CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT statement failed - azure-sqldw

When creating an external table, I get the below error:
Msg 105005, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT statement failed as the path name 'wasbs://' could not be used for export. Please ensure that the specified path is a directory which exists or can be created, and that files can be created in that directory.
I'm trying to create an external table using polybase, removing the REJECTED_ROW_LOCATION option works fine, but including it causes this error. How do I fix this?

Something else had already created the Reject_Directory/_rejectedrows folder, for some reason this caused a permissions error.
Delete the Reject_Directory/_rejectedrows folder from the blob store, so that Polybase can create it itself and the table can now be created.

Please check on below two things.
I was able to resolve this error by checking/adding the following things.
Make sure when you create credentials -> you add enough permissions while generating the tokens. This will help to create/loan the error records file in the ADLS container.
Make sure you use this with TYPE=HADOOP.
LOCATION='location', CREDENTIAL = credential name, TYPE=HADOOP).
and then try adding REJECT_ROW_LOCATION while creating EXTERNAL TABLE.


Move document in the another folder of same library using power automate workflow

I am new to the workflows. I have created a workflow where I need to move document which are not modified over one year to another folder of same library.
Source library : AAATestDocument
Destination : AAATestDocument/ArchivedDocuments
It moved document to the "ArchivedDocuments" folder but at last it does check for same folder and throwing error saying "/sites/TestSite/AAATestDocument/ArchivedDocuments does not exist."
Any idea how to resolve this issue for folders ? It should check recursively in all folder if it has any.
Here is my workflow.
here expression is for 1 day to test the flow "startOfDay(addDays(utcNow(),1))"
You could add conditions in your flow like the below:

Load files from folder with a custom query with power BI

I am trying to load csv files from a folder but I need to apply several custom steps to each file, including dropping the PromoteHeaders default.
I have a custom query that can load a single file successfully. How do I turn it into a query that loads all files in a folder?
By default, File.folder's "promoteHeaders" messes up my data because of a missing column name (which my custom query fixes).
The easiest way to create a function that reads a specific template of file is to actually do it. Just create the M to read it and by right click on the entity transform it to a function.
After that is really simple to transform your M so it uses parameters.
You can create a blank query and replace the code with this on as an example, customize with more steps to deal with your file requirements.
= (myFile) => let
Source = Csv.Document(myFile,[Delimiter=",", Columns=33, Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])
And then Invoke Custom Function for each file with the content as the parameter.

load data into power BI from relative path

I am trying to find a solution to load an external data file but from a relative path, so when someone else open my PBIX it will still work on his/her computer.
many thanks.
Relative paths are *not* currently supported by Power BI.
To ease the pain, you can create a variable that contains the path where the files are located, and use that variable to determine the path of each table. That way, you only have to change a single place (that variable) and all the tables will automatically point to the new location.
Create a Blank Query, give it a name (e.g. dataFolderPath) and type in the path where your files are (e.g. C:\Users\augustoproiete\Desktop)
With the variable created, edit each of your tables in the Advanced Editor and concatenate your variable with the name of the file.
e.g. instead of "C:\Users\augustoproiete\Desktop\data.xlsx", change it to dataFolderPath & "\data.xlsx"
You can also vote/watch this feature request to be notified when it gets implemented:
Support relative path to excel/csv sources
You can use also the "Parameters" function.
1. Create a new Parameter like "PathExcelFiles"
Edit your "Source" entry
Done !
I don't think this is possible yet.
Please add your support for this idea so the Microsoft Power BI team will be more likely to add this as a new feature.
I couldn't bear the fact that there is no possibility to use relative paths, but finally I had to...
So I tried to find a half-decent acceptable workaround.
Using Python-Script it is at least possible to get access to the users %HOME% directory.
PySource = Python.Execute("from pathlib import Path#(lf)import pandas as pd#(lf)dataset = pd.DataFrame([[str(Path.home())]], columns = [1])"),
homeDir = Text.Trim(Lines.ToText(PySource{[Name="dataset"]}[Value][1])),
The same should be possible with R-Script but didn't do it.
Anybody knows any better solution to get the %HOME% directory inside "Power" Query? I would be glad to have one.
Then I created two scripts inside my working directory install.bat:
if exist "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt" GOTO :ERROR
#This is are the key commands
mkdir "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath"
echo|set /p="%cd%" > "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt"
#Just a little message box
SET msgboxTitle=There is already another working directory installed.
SET /p msgboxBody=<"%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt"
SET tmpmsgbox=%temp%\~tmpmsgbox.vbs
IF EXIST "%tmpmsgbox%" DEL /F /Q "%tmpmsgbox%"
ECHO msgbox "%msgboxBody%",0,"%msgboxTitle%">"%tmpmsgbox%"
WSCRIPT "%tmpmsgbox%"
and uninstall_all.bat:
if exist "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt" RMDIR /S /Q "%HOME%\.pbiTemplatePath\"
So in "Power" BI I did this:
PySource = Python.Execute("from pathlib import Path#(lf)import pandas as pd#(lf)dataset = pd.DataFrame([[str(Path.home())]], columns = [1])"),
homeDir = Text.Trim(Lines.ToText(PySource{[Name="dataset"]}[Value][1])),
workingDirFile = Text.Combine({homeDir, ".PbiTemplatePath\filepath.txt"} , "\"),
workingDir = Text.Trim(Lines.ToText(Csv.Document(File.Contents(workingDirFile),[Delimiter=";", Columns=1, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])[Column1])),
Now if my git-repository (containing a "Power" BI-template-file and some config-files saying the template where to load the data from and the install/uninstall-scripts). Install has to be executed once and nobody has to copy and paste any path.
I'd be glad about any suggestion of improvement. It's not the solution Gotham deserves... Gotham deserves a better one.
As mentioned by a few people, you can use a dataset parameter and reference that in your script. What I haven't seen mentioned is that you can change these values using an API call:

Set screenshot path from default project location to different folder location

I have a suite which has 50 test cases. When I execute my suite, I get all the failed screenshots listed in the project's folder. I want to point and store those screenshots to a different directory with the name of the test case. I wanted it to be a one time setup than doing it explicitly for every test cases.
There's quite a few ways to change the screenshots default directory.
One way is to set the screenshot_root_directory argument when importing Selenium2Library. See the importing section of Selenium2Library's documentation, and importing libraries in the user guide.
Another way is to use the Set Screenshot Directory keyword, which will do pretty much the same thing as specifying a path when importing the library. Though, using this keyword you can set the path to a new one whenever you like. For example, you could make it so that each test case could have it's own screenshot directory using this keyword. According to your question, this may be the best solution.
And finally, you may also post-process screenshots using an external tool, or even a listener, that would move all screenshots to another directory. Previously mentioned solutions are in most cases much better, but you still may want to do this in some cases, where say, the directory where you want screenshots to be saved would be created only after the tests have finished executing.
I suggest you to do the follow:
For new directory, you should put the following immediately after where you open a browser such:
Open Browser ${URL} chrome
Set screenshot directory ${OUTPUT FILE}${/}..${/}${TEST_NAME}${/}
For replace the screenshot name from the default to your own name, create the following keyword:
Capture page screenshot filename=${SUITE_NAME}-{index}.png
Then, create another keyword and run it on Setup's test case:
Register Keyword To Run On Failure sc
In the above example, I created a new folder with the test case name, which create a screenshot (in case of failure) with the name of suite project name (instead of 'selenium-screenshot-1.png').

Toad schema name in objects

In the Schema Browser, Toad automatically includes the schema name in the name of database objects. For example, when I click on a procedure to see it's source, it goes:
Is there a way to disable this? Such that it shows
This would make copying code and running it in other schema's a lot easier!
This is not intuitive at all, but the Schema Browser is using the Editor option to include schema names. See the Editor|Open/Save page in Options. Set the "Owner name" value accordingly in the "Object loading" group box.
Always include - always includes schema name
Never include - never includes schema name
Include on loads from other schemas - includes name when the object is not owned by the logged on schema