I am trying to match everything between multiple set of brackets
Example of data
I need to match everything within the inner brackets as below
How do I do that. I tried \[([^\[\]]|)*\] but it gives me values with brackets. Can anybody please help me with this. Thanks in advance
Seems like one of them is missing a bracket maybe, or if not, maybe some expression similar to:
might be OK to start with.
import re
expression = r"\[([+-]?\d+\.\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+\.\d+)\s*\]?"
string = """
print([list(i) for i in re.findall(expression, string)])
print(re.findall(expression, string))
[['42.30722', '-83.181125'], ['42.30722', '-83.18112667'], ['42.30722167', '-83.18112667'], ['42.30721667', '-83.181125'], ['+42.30721667', '-83.181125']]
[('42.30722', '-83.181125'), ('42.30722', '-83.18112667'), ('42.30722167', '-83.18112667'), ('42.30721667', '-83.181125'), ('+42.30721667', '-83.181125')]
If you wish to simplify/modify/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of regex101.com. If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.
A little late, but figured I would include it anyhow.
Your 3rd set is missing a ']'.
If that is in there, then in Alteryx, you can just use Text to Columns splitting to Rows and ignore delimiter in brackets
I am trying to exclude delimiters within text qualifiers. For this, I am trying to use Regex. However, I am new to Regex and am not able to fully accomplish my needs. I would be very greatful if someone can help me out.
In Alteryx, I load a delimited flat text file as 'non-delimited' and say that it does not have text qualifiers. Thus, the input will look something like this:
I want to exclude all delimiters that are in between text qualifiers.
I have tried to use Regex to replace the delimiters within text qualifiers with nothing.
So far, I have tried the following Regex code for my target:
And I have used the following for my replace:
However, this will not fix te lines 11, 13, 14 and 15.
I wish to obtain the following results:
Thank you in advance for helping me out!
With kind regards,
I can't think of the correct syntax in REGEX unless you are putting in each pattern that could be found.
However, an easier way (maybe not as performant), would be to use a Text to Columns selecting Ignore delimiters in quotes. If you need it back together in one cell afterwards, you can transpose, then remove delimiters followed by a Summarize to concatenate each RecordID Group.
Having a bit of trouble with some code I'm working through. Basically, I have transcripts (txt files) for a few Japanese anime, of which I want to remove everything but the spoken lines (Japanese sentences) in order to do some NLP experiments.
I've managed to accomplish a good bit of cleaning, but where I'm stuck is with parentheses. A majority of the elements in my list start with a character's name inside parentheses (i.e. (Armin)). I want to remove these, but all the regex code I've found online doesn't seem to work.
Here's a snippet of the list I'm working with:
['(アルミン)その日', '人類は思い出した', '(アルミン)奴らに', '支配されていた恐怖を', '(アルミン)鳥籠の中に', 'とらわれていた―', '屈辱を', '(キース)総員', '戦闘用意!', '目標は1体だ', '必ず仕留め―', 'ここを', '我々', '人類', '最初の壁外拠点とする!', '(エルヴィン)あっ…', '目標接近!', '(キース)訓練どおり5つに分かれろ!', '囮は我々が引き受ける!', '全攻撃班', '立体機動に移れ!', '(エルヴィン)全方向から', '同時に叩くぞ!', '(モーゼス)やあーっ!']
I've tried the following code (it's as close as I could get):
no_parentheses = []
for line in mylist:
if '(' in line:
line = re.sub('\(.*\)','', line)
But when I view the results, those pesky parentheses remain in my list mockingly.
Could anyone offer suggestions to resolve this issue?
Thanks again!
The brackets used in the text are full-width brackets. Specifically, U+FF08 FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS, and U+FF09 FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS.
Your regex should use full-width brackets as well.
line = re.sub('(.*)','', line)
I have a Regex :
That is what i have these far.
It could handle input : *777*9283928839*89*5*9090#.
The format goes like this : *777*phone*Qty*Item Code*pin#
The problem is sometime the input will go like this :
*777*phone*Qty*Item Code*Qty*Item Code*Qty*Item Code*pin#
It will repeat at Qty*Item Code. But the Item code should be one of these 5,10,20,25,50,100
I confuse in making the regex check for Qty*Item Code.
Can someone give a hint?
You can use the following:
The part that's repeating seems to be this:
If you enclose that in parentheses and add + after it, it will tell regex to match what's inside the parentheses one or more times:
I am trying to write a regex which will strip away the rest of the path after a particular folder name.
If Input is:
Output should be:
Some constrains:
ChangePack- will be followed change pack id which is a mix of numbers or alphabets a-z or A-Z only in any order. And there is no limit on length of change pack id.
ChangePack- is a constant. It will always be there.
And the text before the ChangePack can also change. Like it can also be:
My regex-fu is bad. What I have come up with till now is:
I need to make this generic.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Below regex can do the trick.
Check out the live regex demo here.
Try this.Instead of replace grab the match $1 or \1.See demo.
Will you always have '/Repository/Framework/PITA/branches/' at the beginning? If so, this will do the trick:
Instead of regex you could can use split and join functions. Example python:
path = "/a/b/c/d/e"
folders = path.split("/")
newpath = "/".join(folders[:3]) #trims off everything from the third folder over
print(newpath) #prints "/a/b"
If you really want regex, try something like ^.*\/folder\/ where folder is the name of the directory you want to match.
I'm trying to write a regexp which will help to find non-translated texts in html code.
Translated texts means that they are going through special tag: or through construction: ${...}
Ex. non-translated:
Translated texts are:
<h1><fmt:message key="hello" /></h1>
I've written the following expression:
It finds correct strings like:
Correctly skips
<a><fmt:message key="common.delete" /></a>
But also catches:
<li><p><fmt:message key="common.delete" /></p></li>
And I can't figure out how to add exception for ${...} strings in this expression
Can anybody help me?
If I understand you properly, you want to ensure the data inside the "tag" doesn't contain fmt:messsage or ${....}
You might be able to use a negative-lookahead in conjuction with a . to assert that the characters captured by the . are not one of those cases:
If you want to avoid capturing any "tags" inside the tag, you can ignore the <fmt:message portion, and just use [^<] instead of a . - to match only non <
Added from comment If you also want to exclude "empty" tags, add another negative-lookahead - this time (?!\s*<) - ensure that the stuff inside the tag is not empty or only containing whitespace:
If the format is simple as in your examples you can try this:
Rewritten into a more formal question:
Can you match
but not
without catching
abcba ?
Insert abcba and run it
Start is ready for input.
a -> MATCH, transition to A
b -> MATCH, transition to B
c -> FAIL, return fail.
I've used a simple one like this with success,
of course if there is any CDATA with '<' in those it's not going to work so well. But should do fine for simple XML.
also see
for a discussion of using regex to parse html
executive summary: don't