up (if it needs it) will be for your signal handler to return control to the function and letting it run to completion, just what you don't want to do.
And of course, this won't work on Windows (no pthreads, at least none worth speaking of, though there may be an equivalent mechanism).
Really the best way is going to be to re-implement (if at all possible) that library function.

Boost::Mutex in class not thread-safe

I'm learning concurrent programming and what I want to do is have a class where each object it responsible for running its own Boost:Thread. I'm a little over my head with this code because it uses A LOT of functionality that I'm not that comfortable with (dynamically allocated memory, function pointers, concurrency etc etc). It's like every line of code I had to check some references to get it right.
(Yes, all allocated memory is accounted for in the real code!)
I'm having trouble with the mutexes. I declare it static and it seems to get the same value for all the instances (as it should). The code is STILL not thread safe.
The mutex should stop the the threads (right?) from progressing any further in case someone else locked it. Because mutexes are scoped (kind of a neat functionality) and it's within the if statement that should look the other threads out no? Still I get console out puts that clearly suggests it is not thread safe.
Also I'm not sure I'm using the static vaiable right. I tried different ways of refering to it (Seller::ticketSaleMutex) but the only thing that worked was "this->ticketSaleMutex" which seems very shady and it seems to defeat the purpose of it being static.
class Seller
//Some vaiables
//Other variables
static boost::mutex ticketSaleMutex; //Mutex definition
boost::mutex Seller::ticketSaleMutex; //Mutex declaration
void Seller::StartTicketSale()
ticketSale = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&Seller::SellTickets, this));
void Seller::SellTickets()
while (*totalSoldTickets < totalNumTickets)
if ([Some time tick])
std::cout << "Seller " << ID << " sold ticket " << *totalSoldTickets << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char**argv)
std::vector<Seller*> seller;
const int numSellers = 10;
int numTickets = 40;
int *soldTickets = new int;
*soldTickets = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSellers; i++)
seller.push_back(new Seller(i, numTickets, soldTickets));
This will create a temporary that is immediately destroyed:
resulting in no synchronization. You need to declare a variable:
boost::mutex::scoped_lock local_lock(this->ticketSaleMutex);

How can I handle interrupt signal and call destructor in c++? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is destructor called if SIGINT or SIGSTP issued?
My code like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
void handler(int) {
std::cout << "will exit..." << std::endl;
class A {
A() {std::cout << "constructor" << std::endl;}
~A() {std::cout << "destructor" << std::endl;}
int main(void) {
signal(SIGINT, &handler);
A a;
for (;;);
return 0;
When I pressed Ctrl-C, it printed:
^Cwill exit...
There is no "destructor" printed.
So, how can I exit cleanly?
With difficulty. Already, the code you've written has undefined
behavior; you're not allowed to output to a stream in a signal handler;
for that matter, you're not allowed to call exit either. (I'm basing
my assertions here on the Posix standard. In pure C++, all you're
allowed to do is assign to a variable of sig_atomic_t type.)
In a simple case like your code, you could do something like:
sig_atomic_t stopFlag = 0;
handler( int )
stopFlag = 1;
signal( SIGINT, &handler );
A a;
while ( stopFlag == 0 ) {
std::cout << "will exit..." << std::endl;
return 0;
Depending on the application, you may be able to do something like this,
checking the stopFlag at appropriate places. But generally, if you
try this, there will be race conditions: you check stopFlag before
starting an interuptable system call, then do the call; the signal
arrives between the check and the call, you do the call, and it isn't
interrupted. (I've used this technique, but in an application where the
only interruptable system call was a socket read with a very short
Typically, at least under Posix, you'll end up having to create a signal
handling thread; this can then be used to cleanly shut down all of the
other threads. Basically, you start by setting the signal mask to block
all signals, then in the signal handling thread, once started, set it to
accept the signals you're interested in and call sigwait(). This
implies, however, that you do all of the usual actions necessary for a
clean shutdown of the threads: the signal handling thread has to know
about all other threads, call pthread_cancel on them, etc., and you're
compiler has to generate the correct code to handle pthread_cancel, or
you need to develop some other means of ensuring that all threads are
correctly notified. (One would hope, today, that all compilers handle
pthread_cancel correctly. But one never knows; doing so has
significant runtime cost, and is not usually needed.)
You need to exit from the main function's scope to have the destructor working:
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
bool stop = false;
void handler(int) {
std::cout << "will exit..." << std::endl;
stop = true;
class A {
A() {std::cout << "constructor" << std::endl;}
~A() {std::cout << "destructor" << std::endl;}
int main(void) {
A a;
signal(SIGINT, &handler);
for (;!stop;);
return 0;
It's because the context of the normal code and the signal handler is different. If you put the variable a in global scope (i.e. outside of any function) you will see that the destructor is called properly.
If you want to handle cleaning up yourself (instead of letting the run-time and OS handle it), you can have a conditional loop, something like this:
bool keep_running = true;
void handler(int) {
std::cout << "will exit..." << std::endl;
keep_running = false;
int main(void) {
signal(SIGINT, &handler);
A a;
while (keep_running);
return 0;
Memory should be freed anyway. but if you've got code to be handled, I guess you'd have to track all your objects and then destroy them as needed (e.g. having the constructor adding them to a std::set, while the destructor removes them again). However this wouldn't ensure proper order of destruction (which might require some more complex solution).
You could as well use your signal handler to set some flag that will leave the infinite loop (or whatever you're doing in your main loop) instead of simply terminating using exit().
exit terminates the process almost immediately; in particular, objects with automatic storage duration are not destroyed. Streams are also flushed and closed, but you're not allowed to touch streams from inside a signal handler. So...
Simply don't call exit from a signal handler; set some atomic flag to instruct the loop to end instead.
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
sig_atomic_t exitRequested = 0;
void handler(int) {
std::cout << "will exit..." << std::endl;
exitRequested = 1;
struct A {
A() { std::cout << "constructor" << std::endl; }
~A() { std::cout << "destructor" << std::endl; }
int main() {
signal(SIGINT, &handler);
A a;
for (; !exitRequested; );