Missing tittle and author - r-markdown

I have a Rmd (see bellow) file and when I execute the file without toc and pandoc I am able to get the title and author, but with them I am not able to see them. How can I get my title and author name to appear with numbered sections and toc?
title: "Design"
author: "Jen"
toc: true
pandoc_args: [
# plots

You should give rmarkdown full control over the pandoc arguments:
title: "Design"
author: "Jen"
toc: true
number_sections: true
# plots
Source: https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/html-document.html#section-numbering


How to reduce space between title and content in pdf_output of Rmarkdown

I am using Rmarkdown to output pdf file. Here is the code:
title: |
| This is title
| \vspace{-5truemm}Supplementary Material\vspace{-5truemm}
author: 'xxx^[Correspondence to: xxx. Email: xxx]'
geometry: margin=0.3in
fontfamily: mathpazo
fontsize: 11pt
documentclass: article
urlcolor: blue
toc: true
toc_depth: 4
number_sections: yes
subparagraph: yes
header-includes: |
# Introduction
This is introduction...
# Installation
This is installation...
## test1
### subtest1
And I want to know how to reduce space between the title (Supplementary Material) and content (not the body because I set toc as true).
Many thanks advanced!
As described in TeXSO, you can use the following package:
So, the complete example would be like this.
title: |
| This is title
| \vspace{-5truemm}Supplementary Material\vspace{-5truemm}
author: 'xxx^[Correspondence to: xxx. Email: xxx]'
geometry: margin=0.3in
fontfamily: mathpazo
fontsize: 11pt
documentclass: article
urlcolor: blue
toc: true
toc_depth: 4
number_sections: yes
subparagraph: yes
header-includes: |
The following \vspace{} changes the spacing
between the first section ("Introduction" here)
and the last line of the title ("Supplementary Material")
# Introduction
This is introduction...
# Installation
This is installation...
## test1
### subtest1
Note that the \vspace{} before the # Introduction changes the spacing
between the first section (Introduction here)
and the last line of the title (Supplementary Material).
Thus, the \vspace{} has nothing to do with
the space between the title and TOC.

How can i indent the first line only of a paragraph in R markdown?

I am writing my thesis in R Markdown and knitting either an an HTML or word document and i want to indent only the first line in each paragraph. Is there a way to do it?
I've tried 'indent' true' in the YAML but it did not work
here is the YAML header:
bibliography: references.bib
code_folding: show
toc: true
theme: journal
fig_caption: true
df_print: paged
number_sections: true
indent: true
toc: true
indent: true
link-citations: true
csl: nature.csl
biblio-style: nature

Setting citation_package option under pdf_document in YAML Header and using rmarkdown::pdf_document function

The help file of the pdf_document function of the Rmarkdown CRAN package says that the function is defined with the following options:
pdf_document(toc = FALSE, toc_depth = 2, number_sections = FALSE,
fig_width = 6.5, fig_height = 4.5, fig_crop = TRUE,
fig_caption = TRUE, dev = "pdf", df_print = "default",
highlight = "default", template = "default", keep_tex = FALSE,
latex_engine = "pdflatex", citation_package = c("none", "natbib",
"biblatex"), includes = NULL, md_extensions = NULL,
pandoc_args = NULL, extra_dependencies = NULL)
I am under the impression that I could add any of these arguments as options under pdf_document in the output section of the YAML header in my Rmarkdown document. Is this correct? The document managed to compile when I used the following options/arguments of pdf_document: toc, number_sections, fig_caption, df_print, and keep_tex. However, when I add citation_package to the list, I get an error in compiling. For instance, consider the following template Rmarkdown document.
title: "Untitled"
author: "Unknown"
date: "4/18/2019"
# toc: true
number_sections: true
fig_caption: true
df_print: kable
keep_tex: true
citation_package: biblatex
bibliography: sample_bib.bib
csl: /Users/Shared/Zotero/styles/multidisciplinary-digital-publishing-institute.csl
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
I love R [#rcoreteamLanguageEnvironmentStatistical2018].
The sample_bib.bib mentioned is the bib file that looks like
location = {{Vienna, Austria}},
title = {R: {{A Language}} and {{Environment}} for {{Statistical Computing}}},
url = {https://www.R-project.org/},
version = {3.5.1},
organization = {{R Foundation for Statistical Computing}},
date = {2018},
author = {{R Core Team}}
However, I was unable to knit this Rmarkdown document. I got the following error.
/usr/local/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS rmarkdown_pdf_document.utf8.md --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash --output rmarkdown_pdf_document.tex --template /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library/rmarkdown/rmd/latex/default- --number-sections --highlight-style tango --pdf-engine pdflatex --biblatex --variable graphics=yes --variable 'geometry:margin=1in' --variable 'compact-title:yes'
output file: rmarkdown_pdf_document.knit.md
INFO - This is Biber 2.7
INFO - Logfile is 'rmarkdown_pdf_document.blg'
INFO - Reading 'rmarkdown_pdf_document.bcf'
INFO - Found 1 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'sample\_bib.bib' for section 0
ERROR - Cannot find 'sample\_bib.bib'!
Error: Failed to build the bibliography via biber
Execution halted
Warning message:
LaTeX Warning: Citation 'rcoreteamLanguageEnvironmentStatistical2018' on page 1
undefined on input line 137.
LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 169.
Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `rmarkdown_pdf_document.out' has changed.
(rerunfilecheck) Rerun to get outlines right
(rerunfilecheck) or use package `bookmark'.
LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.
Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:
(biblatex) rmarkdown_pdf_document
(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
Luckily, this problem is easily fixed by moving the "citation_package" from an option under pdf_document to a separate line in the YAML header. Or:
title: "Untitled"
author: "Unknown"
date: "4/18/2019"
# toc: true
number_sections: true
fig_caption: true
df_print: kable
keep_tex: true
citation_package: biblatex
bibliography: sample_bib.bib
csl: /Users/Shared/Zotero/styles/multidisciplinary-digital-publishing-institute.csl
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
I love R [#rcoreteamLanguageEnvironmentStatistical2018].
Upon knitting this adjusted Rmarkdown document, the result is a pdf_document.
So my question is: Was I right that you could add any of the arguments found in the pdf_document help file on CRAN as options under "pdf_document" in the YAML header in a Rmarkdown file? Or, upon using this particular citation_package argument/option, could this be a possible bug in the rmarkdown::pdf_document() function?
ALSO POSTED ON RMARKDOWN's GITHUB; see for additional comments.

R Markdown + bib file: unused argument error

My .rmd file fails to compile when including citations as a .bib file.
I attached the code and error message here and very appreciate if someone could help.
The indentation of the YAML options is important. You currently have bibliography within the output section, but it should be placed in as a top-level YAML.
title: "Title"
author: "Author"
keep_tex: true
bibliography: bib.bib
Edit: Make sure you have moved the bibliography out of the pdf_document options completely, as follows:
author: "Author"
keep_tex: true
fig_caption: yes
number_sections: yes
bibliography: bib.bib

How to I vertically center the title of my rmarkdown pdf document?

I have the following preamble:
title: "Luke Klein Dissertation MARKDOWN ROUGH DRAFT"
author: "Luke KLEIN"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: true
How do I get my title centered on the cover page?
You probably already finished your dissertation :-) but leaving the solution for future reference as i came here through google.
title: |
| \vspace{5cm} \LARGE{Luke Klein Dissertation MARKDOWN ROUGH DRAFT}
author: "Luke KLEIN"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: true
Using a combination of vspace and hspace you can put the title anywhere you want.
Other combinations of fonts (both size and type) can be seen here:
Late to the party, this worked for me :
title: "Luke Klein Dissertation MARKDOWN ROUGH DRAFT"
author: "Luke KLEIN"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: true
- \pretitle{\begin{center} \vspace{5cm}}