Out of memory increment operator with strange syntax - coldfusion

This ColdFusion will compile and run. And later causes a GC Limit.
<cfset theCount = 0++>
{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"GC overhead limit exceeded","timeStamp":1570564484803,"path":null}
What is going on?
Ref: This code came from a comment on: count total records for each user

I don't think there is much interesting in this. It is a run time bug, but it should have been a compile time error. Hopefully Adobe will fix it.


Accessing Max Input Delay with C++ on Windows

I am having trouble obtaining certain data from Windows Performance Counters with C++. I will preface my question by stating that I am new to both C++ and to developing for Windows, but I have spent some time on this issue already so I feel familiar with the concepts I am discussing here.
How do I use Windows PDH (Performance Data Helper) C++ to obtain Max Input Delay--either per session or per process? Are there certain Performance Counters that are not available outside of perfmon?
Progress so far:
I have used this example to log some Performance Counters successfully, but the ones I want produce the error code 0xC0000BB8: "The specified object is not found on the system." This confuses me because I can access the objects--"User Input Delay per Process" or "User Input Delay per Session"--fine through perfmon. I even went as far as enabling the counter in the registry as outlined in the article I linked in my question, despite being on a build of Windows 10 that should have it enabled by default. I had to make a small change to get the code to compile, but I have changed only the definition of COUNTER_PATH during my testing because, again, the code works as advertised except when it comes to the counter I want to access. Specifically:
Does not compile:
CONST PWSTR COUNTER_PATH = L"\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Time";
Does compile and log:
CONST wchar_t *COUNTER_PATH = L"\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Timee";
CONST PWSTR COUNTER_PATH = const_cast<PWSTR>(TEXT( "\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Time" ));
Compiles, but throws error code 0xC0000BB8 at runtime (This is the Counter I want to access):
CONST PWSTR COUNTER_PATH = const_cast<PWSTR>(TEXT( "\\User Input Delay per Session(1)\\Max Input Delay" ));
The hardcoded session ID of 1 in the string was for troubleshooting purposes, but wildcard (*) and 0 were also used with the same result. The counter path matches that shown in perfmon.
Essentially, all Performance Counters that I have attempted to access with this code--about 5 completely different ones--have successfully logged the data being requested, but the one I want to access continues to be evasive.
I asked this same question on Microsoft Q&A and received the answer:
The Performance Counters in question require administrator privileges to access. All I had to do was run this program in administrator command prompt, and that solved my issue.

LoadFrame (MFC) failing only in Australia

Our team has a bug that has stumped us.
The following code returns false:
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame;
if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME))
return FALSE;
We're compiling using VS2010, and we do have the RogueWave Stingray component installed. The CMainFrame is a CBCGPMDIFrameWnd which is based off of a CMDIFrameWnd and made by BCGSoft.
We have our software running on about 100 machines globally with no issues. Its running on Windows 7-10 x86 & x64. It always worked, until this week. A small group of people in Mildura, Australia have reported an issue. For all of them, running WIN7x86Enterprise and Win10x64Home, the code snippet above returns false. I personally inspected one of their machines (Win10x64Home) and everything seems to be in order.
I've tried deleting the RES and APS files for the project. That didn't help.
Does anyone know what the problem might be? I'm open to educated guesses.
Thanks in advance!
PS: New Info:
It looks like its a time issue. On the computer, everything UTC+ fails, and UTC0 & UTC- pass. We aren't sure why. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
We were doing TimeDate calcs on an elapsed timestamp using the epoch as a starting point. MFC doesn't allow dates before the epoch, so all UTC+ failed the date creation. This bug has been fixed. Thank you to everyone.
Here is the code that was causing the issue (fixed). We added one day on for everything to work. CTime::CTime(1970,1,1,0,0,0) w/ UTC+ ,making it before 1/1/1970 in London, fails.
CTime t1 = CTime::CTime(yearInt,monthInt,dayInt,0,0,0);
CTime t2 = CTime::CTime(1970,1,2,0,0,0);
CTimeSpan timeSpan = t1-t2;
versionDate = timeSpan.GetDays() + 1;

c++ local variable gets overwritten (but only on some notebook)

I am facing some strange behaviour appearing only on some notebook.
I am developing in c++ using msvc 2012 and the qt framework.
I will try to sum up the problem and i am hoping that someone has any idea what the problem could be or what i could try to find out..
Generally it's the following problem:
void myclass::foo()
const double value1 = 100.0;
double value2;
value2 = some_function_returning_double();
if(value1 > value2)
//__ do something
The problem is that the condition fails as the local variable gets overwritten.
If I do some debug output i can see that variable value1 is not 100.0 anymore but some random value .. so that the comparison randomly fails ..
One thing i figured out is that everything just works fine if i don't use local variables. If i set up value1 and value2 as member variables of my class everything works without problems, but that can't be the solution.
Now the strange thing is that this error does only occur on some notebook (some mobile i5 cpu).
On my machine (i5) and on many other notebooks (even other mobile i5) everything just works fine.
I know that you won't be able to solve my problem with this little information i can offer here, but maybe some of you has any hint what the problem could be and what i could try to solve this.
Many thanks in advance.
In visual studio 2012, add a data breakpoint (debug->new breakpoint->new data breakpoint) on the address of the variable that gets overwritten.
First, break at the start of the function.
Then set the data breakpoint: just type &value1 in the "New breakpoint` the input box.
Then it should break just after the value has been modified, and you should see the culprit.
Data breakpoints are a very powerful tool, that helped me found nasty bugs very quickly.

Timed Indexed Color sets in CPN Tools that results in Unhandled Exception Error

I am using CPN Tools to model a distributed system. CPN Tools uses CPN ML an extension of SML. The project homepage is: cpntools.org
I started with a simple model and when I try to make a particular indexed color set timed, I get an "Internal error". There is another indexed colorset within my Petri-net model that is timed and works correctly. I am not sure how I can troubleshoot since I don't understand the error message. Could you help me interpret the error message or give me some hints on what I could be doing wrong?
The model is:
The declarations of the model are:
The error message is:
Internal error: Compile error when generating code. Caught error.../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:296.17-296.20../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:44.55../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
structure CPN`TransitionID1413873858 = struct ... end (* see simulator debug info for full code *)
Thank you~
I know this is an old question, but I run in the same problem and wasted too much time on this, so maybe it will help someone else in the future.
I didn't understand exactly the reason for this, but it seems the problem appears when you play with time values on an arch that ends to a transition (I was updating an integer value to the current time, using IntInf.toInt(time())). Now, if I move the code on the outgoing arch of that transition (that is: the one that ends in a place) there is no error.

MySQL++ - Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable was corrupted

im having issues with MySQL++ and desperately need help.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010, MySQL++ v3.1.0 and MySQL v5.1.59( x86 & x64 );
All Library's have been compiled correctly. This error only occurs in Debug version due to the compiler setting "Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu) (/RTC1)" being on.
Edit: I should note that this only happens in Debug version. In Release it works like a charm
I've tracked the problem back to the mysqlpp_d.dll, the MySQL++ object are crashing on there destructors due to reference counting. It complains about not being capable of accessing the memory of the ref counter, and when it tries to decrease it, it crashes. At least thats what I think happens.
I tried this to make sure everything gets derefrenced and removed in the correct order (even tho its irrelevant, but helped me track the true problem down I hope): http://pastebin.com/Ru0uYcy9
It crashes with:
First-chance exception at 0x000007feeef5dd4c (mysqlpp_d.dll) in Launcher.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x000007feeeff5148.
Unhandled exception at 0x000007feeef5dd4c (mysqlpp_d.dll) in Launcher.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x000007feeeff5148.
And breakes here:
This code has a serious bug:
mysqlpp::UseQueryResult res;
mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query();
query << "SELECT USER();";
res = query.use();
row = res.fetch_row();
You aren't consuming all the result sets. In MySQL, stored procedures that return data return at least two separate result sets: the first is the results you asked for, and the second is status information about the call itself. See examples/multiquery.cpp in the MySQL++ source distribution for the correct way to handle this. Also see section 3.16 in the MySQL++ user manual.
The main consequence of this is that later queries on the same connection will fail.
I think your memory corruption is actually a secondary effect, and that the primary problem stems from ignoring the MySQL C API's attempts to tell you that you're trying to run two overlapping queries on the same connection, because you didn't consume the entire first result set. From what little code you've posted, I can see that you're ignoring returned error codes, so if you've also disabled MySQL++ exceptions, your code will completely ignore this error and blithely go on to stomp all over things it shouldn't.
By the way, please lose the trailing semicolon on the query. It isn't needed with the C API, and can cause confusion, especially in the face of multi-queries. Use semicolons only to separate multiple statements in a single query.