Installing Sitecore9.2 in AWS - amazon-web-services

Can anyone provide me answer to below query?
I wanted to install Sitecore9.2 on AWS, does the installation process requires SQL VMs?
or Can someone point me to right article to this
Thanks in advance.

From my own experience Sitecore XM can use AWS RDS for the Database. If that is a good idea you must know yourself. For the installation, the Sitecore 9 installation uses contained database that may broke the SIF installation, you can turn it on in AWS RDS or use normal database user account but you need a workaround. like first installing on SQL server and migrate to RDS, or installing manual without SIF. or adjust SIF
For more information see:


Migrate Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB

I want to migrate the database from Apache Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB.
I am following this user guide
When I try to create a clone data centre for extraction it throws
If you read through that document, you'll find that the conversion tool supports very old versions of Cassandra: 3.11.2, 3.1.1, 3.0, 2.1.20.
There will be a lot of configuration items in your cassandra.yaml that will not be compatible with the conversion tool including replica_filtering_protection since that property was not added until C* 3.0.22, 3.11.8 (CASSANDRA-15907).
You'll need to engage AWS Support to figure out what migration options are available to you. Cheers!

Sync postgres database via git

We are 3 students working on a django project with postgres database and we sync our project with eachother via a git repository like gitlab. we have different os (windows 10 and linux ubuntu 20). and we use vscode as IDE.
How can we sync our entire database (data entry) via git (like sqlite) ?
Is there any way to handle it via kind of converting our db to file ?
Its very complicated to sync your three local database. The best way is to host your database into a cloud platform and all 3 of you connect to that.
There are free cloud platform you can use for 1 year like amazon web service, google cloud platform. You just need an active debit/credit card, it won't charge you except for amazon, it will deducted 1 dollar for account verification.
I would definitely go with this answer.
If you do not want to do that, use pg_dump to export the data from the database as a text file and sync that one using git. But you might still get a lot of merge conflicts.
I use for it and it works! thank you

WSO2 EMM mysql database setup

I am using WSO2 EMM 1.1.0. The documents talk about using a MySQL instead of H2 It talks about editing the master-datasource.xml file and updating the WSO2_CARBON_DB, WSO2_EMM_DB and WSO2AM_DB databases. It then gives steps on priming those db's. But the master-datasource.xml file also contains the WSO2_IDENTITY_DB, SOCIAL_CACHE, SOCIAL_CASSANDRA_DB and JAGH2. I expect all of those can be moved to MySQL as well but I don't see the database scripts to set them up. What is the proper procedures to set up a system that uses MySQL instead of H2? Not to mention that the emm database had the database name hard coded into the setup script "USE WSO2EMM_DB" thus nullifying the master-datasource.xml file.
It is mentioned in this documentation[1] under the topic 'How to migrate from H2 to MySQL'
[1] -
You need to configure WSO2EMM_DB, WSO2AM_DB and WSO2CARBON_DB and WSO2IDENTITY_DB if you are going ahead with a larger deployment. H2 is setup just for make the out of the box experience better. You can create those DBs, Configure master_datasources.xml properly for all above DBs. And then run the server with the flag -Dsetup. It will get the configurations done automatically.
If it fails, you can also go to SERVER_HOME/dbscripts folder and find all the scripts for all above databases. Run them separately and run the server in the usual way which mentioned in our documentation.

Develping with Django, Git, and Cloud Server

I'm currently working with a team in my University to put together a new webapp. Nothing too fancy, just run of the mill MySQL + Django. We are also hoping to use Git for source control. We were wondering what hosting options were available to us. We're all very competent with Unix, so a ssh connection would be preferable. We also looked into the Amazon Cloud, but are not sure if that's right for us. What does Stackoverflow suggest for a provider to host both a Git repo for us and our webapp. The simpler, the better. It should also run a Linux environment.
I have had great success using the Rackspace Cloud servers. You get root SSH into the server, so you can set up your Git repo and your web app there. They have a lot of options for which flavor of Linux you want to use as well.
I'm doing Django/Postgres on an Ubuntu server and haven't had any problems at all. As a bonus, it includes very easy web and API integration with their CDN if you're interested in that.
I looked into a variety of cloud providers and RS had the best options for me, although CDN integration was a big deal for my site so that factor weighed heavier than it might for you.
I use the cheapo 256MB RAM/10GB HD install and pay around ~$12/month after bandwidth costs are figured into it.
Here's the pricing:
Why not AWS? It has a free tier that is able to run basic Django apps well. You can run it using a Django AMI directly or a service like BitNami Cloud Hosting (Disclaimer: I am a BitNami developer, I am actually in charge of many of the Python-based stacks). Both options allow you to run a micro instance of an Amazon Machine for free (680Mb Ram, 10Gb disk).
On BitNami Cloud Hosting, we recently added support for Python and Django (Python 2.6.5 and Django 1.3) and we already included Git. When you select to create a new server you will have access to all those components on top of Ubuntu 10.04.
Also if you are interested in using Redmine (as dgel suggests) you can select to install it when you create your server in the same machine. Since it is an university project, you may also want to consider hosting the Git part on for free.
I would highly recommend for git and redmine hosting. $6.95 per month for unlimited projects including redmine instances with git hooks. You don't need to worry about setting up or maintaining the git repos or redmine instances yourself.
Then for your project's public hosting you can't beat for $19.95 per month.

Deploying Django on EC2

I'm having a django project that should be deployed on Amazon's EC2. There are various tutorials on installing django on EC2, but I think it'll always be a time consuming step to generate a new AMI image with your whole application... So I was thinking that it should also be possible to deploy it on the persistent storage, EBS?
But I'm wondering if that would have any disadvantages because there are no tutorials describing that out there... So if anybody is having some ideas on that or having any other tutorials on how to deploy new versions in an easy fast way to EC2 please let me know!
I used Bitnami Djangostack 1.2.3 (I'm not associated with bitnami in any way).
The EC2 image is "ami-18fb0f71", described as "bitnami-djangostack-1.2.3-0-linux-ubuntu-10.04-ebs".
This is an EBS backed instance, but I can't comment on advantages/disadvantages of this.
I found some of the pertinent configuration files in these locations:
The file served by default (as configured in httpd.conf) is '/opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/index.html'.
You can get a bit of support here:
I think it should be fine. At the least, you can experiment: get an EBS-backed instance, install django, stop the instance (not terminate!) and snapshot the volume (for backup).
Restart the instance, and see.