Sitecore content showing in Experience Editor only - sitecore

Sitecore content showing in Experience Editor only. Why or how could this be happening?

Your content, templates or layouts are not published to web db.
Experience editor points to master db so you created content but you have not published.
Switch to web db and check whether all the content available or not.


Workflow state in Sitecore is blank when you create and save a datasource from experience editor

So here is the step to replicate.
Create a blank page,
Open Experience Editor and add a component that needs a datasource.
Select create a new datasource in the popup window.
Save the page in experience editor
Open the datasource in the Content editor and take a look at the workflow state section. It will be blank instead of having the initial workflow state.
This only happens for non admin users.
Creating a new datasource directly in Content Editor (not Experience Editor) works fine.
** Note that when experience editor creates the datasource, if you go to Content Editor and open the item, the workflow state will be there. It is after you save the page in experience editor that the worflow state is set as null.
So after 5 days debugging Sitecore code and pipelines I found the issue.
The enableWorflow="true" attribute was missing in the site definitions.
The code that was causing the issue was the .Lock step in the SaveUI pipeline.

Delete a particular language version of a page in Sitecore

I created a page in Sitecore in the English language. I published and the page was available in the web database. I now added a french version of the page and published. Again, the page was available in the web database.
Now, I deleted the french version and published. However, the french version continues to stay in the web database (it's gone from the master database as I deleted it). I do check the relevant languages and sub items when I publish.
What am I missing here?
You can make the french version unpublishable if all else fails, and publish that which should hide it. But I think the real issue is that you didn't properly publish the item when you deleted it. You can also switch to the web db in CE, and navigate to the french version and delete it there.

In sitecore, after I created and published a web form, it don't appear in the site

I've created a few web forms (WFFM) in Page Editor (Tell a friend and 2 blank forms), but they don't appear in the site after I published them. What can it be? Thanks in advance.
If you can see this form in the page editor but not on your website this is pointing out it has something to do with publishing. Try to open your environment in Desktop mode (when login in u can select it) and re-check if u can see all the items in the web database. For example if your placeholder settings are not published you will find this behavior to happen. Recheck all items that need to be published (layouts / sublayouts / placeholder settings / form itself / form fields etc.) and that should solve your problem.

Liferay web service

I use Liferay 6.1.1-ce-ga2 bundled with Tomcat server and Oracle 10g database.
My goal is to insert some content, as Journal Article, and display them in an Asset Publisher (with a structure and template, already working).
I used JournalArticleServiceSoap.addArticle(...) with the right fields (groupid, structureid, templateid, ...). The contents are "correctly" inserted in the database and I can see them inside web contents from administrator content panel. The contents have also "Approved" as status. This is done by setting:
However, I can't see the inserted contents displayed with the other contents in the Asset Publisher, until I open it again for edition and click on publish button (even without changing nothing). Then the content is published as expected. The problem is the number of contents. It is about 600 so I can't to this action for each one.
I do not understand what is the matter and how to figure it out? In other words, what do I have to do to make the web-content inserted by web service display automatically in Asset Publisher?
Or, what does the "Publish" do exactly so I can try to reproduce programmatically with SOAP service (or SQL after insertion)?
Thank you in advance for your help.
I've also posted the same question in Liferay' forum: Problem to display JournalArticle inserted by SOAP web service
you can try to log the database accessing from Liferay and see what will be changed after you save article manualy. Herefor set the logging level of hibernate to info or debug.
are you setting serviceContext like this?
ServiceContext serviceContext = new ServiceContext();
You must setting serviceContext Like This:
ServiceContext serviceContext = new ServiceContext();
serviceContext.setIndexingEnabled(true); is Very Important.
The following code is not must requeired.

How to add Announcement list/webpart to Publishing Portal

I have a Publishing Portal site and I need to add some announcements to some of the pages. I've read an article which says that i have to create an announcement list to be able add an announcement web part but i can't seem to find any resources on how i can add an announcement list.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Your problem is that you have not activated the relevant feature on the site settings page. You need to go to the site collection site settings page. Then select Site Actions - manage site features
Then activate the feature called Team Collaboration lists. You will now be able to create an announcement list
From the home page of your site (or from any page really) you should see a "View All Site Content" link on the top of the navigation menu.
View All Site Content
Click on that link and it will show you a dashboard listing all of the SharePoint lists that have been provisioned for the current site. Click on the Create button to create a new SharePoint list.
Create new SharePoint List
From there you will see the option to create an Announcments list (under the Communications header). Complete the wizard to complete the list.
Once the list is created you can select Edit Page from the Site Actions menu on any SharePoint page in the site and then select a "Add a Web Part" on the web part zone you want to put your Announcements web part into. You should now see a web part listed with the same name as your Announcements list that you just created.
Select that web part to add it to the page and display.
Hope that helps. If this isn't the answer to your problem leave a comment or update your question with clarification and I will try to help.
Giving you direct instructions on how to create the list would most likely leave you more lost than ever. If this is a publishing portal, there's a lot more to learn beyond just creating a list. Content must be approved, and is versioned. I'd strongy advise you not to start poking around in there as you run a large risk of messing up the portal. Don't get stressed by people demanding you perform such things without having received any training. Grab yourself a coffee, flip your boss the finger and watch some pertinant webcasts on
Hope this helps,