AWS Cloudwatch Agent in a docker container - amazon-web-services

I am trying to set up Amazon Cloudwatch Agent to my docker as a container. This is an OnPremise installation so it's running locally, not inside AWS Kubernetes or anything of the sorts.
I've set up a basic dockerfile, agent.json and .aws/ folder for credentials and using docker-compose build to actually set it up, then launch it, but I am running into constant problems because Docker does not contain or run systemctl so I cannot run the service using AWS own documentation command:
/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m onPremise -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json -s
This will fail on an error when I try to run the container:
cloudwatch_1 | /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl: line 262: systemctl: command not found
cloudwatch_1 | unknown init system
I've tried to run the /start-amazon-cloudwatch-agent inside /bin as well, but no luck. No documentation on this.
Basically the issue is how can I run this as a service or a process in the foreground? Anyone have any clues? Otherwise the container won't stay up. Below is my code:
FROM amazonlinux:2.0.20190508
RUN yum -y install
COPY agent.json /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json
CMD /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m onPremise -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json
"agent": {
"metrics_collection_interval": 60,
"region": "eu-west-1",
"logfile": "/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/logs/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.log",
"debug": true
.aws/ folder contains config and credentials, but I never got as far for the agent to actually try and make a connection.

just use the official image docker pull amazon/cloudwatch-agent it will handel all the things for you
if you insist to use your own , try the following:
FROM amazonlinux:2.0.20190508
RUN yum -y install
COPY agent.json /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/default_linux_config.json
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/start-amazon-cloudwatch-agent"]

Use the AWS official Docker Image, here is the example of the docker compose
version: "3.8"
image: amazon/cloudwatch-agent:1.247350.0b251814
- ./config/log-collect.json:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/default_linux_config.json # agent config
- ./aws:/root/.aws # required for authentication
- ./log:/log # sample log
- ./etc:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc # for debugging the config of AWS of container
From config above, only the first 2 volume sync required.
Number 3 & 4 is for debug purpose.
If you interested in learning what each volumes does, you can read more at


Docker with Serverless- files not getting packaged to container

I have a Serverless application using Localstack, I am trying to get fully running via Docker.
I have a docker-compose file that starts localstack for me.
version: '3.1'
image: localstack/localstack:latest
- EDGE_PORT=4566
- SERVICES=lambda,s3,cloudformation,sts,apigateway,iam,route53,dynamodb
- '4566-4597:4566-4597'
- "${TEMPDIR:-/tmp/localstack}:/temp/localstack"
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
When I run docker-compose up then deploy my application to localstack using SLS deploy everything works as expected. Although I want docker to run everything for me so I will run a Docker command and it will start localstack and deploy my service to it.
I have added a Dockerfile to my project and have added this
FROM node:16-alpine
RUN apk update
RUN npm install -g serverless; \
npm install -g serverless-localstack;
CMD ["sls","deploy", "--host", "" ]
I then run docker build -t serverless/docker . followed by docker run -p 49160:3000 serverless/docker but am receiving the following error
This command can only be run in a Serverless service directory. Make sure to reference a valid config file in the current working directory if you're using a custom config file
I guess this is what would happen if I tried to run SLS deploy in the incorrect folder. So I have logged into the docker container and cannot see my app that i want to run there, what am i missing in dockerfile that is needed to package it up?
Execute the pwd command inside the container while running it. Try
docker run -it serverless/docker pwd
The error showing, sls not able to find the config file in the current working directory. Either add your config file to your current working directory (Include this copying in Dockerfile) or copy it to specific location in container and pass --config in CMD (sls deploy --config)
This command can only be run in a Serverless service directory. Make
sure to reference a valid config file in the current working directory
Be sure that you have serverless installed
Once installed create a service
% sls create --template aws-nodejs --path myService
cd to folder with the file, serverless.yml
% cd myService
This will deploy the function to AWS Lambda
% sls deploy

running script to upload file to AWS S3 works, but running the same script via jenkins job doesn't work

The simple goal:
I would like to have two containers both running on my local machine. One jenkins container & one SSH server container. Then, jenkins job could connect to the SSH server container & execute aws command to upload file to S3.
My workspace directory structure:
a docker-compose.yml (details see below)
a directory named centos/,
Inside centos/ I have a Dockerfile for building the SSH server image.
The docker-compose.yml:
In my docker-compose.yml I declared the two containers(services).
One jenkins container, name jenkins.
One SSH server contaienr, named remote_host.
version: '3'
container_name: jenkins
image: jenkins/jenkins
- "8080:8080"
- $PWD/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- net
container_name: remote_host
image: remote-host
context: centos7
- net
The Dockerfile for the remote_host is like this (Notice the last RUN installs the AWS CLI):
FROM centos
RUN yum -y install openssh-server
RUN useradd remote_user && \
echo remote_user:1234 | chpasswd && \
mkdir /home/remote_user/.ssh && \
chmod 700 /home/remote_user/.ssh
COPY /home/remote_user/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN chown remote_user:remote_user -R /home/remote_user/.ssh/ && \
chmod 600 /home/remote_user/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN ssh-keygen -A
RUN rm -rf /run/nologin
RUN yum -y install unzip
RUN curl "" -o "" && unzip && ./aws/install
Current situation with the above setup:
I run docker-compose build and docker-compose up. Both jenkins container and the remote_host(SSH server) container are up and running successfully.
I can go inside jenkins container by :
$ docker exec -it jenkins bash
I can successfully ssh to the remote_host container by:
jenkins#7551f2fa441d:/$ ssh -i /tmp/remote-key remote_user#remote_host
Warning: the ECDSA host key for 'remote_host' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /var/jenkins_home/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Matching host key in /var/jenkins_home/.ssh/known_hosts:2
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
[remote_user#8c203bbdcf72 ~]$
Inside the remote_host container, I have also configured my AWS access key and secret key under
I can successfully run aws command to upload a file from remote_host container to my AWS S3 bucket. Like:
[remote_user#8c203bbdcf72 ~]$ aws s3 cp myfile s3://mybucket123asx/myfile
What the issue is
Now, I would like my jenkins job to execute the aws command to upload file to S3. So I created a shell script inside my remote_host container, the script is like this:
aws s3 cp /tmp/myfile s3://$BUCKET_NAME/myfile
In my jenkins, I have configured the SSH & in my jenkins job configuration, I have:
As you can see , it simply runs the script located in the remote_host container.
When I build the jenkins job, I always get the error in console : upload failed: ../../tmp/myfile to s3://mybucket123asx/myfile Unable to locate credentials.
Why the same s3 command works when executing in the remote_host container but not working when run from jenkins job?
I also tried explicitly export the aws key id & secrete key in the script. (bear in mind that I have the configured in remote_host, which works without explicitly exporting the aws secret key)
export aws_access_key_id=AKAARXL1CFQNN4UV5TIO
export aws_secret_access_key=MY_SECRETE_KEY
aws s3 cp /tmp/myfile s3://$BUCKET_NAME/myfile
OK, I solved my issue by changing the export statement to capital case. So, the cause of the issue is that when jenkins run the script, it runs as remote_user on remote_host. Though on remote_host I have the ~/.aws/credentials setup, but that file only have read permission for users other than root:
[root#8c203bbdcf72 /]# ls -l ~/.aws/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 112 Sep 25 19:14 credentials
That's why when jenkins run the script to upload file to S3 got Unable to locate credentials failure. Because the credentials file can't be read by remote_user. So, I have to still uncomment the lines which exports aws key id and secret key. #Marcin's comment is helpful that the letters need to be capital letters, otherwise it would not work.
So, overall, what I did to fix the issue is to update my script with:
export aws_access_key_id=AKAARXL1CFQNN4UV5TIO
export aws_secret_access_key=MY_SECRETE_KEY

How to inject file.log to logstash and display it via kibana

I using docker container and docker-compose, to create ELK containers, after the containers created i should inject file into logstash and display it via docker
I'm havent work on docker until three days ago, i working at this problem, surfed at least 10 websites+youtube and cant understand what should i do.
I sucssesed in creatind docker container, install/create (not sure how to say it) docker-compose.
I have pulled the docker-elk/ from git, so i have ready yml files for docker-compose, logstash, kibana and elastic search, i have tried to push file into logstash but i cant get if i did it right, and how to check it at all
i saw an option to check ip addresses of running containers and run it via ip:5061, ip:9200 but nothing have worked
i have installed docker and pulled docker elk
sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
Download docker-elk:
git clone
sudo curl -L
downloaded docker compose$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose
and created elk containers- i have tried two commands, the second one worked #better
sudo docker-compose -d
sudo docker-compose -f /full addres/ docker-compose.yml up
I expect to show injected into logstash log file via kibana graph
what you need is a log shipper like filebeat and that do not comes with the ELK stack. after you configure your file beate to send logs to logstash you can see the logs

Deploy docker container to digital ocean droplet from gitlab-ci

So here is what I want to do.
Push to master in git
Have gitlab-ci hear that push an start a pipeline
The pipeline builds code and pushes a docker container to the gitlab registry
The pipeline logs into a digital ocean droplet via ssh
The pipeline pulls the docker container from the gitlab registry
The pipeline starts the container
I can get up to step 4 no problem. But step 4 just fails every which way. I've tried the ssh key approach:
But that did not work.
So I tried a plain text password approach like this:
image: gitlab/dind:latest
- apt-get update -y && apt-get install sshpass
- deploy
stage: deploy
- sshpass -p "mypassword" ssh root#x.x.x.x 'echo $HOME'
this version just exits with code 1 like so
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/name=systemd': Operation not permitted
/usr/local/bin/wrapdocker: line 113: 54 Killed docker daemon $DOCKER_DAEMON_ARGS &> /var/log/docker.log
Timed out trying to connect to internal docker host.
Is there a better way to do this? How can I at the very least access my droplet from inside the gitlab-ci build environment?
I just answered this related question: Create react app + Gitlab CI + Digital Ocean droplet - Pipeline succeeds but Docker container is deleted right after
Heres the solution he is using to get ssh creds set:
## Install ssh agent (so we can access the Digital Ocean Droplet) and run it.
- apk update && apk add openssh-client
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
## Write the environment variable value to the agent store, create the ssh directory and give the right permissions to it.
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
## Make sure that ssh will trust the new host, instead of asking
- echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config
## Test it!
Code credit goes to

Can I run Google Monitoring Agent inside a Kubernetes Pod?

It seems that the Google Monitoring Agent (powered by Stackdriver) should be installed on each Node (i.e. each compute instance, i.e. each machine) of a Kubernetes cluster.
However the new plugins, like Nginx, Redis, ElasticSearch..., need those agents to know the IP of these services. This means having kube-proxy running and set up which should mean running that Google Monitoring Agent on a Pod.
These two conflict: On one side that agent monitors the entire machine, on the other it monitor services running on one or more machines.
Can these Stackdriver plugins work on a Google Container Engine (GKE) / Kubernetes cluster?
To monitor each machine (memory, CPU, disk...) it's possible to install the agent on each node (i.e. on each Compute Instance of your GKE cluster). Note that it'll not work with auto-scaling in the sense that re-created nodes won't have the agent installed.
To monitor services (number of requests/s, client connection...) it's possible to install the agent plugin in another container so that for example Nginx Pod run two containers:
Google Monitoring Agent together with the Nginx plugin
Note: Not fully tested yet.
You can install the StackDriver Agent in your Dockerfile.
I have been able to get this working for a couchdb container as follows:
FROM klaemo/couchdb
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install curl lsb-release -y
RUN curl -O
RUN apt-get install libyajl2 -y
COPY couchdb.conf /opt/stackdriver/collectd/etc/collectd.d/couchdb.conf
CMD bash --write-gcm && service stackdriver-agent restart && couchdb
I had tried to use a Stackdriver container in a pod to collect stats about Nginx/Uwsgi in the same pod.
I had some findings that may be not so helpful. Just for your reference.
To create the stackdriver image, you may reference the docker file created by Keto.
FROM centos:centos7
# add stackdriver repository
RUN curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/stackdriver.repo
# install stackdriver
RUN yum -y install initscripts stackdriver-agent && yum clean all
RUN mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys; exit 0
RUN chmod 755 /
CMD ["/"]
The is look like below,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/opt/stackdriver/stack-config --write-gcm --no-start
/etc/init.d/stackdriver-agent start
while true; do
sleep 60
agent_pid=$(cat /var/run/ 2>/dev/null)
ps -p $agent_pid > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Stackdriver agent pid not found!"
In the GKE/K8S deployment yaml file,
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
- name: stackdriver-agent
command: ['/']
In my test, I found
It will report stats based on [node_name] instead of [container_name].
It will collect many system stats that are meaningful for a node, but since it is in a pod, it's quite pointless.
Well, I hope to find some way to collect both statistics of the pods and nodes that I need, but I didn't find a easy way to do that. What I did is do that by Google Python API library, but that takes too much time.
There is an other way to use Dockerfile.
When creating the docker image, pre-install necessary libraries for the stackdriver-agent installation.
FROM mongo
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl lsb-release
# COPY credential
COPY gcloud-credential.json /etc/google/auth/application_default_credentials.json
ENV GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS "/etc/google/auth/application_default_credentials.json"
# download Stackdriver Agent installer
RUN curl -O
RUN chmod +x /
# COPY stackdriver mongodb plugin
COPY mongodb.conf /opt/stackdriver/collectd/etc/collectd.d/mongodb.conf
Then install the agent using POD lifecycle.
- image: your_mongo_image
name: my-mongo
- containerPort: 27017
command: ["/", "--write-gcm"]