I am trying to upload a new AWS GameLift Linux server using the AWS CLI but I get the following error:
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateBuild operation: User: arn:aws:iam::------:user/----- is not authorized to perform: gamelift:CreateBuild because no identity-based policy allows the gamelift:CreateBuild action
I added the arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/GameLiftGameServerGroupPolicy to my group permissions. I can see in the policy json that there isn't a CreateBuild action. It either needs to be added or you can't do it this way.
The AWS documentation is useless and on this page: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/developerguide/security_iam_troubleshoot.html#security_iam_troubleshoot-no-permissions
it helpfully advises: ... asks his administrator to update his policies
My user is the main root user for my AWS account but I have no idea how to resolve this. Any ideas?
I worked out how to create a new Policy and add the service permissions. You click on 'create policy' and then choose the 'GameLift' service. I added all the available actions. Seemed to do the trick.
Why did AWS miss this out of the documentation?
I am trying to create aws eks cluster with terraform. I want to use an existing iam role. I won't be creating a new role. I tried this.
module 'eks' {
iam_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::11111111:role/cluster-role"
But I get 403 permission denied. How can I this? Thanks.
Edit: added error.
failed creating IAM Role (green-eks-node-group): AccessDenied: User: arn:aws:iam::*******:user/****** is not authorized to perform: iam:TagRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::*******:role/green-eks-node
First for good measure: Please do not post pictures here of either code or error messages. Just copy paste the stuff and format it.
That said: I think the error tells you exactly what is wrong (or at least what the first error is, because in my experience it takes a few iterations of this to get your IAM permissions straight).
The role that you use you execute terraform does not have the permission:
on the resource:
So you will need to add it to it's policy.
I'm trying to provide cross-account Glue access to Account B from Account A.
I'm first getting an error that says,
User {my_arn} is not authorized to perform: glue:GetDatabases on resource: {catalog}
I researched and found that I can grant Data Catalog permissions through Lake Formation. I selected "External accounts" and added the catalog resources along with table permissions. However, I get another error that says:
You don't have IAM permissions to make cross-account grants.
The required permissions are in the AWS managed policy AWSLakeFormationCrossAccountManager.
So I go to the IAM Management Console, find the policy specified in this error message, and attach it to the role I'm using (the one in the top right corner of the AWS Management Console).
But the same error message keeps popping up and this doesn't seem to have solved the issue.
What am I doing wrong here? How can I bypass this issue?
I am trying to use an AWS Glue crawler on an S3 bucket to populate a Glue database. I run the Create Crawler wizard, select my datasource (the S3 bucket with the avro files), have it create the IAM role, and run it, and I get the following error:
Database does not exist or principal is not authorized to create tables. (Database name: zzz-db, Table name: avroavro_all) (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 78fc18e4-c383-11e9-a86f-736a16f57a42). For more information, see Setting up IAM Permissions in the Developer Guide (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/glue/latest/dg/getting-started-access.html).
I tried to create this table in a new blank database (as opposed to an existing one with tables), I tried prefixing the names, I tried sourcing different schemas, and I tried using an existing role with Admin access. I though the latter would work, but I keep getting the same error, and have no idea why.
To be explicit, the service role I created has several policies I assume a premissive enough to create tables:
The logs are vanilla:
[10cb3191-9785-49dc-8935-fb02dcbd69a3] BENCHMARK : Running Start Crawl for Crawler avro
[10cb3191-9785-49dc-8935-fb02dcbd69a3] BENCHMARK : Classification complete, writing results to database zzz-db
[10cb3191-9785-49dc-8935-fb02dcbd69a3] INFO : Crawler configured with SchemaChangePolicy {"UpdateBehavior":"UPDATE_IN_DATABASE","DeleteBehavior":"DEPRECATE_IN_DATABASE"}.
[10cb3191-9785-49dc-8935-fb02dcbd69a3] ERROR : Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on s3://zzz-data/avro-all/ (Database name: zzz-db, Table name: avroavro_all) (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 31481e7e-c384-11e9-a6e1-e78dc8223fae). For more information, see Setting up IAM Permissions in the Developer Guide (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/glu
[10cb3191-9785-49dc-8935-fb02dcbd69a3] BENCHMARK : Crawler has finished running and is in state READY
I had the same problem when I setup and ran a new AWS crawler after enabling Lake Formation (in the same AWS account). I've been running Glue crawler for a long time and was stumped when I saw this new error.
After some trial and error, I found that the root cause of the problem is when you enable Lake Formation, it adds an additional layer of permission on new Glue database(s) that are created via Glue Crawler and to any resource (Glue catalog, S3, etc) that you add it to the Lake Formation service.
To fix this problem, you have to grant the Crawler's IAM role, a proper set of Lake Formation permissions (CRUD) for the database.
You can manage these permissions in AWS Lake Formation console (UI) under the Permissions > Data permissions section or via awscli lake formation commands.
I solved this problem by adding a grant in AWS Lake Formations -> Permissions -> Data locations. (Do not forget to add a forward slash (/) behind the bucket name)
I had to add the custom role I created for Glue to the "Data lake Administrators" grantees:
(Note: just saying this solves the crawler's denied access. There may be something with lesser privileges to do...)
Make sure you gave the necessary permissions to your crawler's IAM role in this path:
Lake Formation -> Permissions -> Data lake permissions
(Grant related Glue Database permissions to your crawler's IAM role)
I am receiving this error message when trying to upload to an AWS Lambda. This is from the AWS Example - example
In particular it says IAM is not authorized to perform iam:ListRoles nor iam:ListPolicies.
I checked my IAM user's AWS Lambda ListFunctions in the AWS policy simulator which says it is working , although I do not know if this is relevant to my problem.
Error Message
Policy Simulator
Your IAM user which is being used here might not be having permissions to perform operations like iam:ListRoles. Please try out the following steps:
Go to your AWS Console. And select the IAM service.
Then choose the Users tab on the left hand side.
Select the particular user(it's named General I guess).
In the permissions tab, click on Add Permissions
A new view should be present where you need to select Attach existing policies directly option on the top.
Select the option Create Policy.
Now create a new policy by selecting service as IAM, and Actions as required(List actions) and select All resources, and create the policy.
Then select this newly created policy in the step 5 view and add permissions.
Now retry with the uploading of Lambda.