Collect GCP metrics without stackdriver - google-cloud-platform

I need to fetch the GCP metrics without using stackdriver api(without enabling the stackdriver api). Ex. Pub/Sub metrics ->

You can interact directly with the Stackdriver Monitoring API to retrieve the metrics you're interested in.
However, this requires the Stackdriver Monitoring API to be enabled since this will start the metric collection (which is needed before you can start fetching them).
Having the API enabled has the additional advantage that has support for the Client Libraries, making metrics fetching easier.
As a partial workaround and specific for ack_message_count, you can use the libraries to take advantage of the seek method available in the PubSub API to get the retained messages in any given subscription:
Messages retained in the subscription that were published before this time are marked as acknowledged, and messages retained in the subscription that were published after this time are marked as unacknowledged. Note that this operation affects only those messages retained in the subscription
This implies that the data is constantly pulled and stored (if needed) in your own persistence layer for latter usage/aggregation.


Access to the Google Cloud Storage Trigger Events "Pub/Sub"?

I have a Google Cloud Storage Trigger set up on a Cloud Function with max instances of 5, to fire on the event of a Cloud Storage Bucket. The docs state that these events are "based on" the Cloud Pub/Sub.
Does anyone know:
Is there any way to see configuration of the topic or subscription in the console, or through the CLI?
Is there any way to get the queue depth (or equivalent?)
Is there any way to clear events?
No, No and No. When you plug Cloud Functions to Cloud Storage event, all the stuff are handle behind the scene by Google and you see nothing and you can't interact with anything.
However, you can change the notification mechanism. Instead of plugin directly your Cloud Functions on Cloud Storage Event, plug a PubSub on your Cloud Storage event.
From there, you have access to YOUR pubsub. Monitor the queue, purge it, create the subscription that you want,...
The recomended way to work with storage notifications is using Pubsub.
Legacy storage notifications still work, but with pubsub you can "peek" into the pubsub message queue and clear it if you need it.
Also, you can process pubsub events with cloud run - which is easier to develop and test (just web service), easier to deploy (just a container) and it can process several requests in parallel without having to pay more (great when you have a lot of requests together).
Where does pubsub storage notifications go?
You can see where gcloud notifications go with the gsutil command:
% gsutil notification list gs://__bucket_name__
Cloud Pub/Sub topic: projects/__project_name__/topics/__topic_name__
Is there any way to get the queue depth (or equivalent?)
In pubsub you can have many subsciptions to topics.
If there is no subsciption, messages get lost.
To send data to a cloud function or cloud run you setup a push subscription.
In my experience, you won't be able to see what happened because it faster that you can click: you'll find this empty 99.9999% of the time.
You can check the "queue" depht in the console (pubsub -> choose you topics -> choose the subscription).
If you need to troubleshoot this, set up a second subscription with a time to live low enough that it does not use a lot of space (you'll be billed for it).
Is there any way to clear events?
You can empty the messages from the pubsub subscription, but...
... if you're using a push notification agains a cloud function it will much faster than you can "click".
If you need it, it is on the web console (opent the pubsub subscription and click in the vertical "..." on the top right).

Compute Engine VM Creation Notification

I wanted to get notified if/when there is/are any VM creation in my infra on GCP.
I see a google library that can give me list of VM.
I can create a function to use this code (probably)
Schedule the above function. And check for difference.
But do storage like triggers available for Compute.
Also if there is any other solution.
You have a third solution. You can use Cloud Run instead of Cloud Functions (the migration is very easy, let me know if you have issues).
With Cloud Run, you can use the trigger (eventArc feature), a new feature (still in preview) based on the auditLog logs. It's very similar to the first solution proposed by LundinCast, but it's automatically set up by Cloud Run Trigger feature.
So, deploy your service on Cloud Run. Then configure a trigger on v1.compute.instancs.insert API, select your region or make the trigger global and that's all!! Your service will be triggered when a new instance will be created.
As you can see in my screenshot, you will be asked to activate the auditLog to be able to use this feature. Because it's built-in, it's done automatically for you!
Using Logging sink and a PubSub-triggered Cloud Function
First, export the relevant logs to a PubSub topic of your choice by creating a Logging sink. Include the logs created automatically during VM creation with the following log filter:
Next, create a Cloud Function that'll trigger every time a new log is set to the PubSub topic. You can process this new message as per your needs.
Note that with this option you'll have to handle to notification yourself (for example, by sending an email). It is useful though if you want to send different notification based on some condition or if you want to perform additional actions apart from the notification.
Using a log-based metric and a Cloud Monitoring alert
You can use a Log-based metric filtering logs for Compute Engine VM creation and set an alert on that metric to get notified.
First create a counter log-based metric with a log filter similar to the one in the previous method, which will report a data point to Cloud monitoring every time a new VM instance is created.
Then go to Cloud Monitoring and create an alert based on that metric that trigger every time a metric is reported.
This option is the easiest to set up and supports various notification channels out-of-the-box.
Going along with LudninCast's answer.
Cloud Run --
Would have used it if it had not been zone issue for me. Though I conclude this from POC I did
Easy setup.
Containerised Apps. Probably more code to maintain.
Public URL for app.
Out of box support for the requirements like mine.
Cloud Function --
Sink setups for triggers can be time consuming for first timer
Easy coding and maintainance.

Google Cloud IoT Core and Pubsub Pricing?

I am using google IoT core and pubsub services for my IoT devices. I am publishing data using pubsub to the database. but I think its quite expensive to store every data into the database. I have some data like if the device is on or off and a configuration file which has some parameter which I need to process my IoT payload. Now I am not able to understand if configuration and state topic in IoT is expensive or not? and how long the data is stored in the config topic and is it feasible that whenever the parameter is changed in the config file it publish that data into config topic? and what if I publish my state of a device that if it is online or not every 3 seconds or more into the state topic?
You are mixing different things. There is Cloud IoT, where you have a device registry, with metadata, configuration and states. You also have PubSub topic in which you can publish message about IoT payload that can contain configuration data (I assume that is that you means in this sentence: "it publish that data into config topic").
In definitive it's simple.
All the management operations on Cloud IoT are free (device registration, configuration, metadata,...). There is no limitation and no duration limit. The only one which exists in the quotas for rate limit and configuration size.
The inbound and outbound traffic from and to the IoT devices is billed as described here
If you use PubSub for pushing your messages, Cloud Functions (or Cloud Run, or other compute option), a database (Cloud SQL or Datastore/Firestore), all these services are billed as usual, there is no relation with Cloud IoT service & billing. The constraints of each services are applied as a regular usage. For example, a PubSub message live up to 7 days (by default) in a subscription and until it hasn't acknowledged.
Ok, got it, I took time to understood what you wanted to achieve.
The state is designed for getting the internal representation of the devices, but the current limitation doesn't allow you to update it automatically when you received message.
You have 2 solutions:
Either you can update your devices and send an update message only when its state changes (it's for this kind of use case that the feature is designed!)
Or, let the device published the messages every 3 seconds, but in the event PubSub topic. Get the events in a function which get the state list, get the first one (the most recent) and compare the value with the PubSub message. If different, update the state. This workflow also work with external database like Datastore or Firestore.

Google Stackdrive custom metrics - data retention period

I'm using GCP Stackdrive custom metrics and created few dashboard graphs to show the traffic on the system. The problem is that the graph system is keeping the data for few weeks - not forever.
From Stackdrive documentation:
See Quotas and limits for limits on the number of custom metrics and
the number of active time series, and for the data retention period.
If you wish to keep your metric data beyond the retention period, you
must manually copy the data to another location, such as Cloud Storage
or BigQuery.
Let's decide to work with Cloud Storage as a container to store data for the long term.
How does this "manual data copy" is working? Just write the same data into two places (Google storage and Stackdrive)?
How the stackdrive is connecting the storage and generating graph of it?
You can use Stackdriver's Logs Export feature to export your logs into either of three sinks, Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery or Pub/Sub topic. Here are the instructions on how to export stackdriver logs. You are not writing logs in two places in real-time but exporting logs based on the filters you set.
One thing to keep in mind is you will not be able to use stackdriver graphs or alerting tools with the exported logs.
In addition, if you export logs into bigquery, you can plug a Datastudio graphe to see your metrics.
You can also do this with Cloud Storage export but it's less immediate and less handy
I'll suggest this guide on creating a pipeline to export metrics to BigQuery for long-term storage and analytics.

Stackdriver Metrics through Pub/Sub?

I was curious if Stackdriver metrics are only available via the API or is there a way to send them through Pub/Sub? I'm currently not seeing any of the metrics listed here for Compute Engine in my Pub/Sub output.
I did create a sink for all gce vm instances to export from Stackdriver logging in Pub/Sub and I'm not seeing any of them.
There are a few different types of signals that Stackdriver organizes--metrics, logs, traces, errors, plus derived signals like incidents or error groups. Logs can be exported via Pub/Sub using sinks. Metrics, traces, and errors can only be pulled via the API today.