Same gauge steps, with different implementation - gauge

I am working on my project and I have one problem I need to solve.
I have one repo with specs in Gauge framework, but specs are for 3 almost identical sites.
I mean functionality is identical but locators, number of inputs and so on is not.
Is there any way how to have more step implementations for same step ?
Each site has own folder in root, where I have specs and concepts.
In src folder I have implementation of steps.
I need to have step like: * Fill contact page with info for each site, but each site have different locators, or some more inputs.
Any idea how to deal with that so I won't have duplicates ?

you can implement the same step in three different directories for the different sites. and set env variable STEP_IMPL_DIR to your directory where you're working currently.
example: -
you have three directories in the project root
set STEP_IMPL_DIR = site3 for working with site3.
you can set multiple directories also. like -
STEP_IMPL_DIR = common_tests_dir, site3
Look about the config for language plugin in docs


Integrate SASS/SCSS on Ember Project with POD structure

I just want to ask what is the best approach to integrate sass/scss on ember project?
Currently my project is in pod structure and I just import style.scss on main app.scss under styles folder.
Is it fine or there is a better approach?
--- app
---- pods
------- home
---------- template.hbs
---------- controller.js
---------- style.scss
---- styles
------- app.scss
Then in app.scss styles imported look like this
#import "./app/pods/home/style.scss";
I haven't used pods in years - because (like expecting controllers to be removed) - I was told that there was going to be a new file layout system. Since hearing that / I've heard bits and pieces of conversation that lead me to believe that pods aren't really a go-to for new projects.
That being said, I share your desire to have a nice file structure. I'd love to 'drag' a folder from one project to another / and just have all the parts of the component copy over.
Since we have the app.scss - (you said you're using sass) - / that kinda acts as the index.
I include resets and mixins and a bunch of stuff for setup. - so, that's not really podish... and maybe there are 'page' level kinda layout... which doesn't really fit either... - so, what it comes down to is really 'components', right?
ember-component-css is pretty cool - but it also has some opinions that could clash.
There's this - - but it's 4 years old / (but so are pods) - so, it might still work great.
Because there isn't a really clear path here... I just create a component folder in styles/components/component-name.styl - and then in my styles/components.styl I #import 'component-name.styl - and then in my app.styl I import the components...
In my case / I actually like to use the cascade - and I need the files to all to be combined - in order. I can't have some of it in the vendor file.
It's not ideal (just because I have to create each file explicitly and register it) - but I can't afford to just keep wishing there was a better file layout.
Instead of fuzzy searching component-name > template
I just search template > component-name
I wonder which style will cause me less pain in future transitions. They'll offer codemods to help / but they can't account for unique configurations.
I'd suggest asking this in the official discuss forum. You'll get the real answers there. : )
app/styles directory, is the home for stylesheets like CSS, SASS, or LESS.
Folders like vendor and public that can also hold many other files of the developer's choice.
So in your case if you wish to have separate scss file for each pod,
you can put it in the place as you mentioned. (else)
have it under app/styles/pod1.scss and import it under .ember-cli-build.js -> app.import('app/styles/pod1.scss')
You can get the detailed view of Project layouts, Stylesheet compilation, Assets and dependencies below
Project layouts
Stylesheet compilation
Assets and dependencies
Besides ember-component-css there is ember-css-modules.
Both addons try to achieve about the same goal, however I really prefer ember-css-modules.
That addon has an addon called ember-css-modules-sass. Both together will easily allow you to write one sass file per component.
You just place a styles.scss file in your component pod (app/components/my-component/styles.scss and then use local-class="my-class" instead of class="my-class" in your template.
Your classes in your scss will be automatically namespaces.

Is it possible to comment/mark out certain folders in a collection while running via postman runner

I am working on a collection arranged in different folders w.r.t. different business component scenarios. Now some of the scenario folders might be alternative/redundant paths for the same workflow. Is it possible to somehow unmark/comment and mark/uncomment some of these alternate path folders in postman runner to get varying runs easily.
Ok, so one way is to arrange the collection folders in following way to facilitate the same:
- Main Collection
- Workflow1_Folder
- Workflow2_Folder
- Workflow3_Folder
- Workflow4_Folder
- UnmarkedWorkflows Collection
- Workflow2_Alternate_Folder - this will contain the steps that are alternate to ones on Main>Workflow2_Folder
- Workflow3_Alternate_Folder - this will contain the steps that are alternate to ones on Main>Workflow3_Folder
Only the Main folder needs to be run.
If/when required Workflow2_Alternate_Folder could be moved into Main folder from the UnmarkedWorkflows Collection followed by moving Workflow2_Folder to UnmarkedWorkflows Collection. Then Main collection could be run to test an alternate path for the same Use Case.

Laravel Admin Directory

I am trying to separate my admin code from my public code, I want to create 2 different directories in my app folder and resources folder, 1 directory named backend which contains all my admin code and another named frontend which contains public related code.
Each directory will have their own separate controllers.
Basically something like this:
If there is a better way to do this i would also like to know.
By default you composer.json is autoload all in app. So you can make the structure which you described above.
Frontend and backend separating usually used for Controllers, in this case you need to make a correct namespace.
With views you would'n have any porblems. Just make a correct path when you calling your views.
For example:
view(frontend/index); // you can use dot instead of /

templating system with zf2?

we are planing to create a CMS with zf2 and doctrine orm .
actually we are concern about our cms templating
we want our system works with several templates and easily change between themes via admin
and creating a new templates should be easy for end-users developers
we want an advice or suggest for how to build templating system that :
there is a core module and there a lot sub modules with their own phtml
so where to store theme1 phtml and where to store theme2 phtmls ...
any suggest or advice please
I encourage you to take a look at Twig, its the best template engine I have seen so far :) It does take some time to learn Twig syntax, but its well worthy if you look at what you get :)
I cant yet write comments, so I wrote this as an answare.
Hope this helps. Trust me, the Twig is the way to go. Joust look at his documentation for more specific details how to use it!
The problem you are trying to solve has nothing to do with template engine. You can do that with any template engine. You can do it even with plain PHP if you want.
I built web application where users can register, get their own sub domain, and there they can build their webpage. Change theme, edit text, add pages. Simple CMS functionality.
The easiest way to do this is to have themes folder, where you would store themes, like this:
- themeBlue
- css/
- images/
- js/
- html or views/
- themeRose
Now this is where you would place all your themes, every theme has its own folder with images, css, js files...
And then you would have users, and every user would be able to choose and change theme.
That information would be stored in database. You need to store that user Jack is using themeBlue. You can do that as you want. You can event put this in users table like user_theme column.
Now when someone visits site, you first query database to see what theme is that user or creator of web using. And then you load all that files from current theme folder. And populate html files with data stored in database like in any other CMS.
This is the simplest implementation. You could for example, store css and html files in database :)
Hope this answers your question.
Good luck with that, I almost gone mad building my system :) I ended up with writing my own PHP MVC Framework joust to accomplish what I wanted.
if you activate another module in the application.config.php which has the same views and layouts (same folder structure and filenames) it's viewscripts and layouts will automatically be used when it's loaded after your core module.
so you could simply make your application.config.php dynamic to load the active template module which only contains the view folder. this would be a simple and effective solution without any other libraries.
additionally you can use an asset manager like assetic to also provide images, css etc. inside of your (template-)modules. (have a look at zf2-assetic-module, I wrote my own assetize-module based on assetic to fit my needs...)
I do this in my Application->Module.php onBootstrap
$ss = $serviceManager->get('application_settings_service');
$settings = $ss->loadSettings();
$templatePathResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack');
$templatePathResolver->setPaths(array(__DIR__ . '/view/'.$settings['theme'])); // here is your skin name
$viewModel = $application->getMvcEvent()->getViewModel();
$viewModel->themeurl = 'theme/'.$settings['theme'].'/';
In this situation I have this structure in my view folder
The $viewmodel above injects a variable into the layout for the themeurl in the public_html folder /theme/red/ with all assets for red
Access in layout.phtml -> themeurl;?> in a viewscript layout()->themeurl;?>
I am still working out my Dynamic Views. Right now I have a BaseController and all my ActionControllers extend it. It has a render() function that builds the required views but not sure its going to be scalable hoping to try some placeholder ideas.
application_settings_service is a Settings Service that gets settings for whatever domain was used to call the system and builds an array accessible via any service aware part of the site. Thats a whole different post and it may or may not rub MVC peeps the wrong way
I know your question is marked answered just thought I would share

Is adding a robots.txt to my Django application the way to get listed by Google?

I have a website (Django) on a linux server, but Google isn't finding the site at all. I know that i don't have a robots.txt file on the server. Can someone tell me how to create one, what to write inside and where to place it? That would be a great help!
robot txt is not for google find your site. i think you must register your site to google and also add sitemap.xml
Webmaster Tools - Crawl URL ->
also see this for robot.txt
Three ways to add a robots.txt to your Django project | fredericiana
what is robot.txt
It is great when search engines frequently visit your site and index your content but often there are cases when indexing parts of your online content is not what you want. For instance, if you have two versions of a page (one for viewing in the browser and one for printing), you'd rather have the printing version excluded from crawling, otherwise you risk being imposed a duplicate content penalty. Also, if you happen to have sensitive data on your site that you do not want the world to see, you will also prefer that search engines do not index these pages (although in this case the only sure way for not indexing sensitive data is to keep it offline on a separate machine). Additionally, if you want to save some bandwidth by excluding images, stylesheets and javascript from indexing, you also need a way to tell spiders to keep away from these items.
One way to tell search engines which files and folders on your Web site to avoid is with the use of the Robots metatag. But since not all search engines read metatags, the Robots matatag can simply go unnoticed. A better way to inform search engines about your will is to use a robots.txt file.
from What is Robots.txt ->
robot.txt files are used to tell search engines which content should or should not be indexed. The robot.txt files is in no way required to be indexed by a search engine.
There are a number of thing to note about being indexed by search engines.
There is no guarantee you will ever be indexed
Indexing takes time, a month, two months, 6 months
To get indexed quicker try sharing a link to your site through blog comments etc to increase the chances of being found.
submit your site through the site, this will also give you hints and tips to make your site better as well as crawling stats.
location of robots.txt is same as and this code
in view
def robots(request):
import os.path
BASE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
json_file = open(os.path.join(BASE , 'robots.txt'))
return HttpResponse(json_file);
in url
(r'^robots.txt', 'aktel.views.robots'),