POSTMAN Script Raw Data Input - postman-pre-request-script

I an trying to send Raw data to populate fields, the main one i need to populate is "additional info" but due to multiple variables being in additional info, im getting a syntax error
Below is what i have tried to do
Works fine if additional info is removed
"hostname":"","severity":"1","description":" Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8 - Gi1/0/8 for node is Down.","icon":"Red","source":"SolarWinds"
gets syntax error
I need to pass both to ServiceNow.
I have tried various different ways to try and get it to work but always get some sort of error
"hostname":"","severity":"1","description":" Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8 - Gi1/0/8 for node is Down.","icon":"Red","source":"SolarWinds"
gets syntax error
It should come into ServiceNow like the below

Doesn't seem like you are putting "additional_info" in as a proper json object. Try wrapping it in curly's. If that doesn't help what is the syntax error?


Visual Studio 2017: Ruleset won't execute

I want to define a custom set of rules to be checked at compile time. But it seems not to work.
I choose one rule directly and I'll get the expected warning.
But when I instead create a custom ruleset containing the exact same rule then I won't get the expected warning.
What could be wrong?
void f(std::string& i) {
std::string s = i;
cout << s;
int main()
std::string s ("abc");
This gives me the expected warning Warnung C26460 The reference argument 'i' for function 'f' can be marked as const (con.3). in the first case.
Even if I create a custom ruleset including all available rules, I won't get any warnings.
Here you see me selecting the custom ruleset:
Edit: The ruleset action must change one time to enable it.
When I create a new ruleset containing only the const-checks then I will get a .ruleset that does not work and look like this:
In the ruleset editor it looks like this:
When I then change its action from Warning to Error:
Then the .ruleset gets additional lines for each test case:
When I change the action back to warning it looks like this:
Now it is working as expected.
I've been able to reproduce your error with Visual Studio 2017. I don't know exactly what I changed (or if I changed anything at all), but I am able to see the code analysis warning you expect with a custom rule set.
Things I would try:
Double check the Error List window is visible and not hiding somewhere.
Open the rule set file, change the Action to Error and then back to Warning and save it. I wouldn't expect this to be the problem but it's one of the things I did and after which I started seeing the Error List window.

register ErrorCollector or intercept parse errors for wire format?

When It is possible to define a custom ErrorCollector class for handling google::protobuf parsing errors
struct ErrorCollector : ::google::protobuf::io::ErrorCollector
void AddError(int line, int column, const std::string& message) override
// log error
void AddWarning(int line, int column, const std::string& message) override
// log warning
When parsing from a text file, you can use the protobuf TextFormat class and register your custom ErrorCollector
::google::protobuf::io::IstreamInputStream input_stream(&file);
::google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parser parser;
ErrorCollector error_collector;
if (parser.Parse(&input_stream, &msg))
// handle msg
For parsing wire format, I currently use Message::ParseFromArray
if (msg.ParseFromArray(data, data_len))
// handle msg
This doesn't allow me to specify a custom ErrorCollector though.
I've searched through the source code, but as of yet have been unable to find if this is possible.
Is it possible to use an ErrorCollector when parsing wire format?
Is there another way to intercept parse errors and make them available to client code?
There are essentially two ways that parsing the wire format could fail:
The bytes are not a valid protobuf (e.g. they are corrupted, or in a totally different format).
A required field is missing.
For case 1, protobuf does not give you any more information than "it's invalid". This is partly for code simplicity (and speed), but it is also partly because any attempt to provide more information usually turns out more misleading than helpful. Detailed error reporting is useful for text format because text is often written by humans, but machines make very different kinds of errors. In some languages, protobuf actually reports specific errors like "end-group tag does not match start-group tag". In the vast majority of cases, this error really just means "the bytes are corrupted", but inevitably people think the error is trying to tell them something deeper which they do not understand. They then post questions to stack overflow like "How do I make sure my start-group and end-group tags match?" when they really should be comparing bytes between their source and destination to narrow down where they got corrupted. Even reporting the byte position where the parse error occurred is not very useful: protobuf is a dense encoding, which means that many random corrupt byte sequences will parse successfully, which means the parser may only notice a problem somewhere later down the line rather than at the point where things actually went wrong.
The one case that clearly is useful to distinguish is case 2 (missing required fields) -- at least, if you use required fields (I personally recommend avoiding them). There are a couple options here:
Normally, required field checks write errors to the console (on stderr). You can intercept these and record them your own way using SetLogHandler, but this doesn't give you structured information, only text messages.
To check required fields more programmatically, you can separate required field checking from parsing. Use MessageLite::ParsePartialFromArray() or one of the other Partial parsing methods to parse a message while ignoring the absence of required fields. You can then use the MessageLite::IsInitialized() to check if all required fields are set. If it returns false, use Message::FindInitializationErrors() to get a list of paths of all required fields that are missing.

Xerces, xpaths, and XML namespaces

I'm trying to use xerces-c in order to parse a rather massive XML document generated from StarUML in order to change some things, but I'm running into issues getting the xpath query to work because it keeps crashing.
To simplify things I split out part of the file into a smaller XML file for testing, which looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XPD:UNIT xmlns:XPD="" version="1">
<XPD:OBJ name="Attributes[3]" type="UMLAttribute" guid="onMjrHQ0rUaSkyFAWtLzKwAA">
<XPD:ATTR name="StereotypeName" type="string">ConditionInteraction</XPD:ATTR>
All I'm trying to do for this example is to find all of the XPD:OBJ elements, of which there is only one. The problem seems to stem from trying to query with the namespace. When I pass a very simple xpath query of XPD:OBJ it will crash, but if I pass just OBJ it won't crash but it won't find the XPD:OBJ element.
I assume there's some important property or setting that I'm missing during initialization that I need to set but I have no idea what it might be. I looked up all of the properties of the parser having to do with namespace and enabled the ones I could but it didn't help at all so I'm completely stuck. The initialization code looks something like this, with lots of things removed obviously:
const tXercesXMLCh tXMLManager::kDOMImplementationFeatures[] =
// Instantiate the DOM parser.
fImplementation = static_cast<tXercesDOMImplementationLS *>(tXercesDOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(kDOMImplementationFeatures));
if (fImplementation != nullptr)
fParser = fImplementation->createLSParser(tXercesDOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, nullptr);
fConfig = fParser->getDomConfig();
// Let the validation process do its datatype normalization that is defined in the used schema language.
//fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMDatatypeNormalization, true);
// Ignore comments and whitespace so we don't get extra nodes to process that just waste time.
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMComments, false);
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMElementContentWhitespace, false);
// Setup some properties that look like they might be required to get namespaces to work but doesn't seem to help at all.
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgXercesUseCachedGrammarInParse, true);
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces, true);
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMNamespaceDeclarations, true);
// Install our custom error handler.
fConfig->setParameter(tXercesXMLUni::fgDOMErrorHandler, &fErrorHandler);
Then later on I parse the document, find the root node, and then run the xpath query to find the node I want. I'll leave out the bulk of that and just show you where I'm running the xpath query in case there's something obviously wrong there:
tXercesDOMDocument * doc; // Comes from parsing the file.
tXercesDOMNode * contextNode; // This is the root node retrieved from the document.
tXercesDOMXPathResult * xPathResult;
doc->evaluate("XPD:OBJ", contextNode, nullptr, tXercesDOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE), xPathResult);
The call to evaluate() is where it crashes somewhere deep inside xerces that I can't see very clearly, but from what I can see there are a lot of things that look deleted or uninitialized so I'm not sure what's causing the crash exactly.
So is there anything here that looks obviously wrong or missing that is required to make xerces work with XML namespaces?
The solution was right in front of my face the whole time. The problem was that you need to create and pass a resolver to the evaluate() call or else it will not be able to figure out any of the namespaces and will throw an exception. The crash seems to be a bug in xerces since it's crashing on trying to throw the exception when it can't resolve the namespace. I had to debug deep into the xerces code to find it, which gave me the solution.
So to fix the problem I changed the call to evaluate() slightly to create a resolver with the root node and now it works perfectly:
tXercesDOMDocument * doc; // Comes from parsing the file.
tXercesDOMNode * contextNode; // This is the root node retrieved from the document.
tXercesDOMXPathResult * xPathResult;
// Create the resolver with the root node, which contains the namespace definition.
tXercesDOMXPathNSResolver * resolver(doc->createNSResolver(contextNode));
doc->evaluate("XPD:OBJ", contextNode, resolver, tXercesDOMXPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE), xPathResult);
// Make sure to release the resolver since anything created from a `create___()`
// function has to be manually released.

problems with QVariantMap("No source available for "QBasicAtomicInt_fetchAndAddOrdered()")

I am getting this error (colored in red):
"No source available for "QBasicAtomicInt_fetchAndAddOrdered() at 0xba49e3f0" - when I try to execute following line in debug mode:
item.mediaUrl = results.value("itemMediaUrl").toString();
where results is a QVariantMap (I manage to successfully read other values from results, e.g., other strings, ints, etc.) and item is just an object which has a variable of type QString, mediaUrl.
Any help?? Any suggestions?? Thanks
ps. It seems I fixed it in this way:
QUrl url = results.value("itemMediaUrl").toUrl();
item.mediaUrl = url.toString();
I think if you put the two lines in one (i.e., directly apply toString() after toUrl... it may still not work...

Error with addstoredproc method in cfscript

I am calling a stored procedure with cfscript, but when I add the addProcResult method to the call, ColdFusion returns the error The specified key, result, does not exist in the structure. Removing the method fixes the error and doesn't effect the results, but I still would like to know why the error appeared. Using <cfstoredproc> and <cfprocparam> doesn't generate the error. I am running CF9. My code is below.
spService = new storedProc();
You'll get this error if your stored procedure actually doesn't return a resultset (perhaps it returns an output parameter--or nothing at all).
Simply remove the call to .addProcResult(), and you'll be fine.