I'm getting this error from AWS Athena:
HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH: There is a mismatch between the table and partition schemas. The types are incompatible and cannot be coerced. The column 'id' in table 'db.app_events' is declared as type 'string', but partition 'xxxxx' declared column 'data.entity_price' as type 'double'.
there is no connection with those fields but it gives an error. Is it a bug or am I missing something?

Schema is kept at partition level unless you inherit schema from table. See this:
also discussed here as well:

ALTER TABLE tableName CHANGE columnName newColumnName type CASCADE;


How to resolve `single value for column cannot be determined` error?

DimUser and DimCustomer filter the FactSales table.
I have created a RLS role with the following DAX on the DimCustomer table:
[DW_CustomerID] IN
, "DW_CustomerID", FactSales[DW_CustomerID])
My intention is to filter the DimUser based on the current user's email, then retrieve the filtered Customer ID's from the FactSales table. Effectively the logged in user can only those customer for the user has made sales.
The DAX is giving following error:
A single value for column DW_CustomerID in table FactSales cannot be
How to resolve this error?
You are looking for a column that does not exist in the table you are looking for it in. The first parameter of the SELECTCOLUMNS() function is a table, in your case you have provided a derived table built by the FILTER() function being used on the DimUser table. Therefore, your derived table is one row with all the columns from the DimUser table. The FactSales[DW_CustomerID] column is not in this table.
I would try rewriting it to be something closer to the following:
[DW_CustomerID] IN
Without seeing your model it is tough to know for sure though.

Rename Column Name in Athena AWS

I have tried several ways to rename some column name in athena table.
after reading the following article
But I have get a no luck on it.
I tried
ALTER TABLE "users_data"."values_portions" REPLACE COLUMNS ('username/teradata' 'String', 'username_teradata' 'String')
Got error
no viable alternative at input 'alter table "users_data"."values_portions" replace' (service: amazonathena; status code: 400; error code: invalidrequestexception; request id: 23232ssdds.....; proxy: null)
You can refer to this document which talks about renaming columns. The query that you are trying to run will replace all the columns in the existing table with provided column list.
One strategy for renaming columns is to create a new table based on the same underlying data, but using new column names. The example mentioned in the link creates a new orders_parquet table called orders_parquet_column_renamed. The example changes the column o_totalprice name to o_total_price and then runs a query in Athena.
Another way of changing the column name is by simply going to AWS Glue -> Select database -> select table -> edit schema -> double click on column name -> type in new name -> save.

AWS Amplify create Global Secondary Index after DynamoDB table creation

I have a large schema with ~70 tables and many of them connected to each other(194 #connection directives) like this:
type table1 #model {
name: String!
table2: table2 #connection
type table2 #model {
This works fine. Now my data amount is steadily growing and I need to be able to query for results and sort them.
I've read several articles and found one giving me the advice to create a #key directive to generate a GSI with 2 fields so I can say "Filter the results according to my filter property, sort them by the field "name" and return the first 10 entries, the rest accessible via nextToken parameter"
So I tried to add a GSI like this:
type table1 #model
#key(name: "byName", fields:["id","name"], queryField:"idByName"){
name: String!
table2: table2 #connection
amplify push --minify
I receive the error
Attempting to add a local secondary index to the table1Table table in the table1 stack. Local secondary indexes must be created when the table is created.
An error occured during the push operation: Attempting to add a local secondary index to the table1Table table in the table1 stack.
Local secondary indexes must be created when the table is created.
Why does it create a LSI instead of a GSI? Are there any ways to add #key directives to the tables after they have been created and filled? There are so many datasets from different tables linked with each other so just setting up a new schema would take ages.
Billingmode is PAY_PER_REQUEST if this has some impact.
Any ideas how to proceed?
Thanks in advance!
Regards Christian
If you are using new environment, delete folder #current-cloud-backend first.
Then amplify init created the folder again but alas, with only one file in it amplify-meta.json.

Django with Oracle database 11g

I am new to the python language and django. I need to connect the django to the oracle database 11g, I have imported the cx_oracle library and using the instant client for connecting oracle with django, but when i run the command manage inspectdb > I get error as Invalid column identifier in the How could i solve it. I have only 2 tables in that schema i am connecting?
"Invalid column" suggests that you specified column name that doesn't exist in any of those tables, or you misspelled its name.
For example:
SQL> desc dept
SQL> select ndame from dept; --> misspelled column name
select ndame from dept
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "NDAME": invalid identifier
SQL> select imaginary_column from dept; --> non-existent column name
select imaginary_column from dept
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "IMAGINARY_COLUMN": invalid identifier
Also, pay attention to letter case, especially if you created tables/columns using mixed case and enclosed those names into double quotes (if so, I'd suggest you to drop tables and recreate them, without double quotes. If you can't do that, you'll have to reference them using double quotes and exactly the same letter case).
So - check column names and compare them to your query. If you still can't make it work, post some more information - table description and your code.
I've faced the same problem. The problem is that Django expects your table have primary key (ID), so when your table is without key, it returns Invalid columns identifier.

query builder select the id from leftJoin

I have a select field that fetch from an entity
and I would like to customize completely my select by choosing the table the id is picked from
(here I would like to select instead of as the select value)
return $er->createQueryBuilder('tl')
->leftJoin('tl.lang', 'l')
->leftJoin('tl.type', 't')
->where('l.isDefault = 1')
->orderBy('', 'ASC');
Due to my tables, I can't simply fetch the table t, I have to use tl
Your query is not according to the syntax defined in Doctrine 2 QueryBuilder:
Your query might work in Doctrine 1.2 but in Doctrine 2 you should build your query according to the syntax defined in the link I posted above.
For example ->addSelect('l') is not being used in Doctrine 2 anymore. It has become ->add('select', 'l').
You don't have to set different alias for your column. It'll be hydrated as column of the related entity.