Is there a way to install Valgrind on Catalina? - c++

Is there a way to install Valgrind on Catalina and have it run properly? If so, I would very much appreciate a step-by-step process.
I tried installing Valgrind with
but when I tested out helloWorld.cpp on the terminal, the console returned errors I should not have gotten.
I'm not sure if I committed an error on my part in the installation process of this version of Valgrind or if Valgrind itself is simply incompatible with Catalina OS.
I have also tried installing Valgrind via Homebrew, but I've had issues with that as well (

Currently, no. The repo you link has an issue raised about Catalina compatibility. As you also show, the brew package has its own problems as well. Official valgrind only supports 10.12.
You'll just have to wait, or containerize it. Although if you containerize valgrind, you would likely need a compatible build container as well.

Ok. I've found a way to use Valgrind on Catalina. Here's a link to my guide for how

Works amazingly!! see
Not Homebrew, you need to compile it from source, but it's not so difficult.
1. git clone
2. cd valgrind
3. sudo ./
4. sudo ./configure --prefix=/where/you/want/it/installed --enable-only64bit
5. copy the [contents][1] to ./coregrind/m_mach/mach_basics.c
6. sudo make
7. sudo make install

This is how I just did it on Catalina 10.15.5:
brew remove valgrind # remove previous attempts at installing it (if any)
brew tap LouisBrunner/valgrind
brew install --HEAD LouisBrunner/valgrind/valgrind


How to uninstall GDB from MacOS?

I didn't use brew to install so brew uninstall doesn't work for me. Instead, I download a specific version of zip file from, then
sudo make install,
to install GDB on my /usr/local/bin. I want to try another version right now. Could anyone tell me how to remove this GDB completely from my computer? Thanks in advance!

gdb os x sierra 10.12.3 not working

the problem is already known, that gdb doesn't work with OS X Sierra anymore.
This is really annoying, since I researched already about the solution, and there were some solutions, but they apparently don't work anymore. I tried to use the .gdbinit file solution and the disable csrutil solution, both doesn't work.
Sooo my question is: Does anyone know how to fix it in 10.12.3 ?
Thank you very much!
Looks like there still isn't a solution to this. I don't think "use LLDB instead of GDB" is the ultimate solution. So I went ahead and built a fairly basic docker container which contains the very basics (g++ and gdb).
Here is the Docker Hub container, and the the Dockerfile is on this Github repo.
This solution at least allows you to use GDB on your Mac via a couple simple commands. And since the folder you're coding on is mounted, as soon as you hit save, all your changes appear automatically.
Hope this helps someone else out there.
So thanks to Basile Starynkevitch, who just gave me the idea to update gdb
You simply have to update gdb for the latest version (which is 7.12.1 currently). Assuming you have installed Homebrew:
That's what I did:
brew update
brew remove gdb
brew install gdb
It has now updated to the latest version.
Now codesign gdb again with the cert that you used before.
sudo killall taskgated
codesign -fs gdb-certi /usr/local/bin/gdb
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Last step is still to use the workaround to create the .gdbinit file:
nano ~/.gdbinit
-> set startup-with-shell off
Debugging works for me now :) (OS X Sierra 10.12.3 - gdb 7.12.1).
Apparently it will fix certain problems, but not the whole problematic itself. It will still cause errors. Honestly, my solution: When you can: Switch to LLDB and another IDE (Netbeans does not support LLDB). Or use Linux. I currently use Ubuntu with a stick on my MacBook Pro.
None GDB 7.11 or 7.12.1 will not work on Sierra 10.12.4 In short it's because of Apple security upgrade. We need to wait for re-enabling when some new version will shows up.
Easy WA is to use LLDB as a debugger for now. Sample instructions here
Another LLDB instruction here
I found that gdb 7.12.1 did not work for me either. I do not think it includes the crucial commit 82b19a4d2f9c9e8d56f to gdb made on the 9th Nov 2016.
I was able to get the gdb 8.0 development branch to work, however.
Download with, e.g.
git clone --depth 1 --branch gdb-8.0-branch git://
Then go into the checked-out directory
cd binutils-gdb
I have macports so (a) wanted to link to macports libraries and (b) wanted to avoid putting stuff in /usr/local so configured with
./configure prefix=$HOME LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include"
make -j8
make install
=> puts gdb executable into ~/bin; (static) libraries into ~/lib; documentation into ~/share
Then follow André's tip above to do the code signing; though it will now be
codesign -fs gdb-certi ~/bin/gdb

How to build and install Valgrind on Mac?

I am on Mac OS X using codeblocks 10.05
I downloaded Valgrind, and extracted a folder. I am completely lost from there, and have no idea how to build it.
I do not know ANY terminal/console commands and am generally new to programming, so I have no idea how to "build" or "compile" it. I just have a folder called Valgrind with a bunch of random files in it.
Could someone please tell me how to proceed? I already checked the website/documentation but it didn't really give me installation instructions, just usage instructions.
PS: I know I already posted this question, but the previous question was shut down, for being too vague. I reposted this one with more info.
PSS: All that I am basically asking is what do I do to install Valgrind right after I download it from the website and extract the files?
Use brew: brew install valgrind
Manual Install:
Here's what worked on my Mac (10.6). Double-check you have the latest version, then change into the uncompressed directory
cd /users/(insert username here)/downloads/valgrind-3.17.0
I suggest you do as another posted and read the readme.
Commence the build; /usr/local is the place on the filesystem that the program will be installed to. There are many arguments like prefix that are available to customize the installation to your particular system if it doesn't work by default. Normally just using ./configure works perfectly well though.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
Or you could probably get it from fink or macports or homebrew.
You can install it through brew for Mac:
brew install valgrind
You might have to manually link the entry to /usr/local/bin as brew refused to do it in my case:
$ ln /usr/local/Cellar/valgrind/3.8.1/bin/vgdb /usr/local/bin/vgdb
ln: /usr/local/bin/vgdb: Permission denied
$ sudo ln /usr/local/Cellar/valgrind/3.8.1/bin/vgdb /usr/local/bin/vgdb
On MacOS High Sierra
If you have the following error message:
brew install valgrind
valgrind: This formula either does not compile or function as expected on macOS
versions newer than Sierra due to an upstream incompatibility.
(1) To correctly install it, first, type the following command at the Terminal (which opens Valgrind’s formulae)
brew edit valgrind
And change the URL in head section
(2) Do an update for Homebrew:
brew update
(3) Finally, use the following command to install Valgrind from the HEAD:
brew install --HEAD valgrind
For macOS Big Sur / Monterey:
brew tap LouisBrunner/valgrind
brew install --HEAD LouisBrunner/valgrind/valgrind
The core process is pretty simple:
Make sure you are in the correct directory.
First run:
when that is finished, run:
at this point you will need to su into root (this is relatively tricky to do, see the note at the end). As root, run:
make install
When this is finished you will have a working valgrind installation. Test it by running
valgrind ls -l
To su into root, you will need to have set up a root account. If you have not done this in the past, see the instructions from apple here.
To perform the actual su, you will first have to be running an account with administrator privileges. If you are not already doing so, you can switch users with the following:
su admin
where admin is the name of an user with administrator privileges (you will need to enter the password for this account). From there, you can then run su to go into root:
You will need to enter the root password that you set up earlier.
You may find it easier to use something like macports. How to install that is probably beyond the scope of this question, but they have a page dedicated to it on their site.
Once you have macports installed, you need to type:
sudo port install valgrind +universal
As you say you don't have any experience of command lines, let's just briefly go through the different parts of this command:
sudo means the rest of the command will run as root, and will ask for your password. This is needed for the installer to have the correct permissions
port is the command line tool for managing macports
install is a command for port. Try port help to see a list of commands.
valgrind tells macports what it should be installing
+universal is a variant. This tells macports to configure valgrind to support 32 bit and 64 bit support.

Failed to compile wxWidgets-2.9.2 on Kubuntu11.10(64bit) with '--with-opengl' flag

I tried to compile wxWidgets-2.9.2 with opengl support by calling
configure --with-opengl
But it failed when the configure script tried to locate the lib files of opengl
checking for GL/gl.h... yes
checking for GL/glu.h... yes
checking for -lGL... no
checking for -lMesaGL... no
configure: error: OpenGL libraries not available
However, I checked /usr/lib and found that there is in that directory. Actually, before trying to compile wxWidgets-2.9.2, I had written several opengl programs and all were successfully compiled and run. Could someone help me to fix this?
This is actually a bug in the configure script, please see
The solution is to download the latest codes from
Or you can select to overwrite only the configure,acinclude.m4 files.
Have you tried installing the free implementation?
sudo apt-get install libglw1-mesa libglw1-mesa-dev
Are you running proprietary drivers from Nvidia or something? I think it messes around with the OpenGL environment while installing. Perhaps, it is worth trying to go back the the opensource ones if this is the case.
There is also a know issue OpenGL libs not located by 'configure' in debian testing
First of all check if opengl libs are installed! them --->
we need to change Configure file on source! check this link:
the same issues arise on ubuntu 12.04!
I also met the same problem when trying to compile wxWidgets3.1.0 --with-opengl on Debian Jessie x86_64. I tried
SEARCH_LIB="`echo "$SEARCH_INCLUDE" | sed s#include#$wx_cv_std_libpath#g` /usr/$
wx_cv_std_libpath /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
pkg-config --variable=libdir gl
sudo apt-get install libglw1-mesa libglw1-mesa-dev
OpenGL libraries not available
I then tried
sudo apt-get install glutg3-dev
glutg3-dev is not found.
So I searched for the alternative to glutg3-dev in Jessie and I tried
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
then it worked!
Installing mesa didn't help for me, but installing glutg3-dev did the trick
sudo apt-get install glutg3-dev

Not able to install GDB on Fedora

How to download and install GDB(GNU Debugger) on Fedora Linux Machine.. I have tried downloading from gnu website 7.1 package, but then it fails during
./configure and then make command...
Please share the source from where i can get information on the same.
I have found this tutorial which might be helpful to install gdb.
But for me the command:
yum install gdb
You may need to install some development packages with header files needed to build gdb. The exact package list depends on error messages from ./configure and make. Here is installed package list on my system:
# rpm -qa "*devel"
Try to install all of them with yum.