Instagram Graph API - Insights - facebook-graph-api

Does anyone here have access to the Graph API? I have a general question. I see a service/tool who has the insight data of +100M Instagram Users. I see the Graph API offers Insights -
My question is, with the Graph API, can you access any accounts followers Insight data? Or does the user in question require approval before their data could be accessed through the Graph API? Are there any methods to access an accounts followers insight data?
This is the only way I can think of on how this tool is accessing everyone's data without permissions.

Typically graph won't allow you to access anyone who isn't a user, or follower of your software. Therefore I would assume not, they dont even give you the user_id until the user explicitly uses your software.


is there any way to get category of instagram business account from graph api?

i want get some information about Instagram business account from graph api. but i don't find any way to know about category of account. this code give me some information but not about category.
thank for your help
That does not seem to be possible. lists all the available fields you can request for an IG User object - and any sort of category is not one of them.

Required Graph API Permissions to get my own instagram posts

I am completely lost as to what permissions I should apply for in App review for getting my own Instagram posts through Facebook's Graph API.
I did the basic steps for using the API: I made my Instagram account a business one, and linked it to my Facebook page, it seems that to use Instagram graph API I must apply for app review, which I want to do, except I don't know which permissions to apply for.
My only purpose is to retrieve my own account's photos/posts, there are so many permissions available to apply for, do I need all of these?
Or just some of them? Are there other permissions I need for my purpose?
I would appreciate any help, I've been losing my mind over this for over 2 weeks now, and I can't find any other answers that are recent or relevant.
So if you just want to get the media objects of an IG user, then instagram_basic and manage_pages permission will be sufficient.
However, if you also want to access the insights data of your media (e.g. impressions, reach, etc.) then you need the instagram_manage_insights permission as well.

What kind of data can i store from Facebook's graph api?

I have a few questions about what data I can store from Facebook's graph api. I'm creating a react-native app that uses facebook authentication, and fetches data (specifically places and current user) from the Facebook graph api. I found the "Protect Data" section under the graph api policy pages lacking in depth, so here I am trying to gain some more knowledge on the topic. Here are my questions:
Can I store user the user ID fetched from the /me/ api call using a user's accesstoken in my db? If so, do I need to encrypt it in any way? I read on the api docs pages that these ID's were unique to my app and would be useless anywhere else. If this is the case I don't see the harm in storing them in my db. Is this true?
Can I store coordinates and names of places fetched by places search? Do these need to be encrypted.
Any help and insight on the topic is greatly appreciated.

Getting basic profile information of some one using graph API

I am new to graph api.
i have done slight reading and found that we need access tokens for accessing a profile, but for my application i only have access to the email-id of a person
I just wanted to know if i can get anyone's basic profile information by just knowing thier E-mail id.
help in anyway way would be appreciated.
No, without authorization you can´t get any user info, and you can´t search for Facebook users by email. You would have to authorize users with the email permissions and compare it that way.

Facebook Page - Get Post feedback and impression via Graph API

I'm trying to get some insights on a list of Posts by a Page on Facebook.
To be specific, I want to get the information highlighted in this blog post via the API.
But I can't figure out how, anyone knows how?
As far as I know it's only possible using the "stream" table. So you've got to use FQL to query this data. Using this technique you'll only get the impressions directly. Feedback rate can be calculated by adding #comments and #likes and dividing the result by #impressions. Hope they'll add this to the insights graph api as well.
Refer to
If you are trying to aggregate multiple pages or a page other than the requesting app then you may need grant read_insights permissions to your application.
Refer to