Requested resource '{spyne.examples.django}' not found - django

I am trying to develop a soap service in Django using Spyne. I've cloned spyne for app 'Hello_world' in Django application, but I get an error. Could anyone help me with it please?
My codes is similar to the one below:
app = Application([HelloWorldService], 'spyne.examples.hello.http',
but the following error occurs:
<faultstring>Requested resource '{spyne.examples.django}' not found</faultstring>

There is no handler defined for the root url:
After you switch the input protocol to HttpRpc and do this:
curl -D - localhost:8000/hello_world/
You get:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soap11env:Envelope xmlns:soap11env="">
<faultstring>Requested resource u'{spyne.examples.django}' not found</faultstring>
That's because you didn't specify which method to call.
The HelloWorldService in that example defines the say_hello function. You can call that.
curl -D - "localhost:8000/hello_world/say_hello"
Now this finds the method but you get a traceback (which I won't include here) because of non-validated input being passed to your function.
If you pass all the parameters:
curl -D - "localhost:8000/hello_world/say_hello?times=5&name=Fatemeh"
You get:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soap11env:Envelope xmlns:soap11env="" xmlns:tns="spyne.examples.django">
<tns:string>Hello, Fatemeh</tns:string>
<tns:string>Hello, Fatemeh</tns:string>
<tns:string>Hello, Fatemeh</tns:string>
<tns:string>Hello, Fatemeh</tns:string>
<tns:string>Hello, Fatemeh</tns:string>
You may want to enable validation to avoid Server exceptions. First we add Mandatory markers to input types:
from spyne import M
class HelloWorldService(Service):
#rpc(M(Unicode), M(Integer), _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
def say_hello(ctx, name, times):
for i in range(times):
yield 'Hello, %s' % name
Then we enable soft validation (the only one for HttpRpc)
app = Application([HelloWorldService], 'spyne.examples.hello.http',
After server restart and the following:
curl -D - "localhost:8000/hello_world/say_hello"
You get:
<class 'spyne.model.complex.say_hello'>.name member must occur at least 1 times.
I hope this helps!

You may need to use in_protocol Soap11 as well.
from spyne.application import Application
app = Application([HelloWorldService], 'spyne.examples.hello.http',
You can check ref link.


How can I create a basic Soap server with spyne in django

I want to create a server which uses Django and make and take response as SOAP, so I try to use spyne for this reason but I can't run the given code
class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
#rpc(Unicode, Integer, _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
def say_hello(ctx, name, times):
"""Docstrings for service methods appear as documentation in the wsdl.
<b>What fun!</b>
#param name the name to say hello to
#param times the number of times to say hello
#return the completed array
for i in range(times):
yield u'Hello, %s' % name
application = Application([HelloWorldService], 'spyne.examples.hello.soap',
wsgi_application = WsgiApplication(application)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import logging
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
logging.getLogger('spyne.protocol.xml').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"listening to")"wsdl is at: http://localhost:8000/?wsdl")
server = make_server('', 8000, wsgi_application)
Remove validator='lxml' option in in_protocol
I don't know the reason, the validator took a long time response or did not work.
And add import statements
from spyne import Application, rpc, ServiceBase, Iterable, Integer, Unicode
from spyne.protocol.soap import Soap11
from spyne.server.wsgi import WsgiApplication
class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
#rpc(Unicode, Integer, _returns=Iterable(Unicode))
def say_hello(ctx, name, times):
"""Docstrings for service methods appear as documentation in the wsdl.
<b>What fun!</b>
#param name the name to say hello to
#param times the number of times to say hello
#return the completed array
for i in range(times):
yield u'Hello, %s' % name
application = Application([HelloWorldService], 'spyne.examples.hello.soap',
wsgi_application = WsgiApplication(application)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import logging
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
logging.getLogger('spyne.protocol.xml').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"listening to")"wsdl is at: http://localhost:8000/?wsdl")
server = make_server('', 8000, wsgi_application)
This is my test result by Postman and curl
Body of POST commend
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<say_hello xmlns="spyne.examples.hello.soap">
<name>Tom Cruise</name>
curl POST commend with XML lint for terminal pipeline
$ curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8000' --header 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8' --header 'SOAPAction: say_hello' --data-raw '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<say_hello xmlns="spyne.examples.hello.soap">
<name>Tom Cruise</name>
' | xmllint --format -
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 707 100 427 100 280 9319 6111 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 15711
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap11env:Envelope xmlns:soap11env="" xmlns:tns="spyne.examples.hello.soap">
<tns:string>Hello, Tom Cruise</tns:string>
<tns:string>Hello, Tom Cruise</tns:string>
<tns:string>Hello, Tom Cruise</tns:string>
And my python version and spyne version
$ python --version
Python 3.10.4
$ pip show spyne
Name: spyne
Version: 2.14.0

How to use amazonka presignURL

I'm trying to get to grips with the amazonka library. I want to pre-sign a PUT request for S3. Looking at the example here, I put together the code below. It doesn't work when trying to send up a JPEG image from the client side. AWS complains that the signature is not correct.
My client-side code works with the nodejs aws sdk, so I can only guess that I am configuring things incorrectly here.
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
Here's my code:
getS3UrlR :: Handler Value
getS3UrlR = do
y <- getYesod
let settings = appSettings y
env <- newEnv $ FromKeys (AccessKey $ encodeUtf8 $ appAwsAccessKey settings) (SecretKey $ encodeUtf8 $ appAwsSecretKey settings)
ts <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
let b = BucketName $ appS3Bucket settings
k = ObjectKey "profile-pic-test"
url <- liftIO $ runResourceT . runAWST env . within Ireland $ presignURL ts 100000 (putObject b k (toBody ("" :: ByteString)))
return $ toJSON $ decodeUtf8 url
How can I go about debugging this?
Note - putObject requires a RqBody argument, but I don't have one to provide (as the client is going to supply the request body). So I just supplied an empty string. Could that be a problem?
Edit - I tried signing a GET request to see if that would work. It works fine! But PUT does not. This is the changed line that works fine:
url <- liftIO $ runResourceT . runAWST env . within Ireland $ presignURL ts 100000 (getObject b k)
I found an issue from Feb which led me to a workround. It seems that presignURL is adding an extraneous header to the signed URL. When I rewrite the request to remove the Expect header before signing, the resulting URL works with a simple PUT.
My workaround is included in my comment on the github issue.

swagger auto-generated flask server headers

I'm using swagger editor (version 2.10.5) to generate a flask api that uses custom headers and started to add the following line to each path:
- $ref: '#/parameters/X-Forwarded-Host'
the relative definition:
name: 'X-Forwarded-Host'
in: header
description: Forwarded host header
required: true
type: string
Then running the auto-generated flask server
$ python3 -m swagger_server
creates some problems:
When making a curl request, headers are not right evaluated:
$ curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Forwarded-Host:' http://localhost:8080
health_get() missing required positional argument: 'X_Forwarded_Host'
Auto-generated tests are useless too:
headers = [('X_Forwarded_Host', 'X_Forwarded_Host_example'), ...
What am I doing wrong? Why is swagger-editor (or codegen) setting all "-" to "_"?
Thanks in advance
Ok, I figured out..
The problem was NOT with swagger-editor itself but how it generates the flask (Connexion) code.
Connexion request handling docs (url) says:
"Currently, header parameters are not passed to the handler functions as parameters. But they can be accessed through the underlying connexion.request.headers object which aliases the flask.request.headers object."
The solution is to remove all function attributes (related to headers) from the auto-generated controller and pick them from the request object, therefore:
def health_get(X_Forwarded_Host):
def health_get():
forwarded_host = connexion.request.headers['X-Forwarded-Host']

How to properly use/configure YT gem?

I'm trying to reproduce this tutorial : YouTube API, Version 3 on Rails
in order to apply it on my own project. But I'm having a hard with it since few days.
At first, I had this error :
A request to YouTube API caused an unexpected server error: To display
more verbose errors, change the configuration of Yt with: Yt.configure
do |config| config.log_level = :debug end
I updated RVM and Ruby and I'm getting this error now :
Yt::Errors::Forbidden in VideosController#create A request to YouTube
API was considered forbidden by the server: To display more verbose
errors, change the configuration of Yt with: Yt.configure do |config|
config.log_level = :debug end
I already :
get ruby and rvm updated
tried different version of the yt gem
tried that : config.force_ssl = false
curl -X GET -H "content-length: 0" -H "user-agent: Yt::Request (gzip)" -H "host:" ""
return that :
Using Rails 4.2.4, Ruby 2.3.0;
Source code at :
Any help, suggestions would be strongly and sincerely appreciated.
forbidden (403) forbidden Access forbidden. The request may not be properly authorized.
Answer: The request you are making is not authorized. update: Change key= to access_token=
Possible cause:
You are trying to run a request annotations_invideo (which I cant actually find any were in the documentation) and you are applying an API key to it. API keys only work with public data. Either annotations_invideo is not a valid request to the API or its something that you need to be authenticated for. If you need to be authenticated then you will need an access token and then apply access_token= instead of key=
where exactly did you find annotations_invideo ?
Lucky for me it has been under an hour since you posted your question I was able to take
and dump it in a web browser it returned data.
<annotation author="" id="annotation_1585555999" log_data="ei=B2k9WIOCB8X0dNKokKAG&a-id=annotation_1585555999&xble=1&a-type=4&a-v=BPNYv0vd78A" style="title" type="text">
<TEXT>Hello, world!</TEXT>
<movingRegion type="rect">
<rectRegion d="0" h="25.2779998779" t="0:00.000" w="75.0" x="13.1540002823" y="67.3239974976"/>
<rectRegion d="0" h="25.2779998779" t="0:02.089" w="75.0" x="13.1540002823" y="67.3239974976"/>
<appearance bgAlpha="0.25" bgColor="0" borderAlpha="0.10000000149" effects="" fgColor="16777215" fontWeight="bold" highlightFontColor="16777215" textSize="21.6642"/>
<annotation id="channel:563d3ce4-0000-20cc-8fd5-001a11463304" style="playlist" type="promotion" log_data="ei=B2k9WIOCB8X0dNKokKAG&a-type=12&a-ch=UCwCnUcLcb9-eSrHa_RQGkQQ&xble=1&a-id=563d3ce4-0000-20cc-8fd5-001a11463304&l-class=2&link-id=PLuW4g7xujBWfU26JUTW1DGs3hk4LD5KaL&a-v=BPNYv0vd78A">
{"playlist_length":"200","session_data":{"itct":"CAIQwTcY____________ASITCMOh497wzdACFUU6HQodUhQEZCj4HTICaXZIwN_33vSX1vkE","annotation_id":"563d3ce4-0000-20cc-8fd5-001a11463304","feature":"iv","ei":"B2k9WIOCB8X0dNKokKAG","src_vid":"BPNYv0vd78A"},"is_mobile":false,"text_line_2":"Adorable Kids","text_line_1":"Check this playlist","image_url":"https:\/\/\/vi\/yDrLVqRHAsw\/mqdefault.jpg","start_ms":1000,"collapse_delay_ms":86400000,"end_ms":3000}
<action trigger="click" type="openUrl">
<url type="hyperlink" target="new" value=""/>
Note: I wonder why this is returning XML and not Json it has me thinking this is an older api. Found it you are using the YouTube API v2 which is deprecated It should have been shut down .
you should drop this and move to the YouTube API v3

'Cannot parse input stream' error when updating defects in Rally via pyral

I am using the Python Toolkit for Rally REST API to update defects on our Rally server. I have confirmed that I am able to make contact with the server and authenticate fine by getting a list of current defects. I am running into issues with updating them. I am using Python 2.7.3 with pyral 0.9.1 and requests 0.13.3.
Also, I am passing 'verify=False' to the Rally() call and have made appropriate chages to the
restapi module to compensate for this.
Here is my test code:
import sys
from pyral import Rally, rallySettings
server = ""
user = ""
password = "trial"
workspace = "trialWorkspace"
project = "Testing Project"
defectID = "DE192"
rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace,
project=project, verify=False)
defect_data = { "FormattedID" : defectID,
"State" : "Closed"
defect = rally.update('Defect', defect_data)
except Exception, details:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details)
print "Defect %s updated" % defect.FormattedID
When I run the script:
[temp]$ ./
ERROR: Unable to update the Defect
If I change the code in the RallyRESTResponse function to print out the value of self.errors when found (line 164 of, I get this output:
[temp]$ ./
[u"Cannot parse input stream due to I/O error as JSON document: Parse error: expected '{' but saw '\uffff' [ chars read = >>>\uffff<<< ]"]
ERROR: Unable to update the Defect
I did find another question that sounds like it might possibly be related to mine here:
App SDK: Erorr parsing input stream when running query
Can you provide any assistance?
Pairing Michael's observation regarding the GZIP encoding with that of another astute Rally customer working a Support case on the issue - it appears that some versions of the requests module will default to GZIP compression if the content-type is not specifically defined.
The fix is to set content-type to application/json in the REST Headers section of pyral's
'X-RallyIntegrationName' : 'Python toolkit for Rally REST API',
'X-RallyIntegrationVendor' : 'Rally Software Development',
'X-RallyIntegrationVersion' : '%s.%s.%s' % __version__,
'X-RallyIntegrationLibrary' : 'pyral-%s.%s.%s' % __version__,
'X-RallyIntegrationPlatform' : 'Python %s' % platform.python_version(),
'X-RallyIntegrationOS' : platform.platform(),
'User-Agent' : 'Pyral Rally WebServices Agent',
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
What you are seeing is probably not related to the Python 2.7.3 / requests 0.13.3 versions being used. The error message you saw has also been reported using the Javascript based App SDK and .NET Toolkit for Rally (2 separate reports here on SO) and at least one other person using Python 2.6.6 and requests 0.9.2. It appears that the error verbiage is being generated on the Rally WSAPI back-end. Current assessment by fellow Rally'ers is that it is an encoding related issue. The question is where the encoding issue originates.
I have yet to be able to repro this issue, having tried with several versions of Python (2.6.x and 2.7.x), several versions of requests and on Linux, MacOS and Win7.
As you seem to be pretty comfortable with diving in to the code and running in debug mode, one avenue to try is to capture the defective POST URL and POST data and attempting the update via a browser based REST client like 'Simple REST Client' or Poster and observing if you get the same error message in the WSAPI response.
I'm seeing similar behavior with pyral while trying to add an attachment to a defect.
With debugging and logging on I see this request on stdout:
2012-07-20T15:11:24.855212 PUT
Then the json in the logfile:
2012-07-20 15:11:24.854 PUT attachmentcontent/create.js?workspace=workspace/123456789
{"AttachmentContent": {"Content": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABBQAAAJrCAIAAADf2VflAAAXOWlDQ...
Then this in the logfile (after a bit of fighting with to get around the unicode error):
2012-07-20 15:11:25.260 404 Cannot parse input stream due to I/O error as JSON document: Parse error: expected '{' but saw '?' [ chars read = >>>?<<< ]
The notable thing there is the 404 error code. Also, the "Cannot parse input stream..." error message is not coming from pyral, it's coming from Rally's server. So pyral is sending Rally something Rally can't understand.
I also logged the response headers, which may be a clue:
{'rallyrequestid': 'qs-app-03ml3akfhdpjk7c430otjv50ak.qs-app-0387404259', 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'expires': 'Fri, 20 Jul 2012 19:18:35 GMT', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'cache-control': 'no-cache,no-store,max-age=0,must-revalidate', 'date': 'Fri, 20 Jul 2012 19:18:36 GMT', 'p3p': 'CP="NON DSP COR CURa PSAa PSDa OUR NOR BUS PUR COM NAV STA"', 'content-type': 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8'}
Note there the 'content-encoding': 'gzip'. I suspect the requests module (I'm using 0.13.3 in Macos Python 2.6) is gzip encoding its PUT request but the Rally API server is not properly decoding that.