How to warm up django web service before opening to public? - django

I'm running django web application on AWS ecs.
I'd like to warm up the server (hit the first request and it takes some time for django to load up) when deploying a new version.
Is there a way for warming up the server before registering it to the Application load balancer?
I'm using nginx + uwsgi

I asumed that you use mod_wsgi , because that is the behavior described here:
Q: Why do requests against my application seem to take forever, but then after a bit they all run much quicker?
A: This is because mod_wsgi by default performs lazy loading of any application. That is, an application is only loaded the first time
that a request arrives which targets that WSGI application. This means
that those initial requests will incur the overhead of loading all the
application code and performing any startup initialisation.
This startup overhead can appear to be quite significant, especially if using Apache prefork MPM and embedded mode. This is
because the startup cost is incurred for each process and with prefork
MPM there are typically a lot more processes that if using worker MPM
or mod_wsgi daemon mode. Thus, as many requests as there are processes
will run slowly and everything will only run full speed once code has
all been loaded.
Note that if recycling of Apache child processes or mod_wsgi daemon processes after a set number of requests is enabled, or for
embedded mode Apache decides itself to reap any of the child
processes, then you can periodically see these delayed requests
Some number of the benchmarks for mod_wsgi which have been posted do not take into mind these start up costs and wrongly try to compare
the results to other systems such as fastcgi or proxy based systems
where the application code would be preloaded by default. As a result
mod_wsgi is painted in a worse light than is reality. If mod_wsgi is
configured correctly the results would be better than is shown by
those benchmarks.
For some cases, such as when WSGIScriptAlias is being used, it is actually possible to preload the application code when the processes
first starts, rather than when the first request arrives. To preload
an application see the WSGIImportScript directive.
I think you may try to use WSGIScriptAlias see more here

I just changed health check from nginx based ones to uwsgi related ones,
create an endpoint in django, and let the ELB use that as health check


Setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache vs just Apache Event MPM

In the Django docs for setting up mod_wsgi, the tutorial notes:
Django doesn’t serve files itself; it leaves that job to whichever Web
server you choose.
We recommend using a separate Web server – i.e., one that’s not also
running Django – for serving media. Here are some good choices:
A stripped-down version of Apache
I understand this might be due to wasted resources when Apache spawns new processes to serve each static file, which Nginx avoids. However, Apache's (newish?) Event MPM seems to act similar to an Nginx instance handing off requests to an Apache worker mpm. Therefore I'd like to ask: instead of setting up Nginx to be a reverse proxy for Apache, would using an Apache Event MPM be sufficient for serving static files in Apache?
Apache doesn't spawn a new process for each static file. Apache keeps persistent processes to handle concurrent and subsequent requests just like nginx. The difference is that nginx uses a full async model, whereas Apache relies on processes and/or threading for concurrency, although event MPM uses an async model for initial request acceptance and keep alive connections now. For the majority of people, Apache alone is still a more than acceptable solution. So don't get ahead of yourself if you are just starting out and think you need a Google/Facebook scale solution from the outset.
More important than separate web server is that if using Apache/mod_wsgi, serve the static files under a different host name. That way you avoid heavy weight cookie information being sent for all static file requests. You can do this using virtual hosts in Apache. Also ensure you are using daemon mode of mod_wsgi for running the Django application as that is a better architecture and provides lots more options for setting timeouts so you can have your application recover from various situations which might otherwise cause the server to lock up when overloaded.
For a system which provides a better out of the box configuration and experience than using Apache/mod_wsgi directly and configuring it yourself, look at using mod_wsgi-express.
The advice about separating the webservers has two advantages. One clearly outlined by Graham. The other is "predictable resource consumption".
The number of resources per HTML page differ. Leaving one webserver to serve the application and the other to serve static resources, has the advantage that you know exactly how many concurrent visitors you can serve: the MaxClients setting of Apache.
If this slows down the loading of images, those webservers need very few modules and no measurable amount of CPU power so a one core machine with SSD disks is all you need and scaling is cheap.
As Graham indicates it starts with a STATIC_URL that has a different hostname. Run it at the same server at the start. When scaling up, tie that hostname to a reverse proxy that serves from several image server backend machines.

uWSGI + nginx for django app avoids pylibmc multi-thread concurrency issue?

I encountered this very interesting issue this week, better start with some facts:
pylibmc is not thread safe, when used as django memcached backend, starting multiple django instance directly in shell would crash when hit with concurrent requests.
if deploy with nginx + uWSGI, this problem with pylibmc magically dispear.
if you switch django cache backend to python-memcached, it too will solve this problem, but this question isn't about that.
start with the first fact, this is how I reproduced the pylibmc issue:
The failure of pylibmc
I have a django app which does a lot of memcached reading and writing, and there's this deployment strategy, that I start multiple django process in shell, binding to different ports (8001, 8002), and use nginx to do the balance.
I initiated two separate load test against these two django instance, using locust, and this is what happens:
In the above screenshot they both crashed and reported exactly the same issue, something like this:
Assertion "ptr->query_id == query_id +1" failed for function "memcached_get_by_key" likely for "Programmer error, the query_id was not incremented.", at libmemcached/
uWSGI to the rescue
So in the above case, we learned that multi-thread concurrent request towards memcached via pylibmc could cause issue, this somehow doesn't bother uWSGI with multiple worker process.
To prove that, I start uWSGI with the following settings included:
master = true
processes = 2
This tells uWSGI to start two worker process, I then tells nginx to server any django static files, and route non-static requests to uWSGI, to see what happens. With the server started, I launch the same locust test against django in localhost, and make sure there's enough requests per seconds to cause concurrent request against memcached, here's the result:
In the uWSGI console, there's no sign of dead worker processes, and no worker has been re-spawn, but looking at the upper part of the screenshot, there sure has been concurrent requests (5.6 req/s).
The question
I'm extremely curious about how uWSGI make this go away, and I couldn't learn that on their documentation, to recap, the question is:
How did uWSGI manage worker process, so that multi-thread memcached requests didn't cause django to crash?
In fact I'm not even sure that it's the way uWSGI manages worker processes that avoid this issue, or some other magic that comes with uWSGI that's doing the trick, I've seen something called a memcached router in their documentation that I didn't quite understand, does that relate?
Isn't it because you actually have two separate processes managed by uWSGI? As you are setting the processes option instead of the workers option, so you should actually have multiple uWSGI processes (I'm assuming a master + two workers because of the config you used). Each of those processes will have it's own loaded pylibmc, so there is not state sharing between threads (you haven't configured threads on uWSGI after all).

cpu load and django application that makes long-response-time requests to external API

I'm developing a web application in python for which each user request makes an API call to an external service and takes about 20 seconds to receive response. As a result, in the event of several concurrent requests being made, the CPU load goes crazy (>95%) with several idle processes.
The server consists of a 1.6 GHz dual core Atom 330 with 2GB RAM.
The web app is developed in python which is served through Apache with mod_wsgi
My question is the following. Will a non-blocking webserver such as Tornado improve CPU load and thus handle more concurrent users (I'm also interested why) ? Can you suggest any other scalable solution ?
This really doesn't have anything to do with blocking; it does, but it doesn't. The 20 sec request is blocking one thread, so another has be utilized for the next request. Whereas with quick requests, the threads basically round-robin.
However, this really shouldn't be spiking your CPU output. Webservers have an upward limit of "workers" that get spawned and when they're all tied up, they're all tied up. It won't extend past the limit, so unless you've set or the default setting is higher than the box you have is capable of running, it shouldn't push your CPU that high.
Regardless, all that is merely informational, and doesn't really solve your problem. With such a long running request though, you should be offloading this from your webserver as quick as possible. The webserver should merely hand off the request to another process that can asyncronously handle it and then employ polling to notify the client when the response is ready. Node.js is used a lot in similar scenarios, but I really don't have enough experience with it to give you any real guidance beyond that.
You should look into using message queues to offload tasks so that your user requests are not blocked.
You could look into python libs kombu and celery to handle messages and tasks.
You are likely using prefork MPM with Apache and mod_wsgi embedded mode. This is a bad combination by default because Apache is setup for PHP and not fat Python web applications. Read:
which explains this exact sort of issue.
Use mod_wsgi daemon mode at the minimum, and preferably also change to worker MPM for Apache.

Django/Apache freezing with mod_wsgi

I have a Django application that is running behind 2 load balanced mod_wsgi/Apache servers behind Nginx (static files, reverse proxy/load balance).
Every few days, my site becomes completely unresponsive. My guess is that a bunch of clients are requesting URLs that are blocking.
Here is my config
WSGIDaemonProcess web1 user=web1 group=web1 processes=8 threads=15 maximum-requests=500 python-path=/home/web1/django_env/lib/python2.6/site-packages display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup web1
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/web1/django/wsgi/
I've tried experimenting with only using a single thread and more processes, and more threads and a single process. Pretty much everything I try sooner or later results in timed out page loads.
Any suggestions for what I might try? I'm willing to try other deployment options if that will fix the problem.
Also, is there a better way to monitor mod_wsgi other than the Apache status module? I've been hitting:
curl http://localhost:8080/server-status?auto
And watching the number of busy workers as an indicator for whether I'm about to get into trouble (I assume the more busy workers I have, the more blocking operations are currently taking place).
NOTE: Some of these requests are to a REST web service that I host for the application. Would it make sense to rate limit that URL location through Nginx somehow?
to embed functionality that you can trigger at a time where you expect stuck requests and find out what they are doing. Likely the requests are accumulating over time rather than happening all at once, so you could do it periodically rather than wait for total failure.
As a fail safe, you can add the option:
to WSGIDaemonProcess directive.
What this will do is restart the daemon mode process if it is inactive for 10 minutes.
Unfortunately at the moment this happens in two scenarios though.
The first is where there have been no requests at all for 10 minutes, the process will be restarted.
The second, and the one you want to kick in, is if all request threads are blocked and none of them has read any input from wsgi.input, nor have any yielded any response content, in 10 minutes, the process will again be restarted automatically.
This will at least mean your process should recover automatically and you will not be called out of bed. Because you are running so many processes, chances are that they will not all get stuck at the same time so restart shouldn't be noticed by new requests as other processes will still handle the requests.
What you should work out is how low you can make that timeout. You don't want it so low that processes will restart because of no requests at all as it will unload the application and next request if lazy loading being used will incur slow down.
What I should do is actually add a new option blocked-timeout which specifically checks for all requests being blocked for the defined period, therefore separating it from restarts due to no requests at all. This would make this more flexible as having it restart due to no requests brings its own issues with loading application again.
Unfortunately one can't easily implement a request-timeout which applies to a single request because the hosting configuration could be multithreaded. Injecting Python exceptions into a request will not necessarily unblock the thread and ultimately you would have to kill process anyway and interupt other concurrent requests. Thus blocked-timeout is probably better.
Another interesting thing to do might be for me to add stuff into mod_wsgi to report such forced restarts due to blocked processes into the New Relic agent. That would be really cool then as you would get visibility of them in the monitoring tool. :-)
We had a similar problem at my work. Best we could ever figure out was race/deadlock issues with the app, causing mod_wsgi to get stuck. Usually killing one or more mod_wsgi processes would un-stick it for a while.
Best solution was to move to all-processes, no-threads. We confirmed with our dev teams that some of the Python libraries they were pulling in were likely not thread-safe.
WSGIDaemonProcess web1 user=web1 group=web1 processes=16 threads=1 maximum-requests=500 python-path=/home/web1/django_env/lib/python2.6/site-packages display-name=%{GROUP}
Downside is, processes suck up more memory than threads do. Consequently we usually end up with fewer overall workers (hence 16x1 instead of 8x15). And since mod_wsgi provides virtually nothing for reporting on how busy the workers are, you're SOL apart from just blindly tuning how many you have.
Upside is, this problem never happens anymore and apps are completely reliable again.
Like with PHP, don't use a threaded implementation unless you're sure it's safe... that means the core (usually ok), the framework, your own code, and anything else you import. :)
If I've understood your problem properly, you may try the following options:
move URL fetching out of the request/response cycle (using e.g. celery);
increase thread count (they can handle such blocks better than processes because they consume less memory);
decrease timeout for the urllib2.urlopen;
try gevent or eventlet (they will magically solve your problem but can introduce another subtle issues)
I don't think this is a deployment issue, this is more of a code issue and there is no apache configuration solving it.

Django + WSGI: Refreshing Issues?

I'm developing a Django site. I'm making all my changes on the live server, just because it's easier that way. The problem is, every now and then it seems to like to cache one of the *.py files I'm working on. Sometimes if I hit refresh a lot, it will switch back and forth between an older version of the page, and a newer version.
My set up is more or less like what's described in the Django tutorials:
I'm guessing it's doing this because it's firing up multiple instances of of the WSGI handler, and depending on which handler the the http request gets sent to, I may receive different versions of the page. Restarting apache seems to fix the problem, but it's annoying.
I really don't know much about WSGI or "MiddleWare" or any of that request handling stuff. I come from a PHP background, where it all just works :)
Anyway, what's a nice way of resolving this issue? Will running the WSGI handler is "daemon mode" alleviate the problem? If so, how do I get it to run in daemon mode?
Running the process in daemon mode will not help. Here's what's happening:
mod_wsgi is spawning multiple identical processes to handle incoming requests for your Django site. Each of these processes is its own Python Interpreter, and can handle an incoming web request. These processes are persistent (they are not brought up and torn down for each request), so a single process may handle thousands of requests one after the other. mod_wsgi is able to handle multiple web requests simultaneously since there are multiple processes.
Each process's Python interpreter will load your modules (your custom Python files) whenever an "import module" is executed. In the context of django, this will happen when a new is needed due to a web request. Once the module is loaded, it resides in memory, and so any changes you make to the file will not be reflected in that process. As more web requests come in, the process's Python interpreter will simply use the version of the module that is already loaded in memory. You are seeing inconsistencies between refreshes since each web request you are making can be handled by different processes. Some processes may have loaded your Python modules during earlier revisions of your code, while others may have loaded them later (since those processes had not received a web request).
The simple solution: Anytime you modify your code, restart the Apache process. Most times that is as simple as running as root from the shell "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart". I believe a simple reload works as well, which is faster, "/etc/init.d/apache2 reload"
The daemon solution: If you are using mod_wsgi in daemon mode, then all you need to do is touch (unix command) or modify your wsgi script file. To clarify's post, modifications to your Python source code will not result in mod_wsgi reloading your code. Reloading only occurs when the wsgi script file has been modified.
Last point to note: I only spoke about wsgi as using processes for simplicity. wsgi actually uses thread pools inside each process. I did not feel this detail to be relevant to this answer, but you can find out more by reading about mod_wsgi.
Because you're using mod_wsgi in embedded mode, your changes aren't being automatically seen. You're seeing them every once in a while because Apache starts up new handler instances sometimes, which catch the updates.
You can resolve this by using daemon mode, as described here. Specifically, you'll want to add the following directives to your Apache configuration:
WSGIDaemonProcess processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
Read the mod_wsgi documentation rather than relying on the minimal information for mod_wsgi hosting contained on the Django site. In partcular, read:
This tells you exactly how source code reloading works in mod_wsgi, including a monitor you can use to implement same sort of source code reloading that Django runserver does. Also see which talks about how to apply that to Django.
You can resolve this problem by not editing your code on the live server. Seriously, there's no excuse for it. Develop locally using version control, and if you must, run your server from a live checkout, with a post-commit hook that checks out your latest version and restarts Apache.