I'm wondering what is the idomatic Django equivalent of:
DELETE FROM article WHERE ID = ( SELECT Min( ID ) FROM article )
What I have tried is to retrieve the article with the lowest id
article = Article.objects.all().order_by("-id")[:1]
And then:
But I'm wondering if there is more efficient/elegant way to do so?
There is no way to do this in a single query, since Django manages some relations itself. If you perform a delete, it will first obtain the items you plan to delete, then check if some triggers need to be peformed, and then delete the related objects that need to be removed and the object(s) itself.
You can thus do something like:
But it will still result in multiple queries.
Probably the most elegant way to do this is:
article = Article.objects.order_by('id').first()
if article:
According to django documentation:
Returns the first object matched by the queryset, or None if there is no matching object. If the QuerySet has no ordering defined, then the queryset is automatically ordered by the primary key.
You can use this command:
Article.objects.all().first().delete() if Article.objects.all().first() else None
I have a filter which should return a queryset with 2 objects, and should have one different field. for example:
obj_1 = (name='John', age='23', is_fielder=True)
obj_2 = (name='John', age='23', is_fielder=False)
Both the objects are of same model, but different primary key. I tried usign the below filter:
qs = Model.objects.filter(name='John', age='23').annotate(is_fielder=F('plays__outdoor_game_role')=='Fielder')
I used annotate first time, but it gave me the below error:
TypeError: QuerySet.annotate() received non-expression(s): False.
I am new to Django, so what am I doing wrong, and what should be the annotate to get the required objects as shown above?
The solution by #ktowen works well, quite straightforward.
Here is another solution I am using, hope it is helpful too.
queryset = queryset.annotate(is_fielder=ExpressionWrapper(
Here are some explanations for those who are not familiar with Django ORM:
Annotate make a new column/field on the fly, in this case, is_fielder. This means you do not have a field named is_fielder in your model while you can use it like plays.outdor_game_role.is_fielder after you add this 'annotation'. Annotate is extremely useful and flexible, can be combined with almost every other expression, should be a MUST-KNOWN method in Django ORM.
ExpressionWrapper basically gives you space to wrap a more complecated combination of conditions, use in a format like ExpressionWrapper(expression, output_field). It is useful when you are combining different types of fields or want to specify an output type since Django cannot tell automatically.
Q object is a frequently used expression to specify a condition, I think the most powerful part is that it is possible to chain the conditions:
AND (&): filter(Q(condition1) & Q(condition2))
OR (|): filter(Q(condition1) | Q(condition2))
Negative(~): filter(~Q(condition))
It is possible to use Q with normal conditions like below:
The point is Q object must come to the first or it will not work.
Case When(then) can be simply explained as if con1 elif con2 elif con3 .... It is quite powerful and personally, I love to use this to customize an ordering object for a queryset.
For example, you need to return a queryset of watch history items, and those must be in an order of watching by the user. You can do it with for loop to keep the order but this will generate plenty of similar queries. A more elegant way with Case When would be:
item_ids = [list]
ordering = Case(*[When(pk=pk, then=pos)
for pos, pk in enumerate(item_ids)])
watch_history = Item.objects.filter(id__in=item_ids)\
As you can see, by using Case When(then) it is possible to bind those very concrete relations, which could be considered as 1) a pinpoint/precise condition expression and 2) especially useful in a sequential multiple conditions case.
You can use Case/When with annotate
from django.db.models import Case, BooleanField, Value, When
Model.objects.filter(name='John', age='23').annotate(
When(plays__outdoor_game_role='Fielder', then=Value(True)),
I have an import of objects where I want to check against the database if it has already been imported earlier, if it has I will update it, if not I will create a new one. But what is the best way of doing this.
Right now I have this:
old_books = Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import")
for book in new_books:
old_book = old_books.get(id=book.id):
#update book
#create book
But that creates a database call for each book in new_books. So I am looking for a way where it will only make one call to the database, and then just fetch objects from that queryset.
Ps: not looking for a get_or_create kind of thing as the update and create functions are more complex than that :)
--- EDIT---
I guess I haven't been good enough in my explanation, as the answers does not reflect what the problem is. So to make it more clear (I hope):
I want to pick out a single object from a queryset, based on an id of that object. I want the full object so I can update it and save it with it's changed values. So lets say I have a queryset with 3 objects, A and B and C. Then I want a way to ask if the queryset has object B and if it has then get it, without an extra database call.
Assuming new_books is another queryset of Book you can try filter on id of it as
old_books = Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import").filter(id__in=[b.id for b in new_books])
With this old_books has books that are already created.
You can use the values_list('id', flat=True) to get all ids in a single DB call (is much faster than querysets). Then you can use sets to find the intersections.
new_book_ids = new_books.values_list('id', flat=True)
old_book_ids = Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import") \
.values_list('id', flat=True)
to_update_ids = set(new_book_ids) & set(old_book_ids)
to_create_ids = set(new_book_ids) - to_update_ids
-- EDIT (to include the updated part) --
I guess the problem you are facing is in bulk updating rather than bulk fetch.
If the updates are simple, then something like this might work:
old_book_ids = Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import") \
.values_list('id', flat=True)
to_update = []
to_create = []
for book in new_books:
if book.id in old_book_ids:
# list of books to update
# to_update.append(book.id)
# create a book object
# Book(**details)
# Update books
But if the updates are complex (update fields are dependent upon related fields), then you can check insert... on duplicated key update option in MySQL and its custom manager for Django.
Please leave a comment if the above is completely off the track.
You'll have to do more than one query. You need two groups of objects, you can't fetch them both and split them up at the same time arbitrarily like that. There's no bulk_get_or_create method.
However, the example code you've given will do a query for every object which really isn't very efficient (or djangoic for that matter). Instead, use the __in clause to create smart subqueries, and then you can limit database hits to only two queries:
old_to_update = Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import", pk__in=new_books)
old_to_create = Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import").exclude(pk__in=new_books)
Django is smart enough to know how to use that new_books queryset in that context (it can also be a regular list of ids)
Queryset objects are just a sort of list of objects. So all you need to do now is loop over the objects:
for book in old_to_update:
#update book
for book in old_to_create:
#create book
At this point, when it's fetching the books from the QuerySet, not from the databse, which is a lot more efficient than using .get() for each and every one of them - and you get the same result. each iteration you get to work with an object, the same as if you got it from a direct .get() call.
The best solution I have found is using the python next() function.
First evaluate the queryset into a set and then pick the book you need with next:
old_books = set(Book.objects.filter(foreign_source="import"))
old_book = next((book for book in existing_books if book.id == new_book.id), None )
That way the database is not queried everytime you need to get a specific book from the queryset. And then you can just do:
if old_book:
#update book
#create new book
In Django 1.7 there is an update_or_create() method that might solve this problem in a better way: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#django.db.models.query.QuerySet.update_or_create
I wanted to know is there anything equivalent to:
select columnname from tablename
Like Django tutorial says:
fetches all the objects with the given condition. It is like:
select * from Entry where condition
But I want to make a list of only one column [which in my case is a foreign key]. Found that:
Entry.objects.values_list('column_name', flat=True).filter(condition)
does the same. But in my case the column is a foreign key, and this query loses the property of a foreign key. It's just storing the values. I am not able to make the look-up calls.
Of course, values and values_list will retrieve the raw values from the database. Django can't work its "magic" on a model which means you don't get to traverse relationships because you're stuck with the id the foreign key is pointing towards, rather than the ForeignKey field.
If you need to filters those values, you could do the following (assuming column_name is a ForeignKey pointing to MyModel):
ids = Entry.objects.values_list('column_name', flat=True).filter(...)
my_models = MyModel.objects.filter(pk__in=set(ids))
Here's a documentation for values_list()
To restrict a query set to a specific column(s) you use .values(columname)
You should also probably add distinct to the end, so your query will end being:
See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#django.db.models.query.QuerySet.values
for more information
Depending on your answer in the comment, I'll come back and edit.
I'm not certain if the approach is right one though. You can get all of your objects in a python list by getting a normal queryset via filter and then doing:
myobjectlist = map(lambda x: x.mycolumnname, myqueryset)
The only problem with that approach is if your queryset is large your memory use is going to be equally large.
Anyway, I'm still not certain on some of the specifics of the problem.
You have a model A with a foreign key to another model B, and you want to select the Bs which are referred to by some A. Is that right? If so, the query you want is just:
B.objects.filter(a__isnull = False)
If you have conditions on the corresponding A, then the query can be:
B.objects.filter(a__field1 = value1, a__field2 = value2, ...)
See Django's backwards relation documentation for an explanation of why this works, and the ForeignKey.related_name option if you want to change the name of the backwards relation.
Say I have a model:
class Foo(models.Model):
and another model that basically gives per-user information about Foo:
class UserFoo(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
foo = models.ForeignKey(Foo)
class Meta:
unique_together = ("user", "foo")
I'd like to generate a queryset of Foos but annotated with the (optional) related UserFoo based on user=request.user.
So it's effectively a LEFT OUTER JOIN on (foo.id = userfoo.foo_id AND userfoo.user_id = ...)
A solution with raw might look like
foos = Foo.objects.raw("SELECT foo.* FROM foo LEFT OUTER JOIN userfoo ON (foo.id = userfoo.foo_id AND foo.user_id = %s)", [request.user.id])
You'll need to modify the SELECT to include extra fields from userfoo which will be annotated to the resulting Foo instances in the queryset.
This answer might not be exactly what you are looking for but since its the first result in google when searching for "django annotate outer join" so I will post it here.
Note: tested on Djang 1.7
Suppose you have the following models
class User(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
class EarnedPoints(models.Model):
points = models.PositiveIntegerField()
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
To get total user points you might do something like that
this will work but it will not return users who have no points, here we need outer join without any direct hacks or raw sql
You can achieve that by doing this
users_with_points = User.objects.annotate(points=Sum("earned_points__points"))
result = users_with_points | User.objects.exclude(pk__in=users_with_points)
This will be translated into OUTER LEFT JOIN and all users will be returned. users who has no points will have None value in their points attribute.
Hope that helps
Notice: This method does not work in Django 1.6+. As explained in tcarobruce's comment below, the promote argument was removed as part of ticket #19849: ORM Cleanup.
Django doesn't provide an entirely built-in way to do this, but it's not neccessary to construct an entirely raw query. (This method doesn't work for selecting * from UserFoo, so I'm using .comment as an example field to include from UserFoo.)
The QuerySet.extra() method allows us to add terms to the SELECT and WHERE clauses of our query. We use this to include the fields from UserFoo table in our results, and limit our UserFoo matches to the current user.
results = Foo.objects.extra(
select={"user_comment": "UserFoo.comment"},
where=["(UserFoo.user_id IS NULL OR UserFoo.user_id = %s)"],
This query still needs the UserFoo table. It would be possible to use .extras(tables=...) to get an implicit INNER JOIN, but for an OUTER JOIN we need to modify the internal query object ourself.
connection = (
UserFoo._meta.db_table, User._meta.db_table, # JOIN these tables
"user_id", "id", # on these fields
results.query.join( # modify the query
connection, # with this table connection
promote=True, # as LEFT OUTER JOIN
We can now evaluate the results. Each instance will have a .user_comment property containing the value from UserFoo, or None if it doesn't exist.
print results[0].user_comment
(Credit to this blog post by Colin Copeland for showing me how to do OUTER JOINs.)
I stumbled upon this problem I was unable to solve without resorting to raw SQL, but I did not want to rewrite the entire query.
Following is a description on how you can augment a queryset with an external raw sql, without having to care about the actual query that generates the queryset.
Here's a typical scenario: You have a reddit like site with a LinkPost model and a UserPostVote mode, like this:
class LinkPost(models.Model):
some fields....
class UserPostVote(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User,related_name="post_votes")
post = models.ForeignKey(LinkPost,related_name="user_votes")
value = models.IntegerField(null=False, default=0)
where the userpostvote table collect's the votes of users on posts.
Now you're trying to display the front page for a user with a pagination app, but you want the arrows to be red for posts the user has voted on.
First you get the posts for the page:
post_list = LinkPost.objects.all()
paginator = Paginator(post_list,25)
posts_page = paginator.page(request.GET.get('page'))
so now you have a QuerySet posts_page generated by the django paginator that selects the posts to display. How do we now add the annotation of the user's vote on each post before rendering it in a template?
Here's where it get's tricky and I was unable to find a clean ORM solution. select_related won't allow you to only get votes corresponding to the logged in user and looping over the posts would do bunch queries instead of one and doing it all raw mean's we can't use the queryset from the pagination app.
So here's how I do it:
q1 = posts_page.object_list.query # The query object of the queryset
q1_alias = q1.get_initial_alias() # This forces the query object to generate it's sql
(q1str, q1param) = q1.sql_with_params() #This gets the sql for the query along with
#parameters, which are none in this example
we now have the query for the queryset, and just wrap it, alias and left outer join to it:
q2_augment = "SELECT B.value as uservote, A.*
from ("+q1str+") A LEFT OUTER JOIN reddit_userpostvote B
ON A.id = B.post_id AND B.user_id = %s"
q2param = (request.user.id,)
posts_augmented = LinkPost.objects.raw(q2_augment,q1param+q2param)
voila! Now we can access post.uservote for a post in the augmented queryset.
And we just hit the database with a single query.
The two queries you suggest are as good as you're going to get (without using raw()), this type of query isn't representable in the ORM at present time.
You could do this using simonw's django-queryset-transform to avoid hard-coding a raw SQL query - the code would look something like this:
def userfoo_retriever(qs):
userfoos = dict((i.pk, i) for i in UserFoo.objects.filter(foo__in=qs))
for i in qs:
i.userfoo = userfoos.get(i.pk, None)
for foo in Foo.objects.filter(…).tranform(userfoo_retriever):
print foo.userfoo
This approach has been quite successful for this need and to efficiently retrieve M2M values; your query count won't be quite as low but on certain databases (cough MySQL cough) doing two simpler queries can often be faster than one with complex JOINs and many of the cases where I've most needed it had additional complexity which would have been even harder to hack into an ORM expression.
As for outerjoins:
Once you have a queryset qs from foo that includes a reference to columns from userfoo, you can promote the inner join to an outer join with
You shouldn't have to resort to extra or raw for this.
The following should work.
Q(userfoo_set__user=request.user) |
Q(userfoo_set=None) # This forces the use of LOUTER JOIN.
# ... annotate all the fields you'd like to see added here.
The only way I see to do this without using raw etc. is something like this:
When(userfoo_set__user_id=request.user, then='userfoo_set__bar')
The double Q trick ensures that you get your left outer join.
Unfortunately you can't set your request.user condition in the filter() since it may filter out successful joins on UserFoo instances with the wrong user, hence filtering out rows of Foo that you wanted to keep (which is why you ideally want the condition in the ON join clause instead of in the WHERE clause).
Because you can't filter out the rows that have an unwanted user value, you have to select rows from UserFoo with a CASE.
Note also that one Foo may join to many UserFoo records, so you may want to consider some way to retrieve distinct Foos from the output.
maparent's comment put me on the right way:
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Join
for alias in qs.query.alias_map.values():
if isinstance(alias, Join):
alias.nullable = True
How can I retrieve the last record in a certain queryset?
Django Doc:
latest(field_name=None) returns the latest object in the table, by date, using the field_name provided as the date field.
This example returns the latest Entry in the table, according to the
pub_date field:
EDIT : You now have to use Entry.objects.latest('pub_date')
You could simply do something like this, using reverse():
Also, beware this warning from the Django documentation:
... note that reverse() should
generally only be called on a QuerySet
which has a defined ordering (e.g.,
when querying against a model which
defines a default ordering, or when
using order_by()). If no such ordering
is defined for a given QuerySet,
calling reverse() on it has no real
effect (the ordering was undefined
prior to calling reverse(), and will
remain undefined afterward).
The simplest way to do it is:
You also use this to get the first entry like so:
To get First object:
To get last objects:
You can use filter
This works for me.
Django >= 1.6
Added QuerySet methods first() and last() which are convenience methods returning the first or last object matching the filters. Returns None if there are no objects matching.
When the queryset is already exhausted, you may do this to avoid another db hint -
last = queryset[len(queryset) - 1] if queryset else None
Don't use try...except....
Django doesn't throw IndexError in this case.
It throws AssertionError or ProgrammingError(when you run python with -O option)
You can use Model.objects.last() or Model.objects.first().
If no ordering is defined then the queryset is ordered based on the primary key. If you want ordering behaviour queryset then you can refer to the last two points.
If you are thinking to do this, Model.objects.all().last() to retrieve last and Model.objects.all().first() to retrieve first element in a queryset or using filters without a second thought. Then see some caveats below.
The important part to note here is that if you haven't included any ordering in your model the data can be in any order and you will have a random last or first element which was not expected.
Eg. Let's say you have a model named Model1 which has 2 columns id and item_count with 10 rows having id 1 to 10.[There's no ordering defined]
If you fetch Model.objects.all().last() like this, You can get any element from the list of 10 elements. Yes, It is random as there is no default ordering.
So what can be done?
You can define ordering based on any field or fields on your model. It has performance issues as well, Please check that also. Ref: Here
OR you can use order_by while fetching.
Like this: Model.objects.order_by('item_count').last()
If using django 1.6 and up, its much easier now as the new api been introduced -
It will give latest() with reverse direction.
p.s. - I know its old question, I posting as if going forward someone land on this question, they get to know this new feature and not end up using old method.
In a Django template I had to do something like this to get it to work with a reverse queryset:
Hope this helps someone looking around on this topic.
If you use ids with your models, this is the way to go to get the latest one from a qs.
obj = Foo.objects.latest('id')
You can try this:
The simplest way, without having to worry about the current ordering, is to convert the QuerySet to a list so that you can use Python's normal negative indexing. Like so: