Remove last part of URL with regex - regex

I have lot of URL links that looks like:
I am trying to redirect them to:
I have a module in Prestashop where I can put regex for redirect old to new URL.
I am trying with:
OLD URL:\?product_rewrite=(.)
New URL:*)\
Unfortunately above is not working and can not find why - because module is not working properly or because I am giving wrong data.


RegEx: Rewrite URL with exception

I am trying to change the permalink structure of my Wordpress site and setting up proper redirects. Here is what I am trying to achieve:
Old permalink structure:
New permalink structure:
Redirecting would be fairly simply done by:
However, the base URL without the post-name must not be rewritten. So if someone access /category directly (without specifying a post-name) it should not redirect, because /category is a valid page. It should only redirect if something is following /category.
Example: -> Don't redirect -> redirect URL to
Any ideas how I can do this? Note: I am using the Yoast Plugin and its RegEx redirect option.
I am not a coder, so sorry for my gibberish. I hope I am making some sense.
Thank you! :)
Use .+ to match at least one character:

301 redirects - replace a section of the URL

I'm re-working a Woocommerce store, and I need to set up redirects that will send the old URLs, which include category names, to the new URLs, which won't.
EDIT: Both the old and new URLs will contain product/ and the old URL may or may not have a trailing slash.
An example would be:
Old URL:
New URL:
Can anyone tell me what the reg exp would be to achieve this?
Search for (?<=product/)(?:[^/]+/)+(?=[^/]+/?$) and replace with an empty string.

Redirect url regex

I need to make some redirections in a wordpress site with "Redirections" plugin that allows only regex. Exactly i need to transform this url model:
Only if "bar" is in url. Anyway, last segment can be like this /page.
How can i obtain that result?

Wordpress Redirection with Regex and keep querysting data

I am trying to have new redirect rules using regex, and need to reuse some of the data in the new URL format.
Old URL structure:
NEW URL Structure:
How should I do that?

Django url pattern doesn't match

I am using new Django 1.8 app to learn Django.
I am stumped as to how to get this my simple url to be resolved by
I create the url in another view as:
<a href="/photoview/{{}}/"}>
I can successfully pass this url to the browser as:
I am expecting that this url can be matched by the expression:
url('r^photoview/(?P<id>\d+)/$', views.photoview),
But this is not working. I have tried variations of this but none have worked so far, such as:
url('r^photoview/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/$', views.photoview),
I get this message in browser when it fails to match
Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/photoview/300/
Using the URLconf defined in asset.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
^$ [name='index']
The current URL, photoview/300/, didn't match any of these.
Appreciate any help getting this to work.
you have url('r^photoview/(?P<id>\d+)/$', views.photoview),
you want url(r'^photoview/(?P<id>\d+)/$', views.photoview),
(Note the r is in front of the string, not the first character)
As noted in,
The 'r' in front of each regular expression string is optional but
recommended. It tells Python that a string is “raw” – that nothing in
the string should be escaped
Also note that you should use a friendly name in your url definition (e.g. photoview) and then use {% url 'photoview' %} in your template instead of hardcoding the URL pattern.