How to hide suggestionView without having to delete characters in a RadAutoCompleteTextView using Nativescript Vue js - nativescript-vue

Currently when you start typing RadAutoCompleteTextView element using Nativescript Vue js the suggestionView Element is displayed. The only way to make the suggestionView to disappear is to delete each character in the field. I need to be able to make the suggestionView not display when i clear the RadAutoCompleteTextView field. Any help would be greatly appreciated

I was facing the same issue and I solved it with setting the suggestion view height to 1 on the textChanged event when the text doesn't exist in the items array


React-Bootstrap Modal mobile size has a additional white space

I'm using react-bootstrap": "^1.0.0-beta.5"
I just cannot get rid of the extra white space created by the dialog / modal for my modal, on mobile view.
i've read a few threads refering to it as bootstrap 3. I did tried to cahnge the bootstrap.css file but it didnt seem to work for me.
can anyone help ?
So, I found out the issue.
the issue was with the Component that i was using surprisingly it is messing up with the margins of -15px for left and right. ALTHOUGH i added them into the container correctly.
The trick that i did was to overwrite the .row css class in that page to remove the -15px for both left and right.

validation issues in sharepoint lists

I am a fresher in Sharepoint.I have set tabs using javascript and each tab will view the form of a list. I am keeping a save button for each tabs.
The problems are :
The entries are stored only when all the tabs are given inputs..i.e., all the lists are entered.
Totally five tabs are there. Out of them, the tab whose fields are finally entered,alone gets saved.Rest of the tab contents are not
3.In addition,can we have a common save button at the end of all the tabs.
Thanks in advance
i am not sure what exatly you are trying to achieve here, the datas are not getting saved will be because of these
on changing the tabs, the datas may be cleared
Fields would be set as mandatory on the list
Please let me know

What is the ember way to add popovers to views?

I'm working on a events board app. Events are displayed in columns at the height matching the start time and pack into the space if there is more then one overlapping. Each event is a view and I want to have a div next to the view that shows and hides on hover.
I know how to bind to mouseEnter and mouseLeave to show and hide part of the template but I want to show something adjacent to my view/template not within it.
I've already got some computed properties on the view to place the event with the correct height and width so I don't want to add the popover inside the view.
Here is something to mess with
Seems like something simple but I want to make sure I'm doing things the Ember way.
After messing a little with your provided jsbin, here the results.
Basically what I've done was adding a new popup css declaration wich do position the popup so that it appears outside the parent view, and also moved the {{#if...}} helper into the originating view.
If you want to go more fancy, checkout this jsfiddle wich uses the twitter boostrap popover.
Hope it helps.

ember.js: Correct way to select a tab and keep content

I'm trying to use emberjs but I'm stuck in some stupid errors.
I didn't find a good way to select a tab. Should I set some variable in the route and use bindAttr in the handlebar? (I tried it but didn't work). I need to create a emberjs view for each element that I need to interact with template and use {{#view}}{{/view}}?
In the 'navigation' outlet, I render signup/signin forms and want to keep filled data when user change the selected tab. How can I do that?
Here is the code:
Sorry if I was not clear, I'm a little lost...
Use Bindings & also Ember provides their textfield views which are pretty handful...I edited some of your fiddle to account your issue, rest of fiddle I think you can handle by yourself, (Edited the Sign In part use this to edit the Sign up view)
Hope this helps !

How to add a hyperlink column in an UltraWebgrid that will redirect me to a popup window

I am pretty new to Infragistics controls and finding it hard to add a hyperlink column to the ultraweb grid. Can anyone help me out with this.
Currently, I am binding the data coming from the Database to the grid.
To this data I need to add a hyperlink column "View" that will redirect me to a popup.
I need to pass some values from this page to the popup.
Need pointers if this can be done on Javascript.
I am unable to get the code anywhere.
It would be really helpful if someone can help me out
If you know HTML it is actually pretty simple to do. On the Initialize RowLayout method of the UltraGrid and reference the cell you want the hyperlink to go into and within the text property place the link there using HTML and include parameters within the HTML to pass to the popup.
If you are using a fairly recent version of Infragistics, they have a Modal Popup window that you can use which is fairly easy to integrate and use, and with this you do not need a javascript popup. You can use the ClientSideEvent BeforeSelectChangeHandler to open the Modal popup and pass values into there by referring to other cells within the row.