How to run Jupyter notebook on AWS instance - amazon-web-services

How to run Jupyter notebook on AWS instance, chmod 400 error
I want to run my jupyter notebooks in the cloud, ec2 AWS instance.
I'm following this tutorial:
I have the Instance ec2 all set up as well as nginx.
Problem is..
When typing chmod 400 JupyterKey.pem just work for MAC not Windowns Power shell
cd path/to/my/dev/folder/
chmod 400 JupyterKey.pem
ssh ubuntu# -i JupyterKey.pem
Error: The term 'chmod' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, cript, or operation
category info: ObjectNotFound
FullyQualifiedErrorId: Command notFoundException

AWS has a managed Jupyter Notebook service as part of Amazon SageMaker.
SageMaker hosted notebook instances enable you to easily spin up a Jupyter Notebook with one click, with pay per hour pricing (similar to EC2 billing), and with the ability to easily upload your existing notebook directly onto the managed instance, all directly through the instance URL + AWS console.
Check out this tutorial for a guide on getting started!

I had the same permission problem and could fix it by running the following command in the Amazon Machine Image Linux:
sudo chown user:user ~/certs/mycert.pem


Run sagemaker jupyter notebook using aws cli

I have a "notebook instance" in aws sagemaker, this instance has many notebooks.
Is there any way to use aws cli (shell) to individually start the notebooks and check their current status (running, stopped, etc...)?
If not, what ways can I use to perform the above actions programmatically?
You can see the status of sagemaker notebook instance by using command
$ aws sagemaker describe-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name your_instance_name
which will return detail about instance.
To launch notebook from aws cli use the following command
$ aws sagemaker create-presigned-notebook-instance-url --notebook-instance-name your_instance_name
The above command will return url of jupyter notebook, copy paste it in the browser.
For more help see

Cronjob Script not working for Graviton based EC2 instance with encryption enabled on EBS volume

I have one Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS EC2 Instance having Graviton2 arm64 Architecture. I have also enabled encryption on EBS volume.
I configured some cronjob bash script.
I was able to run those script manually by ./ command.
But when configured cron job below.
0 4 * * * /bin/sh /path/to/script/
It is not able to execute.
I have other EC2 instances where cron job is running successfully but those are not graviton2 based instance neither EBS encryption enabled on them.
Have you checked logs grep CRON /var/log/syslog? It should have worked. Verified by running simple cron job on Grv2 instance Ubuntu 18.
I found the solution. Cronjob script is now working in graviton.
But any data from /var/ directory is not getting copy to s3.
It gives below error-
"The user-provided path /var/www/ does not exist."

Unable to access Jupyter Notebook instance on GCP Deep Learning VM

I have set up the Cloud SDK for running a Deep Learning VM on Google Cloud Platform but when I try to access the Jupyter Notebook instance i get this error from the terminal.
From my terminal I ran the following command to access the SSH instance:
gcloud beta compute --project "driverdrowsiness" ssh --zone "asia-east1-a" "tensorflow-1-vm" -- -L 8005:
I just needed to open JupyterLab from the AI Notebooks

Cannot Transfer files from my mac to VM instance on GCP

I have managed to set up a VM instance on Google cloud platform using the following instructions:
I am then able to run a Jupyter notebook as per the instructions.
Now I want to be able to use my own data in the notebook....this is where I am really struggling. I downloaded the Cloud SDK onto my mac and ran this from the terminal (as per
My-MacBook-Air:~ me$ gcloud compute scp /Users/me/Desktop/my_data.csv aml-test:~/amlfolder
where aml-test is the name of my instance and amlfolder a folder I created on the VM instance. I don't get any error messages and it seems to work (the terminal displays the following after I run it >> 100% 66MB 1.0MB/s 01:03 )
However when I connect to my VM instance via the SSH button on the google console and type
cd amlfolder
I cannot see any files! (nor can I see them from the jupyter notebook homepage)
I cannot figure out how to use my own data in a python jupyter notebook on a GCP VM instance. I have been trying/googling for an entire day. As you might have guessed I'm a complete newbie to GCP (and cd, ls and mkdir is the extent of my linux command knowledge!)
I also tried using Google Cloud Storage - I uploaded the data into a google storage bucket (as per but don't know how to complete the last step '4. On your instance, download files from the bucket.'
If anyone can figure out what i am doing wrong, or an easier method to get my own data running into a python jupyter notebook on GCP than using gcloud scp command please help!
Definitely try writing
to verify you're in the path you think you are, there's a chance that your scp command and the console SSH command login as different users.
To copy data from a bucket to the instance, do
gsutil cp gcs://bucket-name/you-file .
As you can see in gcloud compute docs , gcloud compute scp /Users/me/Desktop/my_data.csv aml-test:~/amlfolder will use your local environment username, so the tilde in your command refers to the home directory of a username that is the same name as your local.
But when you SSH from the Browser as you can see from docs that your Gmail username will be used.
So, you should check the home directory of the user used by gcloud compute scp ... command.
The easiest way to check, SSH to your VM and run
ls /home/ --recursive

How to auto create new hosts in Logentries for AWS EC2 autoscaling group

What's the best way to send logs from Auto scaling groups (of EC2) to Logentries.
I previously used the EC2 platform to create EC2 log monitoring for all of my EC2 instances created by an Autoscaling group. However according to Autoscaling rules, new instance will spin up if a current one is destroyed.
Now how do I create an automation for Logentries to create a new hosts and starting getting logs. I've read this I'm stuck at the override['le']['pull-server-side-config'] = false since I don't know anything about Chef (I just took the training from their site)
For an Autoscaling group, you need to get this baked into an AMI, or scripted to run on startup. You can get an EC2 instance to run commands on startup, after you've figured out which script to run.
The Logentries Linux Agent installation docs has setup instructions for an Amazon AMI (under Installation > Select your distro below > Amazon AMI).
Run the following commands one by one in your terminal:
You will need to provide your Logentries credentials to link the agent to your account.
sudo -s
tee /etc/yum.repos.d/logentries.repo <<EOF
name=Logentries repo
yum update
yum install logentries
le register
yum install logentries-daemon
I recommend trying that script once and seeing if it works properly for you, then you could include it in the user data for your Autoscaling launch configuration.