Getting diffuse material right form cpu code to gpu shader - c++

I'm trying to unwarp this function from raytracing in one weekend
vec3 color(const ray& r, hitable *world)
hit_record rec;
if(world->hit(r,0.0, MAXFLOAT, rec)){
vec3 target = rec.p + rec.normal + random_in_unit_sphere();
return 0.5*color( ray(rec.p, target-rec.p), world);
vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
float t = 0.5*(unit_direction.y() + 1.0);
return (1.0-t)*vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0) + t*vec3(0.5,0.7,1.0);
i've understand that it will send a ray and bounce it until it does not hit anything.
So i have attempt to unwarp this recursive function in a GLSL shader.
vec3 color(ray r, hitableList list)
hitRecord rec;
vec3 unitDirection;
float t;
while(hit(r, 0.0, FLT_MAX, rec, list))
vec3 target = rec.p + rec.normal;
r = ray(rec.p, target-rec.p);
unitDirection = normalize(direction(r));
t = 0.5* (unitDirection.y + 1.);
return (1.-t)*vec3(1.)+t*vec3(0.5,0.7,1.);
normally it should output a diffuse like this :
but i only get a reflective material like this :
note, the material is HIGHLY reflective and can reflect other sphere in the scene.
i have looked around the code and something tell me it's my wrong approche of this tail recursive fonction. Also I don't return the 0.5 * the return 0.5 * color(...) I have no idea how to do it.
Thanks to the awnser of Jarod42 there is now the 0.5 * factor implemented, this solve the issue of the material not being "properly" expose to light.
But now the diffuse material is still not generated, I end up with a Metal Material fully reflective.

To use the factor of 0.5, you might do something like:
vec3 color(ray r, hitableList list)
hitRecord rec;
vec3 unitDirection;
float t;
float factor = 1.f;
while(hit(r, 0.0, FLT_MAX, rec, list))
vec3 target = rec.p + rec.normal;
r = ray(rec.p, target-rec.p);
factor *= 0.5f;
unitDirection = normalize(direction(r));
t = 0.5* (unitDirection.y + 1.);
return factor * ((1.-t)*vec3(1.)+t*vec3(0.5,0.7,1.));


Dark spot where light should be when attempting to code pbr shader

I keep having this bug where there's a black spot right where I would assume the model is supposed to be brightest. I pulled an all-nighter trying to get this to work, but no avail.
I've been following this tutuorial, and referencing this code as well
As far as I can tell, the math operations I'm doing are identical but they don't produce the intended results. Along with the dark spots, roughness seems to not effect the end result whatsoever, even though I use it in several places that effect the end result.
Here's the code I'm using, all inputs are in world chordinates:
vec3 gammaCorrect(vec3 color)
color = color / (color + vec3(1.0));
return pow(color, vec3(1.0/2.2));
vec3 shadeDiffuse(vec3 color, vec3 position, vec3 normal)
vec3 lightHue = vec3(0,0,0);
for(uint i = 0; i < plb.numLights; ++i)
float sqrdist = distance(plb.lights[i].position, position);
sqrdist *= sqrdist;
float b = max(0, dot(normalize(plb.lights[i].position - position), normal) * max(0, plb.lights[i].color.a * (1 / sqrdist)));
lightHue += plb.lights[i] * b;
color *= lightHue;
return gammaCorrect(color);
#ifndef PI
const float PI = 3.14159265359;
float DistributionGGX(vec3 normal, vec3 viewVec, float roughness)
float a2 = pow(roughness, 4);
float NdotH = max(dot(normal, viewVec), 0.0);
float denom = (NdotH*NdotH * (a2 - 1.0) + 1.0);
return a2 / (PI * denom * denom);
float GeometrySchlickGGX(float dotp, float roughness)
return dotp / (dotp * (1.0 - roughness) + roughness);
float GeometrySmith(vec3 normal, vec3 viewVec, vec3 lightVec, float roughness)
float r = (roughness + 1.0);
float k = (r * r) / 8.0;
return GeometrySchlickGGX(max(dot(normal, viewVec), 0.0), k) * GeometrySchlickGGX(max(dot(normal, lightVec), 0.0), k);
vec3 fresnelSchlick(float cosTheta, vec3 F0)
return F0 + (1.0 - F0) * pow(1.0 - cosTheta, 5.0);
vec3 shadePBR(vec3 albedo, vec3 position, vec3 cameraPos, vec3 normal, float roughness, float metallic)
vec3 viewVec = normalize(cameraPos - position);
const vec3 F0 = mix(vec3(0.03), albedo, metallic);
vec3 lightHue = vec3(0);
for(uint i = 0; i < plb.numLights; ++i)
// radiance
vec3 lightVec = normalize(plb.lights[i].position - position);
vec3 halfVec = normalize(viewVec + lightVec);
float distance = length(plb.lights[i].position - position);
float attenuation = 1.0 / (distance * distance);
vec3 radiance = plb.lights[i] * attenuation * max(plb.lights[i].color.a, 0);
// brdf
float NDF = DistributionGGX(halfVec, normal, roughness);
float G = GeometrySmith(normal, viewVec, lightVec, roughness);
vec3 F = fresnelSchlick(max(dot(halfVec, viewVec), 0.0), F0);
vec3 kD = mix(vec3(1)-F, vec3(0), metallic);
float viewDot = max(dot(normal, viewVec), 0.0);
float lightDot = max(dot(normal, lightVec), 0.0);
vec3 specular = (NDF * G * F) / (4.0 * max(viewDot * lightDot, 0.000001));
// add to hue
lightHue += (kD * albedo / PI + specular) * radiance * lightDot;
//Add in ambient here later
vec3 color = lightHue;
return gammaCorrect(color);
I'm going to go sleep now, thanks for any help in advance.
So turns out I'm very stupid. Problem was that I was trying to grab the camera position from the render matrix, and as I have found out, you can't really grab a clean position from that without fully disassembling it, instead of just grabbing a few indexes from it. Passed camera position with a uniform instead and code immediately worked perfectly.

How to implement refraction light in fragment shader?

I am working on an OpenGL ray-tracer, which is capable of loading obj files and ray-trace it. My application loads the obj file with assimp and then sends all of the triangle faces (with the primitive coordinates and te material coefficients as well) to the fragment shader by using shader storage objects. The basic structure is about to render the results to a quad from the fragment shader.
I have trouble with the ray-tracing part in the fragment shader, but first let's introduce it.
For diffuse light, Lambert's cosine law, for specular light Phong-Blinn model was used. In case of total reflection a weightvariable is used to make the reflected light has an effect on other objects as well. The weight is calculated with approximating the Fresnel equation by Schlick method. In the image below, you can see, that the plane works like a mirror reflecting the image of the cube above.
I would like to make the cube appear as a glass object (like a glass sphere), which has refracting and reflecting effects as well. Or at least refracts the light. In the image above you can see a refracting effect on cube, but it is not as good, as it should be. I searched examples how to implement it, but until now, I recognized fresnel euquation has to be used just like in the reflection part.
Here is fragment my shader:
vec3 Fresnel(vec3 F0, float cosTheta) {
return F0 + (vec3(1, 1, 1) - F0) * pow(1-cosTheta, 5);
float schlickApprox(float Ni, float cosTheta){
float F0=pow((1-Ni)/(1+Ni), 2);
return F0 + (1 - F0) * pow((1 - cosTheta), 5);
vec3 trace(Ray ray){
vec3 weight = vec3(1, 1, 1);
const float epsilon = 0.0001f;
vec3 outRadiance = vec3(0, 0, 0);
int maxdepth=5;
for (int i=0; i < maxdepth; i++){
Hit hit=traverseBvhTree(ray);
if (hit.t<0){ return weight * lights[0].La; }
vec4 textColor = texture(texture1, vec2(hit.u, hit.v));
Ray shadowRay;
shadowRay.orig = hit.orig + hit.normal * epsilon;
shadowRay.dir = normalize(lights[0].direction);
// Ambient Light
outRadiance+= materials[hit.mat] * lights[0].La* * weight;
// Diffuse light based on Lambert's cosine law
float cosTheta = dot(hit.normal, normalize(lights[0].direction));
if (cosTheta>0 && traverseBvhTree(shadowRay).t<0) {
outRadiance +=lights[0].La * materials[hit.mat] * cosTheta * weight;
// Specular light based on Phong-Blinn model
vec3 halfway = normalize(-ray.dir + lights[0].direction);
float cosDelta = dot(hit.normal, halfway);
if (cosDelta > 0){
outRadiance +=weight * lights[0].Le * materials[hit.mat] * pow(cosDelta, materials[hit.mat].shininess); }
float fresnel=schlickApprox(materials[hit.mat].Ni, cosTheta);
// For refractive materials
if (materials[hit.mat].Ni < 3)
/*this is the under contruction part.*/
ray.orig = hit.orig - hit.normal*epsilon;
ray.dir = refract(ray.dir, hit.normal, materials[hit.mat].Ni);
// If the refraction index is more than 15, treat the material as mirror.
else if (materials[hit.mat].Ni >= 15) {
weight *= fresnel;
ray.dir=reflect(ray.dir, hit.normal);
return outRadiance;
Update 1
I updated the trace method in the shader. As far as I understand the physics of light, if there is a material, which reflects and refracts the light, I have to treat two cases according to this.
In this case of reflection, I added a weight to the diffuse light calculation: weight *= fresnel
In case of refraction light, the weight is weight*=1-fresnel.
Moreover, I calculated the ray.orig and ray.dir connected to the cases and refraction calculation only happens when it is not the case of total internal reflection (fresnel is smaller than 1).
The modified trace method:
vec3 trace(Ray ray){
vec3 weight = vec3(1, 1, 1);
const float epsilon = 0.0001f;
vec3 outRadiance = vec3(0, 0, 0);
int maxdepth=3;
for (int i=0; i < maxdepth; i++){
Hit hit=traverseBvhTree(ray);
if (hit.t<0){ return weight * lights[0].La; }
vec4 textColor = texture(texture1, vec2(hit.u, hit.v));
Ray shadowRay;
shadowRay.orig = hit.orig + hit.normal * epsilon;
shadowRay.dir = normalize(lights[0].direction);
// Ambient Light
outRadiance+= materials[hit.mat] * lights[0].La* * weight;
// Diffuse light based on Lambert's cosine law
float cosTheta = dot(hit.normal, normalize(lights[0].direction));
if (cosTheta>0 && traverseBvhTree(shadowRay).t<0) {
outRadiance +=lights[0].La * materials[hit.mat] * cosTheta * weight;
// Specular light based on Phong-Blinn model
vec3 halfway = normalize(-ray.dir + lights[0].direction);
float cosDelta = dot(hit.normal, halfway);
if (cosDelta > 0){
outRadiance +=weight * lights[0].Le * materials[hit.mat] * pow(cosDelta, materials[hit.mat].shininess); }
float fresnel=schlickApprox(materials[hit.mat].Ni, cosTheta);
// For refractive/reflective materials
if (materials[hit.mat].Ni < 7)
bool outside = dot(ray.dir, hit.normal) < 0;
// compute refraction if it is not a case of total internal reflection
if (fresnel < 1) {
ray.orig = outside ? hit.orig-hit.normal*epsilon : hit.orig+hit.normal*epsilon;
ray.dir = refract(ray.dir, hit.normal,materials[hit.mat].Ni);
weight *= 1-fresnel;
// compute reflection
ray.orig= outside ? hit.orig+hit.normal*epsilon : hit.orig-hit.normal*epsilon;
ray.dir= reflect(ray.dir, hit.normal);
weight *= fresnel;
// If the refraction index is more than 15, treat the material as mirror: total reflection
else if (materials[hit.mat].Ni >= 7) {
weight *= fresnel;
ray.dir=reflect(ray.dir, hit.normal);
return outRadiance;
Here is a snapshot connected to the update. Slightly better, I guess.
Update 2:
I found an iterative algorithm which is using a stack to visualize refractive and reflected rays in opengl: it is on page 68.
I modified my frag shader according to this. Almost fine, except for the back faces, which are completely black. Some pictures attached.
Here is the trace method of my frag shader:
vec3 trace(Ray ray){
vec3 color;
float epsilon=0.001;
Stack stack[8];// max depth
int stackSize = 0;// current depth
int bounceCount = 0;
vec3 coeff = vec3(1, 1, 1);
bool continueLoop = true;
while (continueLoop){
Hit hit = traverseBvhTree(ray);
if (hit.t>0){
Ray shadowRay;
shadowRay.orig = hit.orig + hit.normal * epsilon;
shadowRay.dir = normalize(lights[0].direction);
color+= materials[hit.mat] * lights[0].La * coeff;
// Diffuse light
float cosTheta = dot(hit.normal, normalize(lights[0].direction));// Lambert-féle cosinus törvény alapján.
if (cosTheta>0 && traverseBvhTree(shadowRay).t<0) {
color +=lights[0].La * materials[hit.mat] * cosTheta * coeff;
vec3 halfway = normalize(-ray.dir + lights[0].direction);
float cosDelta = dot(hit.normal, halfway);
// Specular light
if (cosDelta > 0){
color +=coeff * lights[0].Le * materials[hit.mat] * pow(cosDelta, materials[hit.mat].shininess); }
if (materials[hit.mat].indicator > 3.0 && bounceCount <=2){
float eta = 1.0/materials[hit.mat].Ni;
Ray refractedRay;
refractedRay.dir = dot(ray.dir, hit.normal) <= 0.0 ? refract(ray.dir, hit.normal, eta) : refract(ray.dir, -hit.normal, 1.0/eta);
bool totalInternalReflection = length(refractedRay.dir) < epsilon;
refractedRay.orig = hit.orig + hit.normal*epsilon*sign(dot(ray.dir, hit.normal));
refractedRay.dir = normalize(refractedRay.dir);
stack[stackSize].coeff = coeff *(1 - schlickApprox(materials[hit.mat].Ni, dot(ray.dir, hit.normal)));
stack[stackSize].depth = bounceCount;
stack[stackSize++].ray = refractedRay;
ray.dir = reflect(ray.dir, -hit.normal);
ray.orig = hit.orig - hit.normal*epsilon;
else if (materials[hit.mat].indicator == 0){
coeff *= schlickApprox(materials[hit.mat].Ni, dot(-ray.dir, hit.normal));
ray.dir=reflect(ray.dir, hit.normal);
else { //Diffuse Material
else {
color+= coeff * lights[0].La;
if (!continueLoop && stackSize > 0){
ray = stack[stackSize--].ray;
bounceCount = stack[stackSize].depth;
coeff = stack[stackSize].coeff;
continueLoop = true;
return color;

Non recursive ray_color function from Raytracing in One Weekend in GLSL using compute shaders

I am trying to write a real time ray tracer using compute shaders in opengl 4.3. I know that this is a rather popular question.
I have checked this, and this, but the architecture provided over there does not really correspond to my use case.
I am simply trying to transform the ray_color function provided in the P. Shirley's book here into a non recursive function.
The mentioned ray_color function:
color ray_color(const ray& r, const hittable& world, int depth) {
hit_record rec;
// If we've exceeded the ray bounce limit, no more light is gathered.
if (depth <= 0)
return color(0,0,0);
if (world.hit(r, 0.001, infinity, rec)) {
point3 target = rec.p + rec.normal + random_unit_vector();
return 0.5 * ray_color(ray(rec.p, target - rec.p), world, depth-1);
vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
auto t = 0.5*(unit_direction.y() + 1.0);
return (1.0-t)*color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) + t*color(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);
Here is my attempt:
vec3 no_hit_color(in Ray r) {
vec3 dir = normalize(r.direction);
float temp = 0.5 * (dir.y + 1.0);
vec3 cval = vec3(1.0 - temp) + temp * vec3(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);
return cval;
vec3 ray_color(in Ray r, in Scene scene, int depth) {
Ray r_in;
r_in.origin = r.origin;
r_in.direction = r.direction;
vec3 bcolor = vec3(1);
while (true) {
Ray r_out;
if (depth <= 0) {
return vec3(0);
HitRecord rec;
if (hit_scene(scene, r_in, 0.001, INFINITY, rec)) {
vec3 target = rec.point + random_in_hemisphere(rec.normal);
r_in = makeRay(rec.point, target - rec.point);
bcolor *= 0.5;
} else {
bcolor *= no_hit_color(r_in);
return bcolor;
If I use a static value for depth, with something like #define MAX_DEPTH, I think i can implement the algorithm, by making my own stack, but I would like to keep the depth as dynamic variable where I can let users tweak according to their computing power.
So I would like to implement it using while if possible.
My version produces a black slice near the bottom of the sphere, which does not correspond to the reference picture.
Update 1:
I am slightly convinced that the above implementation is correct but my camera position from which I am generating rays is problematic.
I have confirmed that the implementation is indeed correct. Here is a glsl version and c++ version for future reference.
It should give you a direction for implementing more complex stuff later on.
// glsl version
vec3 ray_color(in Ray r, in Scene scene, int depth) {
Ray r_in;
r_in.origin = r.origin;
r_in.direction = r.direction;
vec3 bcolor = vec3(1);
while (true) {
if (depth <= 0) {
return vec3(0);
// return bcolor;
HitRecord rec;
if (hit_scene(scene, r_in, 0.001, INFINITY, rec)) {
vec3 target = rec.point + random_in_hemisphere(rec.normal);
r_in = makeRay(rec.point, target - rec.point);
bcolor *= 0.5;
} else {
vec3 dir = normalize(r_in.direction);
float temp = 0.5 * (dir.y + 1.0);
bcolor *= vec3(1.0 - temp) + temp * vec3(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);
return bcolor;
// cpp version
color ray_color2(const Ray &r, const HittableList &scene, int depth) {
Ray r_in = Ray(r.origin, r.direction);
color rcolor = color(1);
while (true) {
HitRecord record;
if (depth <= 0) {
// final case
return color(0);
if (scene.hit(r_in, 0.001, INF, record)) {
// recursive case
point3 target = record.point + random_in_hemisphere(record.normal);
r_in = Ray(record.point, target - record.point);
rcolor *= 0.5;
} else {
vec3 direction = to_unit(r_in.direction);
double temp = 0.5 * (direction.y + 1.0);
rcolor *= (1.0 - temp) * color(1.0) + temp * color(0.5, 0.7, 1.0);
return rcolor;
Basically as long as the contribution of rays can be modeled with a linear operator, it should be possible to use while loop to implement the function. Notice that the function does not use a call stack, thus it can be used where the maximum bounce rate, or maximum depth whichever you prefer, for rays is dynamic.

Oren-Nayar lighting in OpenGL (how to calculate view direction in fragment shader)

I'm trying to implement Oren-Nayar lighting in the fragment shader as shown here.
However, I'm getting some strange lighting effects on the terrain as shown below.
I am currently sending the shader the 'view direction' uniform as the camera's 'front' vector. I am not sure if this is correct, as moving the camera around changes the artifacts.
Multiplying the 'front' vector by the MVP matrix gives a better result, but the artifacts are still very noticable when viewing the terrain from some angles. It is particularly noticable in dark areas and around the edges of the screen.
What could be causing this effect?
Artifact example
How the scene should look
Vertex Shader
#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 normal;
out VS_OUT {
vec3 normal;
} vert_out;
void main() {
vert_out.normal = normal;
gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
Tesselation Control Shader
#version 450
layout(vertices = 3) out;
in VS_OUT {
vec3 normal;
} tesc_in[];
out TESC_OUT {
vec3 normal;
} tesc_out[];
void main() {
if(gl_InvocationID == 0) {
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 1.0;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = 1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 1.0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = 1.0;
tesc_out[gl_InvocationID].normal = tesc_in[gl_InvocationID].normal;
gl_out[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position;
Tesselation Evaluation Shader
#version 450
layout(triangles, equal_spacing) in;
vec3 normal;
} tesc_in[];
out TESE_OUT {
vec3 normal;
float height;
vec4 shadow_position;
} tesc_out;
uniform mat4 model_view;
uniform mat4 model_view_perspective;
uniform mat3 normal_matrix;
uniform mat4 depth_matrix;
vec3 lerp(vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2) {
return (
(vec3(gl_TessCoord.x) * v0) +
(vec3(gl_TessCoord.y) * v1) +
(vec3(gl_TessCoord.z) * v2)
vec4 lerp(vec4 v0, vec4 v1, vec4 v2) {
return (
(vec4(gl_TessCoord.x) * v0) +
(vec4(gl_TessCoord.y) * v1) +
(vec4(gl_TessCoord.z) * v2)
void main() {
gl_Position = lerp(
tesc_out.normal = normal_matrix * lerp(
tesc_out.height = gl_Position.y;
tesc_out.shadow_position = depth_matrix * gl_Position;
gl_Position = model_view_perspective * gl_Position;
Fragment Shader
#version 450
vec3 normal;
float height;
vec4 shadow_position;
} frag_in;
out vec4 colour;
uniform vec3 view_direction;
uniform vec3 light_position;
#define PI 3.141592653589793
void main() {
const vec3 ambient = vec3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
const float roughness = 0.8;
const vec4 water = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 1.0);
const vec4 sand = vec4(0.93, 0.87, 0.51, 1.0);
const vec4 grass = vec4(0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0);
const vec4 ground = vec4(0.49, 0.27, 0.08, 1.0);
const vec4 snow = vec4(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0);
if(frag_in.height == 0.0) {
colour = water;
} else if(frag_in.height < 0.2) {
colour = sand;
} else if(frag_in.height < 0.575) {
colour = grass;
} else if(frag_in.height < 0.8) {
colour = ground;
} else {
colour = snow;
vec3 normal = normalize(frag_in.normal);
vec3 view_dir = normalize(view_direction);
vec3 light_dir = normalize(light_position);
float NdotL = dot(normal, light_dir);
float NdotV = dot(normal, view_dir);
float angleVN = acos(NdotV);
float angleLN = acos(NdotL);
float alpha = max(angleVN, angleLN);
float beta = min(angleVN, angleLN);
float gamma = dot(view_dir - normal * dot(view_dir, normal), light_dir - normal * dot(light_dir, normal));
float roughnessSquared = roughness * roughness;
float roughnessSquared9 = (roughnessSquared / (roughnessSquared + 0.09));
// calculate C1, C2 and C3
float C1 = 1.0 - 0.5 * (roughnessSquared / (roughnessSquared + 0.33));
float C2 = 0.45 * roughnessSquared9;
if(gamma >= 0.0) {
C2 *= sin(alpha);
} else {
C2 *= (sin(alpha) - pow((2.0 * beta) / PI, 3.0));
float powValue = (4.0 * alpha * beta) / (PI * PI);
float C3 = 0.125 * roughnessSquared9 * powValue * powValue;
// now calculate both main parts of the formula
float A = gamma * C2 * tan(beta);
float B = (1.0 - abs(gamma)) * C3 * tan((alpha + beta) / 2.0);
// put it all together
float L1 = max(0.0, NdotL) * (C1 + A + B);
// also calculate interreflection
float twoBetaPi = 2.0 * beta / PI;
float L2 = 0.17 * max(0.0, NdotL) * (roughnessSquared / (roughnessSquared + 0.13)) * (1.0 - gamma * twoBetaPi * twoBetaPi);
colour = vec4( * (L1 + L2), 1.0);
First I've plugged your fragment shader into my renderer with my view/normal/light vectors and it works perfectly. So the problem has to be in the way you calculate those vectors.
Next, you say that you set view_dir to your camera's front vector. I assume that you meant "camera's front vector in the world space" which would be incorrect. Since you calculate the dot products with vectors in the camera space, the view_dir must be in the camera space too. That is vec3(0,0,1) would be an easy way to check that. If it works -- we found your problem.
However, using (0,0,1) for the view direction is not strictly correct when you do perspective projection, because the direction from the fragment to the camera then depends on the location of the fragment on the screen. The correct formula then would be view_dir = normalize(-pos) where pos is the fragment's position in camera space (that is with model-view matrix applied without the projection). Further, this quantity now depends only on the fragment location on the screen, so you can calculate it as:
view_dir = normalize(vec3(-(gl_FragCoord.xy - frame_size/2) / (frame_width/2), flen))
flen is the focal length of your camera, which you can calculate as flen = cot(fovx/2).
I know this is a long dead thread, but I've been having the same problem (for several years), and finally found the solution...
It can be partially solved by fixing the orientation of the surface normals to match the polygon winding direction, but you can also get rid of the artifacts in the shader, by changing the following two lines...
float angleVN = acos(cos_nv);
float angleLN = acos(cos_nl);
to this...
float angleVN = acos(clamp(cos_nv, -1.0, 1.0));
float angleLN = acos(clamp(cos_nl, -1.0, 1.0));

Is it possible to draw simple geometrical shapes in a Pixel Shader?

I'm currently learning about shaders and graphics pipelines and I was wondering if a pixel shader could be used to create, for example, a triangle or a more complex shape like a zigzag.
Could this be done without the use of a vertex shader?
Answer is yes! You can draw anything you want using pixel shader by implementing a ray Tracer. Here is a sample code:
uniform vec3 lightposition;
uniform vec3 cameraposition;
uniform float motion;
struct Ray
vec3 org;
vec3 dir;
struct Sphere
vec3 Center;
float Radius;
vec4 Color;
float MatID;
float id;
struct Intersection
float t;
vec3 normal;
vec3 hitpos;
vec4 color;
float objectid;
float materialID;
bool sphereIntersect(Ray eyeray, Sphere sp, inout Intersection intersection)
float t1=0.0;
eyeray.dir = normalize(eyeray.dir);
float B = 2.0 *( ( eyeray.dir.x * ( - sp.Center.x ) )+ ( eyeray.dir.y *( - sp.Center.y )) + ( eyeray.dir.z * ( - sp.Center.z ) ));
float C = pow(( - sp.Center.x),2.0) + pow(( - sp.Center.y),2.0) + pow(( - sp.Center.z),2.0) - pow(sp.Radius,2.0);
float D = B*B - 4.0*C ;
t1= (-B - pow(D, .5)) / 2.0;
if (t1 < 0.0)
t1 = (-B + pow(D, .5)) / 2.0;
if( t1 < 0.0)
return false;
if (t1 > 1e-2 && t1 < intersection.t)
intersection.t = t1;
intersection.materialID = sp.MatID;
intersection.hitpos = + t1 * eyeray.dir;
intersection.normal = normalize(intersection.hitpos - sp.Center);
intersection.color = sp.Color;
intersection.objectid =;
return true;
if(t1 > 1e-2 && t1 < intersection.t)
intersection.t = t1;
intersection.materialID = sp.MatID;
intersection.hitpos = + t1 * eyeray.dir;
intersection.normal = normalize(intersection.hitpos - sp.Center);
intersection.color = sp.Color;
intersection.objectid =;
return true;
return false;
void findIntersection(Ray ray, inout Intersection intersection)
intersection.t = 1e10;
intersection.materialID = 0.0;
Sphere sp1 = Sphere(vec3(-2.0,0.0,-5.0),1.5,vec4(0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0),1.0,1.0);
Sphere sp2 = Sphere(vec3( 2.0,0.0,-5.0),1.5,vec4(0.5,0.5,0.1,1.0),1.0,2.0);
Sphere sp3 = Sphere(vec3( 0.0,3.0,-5.0),1.5,vec4(0.1,0.5,0.5,1.0),1.0,3.0);
sphereIntersect(ray, sp1, intersection);
sphereIntersect(ray, sp2, intersection);
sphereIntersect(ray, sp3, intersection);
vec4 CalculateColor(vec4 ambient ,float shiness,vec3 intersection, vec3 normal);
Ray ReflectedRay(vec3 Normal,Ray EyeRay,vec3 intersection);
vec4 GetColor(Ray ray)
Ray currentRay = ray;
vec4 finalColor = vec4(0.0);
for(int bounce = 1 ; bounce < 4 ; bounce++)
Intersection intersection;
intersection.objectid = 0.0;
findIntersection(currentRay, intersection);
if (intersection.materialID == 0.0) // We could not find any object. We return the background color
return finalColor;
else if (intersection.materialID == 1.0)
vec3 lv = lightposition - intersection.hitpos;
vec3 nlv = normalize(lv);
Intersection shadowIntersection;
Ray shadowRay = Ray(intersection.hitpos, nlv);
shadowIntersection.objectid = intersection.objectid;
findIntersection(shadowRay, shadowIntersection);
if (shadowIntersection.t > length(lv) || shadowIntersection.t < 1)
finalColor = finalColor + float(1.0f/bounce) * CalculateColor(intersection.color, 100.0, intersection.hitpos, intersection.normal);;
finalColor = finalColor + float(1.0f/bounce) * intersection.color;
//currentRay = Ray(intersection.hitpos, reflect(ray.dir, intersection.normal));
currentRay = ReflectedRay(intersection.normal,ray,intersection.hitpos);
return finalColor;
Ray createRay(float ScreenWidth,float ScreenHeight)
Ray toret; = cameraposition;
float left = -3.0;
float bottom = -3.0;
float screenZ = -3.0;
float su = -3.0 + gl_FragCoord.x/ScreenWidth * 6; //gl_FragCoord gives you the current x and y component of your current pixel
float sv = -3.0 + gl_FragCoord.y/ScreenHeight * 6;
float sz = screenZ - cameraposition.z;
toret.dir = normalize(vec3(su,sv,sz));
//vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution) * 2 ;
//toret.dir = normalize(vec3(p, -1.0));
return toret;
Ray ReflectedRay(vec3 Normal,Ray EyeRay,vec3 intersection)
Ray reflection;
reflection.dir = EyeRay.dir - 2 * Normal * dot(EyeRay.dir,Normal); = intersection + reflection.dir * 0.01;
return reflection;
vec4 CalculateColor(vec4 ambient ,float shiness,vec3 intersection, vec3 normal)
vec3 Idifuse = vec3(1, 1, 1);
vec3 Iambient = vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
vec3 Ispecular = vec3(1,1,1);
vec3 kDifuse = vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); //for difuse
vec3 kSpecular = vec3(0.75, 0.6, 0.3); //for specular
vec3 kAmbient = vec3(0.1, 0.2, 0.3); //for ambient
//vec4 kSpecular = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0);
//vec4 kDifuse = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0);
float ColorDifuse = max(dot(normal,lightposition),0.0) * kDifuse;
//vector calculations
vec3 l = normalize(lightposition - intersection); //light vector
vec3 n = normalize(normal); // normalVector of point in the sea
vec3 v = normalize(cameraposition - intersection); // view Vector
vec3 h = normalize(v + l); // half Vector
vec3 difuse = kDifuse * Idifuse * max(0.0, dot(n, l));
vec3 specular = kSpecular * Ispecular * pow(max(0.0, dot(n, h)), shiness);
vec3 color = + difuse + specular;
return vec4(color,1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1.0);
void main()
if(lightposition == vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0))
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);
Ray eyeray = createRay(600.0,600.0);
gl_FragColor = GetColor(eyeray);
A useful technique is to use a fragment shader (I'm an OpenGL guy) with point sprites. Point sprites in OpenGL 3+ get rendered as squares of pixels, with the size of the square (gl_PointSize) set by the vertex shader.
In the fragment shader, gl_PointCoord has the x and y coords of this particular pixel within the square, from 0.0 to 1.0. So you can draw a circle by testing if gl_PointCoord.x and gl_PointCoord.y are both within the radius and discarding if not, a framed square by checking that .x and .y are with some distance of the edge, and so on. It's classic maths, define a function(x, y) which returns true for points within the shape you want, false if not.
The Orange book, OpenGL Shading Language 3rd edition, has some examples (which in turn come from RenderMan) of how to draw such shapes.
Hope this helps.
What you want is called procedural textures or procedural shading.
You can draw different shapes with a simple (and not so simple) math.
Take a look for some examples here:
More on google.