Future in akka message - akka

good day,everyone.
i have some question about how bad is setting CompletableFuture in mesage from one actor to another and use get() to wait for it compleation. i have code example that i think is too complex to use in practice, but cant find any sutable arguments to advice to refactor it
code that send msg with future
private void onSomeSignal(SomeMsg smsg){
MessageToActor msg = new MessageToActor()
future = new CompletableFuture<>();
actortRef.tell(msg, null);
response = future.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
/* do something with responce*/
code that complete future (in another actor)
private void onSomeSignal(MessageToActor msg){
response = responseService.getResponse();
is something wrong here , except that future.get() is blocking operation

Yes, doing that will come back and bite you: with this pattern you block one actor until some other actor responds, which means that if you use that elsewhere in your program there is a high risk of running into a deadlock (i.e. your whole program stops and cannot continue).
Instead of using a Future to send back a response, actors are made for sending messages. In “another actor”, you should use getContext().getSender().tell(response), and in the first actor you should handle that response as a normal message instead of the future.get() call.


MismatchingMessageCorrelationException : Cannot correlate message ‘onEventReceiver’: No process definition or execution matches the parameters

We are facing an MismatchingMessageCorrelationException for the receive task in some cases (less than 5%)
The call back to notify receive task is done by :
protected void respondToCallWorker(
#NonNull final String correlationId,
final CallWorkerResultKeys result,
#Nullable final Map<String, Object> variables
) {
try {
.setVariable("callStatus", result.toString())
} catch(Exception e) {
When i check the logs : i found that the query executed is this one :
select distinct RES.* from ACT_RU_EXECUTION RES
WHERE RES.PROC_INST_ID_ = 'b2362197-3bea-11eb-a150-9e4bf0efd6d0' and RES.SUSPENSION_STATE_ = '1'
and exists (select ID_ from ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR EVT
where EVT.EXECUTION_ID_ = RES.ID_ and EVT.EVENT_TYPE_ = 'message'
and EVT.EVENT_NAME_ = 'callWorkerConsumer' )
Some times, When i look for the instance of the process in the database i found it waiting in the receive task
WHERE id_ = 'b2362197-3bea-11eb-a150-9e4bf0efd6d0'
However, when i check the subscription event, it's not yet created in the database
where EVT.EXECUTION_ID_ = 'b2362197-3bea-11eb-a150-9e4bf0efd6d0'
and EVT.EVENT_TYPE_ = 'message'
and EVT.EVENT_NAME_ = 'callWorkerConsumer'
I think that the solution is to save the "receive task" before getting the response for respondToCallWorker, but sadly i can't figure it out.
I tried "asynch before" callWorker and "Message consumer" but it did not work,
I also tried camunda.bpm.database.jdbc-batch-processing=false and got the same results,
I tried also parallel branches but i get OptimisticLocak exception and MismatchingMessageCorrelationException
Maybe i am doing it wrong
Thanks for your help
This is an interesting problem. As you already found out, the error happens, when you try to correlate the result from the "worker" before the main process ended its transaction, thus there is no message subscription registered at the time you correlate.
This problem in process orchestration is described and analyzed in this blog post, which is definitely worth reading.
Taken from that post, here is a design that should solve the issue:
You make message send and receive parallel and put an async before the send task.
By doing so, the async continuation job for the send event and the message subscription are written in the same transaction, so when the async message send executes, you already have the subscription waiting.
Although this should work and solve the issue on BPMN model level, it might be worth to consider options that do not require remodeling the process.
First, instead of calling the worker directly from your delegate, you could (assuming you are on spring boot) publish a "CallWorkerCommand" (simple pojo) and use a TransactionalEventLister on a spring bean to execute the actual call. By doing so, you first will finish the BPMN process by subscribing to the message and afterwards, spring will execute your worker call.
Second: you could use a retry mechanism like resilience4j around your correlate message call, so in the rare cases where the result comes to quickly, you fail and retry a second later.
Another solution I could think of, since you seem to be using an "external worker" pattern here, is to use an external-task-service task directly, so the send/receive synchronization gets solved by the Camunda external worker API.
So many options to choose from. I would possibly prefer the external task, followed by the transactionalEventListener, but that is a matter of personal preference.

Implementing a custom async task type and await

I am developing a C++ app in which i need to receive messages from an MQ and then parsing them according to their type and for a particular reason I want to make this process (receiving a single message followed by processing it) asynchronous. Since, I want to keep things as simple as possible in a way that the next developer would have no problem continuing the code, I have written a very small class to implement Asynchrony.
I first raise a new thread and pass a function to the thread:
task = new thread([&] {
result = fn();
isCompleted = true;
and in order to await the task I do the following:
while (!isCompleted && !(*cancelationToken))
state = 1; // marking the task as completed
So far there is no problem and I have not faced any bug or error but I am not sure if this is "a good way to do this" and my question is focused on determining this.
Read about std::future and std::async.
If your task runs in another core or processor, the variable isCompleted may become un-synchronized having two copies in core cache. So you may be waiting more than needed.
If you have to wait for something it is better to use a semaphore.
As said in comments, using standard methods is better anyway.

boost async rest client

I currently working on a async rest client using boost::asio::io_service.
I am trying to make the client as a some kind of service for a bigger program.
The idea is that the client will execute async http requests to a rest API, independently from the thread running the main program. So inside in the client will be another thread waiting for a request to send.
To pass the requests to the client I am using a io_service and io_service::work initialized with the io_service. I almost reused the example given on this tutorial - logger_service.hpp.
My problem is that when in the example they post a work to the service, the called handler is a simple function. In my case as I am making async calls like this
(I have done the necessary to run all the instancies of the following objects and some more in a way to be able to establish the network connection):
boost::asio::io_service io_service_;
boost::asio::io_service::work work_(io_service_); //to prevent the io_service::run() to return when there is no more work to do
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket_(io_service_);
In the main program I am doing the following calls:
Some client's pseudo code:
void MyClass::Send()
io_service_.post(boost::bind(&MyClass::AsyncSend, this);
void MyClass::AsyncSend()
boost::io_service::asio::async_write(socket, streamOutBuffer, boost::bind(&MyClass::handle_send, this));
void MyClass::handle_send()
boost::io_service::asio::async_read(socket, streamInBuffer, boost::bind(&MyClass::handle_read, this));
void MyClass::handle_read()
// ....treatment for the received data...
boost::io_service::asio::async_read(socket, streamInBuffer, boost::bind(&MyClass::handle_read, this));
As it is described in the documentation the 'post' method requests the io_service to invoke the given handler and return immediately. My question is, will be the nested handlers, for example the ::handle_send in the AsyncSend, called just after (when the http response is ready) when post() is used? Or the handlers will be called in another order different from the one defined by the order of post() calls ?
I am asking this question because when I call only once client->Send() the client seems to "work fine". But when I make 2 consecutive calls, as in the example above, the client cannot finish the first call and than goes to execute the second one and after some chaotic executions at the end the 2 operations fail.
Is there any way to do what I'm describing execute the whole async chain before the execution of another one.
I hope, I am clear enough with my description :)
hello Blacktempel,
Thank you for the given comment and the idea but however I am working on a project which demands using asynchronous calls.
In fact, as I am newbie with Boost my question and the example I gave weren't right in the part of the 'handle_read' function. I add now a few lines in the example in a way to be more clear in what situation I am (was).
In fact in many examples, may be all of them, who are treating the theme how to create an async client are very basic... All they just show how to chain the different handlers and the data treatment when the 'handle_read' is called is always something like "print some data on the screen" inside of this same read handler. Which, I think, is completely wrong when compared to real world problems!
No one will just print data and finish the execution of her program...! Usually once the data is received there is another treatment that has to start, for example FireAnEvent(). Influenced by the bad examples, I have done this 'FireAnEvent' inside the read handler, which, obviously is completely wrong! It is bad to do that because making the things like that, the "handle_read" might never exit or exit too late. If this handler does not finish, the io_service loop will not finish too. And if your further treatment demands once again to your async client to do something, this will start/restart (I am not sure about the details) the io_service loop. In my case I was doing several calls to the async client in this way. At the end I saw how the io_service was always started but never ended. Even after the whole treatment was ended, I never saw the io_service to stop.
So finally I let my async client to fill some global variable with the received data inside the handle_read and not to call directly another function like FireAnEvent. And I moved the call of this function (FireAnEvent) just after the io_service.run(). And it worked because after the end of the run() method I know that the loop is completely finished!
I hope my answer will help people :)

Future pipeTo failure is wrapped inside akka.actor.status.Failure?

When using the pipe pattern in Akka the future failed result is wrapped inside a akka.actor.status.Failure, however the future success result is NOT wrapped in the corresponding akka.actor.status.Success.
I was wondering what is the reasoning behind this decision? Why just the failure and not the success?
It seems more logical to not wrap anything at all.
Here is the link to the implementation:
Let's say you have an actor A that sends a message to actor B and A expects some sort of response message from B. Inside of B, in order for it to do it's work, it needs a Future for some reason. After that Future completes, it wants to send the result back to A. The person who coded B wants to be careful to not close over the sender() when responding back to A, so they use the pipeTo pattern like so:
fut pipeTo sender()
Now back in A, you are expecting a response of a certain type, and you should not have to deal with the internal intricacies of actor B and the fact that it needed a Future in order to do it's work. In other words, you don't want the response to come back to you wrapped in a scala.util.Try (Success or Failure). If you expect a String, then if all goes well, that's exactly what you want back from B. But in the case that everything does not go well in B, A needs to know this and the way that the Akka team chose to do so was to wrap it in Status.Failure. This to me seems better than sending the raw Exception as is.
Now, us, we use a standard communication model between actors where we have something similar to this simple model (simplified for brevity):
sealed trait ServiceResult[+A]
case object EmptyResult extends ServiceResult[Nothing]
case class FullResult[+A](value:A) extends ServiceResult[A]
case class Failure(error:ErrorMessage, ex:Option[Throwable]) extends ServiceResult[Nothing]
All services always respond with some form of ServiceResult. So if we are piping back to a sender() from a Future we do something like this:
fut.recover{case ex => Failure(someErrorMessage, Some(ex)} pipeTo sender()
That way we don't have to really deal with Status.Failure anywhere.
future onComplete will resolve to either scala.util.Success(futureResult) or scala.util.Failure(someThrowable).
If the future succeeds, it is convenient to get back the futureResult directly.
If the future failed, you probably don't want to receive back an unwrapped throwable. It's nicer to get it back wrapped in akka.actor.status.Failure.

Boost Asio callback doesn't get called

I'm using Boost.Asio for network operations, they have to (and actually, can, there's no complex data structures or anything) remain pretty low level since I can't afford the luxury of serialization overhead (and the libs I found that did offer well enough performance seemed to be badly suited for my case).
The problem is with an async write I'm doing from the client (in QT, but that should probably be irrelevant here). The callback specified in the async_write doesn't get called, ever, and I'm at a complete loss as to why. The code is:
void SpikingMatrixClient::addMatrix() {
std::cout << "entered add matrix" << std::endl;
int action = protocol::Actions::AddMatrix;
int matrixSize = this->ui->editNetworkSize->text().toInt();
std::ostream out(&buf);
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&action), sizeof(action));
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&matrixSize), sizeof(matrixSize));
boost::asio::async_write(*connection.socket(), buf.data(),
boost::bind(&SpikingMatrixClient::onAddMatrix, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
which calls the first write. The callback is
void SpikingMatrixClient::onAddMatrix(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred) {
std::cout << "entered onAddMatrix" << std::endl;
if (!error) {
} else {
QString message = QString::fromStdString(error.message());
this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message, 15000);
The callback never gets called, even though the server receives all the data. Can anyone think of any reason why it might be doing that?
P.S. There was a wrapper for that connection, and yes there will probably be one again. Ditched it a day or two ago because I couldn't find the problem with this callback.
As suggested, posting a solution I found to be the most suitable (at least for now).
The client application is [being] written in QT, and I need the IO to be async. For the most part, the client receives calculation data from the server application and has to render various graphical representations of them.
Now, there's some key aspects to consider:
The GUI has to be responsive, it should not be blocked by the IO.
The client can be connected / disconnected.
The traffic is pretty intense, data gets sent / refreshed to the client every few secs and it has to remain responsive (as per item 1.).
As per the Boost.Asio documentation,
Multiple threads may call io_service::run() to set up a pool of
threads from which completion handlers may be invoked.
Note that all threads that have joined an io_service's pool are considered equivalent, and the io_service may distribute work across them in an arbitrary fashion.
Note that io_service.run() blocks until the io_service runs out of work.
With this in mind, the clear solution is to run io_service.run() from another thread. The relevant code snippets are
void SpikingMatrixClient::connect() {
Ui::ConnectDialog ui;
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog;
if (dialog->exec()) {
QString host = ui.lineEditHost->text();
QString port = ui.lineEditPort->text();
connection = TcpConnection::create(io);
boost::system::error_code error = connection->connect(host, port);
if (!error) {
io = boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service>(new boost::asio::io_service);
work = boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work>(new boost::asio::io_service::work(*io));
io_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&SpikingMatrixClient::runIo, this, io));
QString message = QString::fromStdString(error.message());
this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message, 15000);
for connecting & starting IO, where:
work is a private boost::shared_ptr to the boost::asio::io_service::work object it was passed,
io is a private boost::shared_ptr to a boost::asio::io_service,
connection is a boost::shared_ptr to my connection wrapper class, and the connect() call uses a resolver etc. to connect the socket, there's plenty examples of that around
and io_threads is a private boost::thread_group.
Surely it could be shortened with some typedefs if needed.
TcpConnection is my own connection wrapper implementation, which sortof lacks functionality for now, and I suppose I could move the whole thread thing into it when it gets reinstated. This snippet should be enough to get the idea anyway...
The disconnecting part goes like this:
void SpikingMatrixClient::disconnect() {
boost::system::error_code error = connection->disconnect();
if (!error) {
QString message = QString::fromStdString(error.message());
this->ui->statusBar->showMessage(message, 15000);
the work object is destroyed, so that the io_service can run out of work eventually,
the threads are joined, meaning that all work gets finished before disconnecting, thus data shouldn't get corrupted,
the disconnect() calls shutdown() and close() on the socket behind the scenes, and if there's no error, destroys the connection pointer.
Note, that there's no error handling in case of an error while disconnecting in this snippet, but it could very well be done, either by checking the error code (which seems more C-like), or throwing from the disconnect() if the error code within it represents an error after trying to disconnect.
I encountered a similar problem (callbacks not fired) but the circumstances are different from this question (io_service had jobs but still would not fire the handlers ). I will post this anyway and maybe it will help someone.
In my program, I set up an async_connect() then followed by io_service.run(), which blocks as expected.
async_connect() goes to on_connect_handler() as expected, which in turn fires async_write().
on_write_complete_handler() does not fire, even though the other end of the connection has received all the data and has even sent back a response.
I discovered that it is caused by me placing program logic in on_connect_handler(). Specifically, after the connection was established and after I called async_write(), I entered an infinite loop to perform arbitrary logic, not allowing on_connect_handler() to exit. I assume this causes the io_service to not be able to execute other handlers, even if their conditions are met because it is stuck here. ( I had many misconceptions, and thought that io_service would automagically spawn threads for each async_x() call )
Hope that helps.