AWS console search in array - amazon-web-services

I am looking for a string that I can paste into AWS search(searching volumes for example) in browser so I can look for volume names/id's either like "foo" or like "bar", so in essence "if in array" type of search.
I tried multiple approaches and fail on every one. Only thing that I can do is paste my string, hit enter, paste another one, hit enter, its feasible for 2 strings but not for 10.

If you click the "?" button in the search field (at least in EC2) you get a "search help" view describing advanced usages of the search bar:
This help page shows that you can use regular expressions. This one should work for your use case: \bFOO|\bBAR
Help window screenshot for reference:


How to open different links on different tabs and run javascript code on console

i wish someone could help me! i will try to be precise to explain what i want to reach.
Imagine that regularly i will have some websites where i will need to inject some javascript through console, or make this scrip to run on the website somehow.
So lets say i have 3 links for now:,,
The behavior i want to reach:
Open 1st tab, go to, run a js script
Open 2nd tab, go to.... (youve got the idea)
it will always run the same script for every page.
And after it runs the last script in the last tab, i want to start everything again, repeat this loop.
And would be great if this code could be nicely readable and functional, for example. Whenever i wanted to add a new link, i would do this so that the code would keep working without needing to change nothing.
Example: we have an array of links ['', '', '']. So for a new link, i just needed to push a new to the array and everything would work fine. It would suit me a lot.
But if theres even a better idea, i would be welcome. I am totally newbie to iMacros, but i have been here to PC for 12h in a row sitting searching, and i am not getting so great results.
So below is what i have reached so far, but nothing working :/
SET !VAR1 EVAL("array[{{!LOOP}} - 1];")
TAB T={{!LOOP}} + 1
SET S EVAL("('{{!LOOP}}' == 1) ? 'imacros://run/?m={{next}}.iim' :
SET test EVAL("{{!LOOP}} > 2 ? 'DONE' : '';")
SET stop EVAL("if ('{{test}}') URL GOTO={{S}};")```

Kate Text Editor regexp for CNC code alteration on PC

When using some CAM software, the CNC code is usually generated properly with spaces.
But for example when moved to "Citizen Cincom L20" machine via USB or network and edited there it lose spaces and also lose semicolons while preserving new lines which does work as semicolons anyway.
But since editing of CNC program happens in 3 places: CAM Software(ESPRIT in this case), CNC machine controller and also via text editor on the computer as postprocessor in ESPRIT is garbage.I've come up with this regex
\1 \2
G1 G99 X5.4 Z-.5 F.12
that works in Kate to space everything back again for clearer reviwing of code. The only issue about it is that I need to do that manually for every file and I would like to automate it, preferably via Kate, so it would happen upon opening any ????.PRG plain text files.
But I do not exactly know how such happening should be called is it like macro or what ?
I'm looking for some suggestions to accomplish this. Or maybe some alternative solutions
First, go to View -> Tool Views -> Show Search and Replace. You will see
Make sure you:
Enable {} regex option on the right as you are using a regex
Enable "AB" option on the right that enables case sensitive matching
Select In Folder value from the dropdown on the right
Fill out the regex, replacement, Folder and the Filter fields with the appropriate values
Click Search button.
You will see the results in a separate pane and Replace / Replace Checked buttons will become enabled.
Review the replacements and click Replace Checked:
Then you may check the updated file contents, and if you are satisifed with the results, use Save All, also by pressing CTRL+L.

How to view entire contents of AWS Cloudwatch application logs?

As shown in the scresnshot we see a snippet of messages. The one shown here "fits" due to its brevity: but other lines (contents of which I can not show due to privacy) are truncated at 212 characters.
I would like to just view the entire contents "raw" without the dropdown arrow or truncations. There was some way to do that but I can not find it at this point. Pointers appreciated.
I don't know if I understood correct, but there is a checkbox called View as text.
When it is checked it will show you all log stream as pure text. Not as line collapsed anymore.
See it below.
If you prefer CLI you can try something like this -

Auto-filling Word documents with Access VBA: Normal.dotm template issues

A somewhat similar question has been asked before, but the solution didn't work for me.
For instance,
I have a MS Access 2010 database. In my database I have a form with a button. I've programmed the button to open a saved word document, populated book-marked places in the document, then save-as the word document with a name that includes the time (henceforth referred to as the auto-filled document). This all works just fine.
The problem:
If a different MS word document was already open when I clicked the button, then I have trouble closing the resulting auto-filled document. This is what happens:
1) I try to "x" out of my auto-filled word document.
2) the computer tells me that "This file is in use by another application or user // (C:....\Normal.dotm)"
3) I click "ok"
4) it offers to save-as the Normal template.
5) I click "cancel"
6) I try to "x" out of the word application once more.
7) the computer prompts me: "Changes have been made that affect the global template, Normal. Do you want to save those changes?"
8) I click "Don't save"
9) the application closes.
(This only occurs for instances when a word document is already open when I click the button on the form. Otherwise it works perfectly.)
My question:
Normally, I would just shrug and live with these extra few steps, but I'm the one making the database, so I have to think about my users. (Would it mess anything up to save the normal template--step 7?)
I googled this for a while. For similar situations, some people suggested adding objApp.NormalTemplate.Saved = True (where objApp is the Word application object), but this did not work for me.
Can someone please tell me what's going on? Is there a solution?
Any help will be much appreciated.
What you need to do is check to see if an instance of Word is already open. If it is, you might want to let your user know they need to close their Word doc.
' Handle Error In-Line
On Error Resume Next
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
'If we got an error, that means there was no Word Instance
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Msgbox ("You're going to need to close any open Word docs before you can perform this function.", vbOK)
Exit Sub
End If
'Reset Error Handler
On Error GoTo 0

Preserve Case Replace in Sublime Text 3

From having done a bit of googling on this it seems that it is or at least was possible to do this with Sublime Text. I have seen multiple references to a preserve case button in the find and replace pane which looks like 2 rounded squares superimposed on each other.
However, I can't find this at all in my version of Sublime Text 3 (on Mavericks)...
Also I checked preferences to see if this option was somehow turned off but the only reference I could find to it was:
{ "keys": ["super+alt+a"], "command": "toggle_preserve_case", "context":
{ "key": "setting.is_widget", "operator": "equal", "operand": true }
in the default key map file...
Here is a screenshot of my find and replace pane:
In the latest Sublime 3 build (3059) there is a dedicated icon in the replace dialog to preserve the case. When toggling it and using the input shown in the screenshot, the following input string will be converted to the following output:
Input: "Xhis is my xest."
Output: "This is my test."
It's not exactly an answer to your almost 1.5 years old question, but maybe you (or somebody else) find(s) the following useful:
I wrote a ST package which includes a feature to preserve the case while editing multiple selections. It even preserves cases with separators like snake_case, dash-case, etc.
It is called MultiEditUtils. Here you can see the described feature.
Looks like it might have been a glitch in ST3 that was causing confusion.
I noticed that the shortcut key combo for replace has never worked for some reason and also that selecting replace from the find menu opened the find in file pane as opposed to the regular find and replace pane (where the preserve case button is). I only realised this after installing the soda theme for ST3 which showed the preserve case button in a screenshot.
Strangely, when I reverted to the default theme, the find > replace menu now works as it should and I found that the keyboard shortcut was being causght by another program which was why it didn't work...