ANT replace string part in variable using a property - replace

hy guys,
i'm trying to replace a part of string inside a property like below
<property file="" /> <--
<propertyregex property="destProperty" input="${sourceProperty}" regexp="${whatMatch}" replace="" global="true" />
in order to replace content of property ${sourceProperty} matching string ${whatMatch} replacing with none (in this case) and finally assign result to property ${destProperty}
Currently i'm getting ${whatMatch} from file and ${sourceProperty} as terminal arguments
But it doesn't work.
Where i'm wrong ??
Important notes
<propertyregex property="destProperty" input="${sourceProperty}" regexp="${whatMatch}" replace="" global="true" />
from above to
<propertyregex property="destProperty" input="${sourceProperty}" regexp="HARDCODED_STRING" replace="" global="true" />
Thanks in advance

we solved using the following format:
<propertyregex property="normalizedAppVersion" input="${appVersion}" regexp="${projectPrefix}\." replace="" casesensitive="false" />
If you're trying to replace a text that contains a ".", you can have some problem specifying dot inside property definition. So i just using the "."
# instead "MYPACKAGE."
directly in the regexp attribute value. I don't know why but if not doesn't work for me.
Thanks BTW


Read content of a set of file and check existence of a file in Ant

I'm new to Ant and I can't quite figure out how to do the following (if possible at all):
I have this basic code:
<copy todir="${mydir}">
<fileset dir="${mydir2}" includes="**/*.html" />
<replaceregex pattern="bla" replace="pla"/> <!-- regex1 -->
<replaceregex pattern="doh" replace="dah"/> <!-- regex2 -->
In the folder recursed by the fileset task, I have a bunch of html files, some contain a link to an existing file, some contain a link to an non-existing file.
Now what I'm trying to do is to:
Read each file of the fileset to extract a specific link that they all contain.
See if this link points to an existing file.
If it does, I apply regex1.
If it doesn't, I apply regex2 to remove the dead link.
So there's a bit of everything: conditions, retrieval of data from files to Ant to use it in other tasks, and it seems impossible to do!
Thanks for the help.
Use filterchain with tokenfilter replaceregex, f.e. :
<copy todir="${mydir}">
<fileset dir="${mydir2}" includes="**/*.html"/>
<!-- regex 1 -->
<replaceregex pattern="hello" replace="world" flags="gi"/>
<!-- regex 2 -->
<replaceregex pattern="doh" replace="dah"/>
It seems Ant-contrib has a task that allows you to retrieve the result of a regexp andstore that in an ant property, that will do the job for sure to test the existence of the file and then go on a provided switch statement.

Ant task replace escaped URI param

I'm trying to use Ant to remove a url parameter in an xml file.
The line in the xml is similar to below.
<from uri="" />
I want to remove the "&somethingElse=something". "something" could be different values so it must be generic.
I've tried
<replaceregexp file="somefile.xml" match="&somethingElse(.*)" replace='" />' flags="gs" byline="true" />
<replaceregexp file="somefile.xml" match="\&somethingElse(.*)" replace='" />' byline="true" />
<replaceregexp file="somefile.xml" match="(&)somethingElse(.*)" replace='" />' flags="gs" byline="true" />
but those don't seem to work.
$(ant.regexp.regexpimpl) is not set so the default engine is being used.
In order to get & you need to write & in the Ant build file because it is XML. To match &somethingElse in the input of the replaceregexp Ant task you might therefore need to specify &amp;somethingElse in the Ant build file.

Regex to match everything before a word. To be used in nant script

I was writing some build scripts for my project. I wanted a regex pattern which can match everything before a particular word. For eg: My script looks like this
Create Table ABC(
id int(50)
Drop table ABC
I want to match everything before --//#UNDO using nant regex task. How do I implement it??
I also want it to match everything in the file if --//#UNDO is not present in the file. I am not getting a way around
This is the pattern:
The result will be in str.
If you just want to match the text before the string (and not the string itself) you will need to use a lookahead.
Needing to specify Singleline still applies.
This would be the NAnt target:
<target name="go">
property="content" />
failonerror="false" />
<echo message="${content}" />
Notice that property content is preset with the complete file content in case that --//#UNDO is not present in file.
This is what I ended up doing
<loadfile file="${filePathAndName}" property="file.contents" />
<property name="fileHasUndo" value="${string::index-of(file.contents, '--//#UNDO')}" />
<when test="${fileHasUndo == '-1' }">
<echo file="${file}" append="true" message="${file.contents}" />
<regex pattern="(?'sql'[\s\S]*)--\/\/#UNDO[\s\S]*" input="${file.contents}" options="Multiline"/>
<echo file="${file}" append="true" message="${sql}" />
I found the index of --//#UNDO. And depending on its presence I am doing a choose when.. Solved the problem

Set Ant property based on a regular expression in a file

I have the following in a file
version: [0,1,0]
and I would like to set an Ant property to the string value 0.1.0.
The regular expression is
and I need to then set the property to
to get
I can't workout how to use the Ant tasks together to do this.
I have Ant-contrib so can use those tasks.
Based on matt's second solution, this worked for me for any (text) file, one line or not. It has no apache-contrib dependencies.
<loadfile property="version" srcfile="version.txt">
<regexp pattern="version:[ \t]\[([0-9]),([0-9]),([0-9])\]"/>
<replaceregex pattern="version:[ \t]\[([0-9]),([0-9]),([0-9])\]" replace="\1.\2.\3" />
Solved it with this:
<loadfile property="burning-boots-js-lib-build.lib-version" srcfile="burning-boots.js"/>
<propertyregex property="burning-boots-js-lib-build.lib-version"
regexp="version:[ \t]\[([0-9]),([0-9]),([0-9])\]"
select="\1.\2.\3" />
But it seems a little wasteful - it loads the whole file into a property!
If anyone has any better suggestions please post :)
Here's a way that doesn't use ant-contrib, using loadproperties and a filterchain (note that replaceregex is a "string filter" - see the tokenfilter docs - and not the replaceregexp task):
<loadproperties srcFile="version.txt">
<replaceregex pattern="\[([0-9]),([0-9]),([0-9])\]" replace="\1.\2.\3" />
Note the regex is a bit different, we're treating the file as a property file.
Alternatively you could use loadfile with a filterchain, for instance if the file you wanted to load from wasn't in properties format.
For example, if the file contents were just [0,1,0] and you wanted to set the version property to 0.1.0, you could do something like:
<loadfile srcFile="version.txt" property="version">
<replaceregex pattern="\s+\[([0-9]),([0-9]),([0-9])\]" replace="\1.\2.\3" />

Ant regexp mapper: Reading patterns from a file?

I would like to write a generic Ant build script with a <copy> task that could optionally rename files based on regexps. A nested <regexpmapper> would load the renaming patterns from a project-specific properties files if it exists.
Has someone already done this or do I have to write an own mapper?
Here's an example of how you might do this.
Project properties file proj_props.txt contains:
(Note the escapes \ in the to string.)
<property file="proj_props.txt" />
<!-- filter for regexp -->
<filtermapper id="regexp.mapper">
<replaceregex pattern="${from.regexp}"
replace="${to.regexp}" />
<!-- identity filter, used when no regexp needed -->
<filtermapper id="identity.mapper" />
<!-- decide which filter to use -->
<condition property="chosen.mapper"
value="regexp.mapper" else="identity.mapper">
<isset property="use.filter" />
<copy todir="...">
<filtermapper refid="${chosen.mapper}" />
You define a couple of filtermapper instances, one that carries out a regexp replace based on properties from the project properties file, the other that does nothing. The use.filter property decides which gets chosen. If the project properties file doesn't exist use.filter would not be set, so the 'do-nothing' identity filtermapper will be used.
Note that this only works when using nested resources in the copy task. If you only have one file to copy, and use <copy file="...", the filtermapper is ignored.