Why does Swashbuckle get in the path of every call? - swashbuckle

I added the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet to my project and it seems to work well. (I get the Swagger page just fine.)
But as I was working on another issue (not using the Swagger page), I noticed that my call stack included Swashbuckle.
I thought of Swashbuckle (and Swagger) as a documentation / testing page. So I was concerned to see it in the path of every call I made (again when I am not using the swagger page).
Why is Swashbuckle in the path of my calls? (What does it need that has it do that?)
Here is my call stack incase it is useful:
Breeze.AspNetCore.QueryFns.ExtractQueryable(ActionExecutedContext context) in C:\GitHub\breeze.server.net\AspNetCore\Breeze.AspNetCore.NetCore\QueryFns.cs
Breeze.AspNetCore.BreezeQueryFilterAttribute.OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context) in C:\GitHub\breeze.server.net\AspNetCore\Breeze.AspNetCore.NetCore\QueryFilter.cs
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute.OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(ref State next, ref Scope scope, ref object state, ref bool isCompleted)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.Rethrow(ResourceExecutedContext context)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.Next(ref State next, ref Scope scope, ref object state, ref bool isCompleted)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointRoutingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context)

When you add app.UseSwaggerUI() to Startup class, it inserts the swagger-ui middleware that checks route and redirect to index URL
So, it is simple check that injects into an app pipeline


Ember component constructor args is Proxy {}

In a fresh Ember 3.20 project (also same in 3.19), after adding a new component.
<Test #foo="hello" />
import Component from '#glimmer/component';
export default class TestComponent extends Component {
Console: Proxy {}
How can I access this.args within the constructor?
the args of a component is a Proxy so that special behavior can wrap accesses to the args. For example, when you access one of the args -- only then will the arg be "consumed" and your getters/actions entangled with the state of that arg. This has the advantage of optimizing your change tracking by default, so if you pass 100 args, and only use one or two of them in your component, you don't have to pay the cost of those 100 args causing updates to your component.
It works kinda like this:
args = new Proxy(actualArgs, {
get(target, argName) {
consumeTag(tagFor(target, argName));
return target[argName];
Where, normally, if you only had a vanilla object, accessing the arg would only get you the value. This proxy demonstrates interaction with the tracking system so that your component can now be entangled with the arg's updates
For more information on autotracking, #pzuraq goes in to great depth here: https://www.pzuraq.com/how-autotracking-works/ (not necessarily auto-tracking in ember, but more in general)
Also, documentation on Proxy, if interested: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy
Note: this information is for Ember 3.13+

Ember.js getJSON data from an url

I am a bit confused. Components, controllers, routes, helpers and whatsoever. I simply want to grab a value from a JSON file and calculate it with a value on Ember.Helper. Which way should i use, i cannot know anymore, brain burned. Would someone please help me to grab the "sell" part of the "market_name" which equals to "BTC_USDT" on "https://stocks.exchange/api2/prices" and put that into helper?
In fact i try to do something like that.
import Ember from 'ember';
export function formatBTC(value) {
var url = 'https://stocks.exchange/api2/prices';
var btc_price = Ember.$.getJSON(url).then(function(data) {
for (var i=0; i <= data.length-1; i += 1)
if (data[i].market_name == "BTC_USDT")
return data[i].sell;
console.log(data[i].sell+' - i got the value properly');
console.log(btc_price+' - shows nothing, i cannot pass the var btc_price to here, why not');
calculation = value * btc_price; //some syntax may apply, maybe Number(value) or whatsoever, but i cannot have my variable btc_price returns here.
return calculation.toFixed(8);
export default Ember.Helper.helper(formatBTC);
And from the index.hbs
{{format-btc 0.001}}
Still couldnt find a proper solution. I get the data[i].sell as btc_price, but couldnt pass it through to return part... what am i missing? or what am i doing wrong?
The issue you're encountering is because the ajax request executes. Execution of the function continues and returns the value before the promise returns.
While technically, you could fix this and use async/await in your helper function, you'll run into another issue - Every time your helper is called, you'll make a new ajax request that will fetch the current price and calulate the value.
My recommendation is that instead of a helper, you use a combination of a model and a controller. Because you're currently overwhelmed with the framework, I'll actually make a second suggestion of using a service + component
I recommend a service or a model because you want to persist the data that you've fetched from the pricing source. If you don't, every instance of the helper/component will make a new request to fetch data.
A service is kind of a session collection in ember. It only gets instantiated once, after that data will persist.
ember g service pricing
In the init block, set your default values and make your ajax request.
# services/pricing.js
init() {
# get correct value from response
# The way you were getting the value in your example was incorrect - you're dealing with an array.
# filter through the array and get the correct value first
You can then inject the service into the component and use a consistent price.
ember g component format-btc
Modify the controller for the component to inject the service and calculate the new value.
pricing: Ember.inject.service('pricing')
convertedPrice: Ember.computed('pricing',function(){
return pricing.btcPrice*this.get('bitcoins')
The template for the component will simple return the converted price.
And you'll call the component, passing in bitcoins as an argument
{{format-btc bitcoints='1234'}}
All of this is pseudo-code, and is probably not functional. However, you should still be able to take the guidance and piece the information together to get the results you want.

How to unit test Google Home functions?

The way my Google Home app is organizaed is a class containing all intent methods and then
at the bottom a line
exports.myapp = functions.https.onRequest(
(request, response) => new MyApp(request, response).run()
Since the functions in MyApp depend on request to get parameters from, I assume a unit test has to have a faked input request correct?
From the Actions On Google simulator, I've been able to get requests, but I'm not sure how to fake the response for the response parameter to `MyApp constructor, especially since the returning thing from Actions on Google seems to be after running my actual code.
All of the following would be helpful: generic code snippets, links to test files/cases, request/response constructor arguments, etc.
Thank you!

Why does this Ember.js app work locally but not on jsFiddle.net?

Here's the fiddle. Here's the gist with the contents of my local file.
As you can see, the HTML and JavaScript are identical, and I'm loading identical versions of the jQuery, Handlebars.js, and Ember.js libraries. It works as expected locally, but does not render the application template on jsFiddle.net.
I see the following error in the Web Console:
[19:44:18.202] Error: assertion failed: You must pass at least an object and event name to Ember.addListener # https://github.com/downloads/emberjs/ember.js/ember-latest.js:51
BTW-To test the gist as a local HTML file, make sure to run it behind a web server or your browser won't download the JavaScript libs. If you have thin installed (ruby webserver), go to the directory it's in and run thin -A file start, then navigate to localhost:3000/jsfiddle-problem.html in your browser.
If you set the "Code Wrap" configuration on your fiddle to one of the options other than "onLoad" your application will work. Here is an example.
The reason for this is Ember initializes an application when the jQuery ready event fires (assuming you have not set Ember.Application.autoinit to false). With the jsFiddle "Code Wrap" configuration set to "onLoad" your application is introduced to the document after the jQuery ready event has fired, and consequently after Ember auto-initializes.
See the snippet below from ember-latest, taken on the day of this writing, which documents Ember auto-initialization being performed in a handler function passed to $().ready.
if (this.autoinit) {
var self = this;
this.$().ready(function() {
if (self.isDestroyed || self.isInitialized) return;
This was strange - I couldn't get your fiddle working, specifically your {{controller.foo}} call until I disabled autoinit. I am guessing when using jsfiddle the application initialize kicks off before seeing your router. I also noticed with your fiddle the router was not logging any output even when you had enableLogging set to true.
I updated your fiddle to not use autoinit, http://jsfiddle.net/zS5uu/4/. I know a new version of ember-latest was released today, I wonder if anything about initialization changed.

ASP.NET MVC2 Custom View Engine ignored in unit tests

I'm trying to unit test a controller that stuffs data into a ViewData. All our views require similar data (Customer info which is derived from the url). So instead of putting the call into every single controller method, the original developers chose to put this ViewData stuffing into the OnActionExecuting event.
Of course, when you invoke the controller's action from a unit test, OnActionExecuting doesn't fire. (Thanks MVC Team!)
So I tried creating a custom view engine and having it stuff the customer data into the controllerContext when the view is requested. This works fine in a browser, but my viewEngine is ignored when I run this test. No amount of ViewEngines.Add(new funkyViewEngine) has any effect.
public void LoginTest()
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new FunkyViewEngine());
UserController target = new UserController();
target.SetStructureMap(); <--sets us to use the test repo
target.ControllerContext.HttpContext = MVCHelpers.FakeHttpContext("https://customersubdomain.ourdomain.com"); <--moq magic
var actual = target.Login();
var vr = actual as ViewResult;
Assert.IsTrue(vr.ViewData.Community() != null); <--"Community" should be set by viewengine
Assert.IsTrue(vr.ViewData.Community().Subdomain == "customersubdomain.ourdomain");
Is there any hope here? How do I either 1) create a method that gets called on controller execution BOTH in the browser and the unit framework or 2) get the unit framework to invoke my view engine.
Sorry for your frustration. The reason why you are seeing OnActionExecuting not being called when you directly call your action method from the unit test is because that's not how things work in MVC.
The request gets executed via a "pipeline", which as far as this area is concerned consists of the ControllerActionInvoker. This class is responsible for:
Finding the action method
Invoking action filters' OnActionExecuting method (note: your controller class is also an action filter)
Calling the action method itself
Invoking the action filters' OnActionExecuted method
Handling the result (e.g. finding the view and rendering it)
In your unit test you are directly invoking step 3. and skipping all the other steps. In a unit test, it is your responsibility to call any setup code required for your action to work.
However, this does not mean you should now write unit tests that use the ControllerActionInvoker to execute the entire pipeline. We (the MVC team) have already verified that all the pieces work together.
Instead, you should test your specific application code. In this case, you might consider having the following unit tests:
A test that verifies that given some Url calling OnActionExecuting on your controller puts the right Customer object into ViewData
A test that verifies that given some Customer object present in ViewData your action method returns the appropriate result
My last point is that you should keep the functionality in OnActionExecuting. A custom view engine is definetely the wrong place for it.
Not an answer you're probably looking for, but I'm using a custom MvcHandler to achieve the same goal (getting customer from URL in multi-tenant app). ViewEngine doesn't sound like a good place for this kind of logic to me...
My custom handler looks more or less like this:
public class AccountMvcHandler : MvcHandler
public Account Account { get; private set; }
protected override IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
return base.BeginProcessRequest(httpContext, callback, state);
protected override IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
string accountName = this.RequestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("account");
Account = ServiceFactory.GetService<ISecurityService>().GetAccount(accountName);
return base.BeginProcessRequest(httpContext, callback, state);