trying to create password in c++ [closed] - c++

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to do password handling in C++.
For example, I want the password to be 12345678, but no matter what I insert as a meaning of 'a' it always says that the password is correct, so basically it always thinks the quantity of 'a' is equal to the quantity of 'x'.
At the beginning, I tried to do it like this:
if (a = 12345678)
cout << "password is correct";
This didn't work either.
here is the picture of the code:

The problem is a = 12345678 is operation that sets ato 12345678 and returns a by reference. So your if statement simply doesn't do what you want - instead of checking whether a is 12345678, it sets a to 12345678 and then checks if a isn't zero.
To fix it replace = with == for comparison.
if (a == 12345678)
cout << "password is correct";
Though, it is a bit strange that password is a number and not a string... but whatever.


If … change a variable’s value [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I’m trying to make a tic-tac-toe program; I'm adding an if statement to change a variable's value if the condition is met. But when the condition is met, the variable that's value should be changed is 0.
I'm doing this in c++
cout <<player1 << ", which position would you like to add your X?: " << endl;
cin >> x1;
if (x1 == (b)) {
N.B. When it asks you which position would you like it add your X, I am typing "a".
I expected xx1's value to change to 5 but instead of 5 it was 0.
Edit: I was using the "=" operator instead of the "==" operator. I ran the code and it worked, though now, a couple minutes later, it isn't working. I don't know what I did to make this happen, because the only thing that I did was setting it up for other letters.
To check if variables are equal you should use == operator.
You can read more about comparison operators here

Why does A resolve true, but B does not? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Why does A resolve true, but B does not?
Bosses = {
'A' : 5,
'B' : [5,6]
for key, value in Bosses.iteritems():
if value == 5:
print "Yes for " + key
print "No for " + key
You could add an additional check like this
if (isinstance(value, list) and 5 in value) or value == 5:
print "Yes for " + key
print "No for " + key

C++ checking elements of strings for equality [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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given a string in this format:
I am to convert it to military time.
My idea is to check element 8 of the string for whether it is a 'P' or an 'A' and modify the string accordingly however this expression:
if (time[8] == 'P' );
always evaluates as true whether time[8] is an 'A' or a 'P' or even a '7'
Because you have an extra semicolon, right after the if statement.

C++ character check [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have just started to learn C++ and i would like to get some help.
The user needs to type an ID number and the format has to be the following. The first character B and the other 4 any integer.
Im trying to check if the character format are right.
So far i have this:
if ((isalpha(id[0])=='B' ) && (isdigit( && (isdigit( ......
//do something
cout << "Wrong format" << endl;
but even if i type example B8745 it says wrong format.
You are comparing the result of isalpha, which is boolean, to character literal 'B'.

Hold letters and numbers in std::string C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a simple program to take serial numbers as an input and then searche them to find out what year the product was made in.
I am having some trouble getting a std::string to hold both numbers and letters.
std::string serial;
serial = b1234;
For example, if I run this through my compiler, I get the error message 'invalid digit in decimal constant'.
Is there a simple way to hold letters and numbers together in a string?
Basic C++ syntax says that string literals are delimited by " quotation marks.
const std::string serial = "b1234";
No. A a std::string is a string of characters, so you can't save integers in that string.
You're trying to write "b1234", I guess. Have you read any tutorial on C++ strings?