standalone network endpoint group (NEG) on GKE not working - google-cloud-platform

i am running a minimal stateful database service on GKE. single node cluster. i've setup a database as a stateful set on a single pod as of now. the database has exposed a management console on a particular port along with the mandatory database port. i am attempting to do two things.
expose management port over a global HTTP(S) load balancer
expose database port outside of GKE to be consumed by the likes of Cloud Functions or App Engine Applications.
My stateful set is running fine and i can see from the container logs that the database is properly booted up and is listening on required ports.
i am attempting to setup a standalone NEG (ref: using a simple ClusterIP service.
the cluster service comes up fine and i can see it using
kubectl get service service-name
but i dont see the NEG setup as such... the following command returns nothing
$ gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list
Listed 0 items.
my pod exposes the port 8080 my service maps 51000 to 8080 and i have provided the neg annotation '{"exposed_ports": {"51000":{}}'
I dont see any errors as such but neither do i see a NEG created/listed.
Any suggestions on how i would go about debugging this.
As a followup question...
when exposing NEG over global load balancer, how do i enforce authn?
im ok with either of service account roles or oauth/openid.
would i be able to expose multiple ports using a single NEG? for
e.g. if i wanted to expose one port to my global load balancer and
another to local services, is this possible with a single NEG or
should i expose each port using a dedicated ClusterIP service?
where can i find documentation/specification for google kubernetes
annotations. i tried to expose two ports on the neg using the
following annotation syntax. is that even supported/meaningful? '{"exposed_ports": {"51000":{},"51010":{}}'
Thanks in advance!

In order to create the service that is backed by a network endpoint group, you need to be working on a GKE Cluster that is VPC Native:
When you create a new cluster, this option is disabled by default and you must enable it upon creation. You can confirm if your cluster is VPC Native going to your Cluster details in GKE. It should appear like this:
VPC-native (alias IP) Enabled
If the cluster is not VPC Native, you won’t be able to use this feature as described on their restrictions:
In case you have VPC Native enabled, make sure as well that the pods have the same labels “purpose:” and “topic:” to make sure they are members of the service:
kubectl get pods --show-labels
You can also create multi-port services as it is described on Kubernetes documentation:


Can istio transparently do proxy resolution for a pod with a sidecar?

Can Istio do proxy resolution at mesh level? I want to be able to avoid defining HTTPS_PROXY in my service container.
Here is the setup:
My enterprise has an AKS cluster
In the AKS cluster we have Istio up and running.
Kubernetes Version 1.22.6
Istio Version 1.14.1
My service is running inside AKS and my pod has sidecar injection enabled.
My service needs to access two external services - and is a service that is running in a private network on enterprise premises, NOT on Azure Cloud.
The only way to access is to specify an HTTPS_PROXY which points to proxy.enterprise-proxy.svc.cluster.local.
This proxy (running inside AKS) knows how to get requests from AKS to on-premise infrastructure, navigating all the fancy network peering.
I dont however need the HTTPS_PROXY to access
Currently I am solving this problem the usual way - with NO_PROXY
What I would like to be able to do:
Define a Virtual Service / Service Entry for host: and egress out of AKS.
Define a Virtual Service / Service Entry for host:, defining proxy.enterprise-proxy.svc.cluster.local as the HTTPS_PROXY to use for it, and egress out of AKS.
What would I achieve with this?
My service does not have to manage a NO_PROXY based on what it needs to do, and the service mesh can handle figuring out how to reach an external resource.
Is there something in the Istio toolset that can help me achieve this?
I have gone through Service Entry documentation and can't for the life of me understand how to add a proxy into the mix :)
PS: Created a topic for this on as well

How to make an external api call outside of a container on ECS Fargate deployment

I have read other questions about this that all mention enabling service discovery, but my issue is a little different as to how to go about setting this up for my current Fargate deployments.
I have four spring boot api containers built via Gradle, pushed to ECR, and deployed in ECS Fargate with Terraform IaC setting up the appropriate resources. Three of these containerized apis have environment variables set within them to reference the fourth container, thus making an external api call outside of the container to that one service. DNS and 443 load balancer is setup for these deployments.
I have created a new service in the cluster containing the api that needs to be discovered. I have enabled service discover and created a local CloudMap A record for the api and then set each environment variable in the other containzers to use that local A record url, e.g., ecsservicename.local. Additionally I have tried to dig the service that I am connecting to in the other apis and that returns an IP so I am sure that that is working.
My questions are as follows:
(1) Since really only one services should be picked up by the others, was it correct to set service discovery on that one api and not the others or should I set up service discovery on all the other apis?
(2) Even if route53 is setup should this be an A record or SRV? I was confused by the documentation as to when to use which on aws.
(3) Is there a better or easier approach to use for inter-container communication that I am missing?
That's correct. Discovery should be set only for the one service. Other discoveries are not needed, as you are not inter-connection to those other services.
SRV also gives port, so from docs:
if the task definition that your service task specifies uses the bridge or host network mode, an SRV record is the only supported DNS record type.
I think your architecture is well thought and can't think of anything "easier" or better.

Istio configuration on GKE

I have some basic questions about Istio. I installed Istio for my Tyk API gateway. Then I found that simply installing Istio will cause all traffic between the Tyk pods to be blocked. Is this the default behaviour for Istio? The Tyk gateway cannot communicate with the Tyk dashboard.
When I rebuild my deployment without Istio, everything works fine.
I have also read that Istio can be configured with virtual services to perform traffic routing. Is this what I need to do for every default installing of Istio? Meaning, if I don't create any virtual services, then Istio will block all traffic by default?
Secondly, I understand a virtual service is created as a YAML file applied as a CRD. The host name defined in the virtual service rules - in a default Kubernetes cluster implementation on Google Cloud, how do I find out the host name of my application?
Lastly, if I install Tyk first, then later install Istio, and I have created the necessary label in Tyk's nanmespace for the proxy to be injected, can I just perform a rolling upgrade of my Tyk pods to have Istio start the injection?
For example, I have these labels in my Tyk dashboard service. Do I use the value called "app" in my virtual service YAML?
app: dashboard-svc-tyk-pro Helm
chart: tyk-pro-0.8.1
heritage: Helm
release: tyk-pro
Sorry for all the basic questions!
For question on Tyk gateway cannot communicate with the Tyk dashboard.
(I think the problem is that your pod tries to connect to the database before the Istio sidecar is ready. And thus the connection can't be established.
Istio runs an init container that configures the pods route table so all traffic is routed through the sidecar. So if the sidecar isn't running and the other pod tries to connect to the db, no connection can be established. Ex case: Application running in Kubernetes cron job does not connect to database in same Kubernetes cluster)
For question on Virtual Services
2.Each virtual service consists of a set of routing rules that are evaluated in order, letting Istio match each given request to the virtual service to a specific real destination within the mesh.
By default, Istio configures the Envoy proxies to passthrough requests to unknown services. However, you can’t use Istio features to control the traffic to destinations that aren’t registered in the mesh.
For question on hostname refer to this documentation.
The hosts field lists the virtual service’s hosts - in other words, the user-addressable destination or destinations that these routing rules apply to. This is the address or addresses the client uses when sending requests to the service.
Adding Istio on GKE to an existing cluster please refer to this documentation.
If you want to update a cluster with the add-on, you may need to first resize your cluster to ensure that you have enough resources for Istio. As when creating a new cluster, we suggest at least a 4 node cluster with the 2 vCPU machine type.If you have an existing application on the cluster, you can find out how to migrate it so it's managed by Istio as mentioned in the Istio documentation.
You can uninstall the add-on following document which includes to shift traffic away from the Istio ingress gateway.Please take a look at this doc for more details on installing and uninstalling Istio on GKE.
Also adding this document for installing Istio on GKE which also includes installing it to an existing cluster to quickly evaluate Istio.

Eureka with AWS ECS

We are using Eureka with AWS ECS service that can scale docker containers.
In ECS if you leave out the host port, or specify it as being '0', in your task definition, then the port will be chosen automatically and reported back to the service. After the task is running, describing it should show what port(s) it bound to.
How does Eureka can resolve what port to use if we have several EC2 instance. For example Service A from EC2-A try to call Service B from EC2-B. So Eureka can resolve hostname , but cannot identify exposed port
Hi #Aleksandr Filichkin,
I don't think Application Load Balancer and service registry does the same.
The main difference traffic flows over the (application) load balancer whereas the service registry just gives you a healthy endpoint that your client directly can address (so the network traffic does not flow over the service registry).
Cheap is a very relative term, maybe it's cheap for some, maybe it's an unnecessary overhead for others.
The issue was resolved
Currently ECS agent knows about running port.
But I don't recommend to use Eureka with ECS, because Application Load Balancer does the same. It works as service registry and discovery. You don't need to run addition service(Eureka), ALB is cheap.
There is another solution.
You can create an application loadbalancer and a target group, in which the docker containers can be launched.
Every docker container has set their hostname to the hostname of the loadbalancer. If you need a pretty url, then you can utilize Route53 for DNS-Routing.
It looks like this:
Service Discovery with Loadbalancer-Hostname
Request Flow
If you have two containers of the same task on different hosts, both will communicate the same loadbalancer hostname to eureka.
With this solution you can use eureka with docker on AWS ECS without loosing the advantages and flexibility of dynamic port mapping.

Pre-deploy development communication with an Internal Kubernetes service

I'm investigating a move to Kubernetes (coming from AWS ECS). But I haven't solved the local development issue when depending on internal services.
Let me elaborate:
When developing and testing microservices, before they are deployed as a Kubernetes Service I want to be able to talk to other, internal Kubernetes Services. As there are > 20 microservices I have a Kubernetes cluster running latest development versions. I can't run a MiniKube.
I'm developing an user-service which needs access to the email service. The Email service is already on Kubernetes and is an internal service.
So before the user-service is deployed I want to be able to talk to the internal email service for dev/testing. I can't make use of K8S nice service discovery env vars.
As we currently already have a VPN up to restrict DEV env to testers/development only, could I use this VPN to provide access to the Kubernetes-Service IP-addresses? I do have Kubernetes DEV-env on the same VPC as the VPN is in.
If you deploy your internal services as type NodePort, then you can access them over your VPN via that nodePort. NodePorts can be dynamically allocated or you can customize them to be 'static' where they are known by you up front.
When developing an app on your local machine, you can access the dependent service by that NodePort.
As an alternative, you can use port-forwarding from kubectl ( to forward a pod to your local machine. (Note: This only handles traffic to a pod not a service).
Telepresence ( is designed for this scenario, though it presumes developers have kubectl access to the staging/dev cluster.