Does AWS DBInstance maintenance keep data intact - amazon-web-services

We are using CloudFormation Template to create MySQL AWS::RDS::DBInstance.
My question is when there is maintenance in progress while applying OS upgrades or software/security patches, will
Database Instance be unavailable for the time of maintenance
Does it wipe out data from database instance during maintenance?
If answer to first is yes, will using DBCluster help avoid that short downtime, if I use more than one instances?
From the documentation I did not receive any indication that there is any loss of data possibility.

Database Instance be unavailable for the time of maintenance
They may reboot the server to apply the maintenance. I've personally never seen anything more than a reboot, but I suppose it's possible they may have to shut it down for a few minutes.
Does it wipe out data from database instance during maintenance?
Definitely not.
If answer to first is yes, will using DBCluster help avoid that short
downtime, if I use more than one instances?
Yes, a database in cluster mode would fail-over to another node while they were applying patches to one node.

I am actively working of RDS Database system from the last 5 years. Based on my experience, my answer to your questions as follows in BOLD.
Database Instance be unavailable for the time of maintenance
[Yes, Your RDS system will be unavailable during maintenance of database]
Does it wipe out data from database instance during maintenance?
[ Definitely BIG NO ]
If answer to first is yes, will using DBCluster help avoid that short downtime, if I use more than one instances?
[Yes, In cluster Mode or Multi A-Z Deployment, Essentially AWS apply the patches on the backup node or replica first and then failover to this patch instance. Last, there would be some downtime during the g switchover process]


Optimizing latency between application server (EC2) and RDS

here's how the story goes.
We started transforming a monolith, single-machine, e-commerce application (Apache/PHP) to cloud infrastructure. Obviously, the application and the database (MySQL) were on the same machine.
We decided to move to AWS. And as the first step of transformation, we decided to split the database and application. Hosting application on a c4.xlarge machine. And hosting database to RDS Aurora MySQL on a db.r5.large machine, with default options.
This setup performed well. Especially the database performance went up high.
Unfortunately, when the traffic spiked up, we started experiencing long response times. Looked like RDS, although being really fast for executing queries, wasn't returning results fast enough over the network to the EC2 machine.
So that was our conclusion after an in-depth analysis of the setup including Apache/MySQL/PHP tuning parameters. The delayed response time was definitely due to the network latency between EC2 and RDS/Aurora machine, both machines being in the same region.
Before adding additional resources (ex: ElastiCache etc) we'd first like to look into any default configuration we can play around with to solve this problem.
What do you think we missed there?
One of the bigest strength with the cloud is the scalability and you should always design your application to utilise it and it sounds like your RDS instance is getting chocked due to nr of request more than the process time for the queries. So rather go more small instances with load balancing than one big doing all the job. And with Load Balancers you will get away from a singel point of failure due to you can have replicas of your database and they can even be placed in different AZ.
Here is a blogpost you can read on the topic:
Good luck in your aws journey.
The Best answer to your question is using read replicas, but remember only your read requests could be sent to your read replicas so you would need to design your application that way
Also for some cost savings, you should try aurora serverless
One more option is passing traffic between ec2 and rds through a private network rather than using the public internet to connect your ec2 to rds that can be one of the mistakes that might be happening

How much outage time is involved in resizing an AWS RDS Multi-AZ instance?

We're implementing new SQL Server databases in AWS. Our cloud engineer recommended RDS, despite the known downsides (inability to restore a single database or copy out a single backup, inability to resize the instance or reconfigure storage without downtime). Meanwhile, if we implement on EC2 we could get the benefit of zero-downtime upgrades.
In further reading, it seems like Multi-AZ may avoid downtime when resizing (see samples below) but the documentation is vague.
"Running a DB instance with high availability can enhance availability during planned system maintenance"
"There is minimal downtime when you are scaling up on a Multi-AZ environment because the standby database gets upgraded first, then a failover will occur to the newly sized database."
My question: does using Multi-AZ in RDS allow zero downtime when adding storage? If not, how much outage time would we experience when reconfiguring a Multi-AZ instance?
Multi-AZ doesn't do zero downtime, but we generally see less than a minute (with MySQL).
I would just create a new multi-AZ db from a snapshot, and test it to see. It shouldn't cost more than a buck or two to find out.

AWS architecture help for running database dumps

I have mysql running on one ec2-instance and tableau uses this database. mysqldump runs from production servers every 4 hours during which the system is down for probably 10-15 mins due to the dump. I am planning to have another ec2 instance with mysql running and and elb on top of these two instances so that the system wont be down trough the dump. For this I might have to de-register the instances from elb during the dump and register them back after the dump. Is this the right way to do it in the situations like this?
You can't use an ELB with MySQL servers. The ELB wouldn't know which server was master and which was slave, so it wouldn't know which to send updates to.
Is there any reason you aren't using Amazon's RDS service for your database servers? It provides automated snapshots that don't cause any down-time. It also makes it easy to create a read-replica against which you could perform mysqldumps without affecting the main server.
Currently you are taking logical backups of your system every 4 hours. Logical backups in most cases should only be used in a worst case scenario. In the event of a restore, logical backups are very slow compared to alternatives, such as snapshots and binary backups. If snapshoting using Amazon RDS or any of the other multitude of alternatives out there in your environment is not an option, I would look into Xtrabackup. This is a free stand alone HOT online binary backup tool that can be used with a Vanilla install of MySQL. This should not bring down your production server, assuming you are using InnoDB and not an alternative storage engine such as MyISAM. I personally used it for hot online binary backups and to automate building slaves in my previous work environment. A binary backups bottleneck is your network speed in terms of the restore process and is exponentially faster than a logical backup.
If setting up another MySQL instance is your only option look into GTID replication and/or Master-Passive HA environment in order to take the mysqldump off of the secondary non-active production server so that your production environment does not go down.
The bottom line is that you should not be taking production down to do a logical backup every 4 hours. This is def not ideal in any production environment.
Have a look at Amazon Database Migration Service ( It allows you to do zero-downtime database migration or just synchronization.

Set up basic environment of AWS without freetier

i am newbie to use AWS system.
well, my freetier is just expired recently.
so far, i run an instance all day and use ssh to make code there.
but now, i realized it could charge me more than i expected. so i decided to terminate the instance.
then, how can i connect to instance easily? do i need to turn it on everytime i want to code?
And which is better? whether using DynamicDB(in AWS) or make a separated instance and install linux and mongodb(or something else).
Thanks =)
Best practices to save on cost is to stop (not terminate) your instance when you are not using it.
You will not pay for your instance in STOPped mode. You will just pay for the storage of your EBS volumes (boot drive).
When you Terminate your instance, you cannot restart it. If you Terminate you instance, be sure your data are saved on a secondary EBS volume or a snapshot or stored on S3.
Regarding your second question, it really depends on your application needs : at what scale do you expect to run ? How large will be your data store ? What type of query are you going to perform ?
For most cases, DynamoDB will be more cost effective than running a couple of EC2 instances with a Mongo DB cluster. And you will not need to maintain and to operate the infrastructure, AWS will do it for you.
You might have other point of view from this question : DynamoDB vs MongoDB NoSQL
Might be easier to just use MongoHQ:
If you're interested in learning how to set up the servers, digitalocean is a good bet as they don't charge you for the IOPS and give you SSDs on the instance:

Scaling Up an Elasticache Instance?

I'm currently running a site which uses Redis through Elasticache. We want to move to a larger instance with more RAM since we're getting to around 70% full on our current instance type.
Is there a way to scale up an Elasticache instance in the same way a RDS instance can be scaled?
Alternative, I wanted to create a replica group and add a bigger instance to it. Then, once it's replicated and running, promote the new instance to be the master. This doesn't seem possible through the AWS console as the replicas are created with the same instance type as the primary node.
Am I missing something or is it simply a use case which can't be achieved. I understand that I can start a bigger instance and manually deal with replication then move the web servers over to use the new server but this would require some downtime due to DNS migration, etc.
Elasticache feels more like a cache solution in the memcached sense of the word, meaning that to scale up, you would indeed fire up a new cluster and switch your application over to it. Performance will degrade for a moment because the cache would have to be rebuilt, but nothing more.
For many people (I suspect you included), however, Redis is more of a NoSQL database solution in which data loss is unacceptable. Amazon offers the read replicas as a "solution" to that problem, but it's still a bit iffy. Of course, it offers replication to reduce the risk of data loss, but it's still nowhere near as production-safe (or mature) as RDS for a Redis database (as opposed to a cache, for which it's quite perfect), which offers backup and restore procedures, as well as well-structured change management to support scaling up. To my knowledge, ElastiCache does not support changing the instance type for a running cluster. This suggests that it's merely an in-memory solution that would lose all its data on reboot.
I'd go as far as saying that if data loss concerns you, you should look at a self-rolled Redis solution instead of simply using ElastiCache. Not only is it marginally cheaper to run, it would enable you to change the instance type like you would on any other EC2 instance (after stopping it, of course). It would also enable you to use RDB or AOF persistence.
You can now scale up to a larger node type while ElastiCache preserves:
Yes, you can instantly scale up a running Elasticache instance type to a larger size. I've tested it and experienced very little actual downtime (I think a few seconds at first, but very quickly it's back online, even while the Console will show the process taking roughly a few minutes to actually finish.) I went from a t2.micro to a m3.medium with no problem.
You can scale up or down
Go to Elasticache service
Select the cluster
From Actions menu in top, choose Modify
Modify Node Type as shown below
If you have a cluster, you can add more shards, decrease number of shards, rebalance slot distributions, or add more read replicas. just click on the cluster itself, you should be see something like this
Be aware when you delete shards, it will automatically redistribute data to other existing shards so it will affect on traffic and overloading other shards, when you try to delete a shard you would get a warning like this
Still need more help, please feel free to leave a comment and I would be more than happy to help.