How to get a value inside a map that is inside a tuple - tuples

I have a tuple as a response for a function. It returns
{:ok, %User{name: "John Doe", age: 21, code: "123456"}}
and I need the code. How do I access the map inside this tuple to get only the code?

You can just use the pattern matching
{:ok, %User{code: code}} = {:ok, %User{name: "John Doe", age: 21, code: "123456"}}
Take a look at the documentation.

You can use elem(tup,1) (documentation) to get the second element in the tuple, and square brackets to get code from the User struct. e.g.
user = elem(tup,1)
code = user[:code]


How to enforce double quotes on all template values in input transformer

I have a JSON input that I would like to transform to another JSON output. I defined my list of input JSONPaths, and trying to create a simple JSON output in the template like so:
"fax": \"<userFax>\"
This was one of the formats given in the example from AWS themselves:
"instance": \"<instance>\",
"state": [9, \"<state>\", true],
"Transformed": "Yes"
However, when I try to update the changes, I get the following error:
Invalid InputTemplate for target ... : [Source: (String)"{ "fax": \"null\" }"; line: 2, column: 13].
Basically, I'd like all incoming values in the input to be converted to strings as an output via the template. This is to prevent values like zip codes from being converted into an integer and having it's leading zero stripped away. But it's confusing that even following the simple example from AWS is failing.

Regular Expression to strip sensitive information from a JSON object

I have a JSON object something like below from which i wanted to strip out sensitive information like password, mobile no, etc. using Regular Expressions,
Example JSON
"SecurityQuestion":"what is your first pet name",
"SecurityAnswer": "snoopy"
From the above JSON object, I wanted to strip out sensitive information like "password" and "SecurityAnswer". I tried various regular expression patterns but it was removing only either any one of the item.
I need help or guidance on how to construct a regular expression, in which i can include any names in the expression and then those fields will be stripped out of the JSON.
Expected Output:
"SecurityQuestion":"what is your first pet name"
Note: If a password is the last property, then the expression should be able to remove the comma (,) also from the previous property.
I tried the expression from Regex remove json property with various combinations but none were working as per my requirement.
If you want to get values from JSON, you don't need to use regex and make a very complex regular expression.
var data = {
"SecurityQuestion":"what is your first pet name",
"SecurityAnswer": "snoopy"
That is your object, now if you want to retrieve the data simply treat it like a json.
function retrieveData( Obj ) {
return {
username: Obj.username,
SecurityQuestion: Obj.Security.SecurityQuestion
var extractedData = retrieveData(data);

How to pass multiple regexpression extracted values to a single http request?

I am sending First request to server:
POST -->(A)
I have written Regular Expression extractor((?<=\"Values":")(.*?)(?=\")) to extract Resourcenames like "Ray Gwilliams" and "James Mark" from the response of (A),
Now, I have another request(as mentioned below) to which, I need to pass all the Resource names("Ray Gwilliams" and "James Mark") extracted above.
Please let me know how to achieve this.
POST data:
[{"ColumnName":"CONTACTNAME","ColumnIId":0,"UdfIId":null,"ConditionIId":0,"OperatorIId":1,"SequenceNo":0,"Values":"Ray Gwilliams
","Lookup":null,"LookupIId":0,"LookupSource":0,"LookupType":0,"MultipleOperatorIIds":null,"MultipleValues":null,"ColumnDataType":null},{"ColumnName":"CONTACTNAME","ColumnIId":0,"UdfIId":null,"ConditionIId":0,"OperatorIId":1,"SequenceNo":0,"Values":"James Mark
I have not used the regular expression but if you use the JSON Extractor element and put the extracted value into a variable, you would just add the variable into the 2nd POST request. For example:
POST data:
"Values":"${variable1} ","Lookup":null,"LookupIId":0,
"ColumnDataType":null}, {"ColumnName":"CONTACTNAME",
"Values":"${variable2} ","Lookup":null,"LookupIId":0,
Tip: To get the value you want extracted, use jmeter's JSON Path Tester in the View Results in Tree listenter element or this helper tool:

Replace variable names with actual class Properties - Regex? (C#)

I need to send a custom email message to every User of a list ( List < User > ) I have. (I'm using C# .NET)
What I would need to do is to replace all the expressions (that start with "[?&=" have "variableName" in the middle and then ends with "]") with the actual User property value.
So for example if I have a text like this:
"Hello, [?&=Name]. A gift will be sent to [?&=Address], [?&=Zipcode], [?&=Country].
If [?&=Email] is not your email address, please contact us."
I would like to get this for the user:
"Hello, Mary. A gift will be sent to Boulevard Spain 918, 11300, Uruguay.
If is not your email address, please contact us."
Is there a practical and clean way to do this with Regex?
This is a good place to apply regex.
The regular expression you want looks like this /\[\?&=(\w*)\]/ example
You will need to do a replace on the input string using a method that allows you to use a custom function for replacement values. Then inside that function use the first capture value as the Key so to say and pull the correct corresponding value.
Since you did not specify what language you are using I will be nice and give you an example in C# and JS that I made for my own projects just recently.
Loop through matches
Key is in first capture group
Check if replacements dict/obj/db/... has value for the Key
if Yes, return Value
else return ""
email = Regex.Replace(email, #"\[\?&=(\w*)\]",
match => //match contains a Key & Replacements dict has value for that key
match?.Groups[1].Value != null
&& replacements.ContainsKey(match.Groups[1].Value)
? replacements[match.Groups[1].Value]
: "");
var content = text.replace(/\[\?&=(\w*)\]/g,
function (match, p1) {
return replacements[p1] || "";

How to pass multiple arguments to custom written Robot Framework Keyword?

Custom Keyword written in python 2.7:
#keyword("Update ${filename} with ${properties}")
def set_multiple_test_properties(self, filename, properties):
for each in values.split(","):
each = each.replace(" ", "")
key, value = each.split("=")
self.set_test_properties(filename, key, value)
When we send paremeters in a single line as shown below, its working as expected:
"Update sample.txt with "test.update=11,timeout=20,delay.seconds=10,maxUntouchedTime=10"
But when we modify the above line with a new lines (for better readability) it's not working.
Update sample.txt with "test.update = 11,
Any clue on this please?
I am not very sure whether it will work or not, but please try like this
Update sample.txt with "test.update = 11,
... timeout=20,
... delay.seconds=10,
... maxUntouchedTime=10"
Your approach is not working, cause the 2nd line is considered a call to a keyword (called "timeout=20,"), the 3rd another one, and so on. The 3 dots don't work cause they are "cell separators" - delimiter b/n arguments.
If you are going for readability, you can use the Catenate kw (it's in the Strings library):
${props}= Catenate SEPARATOR=${SPACE}
... test.update = 11,
... timeout=20,
... delay.seconds=10,
... maxUntouchedTime=10
, and then call your keyword with that variable:
Update sample.txt with "${props}"
btw, a) I think your keyword declaration in the decorator is without the double quotes - i.e. called like that ^ they'll be treated as part of the argument's value, b) there seems to be an error in the py method - the argument's name is "properties" while the itterator uses "values", and c) you might want to consider using named varargs (**kwargs in python, ${kwargs} in RF syntax) for this purpose (sorry, offtopic, but couldn't resist :)