Make windows 10 narrator to speak some text - c++

I'm making a GUI application in C++.
Is there a simple way to make the narrator of windows 10 to speak some text ?
Given of course that it is currently active.
A trick that sometimes works is to select some text in a text field and then focus it briefly. But
It doesn't work all the time
The focus is moved out and back. Even if it's for a short time, it's invasive and may disturb whatever the user is currently doing
The text field must be present at some place on screen, what is not always desired
If possible, I would like a solution without these three issues.
Other screen readers, in particular Jaws and NVDA, provide API to do this.
I'm even the author of a library, UniversalSpeech, which allow to make the currently running screen reader, if any, to speak text, abstracting the need to detect yourself which one is running.
Given that the narrator has greatly improved with the last 3 or 4 releases of windows 10, it would probably be interesting to support it, not only in my own program and for my particular usecase, but for everybody in my library.
However, I can't find any documentation or anything telling me if the narrator has an API similar to those of Jaws or NVDA.
In fact if there is currently no such API for Narrator, it would probably be interesting to suggest Microsoft to add one.
Note that this question is different from such as this one
where the answer suggests to use speech API directly. Using screen readers API and not speech API directly has great benefits:
Screen reader users are used to specific voice settings (voice, rate, pitch, language and regional accents, etc.). The default settings set in the control panel may not at all be similar. It implies
whether the user must configure speech settings in the control panel, what is global for all applications; not very good
and/or managing application-specific speech settings in a business application which isn't at all devoted to speech stuff; it would be rather strange to find speech settings in a financial app for example.
Using both screen reader and independent speech engine simultenously means that both can speak at the same time, what is of course extremely annoying. In fact in practice it happens quite often, I have already tested.
So, is there a simple way to make narrator to speak some text ?
My program is in C++, the library is in C, so in theory I have access to the whole winapi, through LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress if needed.
Please don't give any C# or VisualStudio-dependent solution.
Thank you.

After quite a while, I answer my own question !
IN fact, the simplest to make narrator speak something is probably to:
Define some label as being a live region
When something has to be spoken by narrator, change the text in the label and then send an update notification
Turning a label into a live region and sending a notification whenever the text changes is explained here:
Live setting can be set to 0=off, 1=polite and 2=assertive. The meaning of polite and assertive are the same as in WAI ARIA.
Though as present (april 2021), narrator always interrupts speech as soon as the text of the label is replaced, even in polite mode.
What changes in assertive mode is that the text even take priority against interruptions due to normal keyboard navigation, i.e. you may not hear where you are when pressing tab, arrow keys, etc.
For that reason, I don't recommand it at all.
Note also that live setting only works on static text controls (win32 STATIC window class).
It is totally ignored when applied to text fields and text areas (win32 EDIT window class).
The label with live setting still works when placed off-screen or even hidden.

As far as I know, Microsoft Narrator doesn't expose the API for developers, and you can suggest a feature for it using Feedback App on Windows 10.
I want to achieve the same behavior as in a live region, i.e. have some text read by the SR as it appears at the bottom of a multiline rich text field, but in a native GUI app. For info, I'm using WXWidgets.
You can use the UI automation events to subscribe the property change of rich text field so that you can get notified when the text is updated. And since you are using third-party control, you also need to implement providers for any third party controls that do not include a provider. And below are links about UI automation provides and
UI Automation events for your reference:
UI Automation Events Overview
UI Automation Providers Overview


How to Skin an Win32 Application

Win32 look nasty, how to make it look better by custom skins?
I mean something like Adobe products, iTunes, Autodesk 3dsmax and Softimage XSI, Windows media player, Blender, Comodo firewall, Winamp, Babylon client, and few download managers etc.;
there are many similar applications out there but I can't find any proper tutorial or guideline, it looks like secret recipe!
only -two- tutorials available online:
old and useless:
only cover opaque background (and this is what I avoid, I need more about GUI components):
Is there any book or proper guideline to learn how to build skins for Win32api?
Edit: I accept David Rodríguez comment, down there ↓↓
I have done this before using C++ Builder. The approach I took was to create a form, set it to be borderless and color the entire form the same color. Then I set the form transparency to this color. I then add images to the form which create the desired skin.
I'm sure this can all be done through standard win APIs, but I can't describe (or advise) doing it solely through API calls.
The operating system handles "skinning" for you automatically.
In "classic" mode (or Windows 2000 and earlier versions), this gets you a, well classic-looking interface. The windows are drawn just like they always were since Windows 95. Presumably, this is what you are referring to when you say that "Win32 look nasty". However, you need to realize that many people like this look and specifically choose to enable it on their machines. [WARNING: Personal opinion coming up!] I'm one of those people, and judging from the screenshots that get posted here from developers' machines, I'm definitely not the only one.
Windows XP actually introducing the "skinning" or theming engine, which lives in a set of Windows DLLs. By explicitly linking to version 6 of ComCtl32.dll, your application would automatically get these visual effects. Some people said this version of Windows looked "Fisher-Price", while others were perfectly happy with the term "gaudy". The option was retained to allow the user to switch to the "classic" theme (as described above), if desired.
Windows Vista completely overhauled Windows's theming engine and introduced a new UI known as "Aero". This provides flashy-looking windows and controls, complete with transparency effects—that is, as long as your graphics card supports it. Again, by explicitly linking to version 6 of ComCtl32.dll, your application would automatically get all of these styles applied.
It's worth noting that through all of this, Microsoft has provided users with the ability to customize the colors (and fonts and other things) used in the user interface. For example, Aero defaults to blue. If you don't like blue, you can change it. I change my UI colors periodically for fun and to re-energize myself. If you can't read or don't like the font, you change it, too.
Thus, if you choose to do something different with your application, defining your own custom color palette and ignoring the options chosen by the user through the provided customization interface, your app is going to look broken and stick out like a sore thumb on the user's desktop. When designing a UI, the last thing you want to do is to be or look different.
In short, upgrade your computer to Windows Vista or later and enable the Aero interface if you want flashy. Don't override the user or try to custom draw all of your controls. You'll just end up with an application that is hard to use, doesn't work as expected, is a pain in the rear to maintain, and just generally looks worse than if you'd simply left it alone.

Document Mode menu functionality in Web Browser Control

I'm writing my own MFC app that uses WebBrowser control (uses IE9). I wonder how can I use the API similar for "the document mode menu" in IE Developer tools :,VS.85).aspx#docModeMenu.
Especially I'm interested in the functionality described as:
"This command allows you to modify the chosen document mode of the current page without modifying the DOCTYPE or META tag in the source"
Is it feasible?
It's difficult to tell what you're asking for here, but it sounds like you want to programmatically set the Document Mode (Strict or Quisk) at runtime.
If this is correct, you can't! (At least, programmatically.) The closest thing you can get is to add a Windows registry key that specifies the conditions under which you want pages to load with particular Document Modes. Something like this:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl
Then, every time your application loads the WebBrowser control it will get access to this registry key and your control logic can decide what to do from there.
Hope this helps. Good luck!

Creating a professional-looking (and behaving!) form designer

When I began programming (some 10+ years ago), three things amazed me:
Compilers/interpreters (back then I knew them as "programs that make my programs work", often followed by the qualifier "whatever they are")
Code editors
Form designers
Back then, I accepted all of them as facts of life. I was able to make my own special-purpose programs, but "programs that made my programs work", code editors and form editors were made by the Gods and there was no way I could mess with them.
Then I went to university, and took a course on formal language processing. After learning formal grammars, parsers, abstract syntax trees, etc.; all the magic about compilers, interpreters and code editors was soon gone. Compilers and interpreters could be written in sane and simple ways, and the only non-sane thing a syntax highlighting code editor could require were Windows API hacks.
However, to this day, form editors remain a mystery to me. Either I lack the technical knowledge required to make a form designer, or I have such knowledge, but cannot find a way to use it to implement a form designer.
Using Visual C++ and the MFC, I would like to implement a form designer inspired by the best form designer ever:
In particular, I would like to imitate its two features that I like the most:
The form being designed is inside a container. Thus, an arbitrarily large form may be designed without wasting too much screen real estate, by simply resizing the container to an appropriate size.
The "Align to Grid" option makes designing professional-looking user interfaces a lot less
frustrating. In fact, I would go as far as saying creating professional-looking user interfaces using Visual Basic's form designer is actually easy, fun and enjoyable. Even for left-brained programmers like me.
So, I have the following questions:
How do I make a form designer, in which the form being designed is inside a container? Is the form being designed an actual window contained inside another window? Or is it just a mockup "manually" painted by the form designer?
Do the Windows API and/or the MFC contain functions, classes, whatever that make it easy to create "selectable" items (surrounded by little white or blue boxes when they are selected, resizable when they are "grabbed" by one of these "edges")?
How do I implement the "Align to Grid" functionality?
Both the answers here are good, but left out what I consider to be the really interesting bits (including a couple that you didn't ask directly, but you might find of interest anyhow), so here's my 2c:
Drawing the controls
Ideally, you just go ahead and create a regular instance of the control. You want something that looks like a button? Create a real button. The tricky thing is stopping it from behaving like a button: you want clicks to activate it for moving, not actually 'click' it.
One way of dealing with this - assuming that the controls in question are 'HWND-based' (eg. the standard windows set of button, edit, static, listbox, treeview, etc.) - is to create the control, and then subclass it - ie. override the wndproc with SetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_WNDPROC, ...), so that the designer code can intercept mouse and keyboard input and use it to initiate a move, for example, instead of having the mouse input go through to the actual button code, which would instead interpret it as a 'click' event.
An alternative approach to subclassing is to place an invisible window above the button to capture the input. Same idea of intercepting input, just different implementation.
The above applies to both managed (VB.Net, C#) and unmanaged (C/C++) controls; they're both essentially stock windows HWNDs; the managed versions just have a managed wrapper code handing off to the underlying unmanaged control.
The old (pre-managed code) ActiveX controls, as used in pre-.Net VB, were a whole different ball game. There's a fairly complex relationship between an ActiveX container and the ActiveX controls within it, with many COM interfaces handling things like negotiation of properties, events, painting, and so on. (There's event a set of interfaces that allows an ActiveX control to receive input and draw itself without having its own HWND.) One benefit you get from this complexity, however, is that ActiveX controls have an explicit 'design mode'; so a control knows to respond appropriately in that case and can cooperate with the whole procedure.
The Form Itself...
So basically the controls are just regular controls. So you'd expect the form itself to be a regular form? - Almost. As far as I know, its just another HWND-based window, that's a child of the designer (so it gets clipped, and can be scrolled within it); but I think the designer is doing a bit of 'cheating' here, because usually Windows only draws frames like - with titlebar and min/max buttons that for actual top-level windows. I don't know offhand the exact technique that they're using here, but some options could include: painting it manually to mimic the Windows look; using the Windows "theme" APIs, which allow you to access the graphic elements used for the bits and pieces of titlebars and paint them wherever you want to; or, perhaps less likely, setting the window up as a "MDI Child window" - this is one exception case where windows will draw a frame around a nested window.
Draggable Handles
Simplest approach here is for the designer to create eight small square title-bar-less popup windows that sit above all the other elements - which initiate the appropriate resize code when they are clicked. As the user clicks from control to control, just move the drag handle windows to the currently active control. (Note that in all the above, Windows itself is figuring out who's been clicked, you never have to actually compare mouse coords against element rectangle coordinates and work it out yourself.)
Saving & Recreating
For plain windows system controls that are used by unmanaged C/C++, it's relatively easy: there's a well-known text-based file format - .rc - that describes the controls and locations. Have the designer spit out that (and likely a resource.h file also) and you're done: any C/C++ project can pick up those files and compile them in. Managed code (C#, VB.Net) has a somewhat more complex scheme, but it's still the same basic idea: write out a description in the style that the managed tools expect, and they'll happily compile it and use it.
(ActiveX controls are - you've guessed it - a whole 'nother story. There isn't a standard format that I'm aware of, so the form editor and runtime that consumes the data would be closely tied together - eg. the form editor from pre-.Net VB6 produces forms that only VB can use. - I think. It's been some time ago...)
As for recreating the form: if you have a .rc file, it gets compiled into a dialog resource, Windows has built in support to recreate those. Likewise, the managed code support libraries know how to recreate a form from its particular format. Both basically parse the description, and for each item, create elements of the appropriate classes, and set the appropriate style, text, and other properties as specified. It's not doing anything you can't do yourself, its just helper utility code.
Handling Focus
For a collection of HWNDs in any container, whether in 'test' mode or actually running in the real app, and regardless of whether you let Windows or Winforms handle the form creation or whether you created each HWNDs yourself, you can add tabbing support by calling IsDialogMessage in your message loop: see the MSDN page remarks section for details. (While WinForms could do this, I think it actually does its own focus handling, so that it can have tab order independent from visual stacking Z-Order.)
Other Things To Explore...
Make friends with the Spy++ app (part of the SDK, installs with Visual Studio). If you're going to do anything with HWNDs, managed or unmanaged, it's a real good idea to know how to use this tool: you can point it at any piece of UI on Windows, and see how it's constructed out of a tree of different types of HWNDs. Point it at the VB designer and see what's really happening for yourself. (Click the 'binoculars' icon on the toolbar, then drag the crosshairs the the window you're interested in.)
Also take a look at the resource files that the designer spits out. Everything that you can tweak or move or edit in the forms designer corresponds to some item somewhere in one of those resource files. Make a copy of them, tweak some settings, and then file-compare the two sets, and see what's changed. Try changing some things in the files by hand (I think they're nearly all text), reload, and see if the designer picked up your changes.
Other Things To Note...
Much of the above is specific to Windows - notably the fact that since we're using Window's own building blocks - HWNDs - we can get Windows itself to do some of the hard work for us: it gives us the facilities to reuse the controls themselves at design time so we don't have to draw mock-ups; to intercept input on other controls so we can make a click into a move or whatever other action we want, or figure out which control is clicked without having to do the location math ourselves. If this was a designer for some other UI framework - say Flash - which doesn't use HWNDs internally, it would likely instead use that framework's own internal facilities to do similar work.
Also, it's far easier if you limit the number of controls in the palette to a small finite set, at least at first. If you want to allow any control at all to be dragged in - eg. a 3rd party one, or one you've used in another project; you typically first need some way for that control to be 'registered' so that the designer knows that it's available in the first place. And you may also need some way to discover what icon it uses in the toolbar, what its name is, what properties it supports - and so on.
Have fun exploring!
You implement a form designer almost like a normal GUI. You have stuff you can drag (your widgets), you have stuff you can click (your buttons) and you have stuff you can select (your placed widgets) and that's really about it.
Q: Now, how do you display a window in a GUI?
A: You paint it, simple as that.
Q: And how do you keep stuff inside that window?
A: You check against the bounds of the "parent" object. You could almost say that a form designer is like a little game and you have a scene graph holding all your widgets, connected by parent-child-relations.
Q: Then, how do you select stuff in a GUI?
A: Check the current mouse position on-click against the bounds of all (near) widgets (a scene graph only helps here, like a quadtree).
Q: How do you align widgets on a grid?
A: For the grid alignment, let's have a simple example: Say your real resolution is 100px on the x-axis, but you want your grid to only have a resolution of 10px on x. Now say you move your widget by 28px in real resolution. To get the grid resolution, you simply divide by 10, get 2.8, round that, and finally move the widget 3 tiles on x. The rounding is the key here. only if the grid movement is >= ?.5, you snap to the next tile. Otherwise you simple stay at the old one.
Hope this can give you a general hint on how to start a form designer. Have fun. :)
(PS: Don't know about any specific WinAPI/MFC functions/class to help you along, sorry.)
Just to add a point or two to what #Xeo has already said:
First of all, no, you don't always draw all the content yourself. During normal design phase you're basically just drawing something that looks like the control, but (at least IIRC) it also lets you "run" a form in test mode (certainly the VC++ dialog designer does, and even though VB's was more primitive, I think it did have that particular capability as well). Test mode was when you can "run" a form before you've (necessarily) attached any code to it -- even though clicking a button (for example) doesn't do anything in the surrounding program, the control itself works as normal -- a button clicks normally, an edit control will let you edit, etc.
That is done by actually instantiating a control, telling it the correct position, size, and properties. ActiveX controls do quite a bit to support this, and the previous "Windows custom controls" did as well, though with considerably less sophistication. From the viewpoint of the control, it's working just about exactly like it normally would, receiving input, sending notification to its parent, etc. The only thing that's changed is that the parent most ignores most of the notifications it receives, but the control doesn't really know that.
There are two basic ways to do this. One is to create a collection of controls yourself, along with their positions, sizes, etc., and use CreateWindow (or CreateWindowEx, etc.) to create window of the correct class. While relatively easy to handle, this has the disadvantage that it leaves all the tab-handling to you.
The other possibility is to create a DLGTEMPLATE structure to hold data about the dialog box, and a some DLGITEMTEMPLATES for the individual controls, and finally use CreateDialogIndirect to create a dialog box with those specs, holding those controls. It's tedious, but it works, and when you're done it handles tabbing between controls automatically (and works the same as any other dialog, since it's the same Windows code creating it either way).
Second, since you've tagged this C++, you might want to take a look at some code on CodeProject that actually implements a dialog editor. Although it isn't quite as sophisticated as some of the commercial ones, this is a reasonably complete form/dialog editor, complete with most of what you've asked about.

Look for ways to enable printing from my C++/MFC application

Since time immemorial I've been trying to avoid printing from my Windows-based applications due to the lack of native support for it. Whenever absolutely necessary I was resorting to dynamically making a simple HTML layout and then opening it in a web browser with a short Java Script in it to pop up a printing dialog for a user. Now I need to find something more substantial.
Let me explain. I have a project that deals with medical charts and it has to be able to print into those charts (at specific locations) as well as print on to a Letter/A4 size page in general. It also has to provide a preview of what is being printed in a paged-view environment.
In light of that I was wondering what is available from MFC/C++ environment (not C#) in regarding to printing?
PS. I was thinking to look into the RTF format but that seems like quite a daunting task, so I was also wondering, is there any libraries/already written code that can allow to compose/view/print RTFs? If not, what else is out there that can provide printing support like I explained above?
"lack of native support"? It's been covered by Petzold since forever, and it's integrated straight into GDI. Compared to UNIX, it's a complete breeze. And MFC makes it even easier.
Anyway, here's how you do print preview with MFC, and here's how you subsequently print. Lots of links from there, and it's all straightforward. Printers are just another Device Context on which you can draw.
I always found it very convenient to generate PDF files from my MFC/C++ application, There are many libraries out there which enable easy creation of PDF files, preview functionality and so on (also open source). I'm using this (also handles RTF):
PDF Library
There is no support like you call a framework method with some parameters and the framework prints a document or the content of a window for you. You need to manually draw everything on the printing device context. So as already said, you might find it more convenient to use a PDF generator, but of course that depends on your application requirements.
Please try , it's a free report builder solution that easily integrates into a C/C++ application.

Where can I find API documentation for Windows Mobile phone application skin?

I have to customize the look of Windows Mobile (5/6) dialer application. From bits and pieces of information and the actual custom skin implementations in the wild I know that it is actually possible to change a great deal. I am looking for ways to change the look and feel of the following screens:
Actual dialer (buttons, number display, etc.)
Incoming call notification
Outgoing call screen
In-call screen
At least in the HTC Fuze device there is a custom skin that can be enabled or disabled, and it is actually a dll.
Can anyone point me to a section in MSDN, any kind of sample code, or at least mention the keyword I should be looking for?
Edit: There seem to be a number of "skins" for download. How do they do it?
There is currently no API for the default phone dailer and you can't replace it. The only people that can are the OEM's that make the devices.
I beleave you can add a context menu extender but I can't find the sample but that's about it.
As the other post article link goes into, there are enough API's in WM that you can write your own dailer and kind of replace it in most cases. Altho you can detect incomming calls you may be out of luck displaying a GUI in all situations (e.g. when the phone is locked).
There is an article series by Jeff Cogswell which could be very interesting for you.