Instagram Webhook subscription fails - facebook-graph-api

I am trying to enable an Instagram story_insights webhook on a live Facebook App. I am able to receive test data successfully, but won't receive any live data.
The webhook has been configured via the Facebook App Dashboard for an app with both "manage_pages" and "instagram_manage_insights" permissions granted.
I tried to perform a POST request to the {page-id}/subscribed_apps endpoint but couldn't subscribe to the instagram story insights as there is no related subscribed_field.
Is registering the webhook in the app dashboard sufficient to receive data, or do I need to perform some kind of registration for each Facebook Page connected to an Instagram Business account?
With Graph API version 3.2, the /{page-id}/subscribed_apps edge now requires the subscribed_fields parameter, which currently doesn't support Instgram webhooks fields. To get around this, use an older version of the API, or include the subscribed_fields parameter with a non-Instagram field, then unsubscribe from the field later using your app's dashboard.
Just use some field that will most likely not change from your Facebook Page, like "email".

From the API docs it says ( )
Technically it doesn't matter which Page Field you subscribe to. Your app will not receive notifications of changes to that field unless you configure Page subscriptions in the App Dashboard and subscribe to that field.


How does work and how to integrate it?

I am a bit confused on how does work and how to integrate it, in my project I am using Angular as frontend and node.js as backend and I have installed via npm install authorizenet also cloned the Node.js sample code and I would like to set like so.
Let's say I have a form on my website where the customer needs to enter their details including the credit card details, my question is when submitting (using HTTP Request Method: POST) does my website need to redirect to Authorize or is there a widget that Authorize uses that I can implement in my website or are the details send directly to Authorize and handled there.
On submitting the details from the website do I simply call let's say the function from the sample codes (modified for my site) charge-credit-card.js ?
After that where do I receive the response, do I need to somehow capture it ?
Do I simply use the Production API Endpoint: use my Api login and transaction key to use Authorize, at least that's the way in the documentation from my understanding - After building the XML object for an API request, submit it to the payment gateway as a standard HTTPS POST to an API endpoint. The exact process for doing this will depend upon the development language that you use.
Thank you in advance.
Your server will never know the customer's credit card details.
when user first time registers in your site then you will create one customer for using this code and you will save the customer id returned to your db for future reference.
To Update customer's credit card details:
create one API controller from your node server which will return authenticating token from to your frontend. Get token code
Your front end will make call to above created controller's API and get the token.
Now, your front end will use this token to get the update details form from authorize.
Then you will use authorize webhook facility to know if user has updated theit payment details or not.
Webhooks to be tracked:
On receiving below notifications, your node server will perform the whatever task required.
Refer this doc for more details.

Is it possible to send and fetch Facebook messages using Graph API for v4.0 or greater?

I want to create a web application using PHP which will allow to connect Facebook accounts with my application and once they authenticated my application can fetch inbox messages of that user and can auto reply to the messages received against authenticated Facebook accounts.
Also, allow user to send messages manually from my application to Facebook inbox.
Is this possible with Graph API or any other Facebook API which will allow me to do above mentioned things.
Some people was told that this feature is no longer available after Facebook Graph API v2.4.
and once they authenticated my application can fetch inbox messages of that user and can auto reply to the messages received against authenticated Facebook accounts.
Neither of those two things is possible.
You can not read the messages of user accounts any more, and you can not reply in their name either.
The only messaging that can be handled via API, is that between a user and a page.
Assuming you refer to Page conversations, not user conversation, see /conversations and /messages docs here:

Facebook Graph API return error when call Business Discovery API

When I call the api:{followers_count,media_count}
in Graph API explore, I got an invalid parameter error:
(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (business_discovery) on node type (User)
Could anyone please explain to me what I miss in the API url?
This only works for Instagram Business Accounts, but you seem to be using it with a normal user id.
As says,
Instagram Platform API account IDs will not work with the new Instagram Graph API. Please use the Page node to determine the correct Instagram Business Account ID associated with the Facebook page.
You can not use this for other types of Instagram accounts, only for business accounts.
In my case the problem was that the instagram account was not connected to the page when the access-token was issue i.e. I added the instagram account after connecting the app.
So what worked for me was to remove the app, make sure that the instagram account is connected to the page the connect the app. Now the access token works.

Facebook Messenger subscribed apps, page and app access token generation

I am hitting a wall while developing seamless integration of a Facebook page with my bot.
Essentially I want to achieve same integration than Chatfuel or Manychat have, where being logged in with your Facebook account lets you to just choose what page you are connecting to them and you are good to go.
The problem I am facing is generating the proper token in order to bind the selected page to my app (bot). As per Facebook documentation:
When you create a subscribed_apps edge, the page-id you use in endpoint must match the page ID of the page access token used in the API call. The app that the access token is for is installed for the page.
Given the call has no other parameter than the access token, this access token has to be enough for Facebook to:
Authorize the action on the page.
Identify what app is being subscribed to the page.
This is confirmed while using the Facebook Graph API Explorer, where one selects the page and the app to bind and a proper access token is generated:
This token properly works using cURL in the terminal:
$ curl -X POST '<MY_APP_ID_HERE>/subscribed_apps?access_token=<TOKEN_PASTED_FROM_GRAPH_API_EXPLORER>'
With the Facebook Access token debugger (info icon on the left of the access token, then open in Access token tool), it is confirmed that the token knows about both the page and the app that have to be connected.
The question is, how are these page-app related token programmatically produced? I can't seem to find the proper API call in Facebook documentation and it is by all means possible, as Chatfuel and Manychat are doing this.
Thanks in advance for your support Lars Schwarz and community!
Adding some detail to Alex's answer, for it to be more complete.
When subscribing an app to a page, Facebook needs to:
Know what app you are talking about.
Know what page you are talking about.
Know that you have permissions on that page to subscribe an app.
How does Facebook know it all?
1 comes from the fact that Facebook login happens in the context of a page, actually, the Javascript code for Facebook contains your appId:
js.src = '<YOUR_APP_ID_IS_HERE>&autoLogAppEvents=1';
2 Comes from the page_id in the URL used to subscribe apps to pages:
3 Comes from the access token, obtained in the context of an APP through Facebook login, that is passed as parameter in the URL used to subscribe apps to pages:
To do this, you need to put FB Login on your site/customer portal and request pages_messaging and manage_pages permissions. The person that logs in must be a Page Admin.
Once your app has been granted that permission for the page, you can generate a page access token as described here:

Communicating over Messenger on behalf of another user's page

I want to make a Messenger bot with Messenger platform. But this bot needs to be connected to other Facebook users' pages, not my own page. I have a Facebook app with Messenger configured. I want to let other Facebook users who are page owners to give my application a permission to post on behalf of their pages through Messenger, as well as receive messages from their pages on my app's webhook.
The Messenger Platform docs only explain how to post on behalf of your own page.
Is is possible to make this through Graph API + Messenger Platform or something else? And maybe with a few pointers how?
This is how I send my messages:
uri: '',
qs: { access_token: PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN },
method: 'POST',
json: messageData
So I think if you would just need them to supply you with their page access token, and then you could send messages as their page through your bot.
EDIT: I guess this only answers how to send messages as them. To receive messages too you'd need to somehow subscribe your webhook to their page, which I think you need to be an admin of to do, so I'm not sure receiving their pages messages is possible through a straightforward system like what I'm suggesting. There may be other more complex workarounds though.
EDIT2: Maybe you can give them your webhook URL and have them verify and subscribe it for you