Wget - Downloading lots of files recursively is taking a long time - google-cloud-platform

Currently I am trying to download a large dataset (200k+ of large images) Its all stored on google cloud. The authors provide a wget script to download it:
wget -r -N -c -np --user username --ask-password https://alpha.physionet.org/files/mimic-cxr/2.0.0/
Now it downloads etc, but its been 2 days and its still going and I don't know how long its going to take. AFAIK its downloading each file individually. is there a way for me to download it in parallel?
EDIT: I don't have sudo access to the machine doing the downloading. I just have user access.

wget is a great tool but it is not designed to be efficient for downloading 200K files.
You can either wait for it to finish or find another tool that does parallel downloads provided that you have a fast Internet connection to support parallel downloads which might decrease the time by half over wget.
Since the source is an HTTPS web server, there really is not much you can do to speed this up besides downloading two to four files in parallel. Depending on your Internet speed, distance to the source server, you might not achieve any improvement with parallel downloads.
Note: You do not specify what you are downloading onto. If the destination is a Compute Engine VM, and you picked a tiny one (f1-micro) you may be resource limited. For any hi-speed data transfer pick at least an n1 instance size.

If you don't know the urls then use the good old httrack website copier to download files in parallel:
httrack -v -w https://user:password#example.com/
Default is 8 parallel connections but you can use cN option to increase it.
If the files are large you can use aria2c this will download single file with multiple threads:
aria2c -x 16 url
You could find out if the files are store in GCS, if so then you can just use
gsutil -m <src> <destination>
This will download files in multithreaded mode

Take a look at the updated official MIMIC-CXR https://mimic-cxr.mit.edu/about/download/downloads page.
There you'll find the info how to download via wget (locally) and gsutil (Google Cloud Storage)


Copy files to Container-Optimised OS from a GCP Storage bucket

How can one download files from a GCP Storage bucket to a Container-Optimised OS (COS) on instance startup?
I know of the following solutions:
gcloud compute copy-files
SSH through console
Yet all of these have to be done manually and externally after an instance is started.
There is also cloud init, yet I can't find any info on how to copy files from a Storage bucket. Examples seem to be suggesting that it's better to include content of files in the cloud init file directly, which is not something I want to do because security. Is it possible to download files from Storge bucket using cloud init?
I considered using a startup script, yet COS lacks CLI tools such as gcloud or gsutil to be able to run any such commands in a startup script.
I know I could copy the files manually and then save the image as a boot disk, but I'm hoping there are solutions that avoid having to do so.
Most of all, I'm assuming I'm not asking for something impossible, given that COS instance setup allows me to specify Docker volumes that I could mount onto the starting container. This seems to suggest I should be able to have some private files on the instance the moment COS will attempt to run my image on startup. But how?
Trying to execute a startup-script with a cloud-sdk image and copying files there as suggested by Guillaume didn't work for me for a while, showing this log. Eventually I realised that the cloud-sdk image is 2.41GB when uncompressed and takes over 2 minutes to complete pulling. I tried again with an empty COS instance and the startup script completed successfully, downloading the data from a Storage bucket.
However, a 2.41GB image and over 2 minutes of boot time sound like a bit of an overkill to download a 2KB file. Don't they?
I'm glad to see a working solution to my question (thanks Guillaume!) although I'm still wondering: isn't there a nicer way to do this? I feel that this method is even less tidy than manually putting the files on the COS instance and then creating a machine image to use in the future.
Based on Guillaume's answer I created and published a gsutil wrapper image, available as voyz/gsutil_wrap. This way I am able to run a startup-script with the following command:
docker run -v /host/path:/container/path \
--entrypoint gsutil voyz/gsutil_wrap \
cp gs://bucket/path /container/path
It's essentially a copy of what Guillaume suggested, except it is using an image containing only a minimum setup required to run gsutil. As a result it weighs 0.22GB and pulls within 10-20 seconds on average - as opposed to 2.41GB and over 2 minutes respectively for the google/cloud-sdk image suggested by Guillaume.
Also, credit to this incredibly useful StackOverflow answer that allows gsutil to use the default service account for authentication.
The startup-script is the correct location to do this. And YES, COS lacks some useful library.
BUT you can run container! And, for example, the Google Cloud SDK container!
So, add this startup-script in the VM metadata:
key -> startup-script
value ->
docker run -v /local/path/to/copy/files:/dummy/container/path \
--entrypoint gsutil google/cloud-sdk \
cp gs://your_bucket/path/to/file /dummy/container/path
Note: the startup script is ran in root mode. Perform a chmod/chown in your startup script if you need to change the file access mode.
Let me know if you need more explanation on this command line
Of course, with a fresh COS image, the startup time is quite long (pull the container image and extract it).
To reduce the startup time, you can "bake" your image. I mean, start with a COS, download/install what you want on it (or only perform a docker pull of the googkle/cloud-sdk container) and create a custom image from this.
Like this, all the required dependencies will be present on the image and the boot start will be quicker.

Run a batch of jobs on AWS spot instances

I have a batch of python jobs, that only differ in the input file they are reading, say:
python main.py --input=file1.json > log_file1.txt
python main.py --input=file2.json > log_file2.txt
python main.py --input=file3.json > log_file3.txt
All these jobs are independent, and use a prebuilt anaconda environment.
I'm able to run my code on an on-demand EC2 instance using the following workflow:
Mount an EBS volume with the input files and prebuilt conda environment.
Activate the conda environment.
Run python programs, such that each program reads a different input file, and writes to a separate log file. The input files are stored in the EBS volume, and the log files will be written to the EBS volume.
Now, I want to scale this to use AWS spot instances -- basically, if I have N jobs, request N spot instances that run one of the above jobs each to read different files from an existing volume, and write the outputs to different files on the same volume. But I couldn't find a comprehensive guide on how to go about it. Any help would be appreciated.
Maybe this will give you something to ponder as my solution isn't exactly like yours, but here goes. (oh, and i'm going to look at batch as well, just haven't gotten there). I have decent sized stock option files that I analyze and transform for 500 different symbols. I've used some tools to figure out my memory demands on the largest files are around 4MB max. I spin up 1 spot instance with at least 30 MB that is from an image I make of the ec2 and ebs store, so it's always the like the one I test on, just more memory.
I run a shell script that breaks up the 500 or so symbols into 6-10 different chunks and run them concurrently on one machine. I'm not time sensitive so I don't really need multiple machines in parallel. But I could, I would just run a different script.
here's the script:
for y in {0..500..50}
end_slice=$(($y + 50))
# echo $low_limit
# echo $high_limit
/usr/local/bin/pipenv run ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec2-user-zzkNbF-x/bin/python /home/ec2-user/code/etrade_getoptionsdata/get_bidask_of_baseline_combos_intraday_parallel.py -s $start_slice -e $end_slice &
# echo 'next file'
my environment is pipenv and put the environment path in so it has access to all my modules
again, the script just breaks up same analysis into 50 symbols each
in my file I use a for loop that uses the passed in arguments -s and -e
for key_cons in keys_list[s:e]
to launch the shell script I've been playing around with nohup ./shell.sh $ so it runs in background and won't stop when my ssh session ends.
if you need one instance per job, then that's what it takes. each individual transformation I run takes 30-45 seconds, so it still takes a couple hours.
let me know if you have any questions.

uploading zip to GCP jupyterlab is superslow

I was using the jupyterlab notebook instance at AI platform at GCP. You can access this by 1) entering GCP console, 2) search notebook instance and choose the entry with the subtitle of AI platform. 3) create one.
When I upload a zip to the jupyterlab, the speed is very very slow.
Don't know what to do. It is very frustrating when cost a day just to upload the data.
The Davic at GCP 24/7 chat support is helpful. After checking a bunch of things such as network speed (http://speedtest.net)
I found the speed of uploading a single file is pretty fast. And the network is pretty good too. Since my dataset is available at Kaggle, I just thought why not download directly from kaggle.
So I used the following commands:
pip install kaggle
mv kaggle.json /home/jupyter/.kaggle. # download your kaggle.json from profile page, upload it to jupyterlab, and move this place
chmod 600 /home/jupyter/.kaggle
kaggle download datasets {username/dataset name}
It is done!! Just 5 seconds, I guess, the dataset is deployed!!

How to transfer all storage from google cloud to local storage

I would like to export all of the images, videos, and data that I have in my google storage to my local directory since I am canceling my subscription. But there is no proper documentation on doing that, I found how to transfer it from 1 service provider to another but not to export.
That's the only documentation I found, but it doesn't mention how to transfer locally.
If you install gsutil, you can use the cp command like this:
gsutil -m cp -r gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/*.* .
Use -m to perform a parallel copy, in case of a large number of files. Use -r to copy also the contents of the subdirectories. Then, *.* is a regex for "any filename and file extension" and . at the end will download it at the directory where you are running gsutil. You can find help about these flags in here
Repeat this for all the buckets you may have, and you are set.
Another alternative would be using either the libraries or the API, but that would require more set up from you, while gsutil is 'easier' to do.

Extract Tar.gz files from Cloud Storage

I am newbie to Google cloud,need to extract the files with extension "xxxx.tar.gz" in cloud storage and load into BiQuery(multiple files to multiple tables)
I tried the cloud function with nodejs using npm modules like "tar.gz" and "jaguar",both didn't work.
can someone share some inputs to decompress the files using other languages like python or Go also.
my work: so far I decompressed files manually copied to that target bucket and loaded to bigquery using background functions using nodejs
Appreciate your help.
tar is a Linux tool for archiving a group of files together - e.g., see this manual page. You can unpack a compressed tar file using a command like:
tar xfz file.tar.gz
Mike is right wrt. tar archives. Regarding the second half of the question in the title, Cloud Storage does not natively support unpacking a tar archive. You'd have to do this yourself (on your local machine or from a Compute Engine VM, for instance)