How to run Gunicorn on HTTPS on CloudFoundry - django

I need to host my Django application using gunicorn on Cloudfoundry on port 443, HTTPS.
I am getting error:
InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding
certificate verification is strongly advised.
Which is resulting into Internal server error.
How should I add add SSL.
What are server.cert and server.key files? How to add them.

I am getting error:
InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.
I don't believe this is related. See this SO post for more details on the error.
Suppress InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made in Python2.6
As far as handling HTTPS for your app on Cloud Foundry, good news, there's nothing you need to do. Cloud Foundry will handle TLS termination for incoming requests to your apps. That's it.
If you're curious about the details, there are a lot of them at the following link. The details do depend on how your platform operator has set up TLS termination, so you could also talk with them if you have questions.
Hope that helps!


Connecting localhost to a remote dev server (CORS, same-site, secure and other headaches)

I'm currently working on a React project. The development server (Bottle/Python) for the project is hosted remotely, and my React dev-server is localhost. Part of the authentication process for the application involves setting a cookie on login, but because of same-site and secure rules that cookie is not being set, meaning that my dev frontend can't access any of the data that it needs.
Myself and the server engineer have added SameSite=None to the cookie as well as secure, but because my localhost is not https the cookie is still not being stored properly (I get the error message "this Set-Cookie" was blocked because it had the "Secure" attribute but was not received over a secure connection").
There are no issues when the app is deployed because everything is on the same domain, but for now we're stuck - we've been trying to solve the issue for several hours but can't seem to get it.
My question is - what is the best development practice if you need to access a non-local development server, but can't actually just have your own version of the server running on your local machine?
Do I:
Need to make my localhost https somehow?
Need to make the dev-server domain https?
Need to install the server locally because there's just no way to do this?
Apologies if this is a noob question, it would be great to have some advice.
Many thanks.
The short answer is:
You can run your app on http://localhost:port. Assuming response from your dev server has in response headers Set-Cookie of the cookie which has Secure flag, your dev server URL has to be https in order to have the cookie accepted by the browser.
I have this setup and it works just well.
Regarding CORS (as mentioned in the title of the question): you have to have you server configured to accept credentials and to have allowed origins configured. The client app when doing XHR request has to have withCredentials:true. Check the points 2 and 3 in my post for details.
Also note, that if you are using Chrome you can bypass for development purposes the requirement to have SameSite=None and Secure by disabling the flag "Cookies without SameSite must be secure", also detailed here

How to configure a Daphne server to invite clients to add the Certificate Authority that issued my certificate if they hadn't done it yet?

If I make a request to my Daphne/Django server in Postman or the Android app we're developing, Daphne serves the certificate, but it's rejected. If I first make a simple get request to and then make a request to my server, the certificate is accepted.
How can I make sure a client will trust my certificate, even if it's the first time this client is seeing a certificate issued by this CA?
Everything bellow can serve as a history of how I studied the problem.
Original title: SSL Certificate works in browser but can't be verified by Postman
I have an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04, with python 3, Django, a bunch of project dependencies, Daphne running with ASGI, with a certificate by Let's Encrypt. Daphne is using port 8000 for HTTP and por 4430 for HTTPS, iptables is configured to redirect requests from port 80 to 8000 and from port 443 to 4430. Django is configured to enforce secure connections with SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT=True in the file.
There's a "Site in Construction" temporary page being served, and it's properly accessible from every browser and every device I tested so far. If I explicitly type http, I get redirected to https and the certificate is accepted. Every browser I tested (Firefox, Brave, Chrome, Chrome for Android) says cert is good.
Curl outputs the HTML content returned from the server. I don't know if it accepts the certificate or ignores it.
The Problem
Postman, however, says "Error: unable to verify the first certificate". Only works when I disable "SSL certificate verification", which doesn't answer my question: why Postman is unable to verify my Let's Encrypt certificate?
I'm building an API that runs on the same server, using the same domain, and it's meant to be consumed by a mobile app. Currently, the Android app is throwing a "TypeError: Network request failed", which I suspect could be caused by the same thing Postman is complaining about.
When I spin the server locally and configure 1) the app to use http://localhost:8000 and 2) the server not to enforce SSL, it works in browsers, Postman and in the Android app.
I've being looking for answers in many places for days, so any clue will be very welcome.
Interesting clue:
If I make a request to my Daphne/Django server, it servers the certificate, which is rejected. But if I first make a request to and then make a request to my server, it works!
This pattern holds true in both Postman and our Android app.
It also happens when I first make a request to (instead of, which is served by a Node.js app, and uses a certificate also issued by the Let's Encrypt CA.
So maybe the question should be: how to configure my server to politely invite clients to add the CA that issued my certificate if they hadn't done it yet?.
Apparently, that's what my Node.js server does.
Yes, in settings, tap ssl verification off
File > Settings > General > SSL Certificate Verification > off

Jenkins Redirects to Http after Login

Apologies if this isn't the right place to post this question but I have a Jenkins container running on an ec2. Both listen on 8080. I have an NLB that listens on 443. When I log into to my, it redirects to I get an error as nothing is listening on 80. If I manually change http to https after logging in, I'm in and just it works fine, although I get "reverse proxy is broken" error in Configure Jenkins. Tried a different container but still the same issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Was able to solve my issue following the instructions in this article:
Just had to give the jenkins user (UID) permissions to the directory containing the cert on the host (which I didn't see in the article but might be mentioned).

Facebook : HTTPS is required for all Redirect URIs

I am trying to use facebook sdk for facebook login.
I gave http://localhost as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs but it throws the following error
HTTPS is required for all Redirect URIs.
I used this future few days ago it worked fine. but now it throws this error
And I am not able to disable
Enforce HTTPS
I ran into this issue with my Rails app that I usually run with http://localhost:3000.
To use https, I used ngrok which allows you to use https by providing a tunnel. To do this:
I went to their website and downloaded their program
I extracted the file for the program
In my console, I went into the directory where ngrok was extracted to and entered 'grok http 3000' on my Windows machine, others may use './grok http 3000'
After entering that, ngrok provided a https address which I put into the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field in Facebook
Then I started my server and was able to access it using that https address instead of localhost:3000
yep, they changed that recently :-(
For testing the login flow locally I installed a self-signed certificate
btw, I doesn't have to be trusted by the browser if you're OK with a one time security warning.
Don't use this certificate in production!

Using CFHTTP with HTTPS domain in Railo

I keep getting Connection Failed when trying to request data from a page that is on an https:// domain. I did install the ssl cert using the built-in section of the railo admin at https://[mydomain]/railo-context/admin/server.cfm?action=services.certificates however I still get Connection Failed. How should I go forward with debugging this? I have confirmed that this server in particular does have access to the domain I am trying to request from.
You probably need some additional certs installed as Jason has said. Take a close look at the cert and it's chain. Go to the cert issuers site and look for some documentation.
To troubleshoot you can add some logging to your jvm args. I think it's something like:
The results are either in the OUT log or the server.log. This post on SSL 3.0 has some debugging tips. It's possible that your cert needs to handshake at a lower security level than CF allows (SSL 2.0 instead of 3.0/TLS for instance) and that could cause this behavior - but it's more likely that you simply need an intermediate cert installed.
The problem ended up being the permissions weren't setup properly on the machine. After we had the server administrator fix our permissions to access the Railo-Tomcat Service Control, the requests started working. I'm assuming he fixed some other permissions while he was in there.