I have been following the documentation in every step, and I didn't face any errors. Configured, deployed and made a subscription to hello/world topic just as the documentation detailed. However, when I arrived at the testing step here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/latest/developerguide/lambda-check.html
No messages were showing up on the IoT console (subscription view hello/world)! I am using Greengrass core daemon which runs on my Ubuntu machine, it is active and listens to port 8000. I don't think there is anything wrong with my local device because the group was deployed successfully and because I see the communications going both ways on Wireshark.
I have these logs on my machine: /home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc/var/log/system/runtime.log:
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Greengrass Version: 1.9.3-RC3
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Greengrass Root: /home/##/Desktop/greengrass
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Greengrass Write Directory: /home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Group File Directory: /home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc/deployment/group
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Default Lambda UID: 122
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Default Lambda GID: 127
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-The current core is using the AWS IoT certificates with fingerprint. {"fingerprint": "90##4d"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][INFO]-Will persist worker process info. {"dir": "/home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc/ggc/core/var/worker/processes"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.493-07:00][INFO]-Will persist worker process info. {"dir": "/home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc/ggc/core/var/worker/processes"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.494-07:00][INFO]-No proxy URL found.
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.495-07:00][INFO]-Started Deployment Agent to listen for updates. [2019-09-28T06:57:42.495-07:00][INFO]-Connecting with MQTT. {"endpoint": "a6##ws-ats.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:8883", "clientId": "simulators_gg_Core"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.497-07:00][INFO]-The current core is using the AWS IoT certificates with fingerprint. {"fingerprint": "90##4d"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.685-07:00][INFO]-MQTT connection successful. {"attemptId": "GVko", "clientId": "simulators_gg_Core"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.685-07:00][INFO]-MQTT connection established. {"endpoint": "a6##ws-ats.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:8883", "clientId": "simulators_gg_Core"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.685-07:00][INFO]-MQTT connection connected. Start subscribing. {"clientId": "simulators_gg_Core"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.685-07:00][INFO]-Deployment agent connected to cloud.
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.685-07:00][INFO]-Start subscribing. {"numOfTopics": 2, "clientId": "simulators_gg_Core"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.685-07:00][INFO]-Trying to subscribe to topic $aws/things/simulators_gg_Core-gda/shadow/update/delta
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.727-07:00][INFO]-Trying to subscribe to topic $aws/things/simulators_gg_Core-gda/shadow/get/accepted
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.814-07:00][INFO]-All topics subscribed. {"clientId": "simulators_gg_Core"}
[2019-09-28T06:58:57.888-07:00][INFO]-Daemon received signal: terminated. [2019-09-28T06:58:57.888-07:00][INFO]-Shutting down daemon.
[2019-09-28T06:58:57.888-07:00][INFO]-Stopping all workers.
[2019-09-28T06:58:57.888-07:00][INFO]-Lifecycle manager is stopped.
[2019-09-28T06:58:57.888-07:00][INFO]-IPC server stopped.
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.491-07:00][DEBUG]-will keep the log files for the following lambdas {"readingPath": "/home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc/var/log/user", "lambdas": "map[]"}
[2019-09-28T06:57:42.492-07:00][WARN]-failed to list the user log directory {"path": "/home/##/Desktop/greengrass/ggc/var/log/user"}
Thanks in advance.
I had a similar issue on another platform (Jetson Nano). I could not get a response after going through the AWS instructions for setting up a simple Lambda using IOT Greengrass. In my search for answers I discovered that AWS has a qualification test script for any device you connect.
It goes through an automated process of deploying and testing a lambda function(as well as other functionality) and reports results for each step and docs provide troubleshooting info for failures.
By going through those tests I was able to narrow down the issues with my setup, installation, and configuration. The testing docs give pointers to troubleshoot test results. Here is a link to the test: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/latest/developerguide/device-tester-for-greengrass-ug.html
If you follow the 'Next Topic' links, it will take you through the complete test. Let me warn you that its extensive, and will take some time, but for me it gave a lot of detailed insight that a hello world does not.
The serverless Amazon MSK that's in preview.
t2.xlarge EC2 instance with Amazon Linux 2
Installed Kafka from https://dlcdn.apache.org/kafka/3.0.0/kafka_2.13-3.0.0.tgz
openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.13+8-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.13+8-LTS, mixed mode,
Gradle 7.3.3
https://github.com/aws/aws-msk-iam-auth, successfully built.
I also tried adding IAM authentication information, as recommended by the Amazon MSK Library for AWS Identity and Access Management. It says to add the following in config/client.properties:
# Sets up TLS for encryption and SASL for authN.
security.protocol = SASL_SSL
# Identifies the SASL mechanism to use.
sasl.mechanism = AWS_MSK_IAM
# Binds SASL client implementation.
# sasl.jaas.config = software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
# Encapsulates constructing a SigV4 signature based on extracted credentials.
# The SASL client bound by "sasl.jaas.config" invokes this class.
sasl.client.callback.handler.class = software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler
# Binds SASL client implementation. Uses the specified profile name to look for credentials.
sasl.jaas.config = software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required awsProfileName="kafka-client";
And kafka-client is the IAM role attached to the EC2 instance as an instance profile.
Networking: I used VPC Reachability Analyzer to confirm that the security groups are configured correctly and the EC2 instance I'm using as a Producer can reach the serverless MSK cluster.
What I'm trying to do: create a topic.
How I'm trying: bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server boot-zclcyva3.c2.kafka-serverless.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:9098
Error while executing topic command : Timed out waiting for a node assignment. Call: createTopics
[2022-01-17 01:46:59,753] ERROR org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for a node assignment. Call: createTopics
I'm also trying: with the plaintext port of 9092. (9098 is the IAM-authentication port in MSK, and serverless MSK uses IAM authentication by default.)
All the other posts I found on SO about this node assignment error didn't include MSK. I tried suggestions like uncommenting the listener setting in server.properties, but that didn't change anything.
Installing kcat for troubleshooting didn't work for me, since there's no out-of-the box installation for the yum package manager, which Amazon Linux 2 uses, and since these instructions failed for me at checking for libcurl (by compile)... failed (fail).
The Question: Any other tips on solving this "node assignment" error?
The documentation has been updated recently, I was able to follow it end to end without any issue (The IAM policy is now correct)
The created properties file is not automatically used; your command needs to include --command-config client.properties, where this properties file is documented at the MSK docs on the linked IAM page.
sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required;
Alternatively, if the plaintext port didn't work, then you have other networking issues
Beyond these steps, I suggest reaching out to MSK support, and telling them to update the "Create a Topic" page to no longer use Zookeeper, keeping in mind that Kafka 3.0 is not (yet) supported
We have been following the tutorial here: https://cloud.google.com/community/tutorials/cloud-iot-gateways-rpi
We set up the registry, gateway and devices, and we validated that the gateway (laptop) is connected. Google Cloud console showing gateways
We get the message below on the gateway:
Creating JWT using RS256 from private key file rsa_private.pem
connect status False
on_connect Connection Accepted.
on_subscribe: mid 1, qos (1,)
Unable to find key 1
Received message '' on topic '/devices/test-gateway/config' with Qos 1
Nobody subscribes to topic /devices/test-gateway/config
Received message '' on topic '/devices/test-gateway/config' with Qos 1
Nobody subscribes to topic /devices/test-gateway/config
However, in the Raspberry Pi, it says "Waiting for Response" and the device was waiting for response and does not get to the "received" step. Please see attached screenshots of the raspberry pi output as well as the google cloud Iot Core that shows that the gateway is connected.Raspberry Pi console output
As Gabe and Kolban mentioned, there's a lot of complexity in the examples from the community tutorials that can make it difficult to understand where things are breaking for you. I recommend starting from the samples available here for getting started.
In the example you're running, the gateway server must be running before the thermostat or led-light code is run.
Also, in the Raspberry Pi code, without a DHT-22 sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi, you will not reach the code where the readings are taken. If you're looking for a version that doesn't require hardware, the python-docs-samples version of ledlight and thermostat simulate the hardware. I have verified that the instructions work at a minimum for the led-light portion of the demo (I was able to turn on / off the LED light).
Finally, there might be an error in the tabulation for the source code on line 51 of thermostat.py that causes some issues in the UDP protocol. I'll update the article if I can verify that is causing hiccups for me but if you want to patch your copy before that's republished, set the code to look like:
# Receive response
if log:
print('waiting for response', file=sys.stderr)
response, _ = sock.recvfrom(4096)
if log:
print('received: "{}"'.format(response), file=sys.stderr)
when I ran the workflow manager getting the error message at add host to service bus farm.
We have the SharePoint as standalone, OS is Windows server 2012 r2
SQL server 2016 developer.
Followed below two url's for installing
https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/workflow-manager-configuration-for-sharepoint-server-2013/ unable to under stand the issue where exactly.
please find the below log file
[Verbose] [12/10/2018 4:43:54 PM]: Service Bus services starting.
[Progress] [12/10/2018 4:43:54 PM]: Service Bus services starting.
[Error] [12/10/2018 4:53:55 PM]: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Starting service Service Bus Message Broker failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.Exceptions.OperationFailedException: Starting service Service Bus Message Broker failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.SCMHelper.StartService(String serviceName, Nullable1 waitTimeout, String hostName)
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.ServiceBusConfigHelper.StartSBServices(String hostName, Nullable1 waitTimeout)
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.AddSBHost.ProcessRecordImplementation()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AsyncResult.EndInvoke()
at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at Microsoft.Workflow.Deployment.ConfigWizard.CommandletHelper.InvokePowershell(Command command, Action`3 updateProgress)
at Microsoft.Workflow.Deployment.ConfigWizard.ProgressPageViewModel.AddSBNode(FarmCreationModel model, Boolean isFirstCommand)
please let me know how to resolve this issue for installing the workflowmanager.
what worked for me was enabling TLS 1.0 in the registry.
in my case I don't have registry of client but only enabled the server one
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server]
fyi... I was stopped the Service Bus Message Broker while the workflow manager configuration wizard was running in the "add host to service bus fam" task, then the changes the wizard complete successfully. I hope so much you can resolve this issue :)
this is the link where I fund the answers http://answersweb.azurewebsites.net/MVC/Post/Thread/e6667e72-36db-44d7-bcb9-0d537cd19542?category=workflow and is the CRBenson post, thank you very much
I had almost same issue. Installing the correct patch fixed the issue.
Complete details on below thread.
I've been trying to use the javacscript version of the Eclipse Paho MQTT client to access the Google IOTCore MQTT Bridge, as suggested here:
However, whatever I do, any attempt to connect with known good credentials (working with other clients) results in this connection error:
errorCode: 7, errorMessage: "AMQJS0007E Socket error:undefined."
Not much to go on there, so I'm wondering if anyone has ever been successful connecting to the MQTT Bridge via Javascript with Eclipse Paho, the client implementation suggested by Google in their documentation.
I've gone through their troubleshooting steps, and things seem to be on the up and up, so no help there either.
I have noticed that in their docs they have sample code for Java/Python, etc, but not Javascript, so I'm wondering if it's simply not supported and their documentation just fails to mention as such.
I've simplified my code to just use the 'Hello World' example in the Paho documentation, and as far as I can tell I've done things correctly (including using my device path as the ClientID, the JWT token as the password, specifying an 'unused' userName field and explicitly requiring MQTT v3.1.1).
In the meantime I'm falling back to polling via their HTTP bridge, but that has obvious latency and network traffic shortcomings.
// Create a client instance
client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("mqtt.googleapis.com", Number(8883), "projects/[my-project-id]/locations/us-central1/registries/[my registry name]/devices/[my device id]");
// set callback handlers
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
// connect the client
mqttVersion: 4, // maps to MQTT V3.1.1, required by IOTCore
onFailure: onFailure,
userName: 'unused', // suggested by Google for this field
password: '[My Confirmed Working JWT Token]' // working JWT token
function onFailure(resp) {
// called when the client connects
function onConnect() {
// Once a connection has been made, make a subscription and send a message.
message = new Paho.MQTT.Message("Hello");
message.destinationName = "World";
// called when the client loses its connection
function onConnectionLost(responseObject) {
if (responseObject.errorCode !== 0) {
// called when a message arrives
function onMessageArrived(message) {
I'm a Googler (but I don't work in Cloud IoT).
Your code looks good to me and it should work. I will try it for myself this evening or tomorrow and report back to you.
I've spent the past day working on a Golang version of the samples published on Google's documentation. Like you, I was disappointed to not see all Google's regular languages covered by samples.
Are you running the code from a browser or is it running on Node.JS?
Do you have a package.json (if Node) that you would share too please?
Here's a Node.JS (JavaScript but non-browser) that connects to Cloud IoT, subscribes to /devices/${DEVICE}/config and publishes to /devices/${DEVICE}/events.
Place all the files in the same directory
Replace values in index.js of the location of Google's CA and your key
Replaces [[YOUR-X]] values in config.json
Use "npm install" to pull the packages
Use node index.js
You should be able to pull messages from the Pub/Sub subscription and you should be able to send config messages to the device.
Short answer is no. Google Cloud IoT Core doesn't support WebSockets.
All the JavaScript MQTT libraries use WebSocket because JavaScript is restricted to perform HTTP requests and WebSocket connections only.
Trying to run Presto coordinator server with discovery server embedded on AWS CDH4 cluster
When server starts it can't register itself with discovery (relevant logs):
2013-11-08T19:38:38.193+0000 WARN main Bootstrap Warning: Configuration property 'discovery.uri' is deprecated and should not be used
2013-11-08T19:38:38.968+0000 INFO main Bootstrap discovery-server.enabled false true
2013-11-08T19:38:38.975+0000 INFO main Bootstrap discovery.uri null http://ip-10-0-0-11:8000 Discovery service base URI
2013-11-08T19:38:40.916+0000 ERROR Discovery-0 io.airlift.discovery.client.CachingServiceSelector Cannot connect to discovery server for refresh (collector/general): Lookup of collector failed for http://ip-10-0-0-11:8000/v1/service/collector/general
2013-11-08T19:38:42.556+0000 ERROR Discovery-1 io.airlift.discovery.client.CachingServiceSelector Cannot connect to discovery server for refresh (presto/general): Lookup of presto failed for http://ip-10-0-0-11:8000/v1/service/presto/general
2013-11-08T19:38:43.854+0000 INFO main org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector Started SelectChannelConnector#
Tried to also run standalone Discovery server, same effect. Looks that listener is started after registration attempt is made.
I was wondering if someone would notice this in the logs :) It's actually not a problem. The error appears because the discovery client starts before the discovery server is ready. You'll see "succeeded for refresh" shortly after in the logs which shows that it's working. We will fix the log message eventually but it's purely a cosmetic issue.