Issue with CreateFileA method - c++

I am having an issue with my application as while reading a file that consists of Unicode characters too. As I am using the CreateFileA method to get the data but it doesn't get the Unicode characters properly for which I am facing a lot of issues. Also, I don't know the difference between CreateFileA and CreateFileW.
I'm sorry I couldn't able to share my code. I will share my that portion of code with you.
systemFileHandle = CreateFileA(Filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
char* inBuffer=new char[totalFileSize+2];
memset(inBuffer, 0, totalFileSize+2);
ReadFile(systemFileHandle, inBuffer, totalFileSize, &bytesRead, nullptr);
And, I am getting the results on inBuffer array be like : Fernw�rmestationSW Au�en.
Can't I get it the original way they are?
So can you please help me out with this. It can be very helpful.

CreateFileA takes an ANSI-based file name, while CreateFileW takes a Unicode-based file name. There's nothing to say about the content of the file, both will return a HANDLE to the file where you can then read/write Unicode content as needed.


CreateFile returns invalid handle value

I'm trying to read file from the directory the exe file is located. The data.txt file is in VS Project directory and when I specify the full path everything works fine.
char curDirectory[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, curDirectory);
char filePath[MAX_PATH];
char *name = "\\data.txt";
memcpy(filePath, curDirectory, sizeof(curDirectory));
memcpy(filePath + strlen(curDirectory), name, strlen(name));
You don't null terminate the string. Do so by passing strlen(name) + 1 in the second call to memcpy.
Some other observations:
When CreateFile fails, you should call GetLastError to obtain an error code.
Use strcpy and strcat rather than memcpy when working with strings.
That said, your code asks to overrun the buffer. If this really is C++, use std::string and have that class manage buffers.
There is no real reason to believe that the executable file is located in the current working directory.

How can I capture File directory from edit control(textbox)

so I am new to the whole c++ windows API. I'm creating a simple dialogbox in which the user types in a directory into a textbox for a time file which has already been created. the program will then read the file and display the time in another edit control. Im having a few problems making the directory entered the parameter for CreateFile(). If I hard code the directory in, the program will work correctly. But I cant figure out how to take the textbox data and plug it into the CreateFile() function. if this doesn't make sense i can try an explain differently. Ive searched an can't seem to find anything.
for example:
if the user types c:\test\time.txt into the text box I want "c:\test\time.txt" to be the put into CreateFile();
CHAR temp[20] = "";
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_TEXTIN, temp, 20);//IDC_TEXTIN is name of edit control
//open file
hFile = CreateFile(
0, // no sharing
NULL, // no security
NULL // no template

Writing to a file, giving an incorrect name

I'm creating a file in the following manner:
if ((BmpFile = CreateFile((LPCWSTR)"Test.bmp",
0, NULL,
But the file that gets created has name 敔瑳戮灭.
Clearly not what I'm looking for! I'm in the process of trying to learn the windows API, could anyone tell me what I have to change to make it output what I think it should? I've looked at and it hasn't helped me too much-- I think because I don't know what I'm looking for.
Premature edit: everything else works as expected in the function.
You don't create a WSTR by simply casting. If you want your fixed text to be a wide string, apply the L in front of the literal:
... = CreateFile( L"Test.bmp", ...

WriteFile() Function for Win32 Applications

I am facing a problem on the WriteFile(); function using Win32 C++ Application. the second argument asks for a pointer to the buffer that is storing the information. what Syntax do I use to point the input text from the boxes? My information is text from the input of text boxes. What syntax do i use to create a pointer to that?
Here is a snippet of code the code I am using:
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile("C:\\test.txt", GENERIC_READ,
To write a control's text to a file you'll also need these lines:
char TextBuffer[256]; // Ascii
GetDlgItemTextA(hDlg, IDC_YOUR_CONTROL_ID, TextBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(TextBuffer));
WriteFile(hFile, TextBuffer, strlen(TextBuffer), &SizeOut, lpOverlapped);
That'll just write plain old ASCII. If you want to use unicode and TCHARs (instead of chars) then you'll need to choose your encoding and write more than "just the bytes" from the text buffer.

Executable reading itself

I need to read data added to the end of an executable from within that executable .
On win32 I have a problem that I cannot open the .exe for reading. I have tried CreateFile and std::ifstream.
Is there a way of specifying non-exclusive read access to a file that wasn't initially opened with sharing.
EDIT- Great thing about stackoverflow, you ask the wrong question and get the right answer.
Why not just use resources which are designed for this functionality. It won't be at the end, but it will be in the executable.
If you are adding to the .exe after it is built -- you don't have to add to the end, you can update resources on a built .exe
We do this in one of our projects. What's the problem with it? If the EXE is running, then it's already held open for reading, and you can continue to open it read-only multiple times. I just checked our code, we just use:
HANDLE file=CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
This works without problem on all versions of 32- and 64-bit Windows to date.
I have no problem opening the executable image of a process using either of these statements:
FILE* f = fopen( fname, "rb");
What's your code?