Firstly; sorry if the terminology I'm using is incorrect, I'm still very new to clojure and the paradigm shift is taking some time.
I am trying to work with a function which takes the first item from a set which is greater than twelve (is a 'teen' number). I can write this when I'm just applying it directly to a set, but I'm unsure how to write the function within a map. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I tried a few things, typically along the lines of (partial (first (filter (partial < 12)))) but without any luck at all so far, and researching definitions of filter/partial has not yet proved fruitful.
I want to have, as a value in a map, a function which takes the first item in a list which is greater than 12.
(def test-set [1, 8, 15, 22, 29])
(def some-functions {
:first first
:last last
:teenth "I don't know what to put here"
(first (filter (partial < 12) test-set))
One way is to use an anonymous function when defining the map (
> (def some-functions {
:first first
:last last
:teenth #(first (filter (partial < 12) %))})
> ((:first some-functions) test-set)
> ((:last some-functions) test-set)
> ((:teenth some-functions) test-set)
Of course you could also have explicitly defined your function and used it in your map:
> (defn teenth [coll] (first (filter (partial < 12) coll)))
> (def some-functions {
:first first
:last last
:teenth teenth})
(As an aside, be careful with the word set. In clojure sets are unordered collections of unique values.
I found a small improvement to #jas' answer.
The functions
#(first (filter (partial < 12) %))
(defn teenth [coll] (first (filter (partial < 12) coll)))
use a combination of first and filter.
This is a use case for the some function as stated on [1].
I would propose to refactor the functions to
(fn [coll] (some #(if (< 12 %) %) coll))
(defn teenth [coll] (some #(if (< 12 %) %) coll))
Due to the slightly more complex predicate function #(if (< 12 %) %) we cannot use partial anymore.
Please be aware that you cannot create nested anonymous functions by using the reader macro #() [2]. In this case, you have to use fn to create the nested anonymous function as shown above.
Actually, you could use fn twice, but in my opinion it's not readable anymore:
(fn [coll] (some (fn [e] (if (< 12 e) e)) coll))
I have a vector of maps like this one
(def map1
[{:name "name1"
:field "xxx"}
{:name "name2"
:requires {"element1" 1}}
{:name "name3"
:consumes {"element2" 1 "element3" 4}}])
I'm trying to define a functions that takes in a map like {"element1" 1 "element3" 6} (ie: with n fields, or {}) and fiters the maps in map1, returning only the ones that either have no requires and consumes, or have a lower number associated to them than the one associated with that key in the provided map (if the provided map doesn't have any key like that, it's not returned)
but I'm failing to grasp how to approach the maps recursive loop and filtering
(defn getV [node nodes]
(defn filterType [type nodes]
(filter (fn [x] (if (contains? x type)
false ; filter for key values here
true)) nodes))
(filterType :requires (filterType :consumes nodes)))
There's two ways to look at problems like this: from the outside in or from the inside out. Naming things carefully can really help when working with nested structures. For example, calling a vector of maps map1 may be adding to the confusion.
Starting from the outside, you need a predicate function for filtering the list. This function will take a map as a parameter and will be used by a filter function.
(defn comparisons [m]
(filter comparisons map1)
I'm not sure I understand the comparisons precisely, but there seems to be at least two flavors. The first is looking for maps that do not have :requires or :consumes keys.
(defn no-requires-or-consumes [m]
(defn all-keys-higher-than-values [m]
(defn comparisons [m]
(some #(% m) [no-requires-or-consumes all-keys-higher-than-values]))
Then it's a matter of defining the individual comparison functions
(defn no-requires-or-consumes [m]
(and (not (:requires m)) (not (:consumes m))))
The second is more complicated. It operates on one or two inner maps but the behaviour is the same in both cases so the real implementation can be pushed down another level.
(defn all-keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? keys-higher-than-values [(:requires m) (:consumes m)]))
The crux of the comparison is looking at the number in the key part of the map vs the value. Pushing the details down a level gives:
(defn keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? #(>= (number-from-key %) (get m %)) (keys m)))
Note: I chose >= here so that the second entry in the sample data will pass.
That leaves only pulling the number of of key string. how to do that can be found at In Clojure how can I convert a String to a number?
(defn number-from-key [s]
(read-string (re-find #"\d+" s)))
Stringing all these together and running against the example data returns the first and second entries.
Putting everything together:
(defn no-requires-or-consumes [m]
(and (not (:requires m)) (not (:consumes m))))
(defn number-from-key [s]
(read-string (re-find #"\d+" s)))
(defn all-keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? keys-higher-than-values [(:requires m) (:consumes m)]))
(defn keys-higher-than-values [m]
(every? #(>= (number-from-key %) (get m %)) (keys m)))
(defn comparisons [m]
(some #(% m) [no-requires-or-consumes all-keys-higher-than-values]))
(filter comparisons map1)
Given the following data structure, I want to ask for "services-list" (a component) and receive back "entity-list" (a style).
(def style->components {"entity-list" ["services-list" "employee-list" "clients-list"]})
My solution is not so elegant:
(defn get-style-name [comp-name]
(-> (filter (fn [map-entry]
(let [v (val map-entry)
found-comp (some #(= % comp-name) v)]
)) style->components)
Is there a better way? Perhaps my problem started with the way I structured the data.
you can make it shorter and more clojurish this way:
(defn get-style-name [comp-name]
(ffirst (filter (fn [[_ v]]
(some #{comp-name} v))
there is a function ffirst, that works exactly like (first (first %))
using a destructuring in the filter function signature, you can retrieve the value of the map entry, avoiding unneeded let
instead of this function in some: #(= % comp-name) it is quite common to use the set: #{comp-name}
then you can use some instead of filter, as it returns the first logical true value returned by function, so you can remove ffirst:
(defn get-style-name [comp-name]
(some (fn [[k v]]
(when (some #{comp-name} v) k))
also, if you change your data structure to use set instead of vector, you can make it even shorter:
(def component->style {"entity-list" #{"services-list"
(defn get-style-name [comp-name]
(some (fn [[k v]] (when (v comp-name) k))
Just to add another alternative, nested sequence operations usually lend themselves to replacement with for:
(defn get-style-name
(for [[style-name comp-names] style->components
comp-name' comp-names
:when (= comp-name comp-name')]
Still, I'd prefer a solution where the mapping of component name to style name is pre-computed, e.g.
(def get-style-name
(->> (for [[style-name comp-names] style->components
comp-name comp-names]
[comp-name style-name])
(into {})))
This way, you avoid traversing the style->components map on every lookup.
I have the following code that works:
(def *primes*
(let [l "2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31"
f (fn [lst] (filter #(< 0 (count (str/trim %))) lst))
m (fn [lst] (map #(Integer/parseInt %) lst))]
(-> l
(str/partition #"[0-9]+")
If I change it to inline the filter (f) and map (m) functions to this:
(def *primes*
(let [l "2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31"]
(-> l
(str/partition #"[0-9]+")
(fn [lst] (filter #(< 0 (count (str/trim %))) lst))
(fn [lst] (map #(Integer/parseInt %) lst)))))
it doesn't compile anymore. The error is:
#<CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol (NO_SOURCE_FILE:227)>
Can anyone explain this to me?
The problem that I'm trying to solve is that map and filter takes the collection as the last parameter, yet str/partition takes the collection as the first, so I'm trying to mix the two using -> but currying map and filter into functions that only take one (the first) parameter for the collection to go into.
You can mix -> and ->> to a certain degree.
(-> l
(str/partition #"[0-9]+")
(->> (filter #(< 0 (count (str/trim %)))))
(->> (map #(Integer/parseInt %))))
But usually having problems like this is a sign that you try to do too much in one form. This simple example could be easily fixed.
(->> (str/partition l #"[0-9]+")
(filter #(< 0 (count (str/trim %))))
(map #(Integer/parseInt %)))
You're using function declarations as function calls. the immediate (ugly) way to fix it is to replace (fn [..] ..) with ((fn [..] ...))
-> is a macro. It manipulates the code you give it, and then executes that code. What happens when you try to use anonymous functions inline like that, is the previous expressions get threaded in as the first argument to fn. That is not what you want. You want them threaded in as the first argument to the actual function.
To use ->, you'd have to declare the functions beforehand, as you did in your first example.
This question is related to one I asked recently.
If I rewrite (fn [n] (fn [x] (apply * (repeat n x)))) as
(defn power [n] (fn [x] (apply * (repeat n x))))`
it works just fine when used like this
((power 2) 16)
I can substitute 2 with another power, but I'd like to make a function just for squares, cubed, and so on. What is the best way to do that? I've been fiddling with it in the REPL, but no luck so far.
Using a macro for this goes entirely around his question, which was "I have a function that generates closures, how do I give those closures names?" The simple solution is:
(letfn [(power [n]
(fn [x]
(apply * (repeat n x))))]
(def square (power 2))
(def cube (power 3)))
If you really truly hate repeating def and power a few times, then and only then is it time to get macros involved. But the amount of effort you'll spend on even the simplest macro will be wasted unless you're defining functions up to at least the tenth power, compared to the simplicity of doing it with functions.
Not quite sure if this is what you're searching for, but macro templates might be it. Here's how I would write your code:
(use 'clojure.template)
(do-template [name n]
(defn name [x] (apply * (repeat n x)))
square 2
cube 3)
user> (cube 3)
;=> 27
For more complex type of similar tasks, you could write a macro that wrap do-template to perform some transformation on its arguments, e.g.:
(defmacro def-powers-of [& ns]
(let [->name #(->> % (str "power") symbol)]
`(do-template [~'name ~'n]
(defn ~'name [~'x] (apply * (repeat ~'n ~'x)))
~#(->> ns
(map #(vector (->name %) %))
(def-powers-of 2 3 4 5)
user> (power3 3)
;=> 27
user> (power5 3)
;=> 243
P.S.: That macro might look awkward if you're just starting with Clojure though, don't give up because of it! ;-)
(This is a question regarding style. I am aware this can be done with a bunch of conditionals, multimethods, etc.)
In the following function, null-vector is defined on each implementation. How can I set it once for the entire function? In general, is it possible to set a common binding to all implementations?
A closure won't work, since it null-vector needs an "argument", but I suppose I could partial it. However, that would still need computation of the size parameter. I'd like to avoid repeating code, obviously.
(defn path
"Returns a lazy sequence of vectors representing a monotonic path
walked over coll in n-dimensional space, where n is the cardinality
of coll's alphabet."
(let [alphabet (set coll)
cardinality (count alphabet)
alpha-map (apply hash-map (interleave alphabet (range cardinality)))
null-vector (vec (repeat cardinality 0))]
(path coll null-vector alpha-map)))
([coll alpha-map]
(let [null-vector (vec (repeat (count (keys alpha-map)) 0))]
(path coll null-vector alpha-map)))
([coll origin alpha-map]
(let [null-vector (vec (repeat (count origin) 0))
unit-vector #(assoc null-vector (alpha-map %) 1)
sum-vectors #(vec (map + %1 %2))]
(reductions sum-vectors origin (map unit-vector coll)))))
I would create a "private" helper function:
(defn- null-copy-vector [coll]
(vec (repeat (count coll) 0)))
and then just call it in each branch of the function:
(defn path
"Returns a lazy sequence of vectors representing a monotonic path
walked over coll in n-dimensional space, where n is the cardinality
of coll's alphabet."
(let [alphabet (set coll)
alpha-map (zipmap alphabet (iterate inc 0)) ;; note 1
null-vector (null-copy-vector alphabet)]
(path coll null-vector alpha-map null-vector)))
([coll alpha-map]
(let [null-vector (null-copy-vector alpha-map)] ;; note 2
(path coll null-vector alpha-map null-vector)))
([coll origin alpha-map]
(path coll origin alpha-map (null-copy-vector origin)))
([coll origin alpha-map null-vector]
(let [unit-vector #(assoc null-vector (alpha-map %) 1)
sum-vectors #(vec (map + %1 %2))]
(reductions sum-vectors origin (map unit-vector coll)))))
It may be this isn't satisfying to you because null-copy-vector isn't "inside" the overall function here, but I think this is pretty idiomatic. On a function that did not take multiple arities, I might use letfn to separate out an "internal" function but that won't work here.
Breaking things up like this also lets you a) reuse the basic building block functions elsewhere and b) lets you test in smaller chunks. You might want to skip the defn- and just use defn to make testing easier (although it is possible to test defn- with a bit more work).
I also broke out a new 4-arg form that takes the null-vector as the last arg, letting you pass it in directly if you know it so that you can avoid re-creating it from an already null vector. If you wanted to hide that 4-arg form, you could pull it into a separate defn- helper function.
Unrelated notes:
I modified your first branch to a simpler (imho) impl using zipmap and an infinite sequence.
Instead of (count (keys map)), just doing (count map) is sufficient (the count here is inside your helper function).