Show/Hide column in Power BI Table/Matrix visual - powerbi

Is there any possibility to show or hide the column in Table/Matrix visual in Power BI report by user dynamically?
For Example, I have a table view with columns COLUMN-1, COLUMN-2, COLUMN-3. Now I may have filter drop down to list all the column headers, so based on user selection (Multiple selections) Table view should get adjusted to show column values.
Since Power BI was developed based on Excel, curious to know if we are having Hide/Show column based on any condition or available in visual by default (Maybe by right-clicking on column header then show/hide it).

You can do this with the following workaround:
Create your page with the table showing both columns.
Create a bookmark, uncheck "Data"
Duplicate the page and remove the column you want to conditionally hide. Set the page as hidden.
Create a bookmark, uncheck "Data"
Add a button to the first page pointing to the 2nd bookmark
Add a button to the second page pointing to the 1st bookmark
Ensure your slicers are synced
The end user experience is they will feel like they are conditionally hiding and unhiding the column.
A bit crap and a lot of extra work but I have it working well in my implementation.

Currently it is not possible to hide columns in visual based on slicer selection, there is an idea about this issue, please vote it up.

This is now available in Power BI with preview feature "Field Parameter". Check the May 2022 update.


Power BI Slicer Default Selection

I have a PowerBI sheet consisting of multiple visuals and one slicer. The underlying data set includes one column called "selected" consiting of either "1" or "null". I want the slicer to always be default setted to only show data where the data entries in column "selected" are equal to "1". I want that the user is still possible to modify the selection and then be able to press a button to return to the pre-selection. I found no way possible to do this. Do you guys have any idea? I am pretty new to PowerBI.
I only found a way to pre-select the whole sheet or slicer to only show values where "selected" =1 but I want the user to be able to further select data. Also I only saw solutions for pre-selected slicer based on dates (e.g. most recent date is pre-selected).
What you need to do is to preselect all filter and save "bookmark" (view tab in powerbi desktop); Then you can assign a bookmark to the button.
Read this article:

Slicing the power BI report only by slicers not images

I have a scenario where I am using date and country slicers along with maps in my report along with some stacked charts.
When I click on the map for one country it filters the data based on that country I have selected but the filter is not reflected in slicers.
Is there any way that I can use the map only to display the counts without having select, in other words, no selection allowed on the maps?
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Go to Format tab and select Edit Interaction option as shown in the below image. Now select your Map visual and set Filter = None in other visuals you don't like to interact when click on the Map.

How to add calculated column to existing table that would ignore selected value in a slicer Power BI

I need to add calculated column that would ignore values selected in a slicer:
I tried:
all users = ALL(Sheet1[UserName])
But it gives me an error: A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected.
A calculated column cannot be affected by a slicer but that's not what you seem to be referring to.
It appears you are trying to create a visual that lists all the users. For this, you can put Username on a table visual and disable the filtering from the slicer by going to the Format tab and clicking Edit interactions.
If I understand you correctly, You have to use ALL() Function by
creating new table Under the modelling tab

How deselect a radio button on select of another in power bi?

I have used chiclet slicer to achieve radio button,
In my case from 3 measures I have taken 3 chiclet slicers, While clicking on a single radio button it is working fine, but on selecting another how to deselect the other two radio buttons.
I have data in 3 different measures "daily", "weekly" and "monthly".
My requirement is on the select of any those rest two options should be deselected, which is the default behavior of the radio button.
Or you can suggest me if there is any other way to implement the radio button.
I've always achieved this using the standard slicer and a hidden table with the needed labels and/or values.
Create a table by using "Enter data" or by using DAX, and put in it your 3 labels "Daily","Weekly","Monthly", I will call the table "MyTable" and the column "SwitchLabel"
Create a slicer with field "SwitchLabel", in the selection control enable "single select". (you can change the orientation in the "general" section).
Create a switch measure like the one below:
SalesSwitch = SWITCH( SELECTEDVALUE('MyTable'[SwitchLabel])
,"Weekly", [WeeklySalesmeasure]
,"Daily", [DailySalesmeasure]
,[DefaultMeasure] --optional "else", if nothing matches or there are multiple selections
Put the "SalesSwitch" measure in the charts.
The slicer/filter on the "switch" table must be present on every page that uses the measures, otherwise (without filter), it will always fall in the default case.
One limit of this solution is that it cannot change the X axis, in fact you are just calling different measures based on the selection.
If you need to also change the X-axis use Seymour's method with buttons and bookmarks.
There are many ways to implement the same need.
Buttons + Bookmark (built-in)
Slicer + Switch (built-in)
custom visuals in the store
In general, I prefer built-in Power BI functionalities because for enterprise production solution you do not want to rely on custom tools not officially supported by the software vendor.
Therefore, if your project is a real work then my suggestion is to use the Buttons + Bookmark built-in functionality. For your case you need:
In practice, create 3 buttons: Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
Next, create a bookmark with the default view, calling it Default.
Then, update one bookmark for each of the three view. It could simply be hiding or showing a visualization in the same page. Please note that a hidden visualization will not trigger any computation when the page is opened.
Finally, set the action of clicking the button to direct the user toward the bookmark.

How do you create a parameter list drop down in Power BI?

I have always been able to create drop-down list parameters within SSRS that allow the user to dynamically filter their reports based on one or more values selected from the drop-down list box of multiple values.
Translating now over to Power BI I cannot find any documentation to achieve the same functionality.
I've found a method of turning the slicer into a drop down list box. But it only allows for the selection of 1 value at a time. So it essentially seems to me to be more of a drop-down list of radio buttons.
In SSRS I could create a stored procedure that accepted a value and returned a record set filtered on a specific value(s).
I can see how to do this with Power BI as well but the method I've seen demonstrated, forces the user to select a value before the report is loaded and subsequently loads a pre-rendered report template. Which isn't the same.
So how does one go about creating a report that implements a true drop-down list box allowing for selection of 1 or more values to dynamically generate the result in the report?
Reference links are welcome if a simple answer isn't possible.
This is an out-of-the-box feature in PowerBI
Create a slicer visual and, as you've already discovered, set it to Dropdown type using the upside down carrot icon on the slicer header. The dropdown list is multi-select by default. Hold down [ctrl] while making the multiple selections. However, you can control Multi-Select behavior under the 'paintbrush.' When the visual is active, click the paintbrush icon under visualizations, expand 'Selection Controls' and you will see several options to manage your slicer's behaviors.
Additionally, you may want to explore the new filter experience, which is still in beta.
Otherwise, The behavior in SSRS where the report loads from data sources using parameters chosen by users either as parameters in stored procedures or incorporated into dynamic SQL is not replicated in PowerBI. It's true that there are parameters that can be incorporated in that way with the data set refresh - but these are controlled on the data set, not the report, and are not convenient (or appropriate, really) for report viewers to manipulate.