Deploy Django project with MSSQL DB in Local Server - django

I am new in Django and this will be my very FIRST Times web deploying. So I am trying to deploy my project to the local server and My project stack is Django with MSSQL so obviously I will need Window.
I was read the documentation and I think I will need WSGI and As the documentation say to deploy with gunicron or uWSGI but both are supported for Unix and not for window. So How can I start this one? This will be the first question.
I would like to know whether I am doing is correct or not.
Now I copy my project to the local server and when I try to run my project like python runserver it asks me to install Django and other but I thought this environment is working at well my computer and all of the needed application is already installed in the environment. So I still need to install all of my needed apps like Django to this environment again?
If u have any tutorial or can guide me to some useful site, I will be very very appreciated.
Anything u want to know further, Just let me know.


How to set virtualenv to stay active on a host server

I created a website that uses vuejs as the frontend and django as the backend with another service running behind everything that im making api calls to.
So django is setup in a way to look at the dist folder of Vuejs and serve it if you run runserver. but the problem is that my service that I created is
is also in python and it needs to run in a virtualenv in order to work (It uses tensorflow 1.15.2 and this can only run in a contained environment)
I'm sitting here and wondering how I can deploy the django application and keep the virtualenv active and Im coming up with nothing, I've tried doing some research on this but everything I found was not relevant to my problem. I've deployed it and when I close the ssh connection the virtualenv stops.
If there is anyone that can enlighten my ways I would appreciate it.
i think you need to nginx:
if you are search for keep states just in terminal i suggest tmux
You can use uWSGI and nginx to deploy Django apps on server. Here's helpful articles:
Django official docs also has a page about it:
There are articles from developers so you can refer them in case you get stuck anywhere:

Creating a virtualenv with already created django app

I am trying to deploy my django app in to production on a centos server. I have an app running on my computer(not server) with a code repository that doesn't utilize a virtual environment, and i wish i had set that up to begin with. I would like the production stage of the django app be run with a virtual environment, and was wondering what was the best way to go about this.
I am very cloudy on how this would work out. Would i need to set up the django app on my computer with a virtual environment, and then move the code repository to the server and go about it that way?
My understanding is the purpose of the virtual environment is to keep tabs and easily install any dependecies and software updates need to run the django app.
So the question is: Should i not worry about setting up a virtual environment on my computer, but start one on my server and start from there? Or would i run into problems when i try to git clone my project to the server because there isnt a virtualenv setup from the repository.
And if i should have it setup up on my local django app on my computer, how to i go about setting it up on an existing webapp?
The app doesn't care whether it's running in a virtualenv or not. You can simply create a new virtualenv on the server and redeploy the app inside it, reinstall the dependencies, then point your web server at the new app.

How to make a Django server portable?

My web server depends on nginx, django, and a lot of python dependencies. I'm wondering if there is a way to create a portable image/script that I can run in a new server and quickly get it up and running.
Is Docker relevant to this?
You should always use git to manage your code. With git you could get your django project in the other server quickly. But just that.
Also you have to migrate your database. Every DB engine have dump options for doing this.
Do not forget to move your static assests. Probably, you've all of them in one directory.
What about your nginx, database installation and configuration? Here is relevant Docker.
With all of this, you should migrate successfully.

Deploy Django app with Docker

I'm attempting to deploy a Django app via docker, first locally, and then to a cloud server. I could not find an answer to my initial question before I attempt this: if I run docker-machine create, I'm guessing this should be run from within my virtualenv, right?
This would then grab all of my specific app dependencies, and begin to build certificates to throw in the container? If not, please explain otherwise..
Yes you are correct.
I will try to help you by my experience, if you wanna deploy django apps via docker.
First you need to setup docker machine in your local machine. Please see the
instruction. By default driver that will be used is --driver
virtualbox default.
List what kind of specifics dependencies images of your apps. Ex:
you need nginx, postgres, uwsgi, or you need to fetch an image then
modified that image you can use dockerfile (its the best practice
for you).
I suggested you to use docker-compose. Really its make our project
pretty easy to manage. You have to define all images that you need
for your app in docker-compose file Please read this reference.
After you finished develop your app then you want to deploy in production server (cloud) you just need to copy all your project then running your docker-compose. All images dependencies will be automatically pulled in the cloud.
As a reference, you can see this project (this is an open source project that I developed.) On that project, I use make file to manage docker-compose command and it make easy to manage.
An example of dockerfile
An example of docker-compose.yml
An example of Makefile
Hope this will help you.

Django site on Webfaction - how the flow of information works, and integrating with Pycharm remote dev

I have been learning Django in the development mode for a two months and I am up to speed with most basic aspects of python + django now. However, I was using the built-in runserver till this time
Now, I have got a Webfaction hosting account and wanted to know the following
1) Webfaction sets up the project with a certain Django version (say 1.6.4) and Python version (say 2.7) initially
The project directory (for say project MYAPP) is /<>/webapps/MYAPP
When the site is running in production mode, how does the apache server know which Python version, and which site-packages versions to use with the MYAPP source code to render the site?
I can see that the MYAPP folder has a lib/python2.7 folder, however when I am connected to SSH terminal, and do a "which python", i see :
which python
so, do I take that this is the Python executable that is being used for rendering the website instead of the one in webapps/MYSITE/lib/python2.7 folder? How does the information/data flow about which programs to use during rendering the site with apache mod_wsgi work?
2) I was using a virtualenv in the development mode during testing. How do I use this on webfaction in production mode?
3) I am using Pycharm IDE. It worked well for the development mode. I can see that it has a remote interpreter configuration and a Deployment setting/option.
The python path that the remote interpreter settings tool detects automatically is the python executable at /usr/local/bin/python
Is this fine, or should I be pointing it to the more local python2.7 in the webapps/lib folder?
Thanks a lot of the answers and pls let me know if you need any supplemental info
Note to the OP: This should really be three separate questions.
1) For WebFaction, your Django app will use the Python version (and libraries, etc.) defined in:
Specifically, you'll want to look at what is defined for WSGIPythonPath (which should mostly match up with WSGIDaemonProcess unless you modify the config and are doing something strange).
Note that which python just tells you what the default python is in your shell. This has nothing to do with the config file for the webapp.
2) You may want to expand on this as to exactly what your use case is and why the default Django webapp created by WebFaction doesn't fit your needs. But the short answer is:
Create a virtualenv on your WebFaction account.
Install Django, etc. into the virtualenv.
Edit the httpd.conf file I mentioned above to use your virtualenv instead.
I've done this with both a Django webapp made via the WebFaction control panel and via a custom mod_wsgi webapp. So it does work. Just make sure to use the right Python version when making your virtualenv.
3) I don't use PyCharm so I can't answer this (one reason why this question should be split up).