Django/DRF filtering - django

I filter my list of Product models by title field. For example, I want to find this title = 'Happy cake'. And if I type
Case 1. 'happy cake',
Case 2. 'hapy cake', happi kake'
it should return me 'Happy cake'.As I know icontains helps me with case 1. How can I get that?May be some sort of technologies should be added or django itself has appropriate solution?

You can try using the lookup __in
Model.objects.filter(title__in=['happy cake', 'happi kake'])
You can put as many test cases you want in the list.

You can do this other way.
If you are sure about the start ha here
Happy Cake
Hapy cake
happi kake

This kind of question is hard to solve by just using Django inbuild search system. So this is one way to solve this question. ElasticSearch. It has fuzzy search and indexing. Cool thing to deal with tough tasks). I pushed to git some starting code. It doesn't solve this question fully, but with some workaround that goal can be achieved.


how to deal with different ways to write the same thing

I wanna know if Django has any module to deal with this problem.
I have multiple ways of writing the same city name in a Postgresql database that came from scraping different websites. The field "city name" could be "S. Diego" or "San Diego". My question is if I could have a module that could normalize always to "San Diego" in both situations and I could add some normalization when some new word appear like "S Diego", and maintain this workflow.
You can use an API to normalize the data you have scraped. Yandex or Google have feature to return a possible list of the location names based on your search query. Get the most possible answer they returned and use it to map your input to the correct one. There are manual mapping features but I highly recommend one of the giants that solved the problem before us.

Django ORM Which technique is better?

I have a project.
project = Project.objects.get(id=1)
and now i want to select the data from related tables of project. It can be done it 2 ways, let me know which one is better. and why?
attachments = project.attachments_set.all()
samples = project.projectsamples_set.all()
attachments = Attachments.objects.filter(project=ctx['project'])
samples = ProjectSamples.objects.filter(project=ctx['project'])
I would like to know the Technical prospective.
These queries are exactly equivalent, as you can see if you examine the generated SQL. I would say that the first is preferable as it is more compact and readable, but that is very much subjective so it is up to you which you use.
(Note that if you don't actually have the project object to start with, and don't need it, then it's more efficient to query Attachments and Samples via project_id than to get the product and use the related accessors. However that doesn't appear to be the case in your example.)

How do you access/configure summaries/snippets in Django Haystack

I'm working on getting django-haystack set up on my site, and am trying to have snippets in my search results roughly like so:
Title of result one about Wikis ...this special thing about wiki values is that...I always use a wiki when I walk...snippet value three talks about wikis too...and here's another snippet value
about wikis.
I know there's a template tag that uses Haystack code to do the the highlighting, but the snippets it generates are pretty limited:
they always start with the query word
there's only one snippet value
they don't support asterisk queries
and other stuff?
Is there a way to use the Solr backend to generate proper snippets as shown above?
Bottom line is that the Solr highlighting can't really be used by Haystack in a flexible way. I spoke to the main developer for Haystack on IRC, and he said basically, if I want to have the kind of highlighting I'm looking for, the only way to get it is to extend the Solr backend that Haystack uses.
I dabbled in that for about half a day, but couldn't get Haystack to recognize my custom back end. Haystack has some magic backend loading code that just wasn't working with me.
Consequently, I've switched over to sunburnt, which provides a lighter-weight and more extensible wrapper around Solr. I'm hoping it will fare better.
from haystack.utils import Highlighter
my_text = 'This is a sample block that would be more meaningful in real life.'
my_query = 'block meaningful'
highlight = Highlighter(my_query)

Django: assign accesskey to label instead of select

i'm developing a site that must be as accessible as possible. While assigning the accesskeys to my form fields with
i found out that the w3c validator won't validate an xhtml strict page with an accesskey in a select tag. Anyway i couldn't find a way to assign an accesskey to the label related to the select field (the right way to make the select accessible). Is there a way to do so?
Interesting question. HTML 4.01 also prohibits accesskey in a select.
I believe the Short Answer is: Not in standard Django.
Much longer answer: I looked at the code in django/forms/ and .../ and the label is handled strictly as a string (forced to smart_unicode()). Four possible solutions come to mind, the first three are not pretty:
Ignore the validation failure. I hate doing this, but sometimes it's a necessary kludge. Most browsers are much looser than the DTDs in what they allow. If you can get the accesskey to work even when it's technically in the wrong place, that might be the simplest way to go.
Catch the output of the template and do some sort of ugly search-and-replace. (Blech!)
Add new functionality to the widgets/forms code by MonkeyPatching it. MonkeyPatch django.forms.fields.Field to catch and save a new arg (label_attrs?). MonkeyPatch the label_tag() method of forms.forms.BoundField to deal with the new widget.label_attrs value.
I'm deliberately not going to give more details on this. If you understand the code well enough to MonkeyPatch it, then you are smart enough to know the dangers inherent in doing this.
Make the same functional changes as #3, but do it as a submitted patch to the Django code base. This is the best long-term answer for everyone, but it's also the most work for you.
Update: Yoni Samlan's link to a custom filter ( works if you are generating the <label> tag yourself. My answers are directed toward still using the full power of Forms but trying to tweak the resultant <label>.

Multijoin queries in Django

What's the best and/or fastest method of doing multijoin queries in Django using the ORM and QuerySet API?
If you are trying to join across tables linked by ForeignKeys or ManyToManyField relationships then you can use the double underscore syntax. For example if you have the following models:
class Foo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class FizzBuzz(models.Model):
bleh = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Bar(models.Model):
foo = models.ForeignKey(Foo)
fizzbuzz = models.ForeignKey(FizzBuzz)
You can do something like:
Fizzbuzz.objects.filter(bar__foo__name = "Adrian")
Don't use the API ;-) Seriously, if your JOIN are complex, you should see significant performance increases by dropping down in to SQL rather than by using the API. And this doesn't mean you need to get dirty dirty SQL all over your beautiful Python code; just make a custom manager to handle the JOINs and then have the rest of your code use it rather than direct SQL.
Also, I was just at DjangoCon where they had a seminar on high-performance Django, and one of the key things I took away from it was that if performance is a real concern (and you plan to have significant traffic someday), you really shouldn't be doing JOINs in the first place, because they make scaling your app while maintaining decent performance virtually impossible.
Here's a video Google made of the talk:
Of course, if you know that your application is never going to have to deal with that kind of scaling concern, JOIN away :-) And if you're also not worried about the performance hit of using the API, then you really don't need to worry about the (AFAIK) miniscule, if any, performance difference between using one API method over another.
Just use:
Hope that helps (and if it doesn't, hopefully some true Django hacker can jump in and explain why method X actually does have some noticeable performance difference).
Use the queryset.query.join method, but only if the other method described here (using double underscores) isn't adequate.
Caktus blog has an answer to this:
Basically there is a hidden QuerySet.query.join method that allows adding custom joins.