I have more than 1e7 sequences of tokens, where each token can only take one of four possible values.
In order to make this dataset fit into memory, I decided to encode each token in 2 bits, which allows to store 4 tokens in a byte instead of just one (when using a char for each token / std::string for a sequence). I store each sequence in a char array.
For some algorithm, I need to test arbitrary subsequences of two token sequences for exact equality. Each subsequence can have an arbitrary offset. The length is typically between 10 and 30 tokens (random) and is the same for the two subsequences.
My current method is to operate in chunks:
Copy up to 32 tokens (each having 2 bit) from each subsequences into an uint64_t. This is realized in a loop over the tokens that selects the correct char in the array and writes the bits into the correct position of the uint64_t.
Compare the two uint64_t. If they are not equal, return.
Repeat until all tokens in the subsequences have been processed.
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
using Block = char;
constexpr int BitsPerToken = 2;
constexpr int TokenPerBlock = sizeof(Block) * CHAR_BIT / BitsPerToken;
Block getTokenFromBlock(Block b, int nt) noexcept
return (b >> (nt * BitsPerToken)) & ((1UL << (BitsPerToken)) - 1);
bool seqEqual(Block const* seqA, int startA, int endA, Block const* seqB, int startB, int endB) noexcept
using CompareBlock = uint64_t;
constexpr int TokenPerCompareBlock = sizeof(CompareBlock) * CHAR_BIT / BitsPerToken;
const int len = endA - startA;
int posA = startA;
int posB = startB;
CompareBlock curA = 0;
CompareBlock curB = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++posA, ++posB)
const int cmpIdx = i % TokenPerBlock;
const int blockA = posA / TokenPerBlock;
const int idxA = posA % TokenPerBlock;
const int blockB = posB / TokenPerBlock;
const int idxB = posB % TokenPerBlock;
if ((i % TokenPerCompareBlock) == 0)
if (curA != curB)
return false;
curA = 0;
curB = 0;
curA += getTokenFromBlock(seqA[blockA], idxA) << (BitsPerToken * cmpIdx);
curB += getTokenFromBlock(seqB[blockB], idxB) << (BitsPerToken * cmpIdx);
if (curA != curB)
return false;
return true;
I figured that this should be quite fast (comparing 32 tokens simultaneously), but it is more than two times slower than using an std::string (with each token stored in a char) and its operator==.
I have looked into std::memcmp, but cannot use it because the subsequence might start somewhere within a byte (at a multiple of 2 bits, though).
Another candidate would be boost::dynamic_bitset, which basically implements the same storage format. However, it does not include equality tests.
How can I achieve fast equality tests using this compressed format?
First of all, this is the kind of computation where the target processor, RAM, compiler and compiler flags can drastically change the results. Unfortunately these critical information are not provided. Let's assume you use a quite recent mainstream x86-64 processor, a common DDR4-SDRAM, a compiler like Clang/GCC relatively up-to-date, and optimizations are enabled (ie. -O3 and possibly -march=native).
Clang and GCC use a fast comparison functions for comparing strings : respectively memcmp for GCC 12 and bcmp for Clang 15. The two functions are highly optimized on most platforms : they typically compare short strings by blocks of 8 bytes (uint64_t) and large strings by using SIMD instructions.
Your optimization is good to reduce the memory footprint but it introduces more computation and there is a high chance for the operation to be already compute-bound if the input buffer is already in the CPU cache. In addition, the computation is not SIMD-friendly due to the inner loop : the compiler will certainly not generate an efficient code due toe the bit-wise operations. The thing is scalar codes are slow. In fact, scalar byte-per-byte computations are generally so slow that they are usually far from being able to saturate the RAM bandwidth (at least the one achievable using only 1 core) as opposed to to memcmp. For example, a Skylake/Coffeelake processor at 4 GHz can only read 8 GiB/s from the L1 cache using a scalar byte-per-byte code while an AVX-2 SIMD code can read 256 GiB/s. For the write it is twice smaller : 4 GiB/s VS 128 GiB/s. A 1-channel DDR4-SDRAM # 3200MHz can theoretically reach ~24 GiB/s, that is, far more than a byte-per-byte scalar sequential code. The L3 cache have a much bigger bandwidth.
If you want a fast code for large sequences, then you need to either help your compiler so it can use SIMD instruction (not so easy in this case), to use non-portable SIMD intrinsics or possibly to use a relatively-portable SIMD library to generate quite-good SIMD code (though low-level platform-dependent intrinsics are more flexible/featureful).
I expect the main bottleneck to come from the "loop over the tokens that selects the correct char in the array and writes the bits into the correct position of the uint64_t". Indeed, this loop will likely generate a dependency chain of instructions (operating on the same uint64_t variable) that cannot be executed efficiently by the processor nor easily optimized by the compiler.
A typical solution would be to read blocks of 8 bytes (using memcpy to do it correctly, and hope the compiler optimize it properly). The bits can be reordered using a bswap instruction on x86-64 processors and it is not needed on big-endian processors. A shift+mask can be applied so to compare only the useful part. Here is an (untested) example to show the idea:
if(length >= 16)
uint64_t block1, block2;
uint64_t prev_block1 = 0, prev_block2 = 0;
unsigned int shift1 = (start1 % 4) * 2;
unsigned int shift2 = (start2 % 4) * 2;
uint64_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00ull;
// Read blocks 7 byte per 7 byte for sake of simplicity
for(size_t i=0; i<length-7 ; i+=7)
// Safe and cheap and GCC/Clang
memcpy(&block1, charArray1[i], 8);
memcpy(&block2, charArray2[i], 8);
// Architecture-dependent: reorder bytes on little-endian processors.
// There is a fast instruction for that on x86-64 processors: bswap.
// See:
block1 = reorder_bytes(block1);
block2 = reorder_bytes(block2);
block1 = (block1 << shift1) & mask;
block2 = (block2 << shift2) & mask;
if(block1 != block2)
return false;
// TODO: compute the reminder part for the last block
This operation can be done using the SSE/AVX instruction set so to be faster for large sequences. Note you can perform a special optimization when shift1 == shift2 (especially when the both are equal to 0).
One should keep in mind that the bit-packing computation is pretty expensive, even using a SIMD code. It will certainly not be faster than a memcpy unless the operation is memory bound which is unlikely to be the case. For example, a Skylake/Coffeelake processor can load and compare 2 blocks of 32 bytes (ie. 32 tokens per block) in only 1 cycle (reciprocal throughput) using the AVX-2 SIMD instruction set, while there is no chance each iteration of the above bit-packing loop can take less than 2 cycles to compute 7 bytes (ie. 28 tokens). Using AVX-2 to optimize the above code is possible but the AVX lanes and the byte reordering results in several additional instructions being required so it will certainly be still slightly slower than just a basic very-fast comparisons (few cycles to compute ~120 tokens).
The only use-case where packing can help is when multiple core are used to do the computation. Indeed, in that case, the bit-packing code can scale well because it is likely compute-bound while the string-based version will quickly be limited by the speed of the RAM since it is likely memory-bound.
If there are only 10million tokens total, its 20Mbit or 2-3MB. If you keep their shifted versions in different arrays such as from 2 bit shifted to 30 bit shifted (assuming 4byte comparison at once, ignore 32 bit shift as it means just a different starting position), you can do a direct comparison (std::memcmp) with no shifting involved (fast) after selecting the right array with modulo of the arbitrary offset. But this requires the token sequence to be constant through many function calls (if not lifetime of program).
If these tokens are part of a much bigger data, you can put a caching layer (that caches fixed length chunks and joins them to get requested sub-sequence for A and B) just before the shifted initialization. Maybe LRU/LFU works fast enough if its token access pattern is cache-friendly. If its not cache friendly, then perhaps just reaching the arrays could be the bottleneck with or without shifting.
If you do checking per byte instead of per 4 bytes, it requires only 4 arrays instead of 16 and it shouldn't add too big requirement with caching.
You can also add an XOR result of fixed-length (like 50-100) sub-sequences for every offset as a way of quicker exiting. Again, this requires 4x more memory space. If XOR results of first tokens (+fixed length) are not equal, then they are not equal. This would reduce number of comparisons at least.
Another way is directly caching f(x,y)->bool like Python language does with its own caching. But this would be much worse than "fixed-length-chunked-caching & joining them" due to non-reusable parts & a lot of duplication.
I tested the following code on my machine to see how much throughput I can get. The code does not do very much except assigning each thread two nested loop,
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int thread = 0; thread < 24; thread++) {
float i = 0.0f;
while(i < 100000.0f) {
float j = 0.0f;
while (j < 100000.0f) {
j = j + 1.0f;
i = i + 1.0f;
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto time = end_time - start_time;
std::cout << time / std::chrono::milliseconds(1) << std::endl;
return 0;
To my surprise, the throughput is very low according to perf
$ perf stat -e all_dc_accesses -e fp_ret_sse_avx_ops.all cmake-build-release/roofline_prediction
Performance counter stats for 'cmake-build-release/roofline_prediction':
325.372.690 all_dc_accesses
240.002.400.000 fp_ret_sse_avx_ops.all
8,909514307 seconds time elapsed
202,819795000 seconds user
0,059613000 seconds sys
With 240.002.400.000 FLOPs in 8.83 seconds, the machine achieved only 27.1 GFLOPs/second, way below the CPU's capacity of 392 GFLOPs/sec (I got this number from a roofline modelling software).
My question is, how can I achieved higher throughput?
Compiler: GCC 9.3.0
CPU: AMD Threadripper 1920X
Optimization level: -O3
OpenMP's flag: -fopenmp
Compiled with GCC 9.3 with those options, the inner loop looks like this:
addss xmm0, xmm2
comiss xmm1, xmm0
ja .L3
Some other combinations of GCC version / options may result in the loop being elided, after all it doesn't really do anything (except waste time).
The addss forms a loop-carried dependency with only itself in it. That is not fast though, on Zen 1 that takes 3 cycles per iteration, so the number of additions per cycle is 1/3. The maximum number of floating point additions per cycle could be attained by having at least 6 independent addps instructions (256bit vaddps may help a bit, but Zen 1 executes such 256bit SIMD instructions with 2 128bit operations internally), to deal with the latency of 3 and the throughput of 2 per cycle (so 6 operations need to be active at any time). That would correspond to 8 additions per cycles, 24 times as much as the current code.
From a C++ program, it may be possible to coax the compiler into generating suitable machine code by:
Using -ffast-math (if possible, which it isn't always)
Using explicit vectorization using _mm_add_ps
Manually unrolling the loop, using (at least 6) independent accumulators
I am new to the field of SSE2 and AVX. I write the following code to test the performance of both SSE2 and AVX.
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
void normal_res(float* __restrict__ a, float* __restrict__ b, float* __restrict__ c, unsigned long N) {
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < N; n++) {
c[n] = sqrt(a[n]) + sqrt(b[n]);
void normal(float* a, float* b, float* c, unsigned long N) {
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < N; n++) {
c[n] = sqrt(a[n]) + sqrt(b[n]);
void sse(float* a, float* b, float* c, unsigned long N) {
__m128* a_ptr = (__m128*)a;
__m128* b_ptr = (__m128*)b;
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < N; n+=4, a_ptr++, b_ptr++) {
__m128 asqrt = _mm_sqrt_ps(*a_ptr);
__m128 bsqrt = _mm_sqrt_ps(*b_ptr);
__m128 add_result = _mm_add_ps(asqrt, bsqrt);
_mm_store_ps(&c[n], add_result);
void avx(float* a, float* b, float* c, unsigned long N) {
__m256* a_ptr = (__m256*)a;
__m256* b_ptr = (__m256*)b;
for (unsigned long n = 0; n < N; n+=8, a_ptr++, b_ptr++) {
__m256 asqrt = _mm256_sqrt_ps(*a_ptr);
__m256 bsqrt = _mm256_sqrt_ps(*b_ptr);
__m256 add_result = _mm256_add_ps(asqrt, bsqrt);
_mm256_store_ps(&c[n], add_result);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
unsigned long N = 1 << 30;
auto *a = static_cast<float*>(aligned_alloc(128, N*sizeof(float)));
auto *b = static_cast<float*>(aligned_alloc(128, N*sizeof(float)));
auto *c = static_cast<float*>(aligned_alloc(128, N*sizeof(float)));
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, end;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
a[i] = 3141592.65358;
b[i] = 1234567.65358;
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
normal(a, b, c, N);
end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end - start;
std::cout << "normal elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() / 5 << std::endl;
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
normal_res(a, b, c, N);
end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
elapsed_seconds = end - start;
std::cout << "normal restrict elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() / 5 << std::endl;
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
sse(a, b, c, N);
end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
elapsed_seconds = end - start;
std::cout << "sse elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() / 5 << std::endl;
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
avx(a, b, c, N);
end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
elapsed_seconds = end - start;
std::cout << "avx elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() / 5 << std::endl;
return 0;
I compile my program by using g++ complier as the following.
g++ -msse -msse2 -mavx -mavx512f -O2
The results are as the following. It seems that there is no further improvement when I use more advanced 256 bits vectors.
normal elapsed time: 10.5311
normal restrict elapsed time: 8.00338
sse elapsed time: 0.995806
avx elapsed time: 0.973302
I have two questions.
Why does not AVX give me further improvement? Is it because the memory bandwidth?
According to my experiment, the SSE2 perform 10 times faster than the naive version. Why is that? I expect the SSE2 can only be 4 times faster based on its 128 bits vectors with respect to single precision floating points. Thanks a lot.
There are several issues here....
Memory bandwidth is very likely to be important for these array sizes -- more notes below.
Throughput for SSE and AVX square root instructions may not be what you expect on your processor -- more notes below.
The first test ("normal") may be slower than expected because the output array is instantiated (i.e., virtual to physical mappings are created) during the timed part of the test. (Just fill c with zeros in the loop that initializes a and b to fix this.)
Memory Bandwidth Notes:
With N = 1<<30 and float variables, each array is 4GiB.
Each test reads two arrays and writes to a third array. This third array must also be read from memory before being overwritten -- this is called a "write allocate" or a "read for ownership".
So you are reading 12 GiB and writing 4 GiB in each test. The SSE and AVX tests therefore correspond to ~16 GB/s of DRAM bandwidth, which is near the high end of the range typically seen for single-threaded operation on recent processors.
Instruction Throughput Notes:
The best reference for instruction latency and throughput on x86 processors is "instruction_tables.pdf" from
Agner defines "reciprocal throughput" as the average number of cycles per retired instruction when the processor is given a workload of independent instructions of the same type.
As an example, for an Intel Skylake core, the throughput of SSE and AVX SQRT is the same:
SQRTPS (xmm) 1/throughput = 3 --> 1 instruction every 3 cycles
VSQRTPS (ymm) 1/throughput = 6 --> 1 instruction every 6 cycles
Execution time for the square roots is expected to be (1<<31) square roots / 4 square roots per SSE SQRT instruction * 3 cycles per SSE SQRT instruction / 3 GHz = 0.54 seconds (randomly assuming a processor frequency).
Expected throughput for the "normal" and "normal_res" cases depends on the specifics of the generated assembly code.
Scalar being 10x instead of 4x slower:
You're getting page faults in c[] inside the scalar timed region because that's the first time you're writing it. If you did tests in a different order, whichever one was first would pay that large penalty. That part is a duplicate of this mistake: Why is iterating though `std::vector` faster than iterating though `std::array`? See also Idiomatic way of performance evaluation?
normal pays this cost in its first of the 5 passes over the array. Smaller arrays and a larger repeat count would amortize this even more, but better to memset or otherwise fill your destination first to pre-fault it ahead of the timed region.
normal_res is also scalar but is writing into an already-dirtied c[]. Scalar is 8x slower than SSE instead of the expected 4x.
You used sqrt(double) instead of sqrtf(float) or std::sqrt(float). On Skylake-X, this perfectly accounts for an extra factor of 2 throughput. Look at the compiler's asm output on the Godbolt compiler explorer (GCC 7.4 assuming the same system as your last question). I used -mavx512f (which implies -mavx and -msse), and no tuning options, to hopefully get about the same code-gen you did. main doesn't inline normal_res, so we can just look at the stand-alone definition for it.
normal_res(float*, float*, float*, unsigned long):
vpxord zmm2, zmm2, zmm2 # uh oh, 512-bit instruction reduces turbo clocks for the next several microseconds. Silly compiler
# more recent gcc would just use `vpxor xmm0,xmm0,xmm0`
.L5: # main loop
vxorpd xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
vcvtss2sd xmm0, xmm0, DWORD PTR [rdi+rbx*4] # convert to double
vucomisd xmm2, xmm0
vsqrtsd xmm1, xmm1, xmm0 # scalar double sqrt
ja .L16
vxorpd xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
vcvtss2sd xmm0, xmm0, DWORD PTR [rsi+rbx*4]
vucomisd xmm2, xmm0
vsqrtsd xmm3, xmm3, xmm0 # scalar double sqrt
ja .L17
vaddsd xmm1, xmm1, xmm3 # scalar double add
vxorps xmm4, xmm4, xmm4
vcvtsd2ss xmm4, xmm4, xmm1 # could have just converted in-place without zeroing another destination to avoid a false dependency :/
vmovss DWORD PTR [rdx+rbx*4], xmm4
add rbx, 1
cmp rcx, rbx
jne .L5
The vpxord zmm only reduces turbo clock for a few milliseconds (I think) at the start of each call to normal and normal_res. It doesn't keep using 512-bit operations so clock speed can jump back up again later. This might partially account for it not being exactly 8x.
The compare / ja is because you didn't use -fno-math-errno so GCC still calls actual sqrt for inputs < 0 to get errno set. It's doing if (!(0 <= tmp)) goto fallback, jumping on 0 > tmp or unordered. "Fortunately" sqrt is slow enough that it's still the only bottleneck. Out-of-order exec of the conversion and compare/branching means the SQRT unit is still kept busy ~100% of the time.
vsqrtsd throughput (6 cycles) is 2x slower than vsqrtss throughput (3 cycles) on Skylake-X, so using double costs a factor of 2 in scalar throughput.
Scalar sqrt on Skylake-X has the same throughput as the corresponding 128-bit ps / pd SIMD version. So 6 cycles per 1 number as a double vs. 3 cycles per 4 floats as a ps vector fully explains the 8x factor.
The extra 8x vs. 10x slowdown for normal was just from page faults.
SSE vs. AVX sqrt throughput
128-bit sqrtps is sufficient to get the full throughput of the SIMD div/sqrt unit; assuming this is a Skylake-server like your last question, it's 256 bits wide but not fully pipelined. The CPU can alternate sending a 128-bit vector into the low or high half to take advantage of the full hardware width even when you're only using 128-bit vectors. See Floating point division vs floating point multiplication (FP div and sqrt run on the same execution unit.)
See also instruction latency/throughput numbers on, or on
The add/sub/mul/fma are all 512-bits wide and fully pipelined; use that (e.g. to evaluate a 6th order polynomial or something) if you want something that can scale with vector width. div/sqrt is a special case.
You'd expect a benefit from using 256-bit vectors for SQRT only if you had a bottleneck on the front-end (4/clock instruction / uop throughput), or if you were doing a bunch of add/sub/mul/fma work with the vectors as well.
256-bit isn't worse, but it doesn't help when the only computation bottleneck is on the div/sqrt unit's throughput.
See John McCalpin's answer for more details about write-only costing about the same as a read+write, because of RFOs.
With so little computation per memory access, you're probably close to bottlenecking on memory bandwidth again / still. Even if the FP SQRT hardware was wider / faster, you might not in practice have your code run any faster. Instead you'd just have the core spend more time doing nothing while waiting for data to arrive from memory.
It seems you are getting exactly the expected speedup from 128-bit vectors (2x * 4x = 8x), so apparently the __m128 version is not bottlenecked on memory bandwidth either.
2x sqrt per 4 memory accesses is about the same as the a[i] = sqrt(a[i]) (1x sqrt per load + store) you were doing in the code you posted in chat, but you didn't give any numbers for that. That one avoided the page-fault problem because it was rewriting an array in-place after initializing it.
In general rewriting an array in-place is a good idea if you for some reason keep insisting on trying to get a 4x / 8x / 16x SIMD speedup using these insanely huge arrays that won't even fit in L3 cache.
Memory access is pipelined, and overlaps with computation (assuming sequential access so prefetchers can be pulling it in continuously without having to compute the next address): faster computation doesn't speed up overall progress. Cache lines arrive from memory at some fixed maximum bandwidth, with ~12 cache line transfers in flight at once (12 LFBs in Skylake). Or L2 "superqueue" can track more cache lines than that (maybe 16?), so L2 prefetch is reading ahead of where the CPU core is stalled.
As long as your computation can keep up with that rate, making it faster will just leave more cycles of doing nothing before the next cache line arrives.
(The store buffer writing back to L1d and then evicting dirty lines is also happening, but the basic idea of core waiting for memory still works.)
You could think of it like stop-and-go traffic in a car: a gap opens ahead of your car. Closing that gap faster doesn't gain you any average speed, it just means you have to stop faster.
If you want to see the benefit of AVX and AVX512 over SSE, you'll need smaller arrays (and a higher repeat-count). Or you'll need lots of ALU work per vector, like a polynomial.
In many real-world problems, the same data is used repeatedly so caches work. And it's possible to break up your problem into doing multiple things to one block of data while it's hot in cache (or even while loaded in registers), to increase the computational intensity enough to take advantage of the compute vs. memory balance of modern CPUs.
If you have an input array, and an output array, but you only want to write those elements which pass a certain condition, what would be the most efficient way to do this in AVX2?
I've seen in SSE where it was done like this:
__m128i LeftPack_SSSE3(__m128 mask, __m128 val)
// Move 4 sign bits of mask to 4-bit integer value.
int mask = _mm_movemask_ps(mask);
// Select shuffle control data
__m128i shuf_ctrl = _mm_load_si128(&shufmasks[mask]);
// Permute to move valid values to front of SIMD register
__m128i packed = _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_castps_si128(val), shuf_ctrl);
return packed;
This seems fine for SSE which is 4 wide, and thus only needs a 16 entry LUT, but for AVX which is 8 wide, the LUT becomes quite large(256 entries, each 32 bytes, or 8k).
I'm surprised that AVX doesn't appear to have an instruction for simplifying this process, such as a masked store with packing.
I think with some bit shuffling to count the # of sign bits set to the left you could generate the necessary permutation table, and then call _mm256_permutevar8x32_ps. But this is also quite a few instructions I think..
Does anyone know of any tricks to do this with AVX2? Or what is the most efficient method?
Here is an illustration of the Left Packing Problem from the above document:
AVX2 + BMI2. See my other answer for AVX512. (Update: saved a pdep in 64bit builds.)
We can use AVX2 vpermps (_mm256_permutevar8x32_ps) (or the integer equivalent, vpermd) to do a lane-crossing variable-shuffle.
We can generate masks on the fly, since BMI2 pext (Parallel Bits Extract) provides us with a bitwise version of the operation we need.
Beware that pdep/pext are very slow on AMD CPUs before Zen 3, like 6 uops / 18 cycle latency and throughput on Ryzen Zen 1 and Zen 2. This implementation will perform horribly on those AMD CPUs. For AMD, you might be best with 128-bit vectors using a pshufb or vpermilps LUT, or some of the AVX2 variable-shift suggestions discussed in comments. Especially if your mask input is a vector mask (not an already packed bitmask from memory).
AMD before Zen2 only has 128-bit vector execution units anyway, and 256-bit lane-crossing shuffles are slow. So 128-bit vectors are very attractive for this on Zen 1. But Zen 2 has 256-bit load/store and execution units. (And still slow microcoded pext/pdep.)
For integer vectors with 32-bit or wider elements: Either 1) _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(compare_mask)).
Or 2) use _mm256_movemask_epi8 and then change the first PDEP constant from 0x0101010101010101 to 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F to scatter blocks of 4 contiguous bits. Change the multiply by 0xFFU into expanded_mask |= expanded_mask<<4; or expanded_mask *= 0x11; (Not tested). Either way, use the shuffle mask with VPERMD instead of VPERMPS.
For 64-bit integer or double elements, everything still Just Works; The compare-mask just happens to always have pairs of 32-bit elements that are the same, so the resulting shuffle puts both halves of each 64-bit element in the right place. (So you still use VPERMPS or VPERMD, because VPERMPD and VPERMQ are only available with immediate control operands.)
For 16-bit elements, you might be able to adapt this with 128-bit vectors.
For 8-bit elements, see Efficient sse shuffle mask generation for left-packing byte elements for a different trick, storing the result in multiple possibly-overlapping chunks.
The algorithm:
Start with a constant of packed 3 bit indices, with each position holding its own index. i.e. [ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ] where each element is 3 bits wide. 0b111'110'101'...'010'001'000.
Use pext to extract the indices we want into a contiguous sequence at the bottom of an integer register. e.g. if we want indices 0 and 2, our control-mask for pext should be 0b000'...'111'000'111. pext will grab the 010 and 000 index groups that line up with the 1 bits in the selector. The selected groups are packed into the low bits of the output, so the output will be 0b000'...'010'000. (i.e. [ ... 2 0 ])
See the commented code for how to generate the 0b111000111 input for pext from the input vector mask.
Now we're in the same boat as the compressed-LUT: unpack up to 8 packed indices.
By the time you put all the pieces together, there are three total pext/pdeps. I worked backwards from what I wanted, so it's probably easiest to understand it in that direction, too. (i.e. start with the shuffle line, and work backward from there.)
We can simplify the unpacking if we work with indices one per byte instead of in packed 3-bit groups. Since we have 8 indices, this is only possible with 64bit code.
See this and a 32bit-only version on the Godbolt Compiler Explorer. I used #ifdefs so it compiles optimally with -m64 or -m32. gcc wastes some instructions, but clang makes really nice code.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
// Uses 64bit pdep / pext to save a step in unpacking.
__m256 compress256(__m256 src, unsigned int mask /* from movmskps */)
uint64_t expanded_mask = _pdep_u64(mask, 0x0101010101010101); // unpack each bit to a byte
expanded_mask *= 0xFF; // mask |= mask<<1 | mask<<2 | ... | mask<<7;
// ABC... -> AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCCC...: replicate each bit to fill its byte
const uint64_t identity_indices = 0x0706050403020100; // the identity shuffle for vpermps, packed to one index per byte
uint64_t wanted_indices = _pext_u64(identity_indices, expanded_mask);
__m128i bytevec = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(wanted_indices);
__m256i shufmask = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(bytevec);
return _mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(src, shufmask);
This compiles to code with no loads from memory, only immediate constants. (See the godbolt link for this and the 32bit version).
# clang 3.7.1 -std=gnu++14 -O3 -march=haswell
mov eax, edi # just to zero extend: goes away when inlining
movabs rcx, 72340172838076673 # The constants are hoisted after inlining into a loop
pdep rax, rax, rcx # ABC -> 0000000A0000000B....
imul rax, rax, 255 # 0000000A0000000B.. -> AAAAAAAABBBBBBBB..
movabs rcx, 506097522914230528
pext rax, rcx, rax
vmovq xmm1, rax
vpmovzxbd ymm1, xmm1 # 3c latency since this is lane-crossing
vpermps ymm0, ymm1, ymm0
(Later clang compiles like GCC, with mov/shl/sub instead of imul, see below.)
So, according to Agner Fog's numbers and, this is 6 uops (not counting the constants, or the zero-extending mov that disappears when inlined). On Intel Haswell, it's 16c latency (1 for vmovq, 3 for each pdep/imul/pext / vpmovzx / vpermps). There's no instruction-level parallelism. In a loop where this isn't part of a loop-carried dependency, though, (like the one I included in the Godbolt link), the bottleneck is hopefully just throughput, keeping multiple iterations of this in flight at once.
This can maybe manage a throughput of one per 4 cycles, bottlenecked on port1 for pdep/pext/imul plus popcnt in the loop. Of course, with loads/stores and other loop overhead (including the compare and movmsk), total uop throughput can easily be an issue, too.
e.g. the filter loop in my godbolt link is 14 uops with clang, with -fno-unroll-loops to make it easier to read. It might sustain one iteration per 4c, keeping up with the front-end, if we're lucky.
clang 6 and earlier created a loop-carried dependency with popcnt's false dependency on its output, so it will bottleneck on 3/5ths of the latency of the compress256 function. clang 7.0 and later use xor-zeroing to break the false dependency (instead of just using popcnt edx,edx or something like GCC does :/).
gcc (and later clang) does the multiply by 0xFF with multiple instructions, using a left shift by 8 and a sub, instead of imul by 255. This takes 3 total uops vs. 1 for the front-end, but the latency is only 2 cycles, down from 3. (Haswell handles mov at register-rename stage with zero latency.) Most significantly for this, imul can only run on port 1, competing with pdep/pext/popcnt, so it's probably good to avoid that bottleneck.
Since all hardware that supports AVX2 also supports BMI2, there's probably no point providing a version for AVX2 without BMI2.
If you need to do this in a very long loop, the LUT is probably worth it if the initial cache-misses are amortized over enough iterations with the lower overhead of just unpacking the LUT entry. You still need to movmskps, so you can popcnt the mask and use it as a LUT index, but you save a pdep/imul/pext.
You can unpack LUT entries with the same integer sequence I used, but #Froglegs's set1() / vpsrlvd / vpand is probably better when the LUT entry starts in memory and doesn't need to go into integer registers in the first place. (A 32bit broadcast-load doesn't need an ALU uop on Intel CPUs). However, a variable-shift is 3 uops on Haswell (but only 1 on Skylake).
See my other answer for AVX2+BMI2 with no LUT.
Since you mention a concern about scalability to AVX512: don't worry, there's an AVX512F instruction for exactly this:
VCOMPRESSPS — Store Sparse Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Values into Dense Memory. (There are also versions for double, and 32 or 64bit integer elements (vpcompressq), but not byte or word (16bit)). It's like BMI2 pdep / pext, but for vector elements instead of bits in an integer reg.
The destination can be a vector register or a memory operand, while the source is a vector and a mask register. With a register dest, it can merge or zero the upper bits. With a memory dest, "Only the contiguous vector is written to the destination memory location".
To figure out how far to advance your pointer for the next vector, popcnt the mask.
Let's say you want to filter out everything but values >= 0 from an array:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
size_t filter_non_negative(float *__restrict__ dst, const float *__restrict__ src, size_t len) {
const float *endp = src+len;
float *dst_start = dst;
do {
__m512 sv = _mm512_loadu_ps(src);
__mmask16 keep = _mm512_cmp_ps_mask(sv, _mm512_setzero_ps(), _CMP_GE_OQ); // true for src >= 0.0, false for unordered and src < 0.0
_mm512_mask_compressstoreu_ps(dst, keep, sv); // clang is missing this intrinsic, which can't be emulated with a separate store
src += 16;
dst += _mm_popcnt_u64(keep); // popcnt_u64 instead of u32 helps gcc avoid a wasted movsx, but is potentially slower on some CPUs
} while (src < endp);
return dst - dst_start;
This compiles (with gcc4.9 or later) to (Godbolt Compiler Explorer):
# Output from gcc6.1, with -O3 -march=haswell -mavx512f. Same with other gcc versions
lea rcx, [rsi+rdx*4] # endp
mov rax, rdi
vpxord zmm1, zmm1, zmm1 # vpxor xmm1, xmm1,xmm1 would save a byte, using VEX instead of EVEX
vmovups zmm0, ZMMWORD PTR [rsi]
add rsi, 64
vcmpps k1, zmm0, zmm1, 29 # AVX512 compares have mask regs as a destination
kmovw edx, k1 # There are some insns to add/or/and mask regs, but not popcnt
movzx edx, dx # gcc is dumb and doesn't know that kmovw already zero-extends to fill the destination.
vcompressps ZMMWORD PTR [rax]{k1}, zmm0
popcnt rdx, rdx
## movsx rdx, edx # with _popcnt_u32, gcc is dumb. No casting can get gcc to do anything but sign-extend. You'd expect (unsigned) would mov to zero-extend, but no.
lea rax, [rax+rdx*4] # dst += ...
cmp rcx, rsi
ja .L2
sub rax, rdi
sar rax, 2 # address math -> element count
Performance: 256-bit vectors may be faster on Skylake-X / Cascade Lake
In theory, a loop that loads a bitmap and filters one array into another should run at 1 vector per 3 clocks on SKX / CSLX, regardless of vector width, bottlenecked on port 5. (kmovb/w/d/q k1, eax runs on p5, and vcompressps into memory is 2p5 + a store, according to IACA and to testing by
#ZachB reports in comments that in practice, that a loop using ZMM _mm512_mask_compressstoreu_ps is slightly slower than _mm256_mask_compressstoreu_ps on real CSLX hardware. (I'm not sure if that was a microbenchmark that would allow the 256-bit version to get out of "512-bit vector mode" and clock higher, or if there was surrounding 512-bit code.)
I suspect misaligned stores are hurting the 512-bit version. vcompressps probably effectively does a masked 256 or 512-bit vector store, and if that crosses a cache line boundary then it has to do extra work. Since the output pointer is usually not a multiple of 16 elements, a full-line 512-bit store will almost always be misaligned.
Misaligned 512-bit stores may be worse than cache-line-split 256-bit stores for some reason, as well as happening more often; we already know that 512-bit vectorization of other things seems to be more alignment sensitive. That may just be from running out of split-load buffers when they happen every time, or maybe the fallback mechanism for handling cache-line splits is less efficient for 512-bit vectors.
It would be interesting to benchmark vcompressps into a register, with separate full-vector overlapping stores. That's probably the same uops, but the store can micro-fuse when it's a separate instruction. And if there's some difference between masked stores vs. overlapping stores, this would reveal it.
Another idea discussed in comments below was using vpermt2ps to build up full vectors for aligned stores. This would be hard to do branchlessly, and branching when we fill a vector will probably mispredict unless the bitmask has a pretty regular pattern, or big runs of all-0 and all-1.
A branchless implementation with a loop-carried dependency chain of 4 or 6 cycles through the vector being constructed might be possible, with a vpermt2ps and a blend or something to replace it when it's "full". With an aligned vector store every iteration, but only moving the output pointer when the vector is full.
This is likely slower than vcompressps with unaligned stores on current Intel CPUs.
If you are targeting AMD Zen this method may be preferred, due to the very slow pdepand pext on ryzen (18 cycles each).
I came up with this method, which uses a compressed LUT, which is 768(+1 padding) bytes, instead of 8k. It requires a broadcast of a single scalar value, which is then shifted by a different amount in each lane, then masked to the lower 3 bits, which provides a 0-7 LUT.
Here is the intrinsics version, along with code to build LUT.
//Generate Move mask via: _mm256_movemask_ps(_mm256_castsi256_ps(mask)); etc
__m256i MoveMaskToIndices(u32 moveMask) {
u8 *adr = g_pack_left_table_u8x3 + moveMask * 3;
__m256i indices = _mm256_set1_epi32(*reinterpret_cast<u32*>(adr));//lower 24 bits has our LUT
// __m256i m = _mm256_sllv_epi32(indices, _mm256_setr_epi32(29, 26, 23, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8));
//now shift it right to get 3 bits at bottom
//__m256i shufmask = _mm256_srli_epi32(m, 29);
//Simplified version suggested by wim
//shift each lane so desired 3 bits are a bottom
//There is leftover data in the lane, but _mm256_permutevar8x32_ps only examines the first 3 bits so this is ok
__m256i shufmask = _mm256_srlv_epi32 (indices, _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21));
return shufmask;
u32 get_nth_bits(int a) {
u32 out = 0;
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
auto set = (a >> i) & 1;
if (set) {
out |= (i << (c * 3));
return out;
u8 g_pack_left_table_u8x3[256 * 3 + 1];
void BuildPackMask() {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
*reinterpret_cast<u32*>(&g_pack_left_table_u8x3[i * 3]) = get_nth_bits(i);
Here is the assembly generated by MSVC:
lea ecx, DWORD PTR [rcx+rcx*2]
lea rax, OFFSET FLAT:unsigned char * g_pack_left_table_u8x3 ; g_pack_left_table_u8x3
vpbroadcastd ymm0, DWORD PTR [rcx+rax]
vpsrlvd ymm0, ymm0, YMMWORD PTR __ymm#00000015000000120000000f0000000c00000009000000060000000300000000
Will add more information to a great answer from #PeterCordes :
I did the implementations of std::remove from C++ standard for integer types with it. The algorithm, once you can do compress, is relatively simple: load a register, compress, store. First I'm going to show the variations and then benchmarks.
I ended up with two meaningful variations on the proposed solution:
__m128i registers, any element type, using _mm_shuffle_epi8 instruction
__m256i registers, element type of at least 4 bytes, using _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32
When the types are smaller then 4 bytes for 256 bit register, I split them in two 128 bit registers and compress/store each one separately.
Link to compiler explorer where you can see complete assembly (there is a using type and width (in elements per pack) in the bottom, which you can plug in to get different variations) :
NOTE: my code is in C++17 and is using a custom simd wrappers, so I do not know how readable it is. If you want to read my code -> most of it is behind the link in the top include on godbolt. Alternatively, all of the code is on github.
Implementations of #PeterCordes answer for both cases
Note: together with the mask, I also compute the number of elements remaining using popcount. Maybe there is a case where it's not needed, but I have not seen it yet.
Mask for _mm_shuffle_epi8
Write an index for each byte into a half byte: 0xfedcba9876543210
Get pairs of indexes into 8 shorts packed into __m128i
Spread them out using x << 4 | x & 0x0f0f
Example of spreading the indexes. Let's say 7th and 6th elements are picked.
It means that the corresponding short would be: 0x00fe. After << 4 and | we'd get 0x0ffe. And then we clear out the second f.
Complete mask code:
// helper namespace
namespace _compress_mask {
// mmask - result of `_mm_movemask_epi8`,
// `uint16_t` - there are at most 16 bits with values for __m128i.
inline std::pair<__m128i, std::uint8_t> mask128(std::uint16_t mmask) {
const std::uint64_t mmask_expanded = _pdep_u64(mmask, 0x1111111111111111) * 0xf;
const std::uint8_t offset =
static_cast<std::uint8_t>(_mm_popcnt_u32(mmask)); // To compute how many elements were selected
const std::uint64_t compressed_idxes =
_pext_u64(0xfedcba9876543210, mmask_expanded); // Do the #PeterCordes answer
const __m128i as_lower_8byte = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(compressed_idxes); // 0...0|compressed_indexes
const __m128i as_16bit = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(as_lower_8byte); // From bytes to shorts over the whole register
const __m128i shift_by_4 = _mm_slli_epi16(as_16bit, 4); // x << 4
const __m128i combined = _mm_or_si128(shift_by_4, as_16bit); // | x
const __m128i filter = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0f0f); // 0x0f0f
const __m128i res = _mm_and_si128(combined, filter); // & 0x0f0f
return {res, offset};
} // namespace _compress_mask
template <typename T>
std::pair<__m128i, std::uint8_t> compress_mask_for_shuffle_epi8(std::uint32_t mmask) {
auto res = _compress_mask::mask128(mmask);
res.second /= sizeof(T); // bit count to element count
return res;
Mask for _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32
This is almost one for one #PeterCordes solution - the only difference is _pdep_u64 bit (he suggests this as a note).
The mask that I chose is 0x5555'5555'5555'5555. The idea is - I have 32 bits of mmask, 4 bits for each of 8 integers. I have 64 bits that I want to get => I need to convert each bit of 32 bits into 2 => therefore 0101b = 5.The multiplier also changes from 0xff to 3 because I will get 0x55 for each integer, not 1.
Complete mask code:
// helper namespace
namespace _compress_mask {
// mmask - result of _mm256_movemask_epi8
inline std::pair<__m256i, std::uint8_t> mask256_epi32(std::uint32_t mmask) {
const std::uint64_t mmask_expanded = _pdep_u64(mmask, 0x5555'5555'5555'5555) * 3;
const std::uint8_t offset = static_cast<std::uint8_t(_mm_popcnt_u32(mmask)); // To compute how many elements were selected
const std::uint64_t compressed_idxes = _pext_u64(0x0706050403020100, mmask_expanded); // Do the #PeterCordes answer
// Every index was one byte => we need to make them into 4 bytes
const __m128i as_lower_8byte = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(compressed_idxes); // 0000|compressed indexes
const __m256i expanded = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(as_lower_8byte); // spread them out
return {expanded, offset};
} // namespace _compress_mask
template <typename T>
std::pair<__m256i, std::uint8_t> compress_mask_for_permutevar8x32(std::uint32_t mmask) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) >= 4); // You cannot permute shorts/chars with this.
auto res = _compress_mask::mask256_epi32(mmask);
res.second /= sizeof(T); // bit count to element count
return res;
Processor: Intel Core i7 9700K (a modern consumer level CPU, no AVX-512 support)
Compiler: clang, build from trunk near the version 10 release
Compiler options: --std=c++17 --stdlib=libc++ -g -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -O3 -march=native -mllvm -align-all-functions=7
Micro-benchmarking library: google benchmark
Controlling for code alignment:
If you are not familiar with the concept, read this or watch this
All functions in the benchmark's binary are aligned to 128 byte boundary. Each benchmarking function is duplicated 64 times, with a different noop slide in the beginning of the function (before entering the loop). The main numbers I show is min per each measurement. I think this works since the algorithm is inlined. I'm also validated by the fact that I get very different results. At the very bottom of the answer I show the impact of code alignment.
Note: benchmarking code. BENCH_DECL_ATTRIBUTES is just noinline
Benchmark removes some percentage of 0s from an array. I test arrays with {0, 5, 20, 50, 80, 95, 100} percent of zeroes.
I test 3 sizes: 40 bytes (to see if this is usable for really small arrays), 1000 bytes and 10'000 bytes. I group by size because of SIMD depends on the size of the data and not a number of elements. The element count can be derived from an element size (1000 bytes is 1000 chars but 500 shorts and 250 ints). Since time it takes for non simd code depends mostly on the element count, the wins should be bigger for chars.
Plots: x - percentage of zeroes, y - time in nanoseconds. padding : min indicates that this is minimum among all alignments.
40 bytes worth of data, 40 chars
For 40 bytes this does not make sense even for chars - my implementation gets about 8-10 times slower when using 128 bit registers over non-simd code. So, for example, compiler should be careful doing this.
1000 bytes worth of data, 1000 chars
Apparently the non-simd version is dominated by branch prediction: when we get small amount of zeroes we get a smaller speed up: for no 0s - about 3 times, for 5% zeroes - about 5-6 times speed up. For when the branch predictor can't help the non-simd version - there is about a 27 times speed up. It's an interesting property of simd code that it's performance tends to be much less dependent on of data. Using 128 vs 256 register shows practically no difference, since most of the work is still split into 2 128 registers.
1000 bytes worth of data, 500 shorts
Similar results for shorts except with a much smaller gain - up to 2 times.
I don't know why shorts do that much better than chars for non-simd code: I'd expect shorts to be two times faster, since there are only 500 shorts, but the difference is actually up to 10 times.
1000 bytes worth of data, 250 ints
For a 1000 only 256 bit version makes sense - 20-30% win excluding no 0s to remove what's so ever (perfect branch prediction, no removing for non-simd code).
10'000 bytes worth of data, 10'000 chars
The same order of magnitude wins as as for a 1000 chars: from 2-6 times faster when branch predictor is helpful to 27 times when it's not.
Same plots, only simd versions:
Here we can see about a 10% win from using 256 bit registers and splitting them in 2 128 bit ones: about 10% faster. In size it grows from 88 to 129 instructions, which is not a lot, so might make sense depending on your use-case. For base-line - non-simd version is 79 instructions (as far as I know - these are smaller then SIMD ones though).
10'000 bytes worth of data, 5'000 shorts
From 20% to 9 times win, depending on the data distributions. Not showing the comparison between 256 and 128 bit registers - it's almost the same assembly as for chars and the same win for 256 bit one of about 10%.
10'000 bytes worth of data, 2'500 ints
Seems to make a lot of sense to use 256 bit registers, this version is about 2 times faster compared to 128 bit registers. When comparing with non-simd code - from a 20% win with a perfect branch prediction to 3.5 - 4 times as soon as it's not.
Conclusion: when you have a sufficient amount of data (at least 1000 bytes) this can be a very worthwhile optimisation for a modern processor without AVX-512
On percentage of elements to remove
On one hand it's uncommon to filter half of your elements. On the other hand a similar algorithm can be used in partition during sorting => that is actually expected to have ~50% branch selection.
Code alignment impact
The question is: how much worth it is, if the code happens to be poorly aligned
(generally speaking - there is very little one can do about it).
I'm only showing for 10'000 bytes.
The plots have two lines for min and for max for each percentage point (meaning - it's not one best/worst code alignment - it's the best code alignment for a given percentage).
Code alignment impact - non-simd
From 15-20% for poor branch prediction to 2-3 times when branch prediction helped a lot. (branch predictor is known to be affected by code alignment).
For some reason - the 0 percent is not affected at all. It can be explained by std::remove first doing linear search to find the first element to remove. Apparently linear search for shorts is not affected.
Other then that - from 10% to 1.6-1.8 times worth
Same as for shorts - no 0s is not affected. As soon as we go into remove part it goes from 1.3 times to 5 times worth then the best case alignment.
Code alignment impact - simd versions
Not showing shorts and ints 128, since it's almost the same assembly as for chars
Chars - 128 bit register
About 1.2 times slower
Chars - 256 bit register
About 1.1 - 1.24 times slower
Ints - 256 bit register
1.25 - 1.35 times slower
We can see that for simd version of the algorithm, code alignment has significantly less impact compared to non-simd version. I suspect that this is due to practically not having branches.
In case anyone is interested here is a solution for SSE2 which uses an instruction LUT instead of a data LUT aka a jump table. With AVX this would need 256 cases though.
Each time you call LeftPack_SSE2 below it uses essentially three instructions: jmp, shufps, jmp. Five of the sixteen cases don't need to modify the vector.
static inline __m128 LeftPack_SSE2(__m128 val, int mask) {
switch(mask) {
case 0:
case 1: return val;
case 2: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x01);
case 3: return val;
case 4: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x02);
case 5: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x08);
case 6: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x09);
case 7: return val;
case 8: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x03);
case 9: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x0c);
case 10: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x0d);
case 11: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x34);
case 12: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x0e);
case 13: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x38);
case 14: return _mm_shuffle_ps(val,val,0x39);
case 15: return val;
__m128 foo(__m128 val, __m128 maskv) {
int mask = _mm_movemask_ps(maskv);
return LeftPack_SSE2(val, mask);
This is perhaps a bit late though I recently ran into this exact problem and found an alternative solution which used a strictly AVX implementation. If you don't care if unpacked elements are swapped with the last elements of each vector, this could work as well. The following is an AVX version:
inline __m128 left_pack(__m128 val, __m128i mask) noexcept
const __m128i shiftMask0 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(mask, 0xA4);
const __m128i shiftMask1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(mask, 0x54);
const __m128i shiftMask2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(mask, 0x00);
__m128 v = val;
v = _mm_blendv_ps(_mm_permute_ps(v, 0xF9), v, shiftMask0);
v = _mm_blendv_ps(_mm_permute_ps(v, 0xF9), v, shiftMask1);
v = _mm_blendv_ps(_mm_permute_ps(v, 0xF9), v, shiftMask2);
return v;
Essentially, each element in val is shifted once to the left using the bitfield, 0xF9 for blending with it's unshifted variant. Next, both shifted and unshifted versions are blended against the input mask (which has the first non-zero element broadcast across the remaining elements 3 and 4). Repeat this process two more times, broadcasting the second and third elements of mask to its subsequent elements on each iteration and this should provide an AVX version of the _pdep_u32() BMI2 instruction.
If you don't have AVX, you can easily swap out each _mm_permute_ps() with _mm_shuffle_ps() for an SSE4.1-compatible version.
And if you're using double-precision, here's an additional version for AVX2:
inline __m256 left_pack(__m256d val, __m256i mask) noexcept
const __m256i shiftMask0 = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(mask, 0xA4);
const __m256i shiftMask1 = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(mask, 0x54);
const __m256i shiftMask2 = _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(mask, 0x00);
__m256d v = val;
v = _mm256_blendv_pd(_mm256_permute4x64_pd(v, 0xF9), v, shiftMask0);
v = _mm256_blendv_pd(_mm256_permute4x64_pd(v, 0xF9), v, shiftMask1);
v = _mm256_blendv_pd(_mm256_permute4x64_pd(v, 0xF9), v, shiftMask2);
return v;
Additionally _mm_popcount_u32(_mm_movemask_ps(val)) can be used to determine the number of elements which remained after the left-packing.
Our C++ library currently uses time_t for storing time values. I'm beginning to need sub-second precision in some places, so a larger data type will be necessary there anyway. Also, it might be useful to get around the Year-2038 problem in some places. So I'm thinking about completely switching to a single Time class with an underlying int64_t value, to replace the time_t value in all places.
Now I'm wondering about the performance impact of such a change when running this code on a 32-bit operating system or 32-bit CPU. IIUC the compiler will generate code to perform 64-bit arithmetic using 32-bit registers. But if this is too slow, I might have to use a more differentiated way for dealing with time values, which might make the software more difficult to maintain.
What I'm interested in:
which factors influence performance of these operations? Probably the compiler and compiler version; but does the operating system or the CPU make/model influence this as well? Will a normal 32-bit system use the 64-bit registers of modern CPUs?
which operations will be especially slow when emulated on 32-bit? Or which will have nearly no slowdown?
are there any existing benchmark results for using int64_t/uint64_t on 32-bit systems?
does anyone have own experience about this performance impact?
I'm mostly interested in g++ 4.1 and 4.4 on Linux 2.6 (RHEL5, RHEL6) on Intel Core 2 systems; but it would also be nice to know about the situation for other systems (like Sparc Solaris + Solaris CC, Windows + MSVC).
which factors influence performance of these operations? Probably the
compiler and compiler version; but does the operating system or the
CPU make/model influence this as well?
Mostly the processor architecture (and model - please read model where I mention processor architecture in this section). The compiler may have some influence, but most compilers do pretty well on this, so the processor architecture will have a bigger influence than the compiler.
The operating system will have no influence whatsoever (other than "if you change OS, you need to use a different type of compiler which changes what the compiler does" in some cases - but that's probably a small effect).
Will a normal 32-bit system use the 64-bit registers of modern CPUs?
This is not possible. If the system is in 32-bit mode, it will act as a 32-bit system, the extra 32-bits of the registers is completely invisible, just as it would be if the system was actually a "true 32-bit system".
which operations will be especially slow when emulated on 32-bit? Or which will have nearly no slowdown?
Addition and subtraction, is worse as these have to be done in sequence of two operations, and the second operation requires the first to have completed - this is not the case if the compiler is just producing two add operations on independent data.
Mulitplication will get a lot worse if the input parameters are actually 64-bits - so 2^35 * 83 is worse than 2^31 * 2^31, for example. This is due to the fact that the processor can produce a 32 x 32 bit multiply into a 64-bit result pretty well - some 5-10 clockcycles. But a 64 x 64 bit multiply requires a fair bit of extra code, so will take longer.
Division is a similar problem to multiplication - but here it's OK to take a 64-bit input on the one side, divide it by a 32-bit value and get a 32-bit value out. Since it's hard to predict when this will work, the 64-bit divide is probably nearly always slow.
The data will also take twice as much cache-space, which may impact the results. And as a similar consequence, general assignment and passing data around will take twice as long as a minimum, since there is twice as much data to operate on.
The compiler will also need to use more registers.
are there any existing benchmark results for using int64_t/uint64_t on 32-bit systems?
Probably, but I'm not aware of any. And even if there are, it would only be somewhat meaningful to you, since the mix of operations is HIGHLY critical to the speed of operations.
If performance is an important part of your application, then benchmark YOUR code (or some representative part of it). It doesn't really matter if Benchmark X gives 5%, 25% or 103% slower results, if your code is some completely different amount slower or faster under the same circumstances.
does anyone have own experience about this performance impact?
I've recompiled some code that uses 64-bit integers for 64-bit architecture, and found the performance improve by some substantial amount - as much as 25% on some bits of code.
Changing your OS to a 64-bit version of the same OS, would help, perhaps?
Because I like to find out what the difference is in these sort of things, I have written a bit of code, and with some primitive template (still learning that bit - templates isn't exactly my hottest topic, I must say - give me bitfiddling and pointer arithmetics, and I'll (usually) get it right... )
Here's the code I wrote, trying to replicate a few common functons:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
static __inline__ uint64_t rdtsc(void)
unsigned hi, lo;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
return ( (uint64_t)lo)|( ((uint64_t)hi)<<32 );
template<typename T>
static T add_numbers(const T *v, const int size)
T sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum += v[i];
return sum;
template<typename T, const int size>
static T add_matrix(const T v[size][size])
T sum[size] = {};
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
sum[i] += v[i][j];
T tsum=0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
tsum += sum[i];
return tsum;
template<typename T>
static T add_mul_numbers(const T *v, const T mul, const int size)
T sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum += v[i] * mul;
return sum;
template<typename T>
static T add_div_numbers(const T *v, const T mul, const int size)
T sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum += v[i] / mul;
return sum;
template<typename T>
void fill_array(T *v, const int size)
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
v[i] = i;
template<typename T, const int size>
void fill_array(T v[size][size])
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
v[i][j] = i + size * j;
uint32_t bench_add_numbers(const uint32_t v[], const int size)
uint32_t res = add_numbers(v, size);
return res;
uint64_t bench_add_numbers(const uint64_t v[], const int size)
uint64_t res = add_numbers(v, size);
return res;
uint32_t bench_add_mul_numbers(const uint32_t v[], const int size)
const uint32_t c = 7;
uint32_t res = add_mul_numbers(v, c, size);
return res;
uint64_t bench_add_mul_numbers(const uint64_t v[], const int size)
const uint64_t c = 7;
uint64_t res = add_mul_numbers(v, c, size);
return res;
uint32_t bench_add_div_numbers(const uint32_t v[], const int size)
const uint32_t c = 7;
uint32_t res = add_div_numbers(v, c, size);
return res;
uint64_t bench_add_div_numbers(const uint64_t v[], const int size)
const uint64_t c = 7;
uint64_t res = add_div_numbers(v, c, size);
return res;
template<const int size>
uint32_t bench_matrix(const uint32_t v[size][size])
uint32_t res = add_matrix(v);
return res;
template<const int size>
uint64_t bench_matrix(const uint64_t v[size][size])
uint64_t res = add_matrix(v);
return res;
template<typename T>
void runbench(T (*func)(const T *v, const int size), const char *name, T *v, const int size)
fill_array(v, size);
uint64_t long t = rdtsc();
T res = func(v, size);
t = rdtsc() - t;
cout << "result = " << res << endl;
cout << name << " time in clocks " << dec << t << endl;
template<typename T, const int size>
void runbench2(T (*func)(const T v[size][size]), const char *name, T v[size][size])
uint64_t long t = rdtsc();
T res = func(v);
t = rdtsc() - t;
cout << "result = " << res << endl;
cout << name << " time in clocks " << dec << t << endl;
int main()
// spin up CPU to full speed...
time_t t = time(NULL);
while(t == time(NULL)) ;
const int vsize=10000;
uint32_t v32[vsize];
uint64_t v64[vsize];
uint32_t m32[100][100];
uint64_t m64[100][100];
runbench(bench_add_numbers, "Add 32", v32, vsize);
runbench(bench_add_numbers, "Add 64", v64, vsize);
runbench(bench_add_mul_numbers, "Add Mul 32", v32, vsize);
runbench(bench_add_mul_numbers, "Add Mul 64", v64, vsize);
runbench(bench_add_div_numbers, "Add Div 32", v32, vsize);
runbench(bench_add_div_numbers, "Add Div 64", v64, vsize);
runbench2(bench_matrix, "Matrix 32", m32);
runbench2(bench_matrix, "Matrix 64", m64);
Compiled with:
g++ -Wall -m32 -O3 -o 32vs64 32vs64.cpp -std=c++0x
And the results are: Note: See 2016 results below - these results are slightly optimistic due to the difference in usage of SSE instructions in 64-bit mode, but no SSE usage in 32-bit mode.
result = 49995000
Add 32 time in clocks 20784
result = 49995000
Add 64 time in clocks 30358
result = 349965000
Add Mul 32 time in clocks 30182
result = 349965000
Add Mul 64 time in clocks 79081
result = 7137858
Add Div 32 time in clocks 60167
result = 7137858
Add Div 64 time in clocks 457116
result = 49995000
Matrix 32 time in clocks 22831
result = 49995000
Matrix 64 time in clocks 23823
As you can see, addition, and multiplication isn't that much worse. Division gets really bad. Interestingly, the matrix addition is not much difference at all.
And is it faster on 64-bit I hear some of you ask:
Using the same compiler options, just -m64 instead of -m32 - yupp, a lot faster:
result = 49995000
Add 32 time in clocks 8366
result = 49995000
Add 64 time in clocks 16188
result = 349965000
Add Mul 32 time in clocks 15943
result = 349965000
Add Mul 64 time in clocks 35828
result = 7137858
Add Div 32 time in clocks 50176
result = 7137858
Add Div 64 time in clocks 50472
result = 49995000
Matrix 32 time in clocks 12294
result = 49995000
Matrix 64 time in clocks 14733
Edit, update for 2016:
four variants, with and without SSE, in 32- and 64-bit mode of the compiler.
I'm typically using clang++ as my usual compiler these days. I tried compiling with g++ (but it would still be a different version than above, as I've updated my machine - and I have a different CPU too). Since g++ failed to compile the no-sse version in 64-bit, I didn't see the point in that. (g++ gives similar results anyway)
As a short table:
Test name | no-sse 32 | no-sse 64 | sse 32 | sse 64 |
Add uint32_t | 20837 | 10221 | 3701 | 3017 |
Add uint64_t | 18633 | 11270 | 9328 | 9180 |
Add Mul 32 | 26785 | 18342 | 11510 | 11562 |
Add Mul 64 | 44701 | 17693 | 29213 | 16159 |
Add Div 32 | 44570 | 47695 | 17713 | 17523 |
Add Div 64 | 405258 | 52875 | 405150 | 47043 |
Matrix 32 | 41470 | 15811 | 21542 | 8622 |
Matrix 64 | 22184 | 15168 | 13757 | 12448 |
Full results with compile options.
$ clang++ -m32 -mno-sse 32vs64.cpp --std=c++11 -O2
$ ./a.out
result = 49995000
Add 32 time in clocks 20837
result = 49995000
Add 64 time in clocks 18633
result = 349965000
Add Mul 32 time in clocks 26785
result = 349965000
Add Mul 64 time in clocks 44701
result = 7137858
Add Div 32 time in clocks 44570
result = 7137858
Add Div 64 time in clocks 405258
result = 49995000
Matrix 32 time in clocks 41470
result = 49995000
Matrix 64 time in clocks 22184
$ clang++ -m32 -msse 32vs64.cpp --std=c++11 -O2
$ ./a.out
result = 49995000
Add 32 time in clocks 3701
result = 49995000
Add 64 time in clocks 9328
result = 349965000
Add Mul 32 time in clocks 11510
result = 349965000
Add Mul 64 time in clocks 29213
result = 7137858
Add Div 32 time in clocks 17713
result = 7137858
Add Div 64 time in clocks 405150
result = 49995000
Matrix 32 time in clocks 21542
result = 49995000
Matrix 64 time in clocks 13757
$ clang++ -m64 -msse 32vs64.cpp --std=c++11 -O2
$ ./a.out
result = 49995000
Add 32 time in clocks 3017
result = 49995000
Add 64 time in clocks 9180
result = 349965000
Add Mul 32 time in clocks 11562
result = 349965000
Add Mul 64 time in clocks 16159
result = 7137858
Add Div 32 time in clocks 17523
result = 7137858
Add Div 64 time in clocks 47043
result = 49995000
Matrix 32 time in clocks 8622
result = 49995000
Matrix 64 time in clocks 12448
$ clang++ -m64 -mno-sse 32vs64.cpp --std=c++11 -O2
$ ./a.out
result = 49995000
Add 32 time in clocks 10221
result = 49995000
Add 64 time in clocks 11270
result = 349965000
Add Mul 32 time in clocks 18342
result = 349965000
Add Mul 64 time in clocks 17693
result = 7137858
Add Div 32 time in clocks 47695
result = 7137858
Add Div 64 time in clocks 52875
result = 49995000
Matrix 32 time in clocks 15811
result = 49995000
Matrix 64 time in clocks 15168
More than you ever wanted to know about doing 64-bit math in 32-bit mode...
When you use 64-bit numbers on 32-bit mode (even on 64-bit CPU if an code is compiled for 32-bit), they are stored as two separate 32-bit numbers, one storing higher bits of a number, and another storing lower bits. The impact of this depends on an instruction. (tl;dr - generally, doing 64-bit math on 32-bit CPU is in theory 2 times slower, as long you don't divide/modulo, however in practice the difference is going to be smaller (1.3x would be my guess), because usually programs don't just do math on 64-bit integers, and also because of pipelining, the difference may be much smaller in your program).
Many architectures support so called carry flag. It's set when the result of addition overflows, or result of subtraction doesn't underflow. The behaviour of those bits can be show with long addition and long subtraction. C in this example shows either a bit higher than the highest representable bit (during operation), or a carry flag (after operation).
C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
= 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Why is carry flag relevant? Well, it just so happens that CPUs usually have two separate addition and subtraction operations. In x86, the addition operations are called add and adc. add stands for addition, while adc for addition with carry. The difference between those is that adc considers a carry bit, and if it is set, it adds one to the result.
Similarly, subtraction with carry subtracts 1 from the result if carry bit is not set.
This behaviour allows easily implementing arbitrary size addition and subtraction on integers. The result of addition of x and y (assuming those are 8-bit) is never bigger than 0x1FE. If you add 1, you get 0x1FF. 9 bits is enough therefore to represent results of any 8-bit addition. If you start addition with add, and then add any bits beyond initial ones with adc, you can do addition on any size of data you like.
Addition of two 64-bit values on 32-bit CPU is as follows.
Add first 32 bits of b to first 32 bits of a.
Add with carry later 32 bits of b to later 32 bits of a.
Analogically for subtraction.
This gives 2 instructions, however, because of instruction pipelinining, it may be slower than that, as one calculation depends on the other one to finish, so if CPU doesn't have anything else to do than 64-bit addition, CPU may wait for the first addition to be done.
It so happens on x86 that imul and mul can be used in such a way that overflow is stored in edx register. Therefore, multiplying two 32-bit values to get 64-bit value is really easy. Such a multiplication is one instruction, but to make use of it, one of multiplication values must be stored in eax.
Anyway, for a more general case of multiplication of two 64-bit values, they can be calculated using a following formula (assume function r removes bits beyond 32 bits).
First of all, it's easy to notice the lower 32 bits of a result will be multiplication of lower 32 bits of multiplied variables. This is due to congrugence relation.
a1 ≡ b1 (mod n)
a2 ≡ b2 (mod n)
a1a2 ≡ b1b2 (mod n)
Therefore, the task is limited to just determining the higher 32 bits. To calculate higher 32 bits of a result, following values should be added together.
Higher 32 bits of multiplication of both lower 32 bits (overflow which CPU can store in edx)
Higher 32 bits of first variable mulitplied with lower 32 bits of second variable
Lower 32 bits of first variable multiplied with higher 32 bits of second variable
This gives about 5 instructions, however because of relatively limited number of registers in x86 (ignoring extensions to an architecture), they cannot take too much advantage of pipelining. Enable SSE if you want to improve speed of multiplication, as this increases number of registers.
Division/Modulo (both are similar in implementation)
I don't know how it works, but it's much more complex than addition, subtraction or even multiplication. It's likely to be ten times slower than division on 64-bit CPU however. Check "Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms", page 257 for more details if you can understand it (I cannot in a way that I could explain it, unfortunately).
If you divide by a power of 2, please refer to shifting section, because that's what essentially compiler can optimize division to (plus adding the most significant bit before shifting for signed numbers).
Considering those operations are single bit operations, nothing special happens here, just bitwise operation is done twice.
Shifting left/right
Interestingly, x86 actually has an instruction to perform 64-bit left shift called shld, which instead of replacing the least significant bits of value with zeros, it replaces them with most significant bits of a different register. Similarly, it's the case for right shift with shrd instruction. This would easily make 64-bit shifting a two instructions operation.
However, that's only a case for constant shifts. When a shift is not constant, things get tricker, as x86 architecture only supports shift with 0-31 as a value. Anything beyond that is according to official documentation undefined, and in practice, bitwise and operation with 0x1F is performed on a value. Therefore, when a shift value is higher than 31, one of value storages is erased entirely (for left shift, that's lower bytes, for right shift, that's higher bytes). The other one gets the value that was in the register that was erased, and then shift operation is performed. This in result, depends on branch predictor to make good predictions, and is a bit slower because a value needs to be checked.
__builtin_popcount(lower) + __builtin_popcount(higher)
Other builtins
I'm too lazy to finish the answer at this point. Does anyone even use those?
Unsigned vs signed
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, or, and, xor, shift left generate the exact same code. Shift right uses only slightly different code (arithmetic shift vs logical shift), but structurally it's the same. It's likely that division does generate a different code however, and signed division is likely to be slower than unsigned division.
Benchmarks? They are mostly meaningless, as instruction pipelining will usually lead to things being faster when you don't constantly repeat the same operation. Feel free to consider division slow, but nothing else really is, and when you get outside of benchmarks, you may notice that because of pipelining, doing 64-bit operations on 32-bit CPU is not slow at all.
Benchmark your own application, don't trust micro-benchmarks that don't do what your application does. Modern CPUs are quite tricky, so unrelated benchmarks can and will lie.
Your question sounds pretty weird in its environment. You use time_t that uses up 32 bits. You need additional info, what means more bits. So you are forced to use something bigger than int32. It doesn't matter what the performance is, right? Choices will go between using just say 40 bits or go ahead to int64. Unless millions of instances must be stored of it, the latter is a sensible choice.
As others pointed out the only way to know the true performance is to measure it with profiler, (in some gross samples a simple clock will do). so just go ahead and measure. It must not be hard to globalreplace your time_t usage to a typedef and redefine it to 64 bit and patch up the few instances where real time_t was expected.
My bet would be on "unmeasurable difference" unless your current time_t instances take up at least a few megs of memory. on current Intel-like platforms the cores spend most of the time waiting for external memory to get into cache. A single cache miss stalls for hundred(s) of cycles. What makes calculating 1-tick differences on instructions infeasible. Your real performance may drop due yo things like your current structure just fits a cache line and the bigger one needs two. And if you never measured your current performance you might discover that you could gain extreme speedup of some funcitons just by adding some alignment or exchange order of some members in a structure. Or pack(1) the structure instead of using the default layout...
Addition/subtraction basically becomes two cycles each, multiplication and division depend on the actual CPU. The general perfomance impact will be rather low.
Note that Intel Core 2 supports EM64T.