Simple, editable data in AWS - amazon-web-services

I am working on a project that deals with execution of several models one after the other. For this, users need to upload a lot of files (mostly CSV) for each workflow, and each files has several columns.
Since understanding each file is difficult for users of our application, we want to provide friendly names, small descriptions, help texts, etc. for each file, and display them on our website.
These names and descriptions should be editable by people who are not developers (but will have access to the AWS account). So we would prefer a storage for this that provides some convenient user-interface for this.
In the world of AWS, what would you recommend as a storage for this use-case? Is dynamodb an overkill / inconvenient for this?
Should we have our a separate user-interface and service to implement this feature?

Your choice of User Interface and Storage are completely independent.
Storage should be selected based upon the type of data and how it will be accessed. It might be relational if you are querying and joining a lot of data, or it might be NoSQL (DynamoDB or even Amazon S3) if you need fast, predictable performance but no complex querying.
The User Interface should not be impacted by the choice of storage. It should present the data for viewing/editing in a way that is most convenient for users. There is no reason to have UI drive the storage choice (unless you simply want to use Google Sheets as your frontend).


Is dynamodb suitable for growing or pivotable product?

Amazon said
NoSQL design requires a different mindset than RDBMS design. For an RDBMS, you can create a normalized data model without thinking about access patterns. You can then extend it later when new questions and query requirements arise. For DynamoDB, by contrast, you shouldn't start designing your schema until you know the questions it needs to answer. Understanding the business problems and the application use cases up front is absolutely essential.
It seems that I should design the tables after designing the product for efficient query cost.
But a product can be pivoted or be appended new features. In early stage, nobody knows where the product goes.
Is dynamodb suitable for growing or pivotable product?
In my opinion, the main benefit of Dynamo DB over other NoSQL solutions is that it is a managed database service. You pay for reads and writes and you never worry about scaling to handle larger data, more users. If you are doing a prototype or don't have technical know-how to setup a database server and host in the cloud it could be useful and cost effective. It has its limitations however so if you do have technical resources consider another open source NoSQL option.
I think that statement by Amazon is confusing and is probably more marketing than anything else. Use NoSQL in cases where your data is only accessed in distinct elements that do no have to be combined in a complex manner. It's also helpful if you don't have an exact schema defined because NoSQL doesn't require a hard set schema you can store any fields in a table and you can always add new fields. This is helpful when things are changing rapidly and you don't want to migrate everything as strictly as an RDBMS would require. If however you're going to have to run complex logic or calculations combining data from across tables you should use an RDBMS. You could use NoSQL for some data and and RDBMS for other data in a hybrid fashion but in that case you probably wouldn't want to use Dynamo DB because you'd want full ownership to set it up properly. Hope this helps I'm sure others have more to say and I welcome comments to help me refine my answer.

Selecting the right cloud storage option on GCP

I am an entry level developer in a startup. I am trying to deploy a text classifier on GCP. For storing inputs(training data) and outputs, I am struggling to find the right storage option.
My data isn't huge in terms of columns but is fairly huge in terms of instances. It could even be just key-value pairs. My use case is to retrieve each entity from just one particular column from the DB, apply some classification on it and store the result in the corresponding column and update the DB. Our platform requires a DB which can handle a lot of small queries at once without much delay. Also, the data is completely unrelational.
I looked into GCP's article of choosing a storage option but couldn't narrow down my options to any specific answer. Would love to get some advice on this.
You should take a look at Google's "Choosing a Storage Option" guide:
Your data is structured, your main goal is not analytics, your data isn't relational, you don't mostly need mobile SDKs, so you should probably use Cloud Datastore. That's a great choice for durable key-value data.
In brief, these are the storage options available. May be in future it can be more or less.
Depending on choice, you can select your storage option which is best suited.
SOURCE: Linux Academy

What is the different between AWS Elasticsearch and AWS Redshift

I read the document that both for data analysis and in cluster structure but I don't understand what use case different.
Amazon Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and clickstream analytics.Amazon Elasticsearch
Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a hosted data warehouse product, while Amazon Elasticsearch is a hosted ElasticSearch cluster.
Redshift is based on PostgreSQL and (afaik) mostly used for BI purpuses and other compute-intensive jobs, the Amazon Elasticsearch is an out-of-the-box ElasticSearch managed cluster (which you cannot use to run SQL queries, since ES is a NoSQL database).
Both Amazon Redshift and Amazon ES are managed services, which means you don't need to do anything in order to manage your servers (this is what you pay for). Using the AWS Console you can add new cluster and you don't need to run any commands on order to install any software - you just need to choose which server to run your cluster on (number of nodes, disk, ram, etc).
If you are not familiar with ElasticSearch you should check their website.
Edit: It is now possible to write SQL queries on ElasticSearch: SQL Support for AWS ElasticSearch
I agree with #IMSoP's assertions above...
To compare the two is like comparing an elephant and a tiger - you're not really asking the right question quite yet.
What you should really be asking is - what are my requirements for my use cases to best fulfill my stakeholder / customer needs, first, and then which data storage technology best aligns with my requirements second...
To be clear - Whether speaking of AWS ElasticSearch Service, or FOSS / Enterprise ElasticSearch (which have signifficant differences, between, even) - ElasticSearch is NOT a Relational Database (RDBMS), nor is it quite a NoSQL (Document Store) Database, either...
ElasticSearch is a Search Engine / Index. It does some things very well, for very specific use cases, however unlike RDBMS data models most signifficantly, ElasticSearch or NoSQL are not going to provide you with FULL ACID Compliance, or Transactional Statement Processing, so if your use case prioritizes data integrity, constrainability, reliability, audit ability, regulatory compliance, recover ability (to Point in Time, even), and normalization of data model for performance and least repetition of data while providing deep cardinality and enforcing model constraints for optimal integrity, "NoSQL and Elastic are not the Droids you're looking for..." and you should be implementing a RDBMS solution. As already mentioned, the AWS Redshift Service is based on PostgreSQL - which is one of the most popular OpenSource RDBMS flavors out there, just offered by AWS as a fully managed solution / service for their customers.
Elastic falls between RDBMS and NoSQL categories, as it is a Search Engine / Index that works most optimally with "single index" type use cases, where A LOT of content is indexed all at once and those documents aren't updated very frequently after the initial bulk indexing,but perhaps the most important thing I could stress is that in my experience it typically does not scale very cost effectively (even managed cluster services) if you want your clusters to perform well, not degrade over time, retain large historical datasets, and remain highly available for your consumers - and for most will likely become cost PROHIBITIVE VERY fast. That said, Elastic Search DOES still have very optimal use cases, so is always worth evaluating against your unique requirements - just keep scalability and cost in mind while doing so.
Lastly let's call NoSQL what it is, a Document Store that stores collections of documents (most often in JSON format) and while they also do indexing, offer some semblance of an Authentication and Authorization model, provide CRUD operability (or even SQL support nowadays, which makes the career Enterprise Data Engineer in me giggle, that SQL is now the preferred means of querying data from their NoSQL instances! :D )- Still NOT a traditional database, likely won't provide you with much control over your data's integrity - BUT that is precisely what "NoSQL" Document Stores were designed to work best for - UNSTRUCTURED DATA - where you may not always know what your data model is going to look like from the start, or your use case prioritizes data model flexibility over enforcing data integrity in general (non mission critical data). Last - while most modern NoSQL Document Stores may have SOME features that appear on the surface to resemble RDBMS, I am not aware of ANY in that category at current that could claim to offer all that a relational database does, with Oracle MySQL's DocumentStore being probably the best of both worlds in my opinion (and not just because I've worked with it every day for the last decade, either...).
So - I hope Developers with similar questions come across this thread, and after reading are much better informed to make the most optimal design decisions for their use cases - because if we're all being honest with ourselves - everything we do in our profession is about data - either generating it, transporting it, rendering it, transforming all starts and ends with data, and making the most optimal data storage decisions for your applications will literally define the rest of your project!
This strikes me as like asking "What is the difference between apples and oranges? I've heard they're both types of fruit."
AWS has an overview of the analytics products they offer, which at the time of writing lists 21 different services. They also have a list of database products which includes Redshift and 10 others. There's no particularly obvious reason why these two should be compared, and the others on both pages ignored.
There is inevitably a lot of overlap between the capabilities of these tools, so there is no way to write an exhaustive list of use cases for each. Their strengths and weaknesses, and the other tools they integrate easily with, will change over time, and some differences are a matter of "taste" or "style".
Regarding the two picked out in the question:
Elasticsearch is a product built by, which AWS can manage the installation and configuration for. As its name suggests, its core functionality is based around search - it can be used to build a flexible but fast product search for an e-commerce site, for instance. It's also commonly used along with other tools to search and aggregate logs and monitoring data.
Redshift is a database system built by AWS, based on PostgreSQL but optimised for extremely large data sets. It is designed for "data warehouse" applications, where you want to write complex logical queries against the data, like "how many people in each city bought both a toothbrush and toothpaste, this year compared to last year".
Rather than trying to make an abstract comparison of all the different services available, it makes more sense to start from the use case which you actually have, and see which tool best fits that need.

PDF Generation SOA Architecture for Business Independence

Currently we have a data service that is consumed by various clients inside our organization; most of them use the PDF report to view the data. The problem we are facing is that the PDF generation is obsolete and built over a technology that is becoming hard to maintain.
So what we want to achieve now is basically two goals:
Encapsulate all data access in a SOA manner, publishing services for RAW data, PDF report and maybe some others like "Excel RAW"
Give our business users the ability to load and change the templates for the PDF reports, without asking for a "development" (basically that they can be as independent as possible)
There are two main issues; the report has to be "pretty", and by that I mean that our users ask for details such as image resolution, almost pixel accuracy for text/image positioning, and that sort of stuff. The server/library that we choose has to be able to achieve this requirement.
The other is that our technology stack currently is limited to a JAVA/LINUX platform, and while we could evaluate other platforms (for instance a product developed in .NET), a solution in Java EE/LINUX would be preferable.
Any suggestions?
P.S.: The data is stored in an Oracle database.
Certainly one prickly problem you have here is providing the ability to allow your users provide "pretty"/pixel-perfect report. Depending on what type of people your users are (technical staff / developers, business staff, general users) it may not be possible to find a system that allows you to offload significant work-effort to your users. It is just a hard domain.
If your reports are spreadsheet style, you might wish to examine systems like Business Objects, Coognos or Yellow Fin. These systems require a significant set up in terms of creating models to report against, but they can provide tools for users to design their own reports through a web interface. These systems usually stand separate to your main application though there are certainly ways to integrate them (though for exposing services to your own customers it might be difficult to get it to work exactly as you would like).
If your reports are document-style (as opposed to spreadsheet-style), you could look at Docmosis which is intended for integration with applications (please note I work for the company that created Docmosis). Docmosis allows your application to produce PDF reports from DOC/ODT/DOCX documents which act as templates for population from databases / Java objects / text etc. The templates can be provided/modified/uploaded by your users. It integrates with Java and linux environments so your technology environment is well suited. For many applications it provides automatically the layout based on the template that is desired.
With regards to the provision of SOA services to your users, it sound like a fine approach depending on the users you have (does a service approach provide them something easy to use?). Because your customers are internal I'm sure you already have determined the suitability of services.
Hope that helps.

Data Warehouse and Django

This is more of an architectural question than a technological one per se.
I am currently building a business website/social network that needs to store large volumes of data and use that data to draw analytics (consumer behavior).
I am using Django and a PostgreSQL database.
Now my question is: I want to expand this architecture to include a data warehouse. The ideal would be: the operational DB would be the current Django PostgreSQL database, and the data warehouse would be something additional, preferably in a multidimensional model.
We are still in a very early phase, we are going to test with 50 users, so something primitive such as a one-column table for starters would be enough.
I would like to know if somebody has experience in this situation, and that could recommend me a framework to create a data warehouse, all while mantaining the operational DB with the Django models for ease of use (if possible).
Thank you in advance!
Here are some cool Open Source tools I used recently:
Kettle - great ETL tool, you can use this to extract the data from your operational database into your warehouse. Supports any database with a JDBC driver and makes it very easy to build e.g. a star schema.
Saiku - nice Web 2.0 frontend built on Pentaho Mondrian (MDX implementation). This allows your users to easily build complex aggregation queries (think Pivot table in Excel), and the Mondrian layer provides caching etc. to make things go fast. Try the demo here.
My answer does not necessarily apply to data warehousing. In your case I see the possibility to implement a NoSQL database solution alongside an OLTP relational storage, which in this case is PostgreSQL.
Why consider NoSQL? In addition to the obvious scalability benefits, NoSQL offer a number of advantages that probably will apply to your scenario. For instance, the flexibility of having records with different sets of fields, and key-based access.
Since you're still in "trial" stage you might find it easier to decide for a NoSQL database solution depending on your hosting provider. For instance AWS have SimpleDB, Google App Engine provide their own DataStore, etc. However there are plenty of other NoSQL solutions you can go for that have nice Python bindings.