GET users endpoint returns 1003: Client id has no access to the account - autodesk-data-management

I am trying to hit the GET users endpoint on the BIM 360 API using
this guide.
I have a Forge integration set on my BIM 360 Account Admin page, which includes Account Administration privileges. I followed the directions on the docs to remove the "b." from my hub id to get the account id, but when I hit the enpoint it returns "1003: Client has no access to the account"

This endpoint request a 2 legged access token with account:read scope and a Forge App that was previously provisioned within that BIM 360 Account.


Getting the access token for service account

I have external project in the google console that is unverified and 100 users cap is not exhausted.
If anybody will get access for some scopes of my project via oauth consent screen, can I request access token via service account ('sub' => '') for that user and that scopes?
And what will happen if project is verified by google assessors?

How do i get an Amazon Cognito token in postman without need for manual steps

I have an existing suite of postman tests that previously ran against REST services hosted in Azure using Azure AD for Auth. Using the token endpoint ({{tenantId}}/oauth2/token), I was able to obtain an Oauth token for an enterprise app (test app) that had deligate permissions for the application under test.
The apps have been moved to AWS and are now secured with Cognito. I have been unable to find an equivalent workflow that allows me to obtain a token without manual data being entered by the user.
The login endpoint requires me to manually enter the user name and password:
How do i integrate amazon cognito login in postman
I can setup an app and get an acceess token it does not give me permissions to the APIs, as I can not add the app to the user group with permissions.

EC2 and RDS Authentication?

I have an EC2 instance running a Node.js Express backend that controls CRUD operations to an RDS instance. I am doing a mobile application client (which I am authenticating users through cognito with the client sdk). What would be the best way to authenticate my mobile app users so that only authenticated users can access my Node.js Express functions running in EC2? Basically looking for something like IAM Lambda authentication (but for this server application, rather than a serverless architecture).
What would be the best way to authenticate my mobile app users so that only authenticated users can access my Node.js Express functions running in EC2
Authenticating with Cognito you shoud be able to get an access token (id token and access token) once the user is authenticated.
The token is to be fetched by the mobile client after the user is authenticated, see . This token can be sent along every request to the nodejs services. Please note the token has an expiration time and the client needs to get another one when the token is expired.
The token contains user identity, issuer, expiration time and (Cognito) user groups
The services must validate the token (issuer, expiration, signature) and trust the token (or not) based on the validation.
Validation example: in this example the public key is read from a certificate. Amazon provides only the public key properties (e,n), so you will have to complete the public key yourself, example
Edit: more detailed clarifications

Amazon Cognito: What is the AuthFlow when the user logs in through facebook/google/other idps?

I'm not getting a clear picture of the authentication process when a user logs in through another idp. My use case being for an app that does not need aws credentials.
If I get a token back after a user logs in from facebook for example, how do I connect that with a user in the userpool or my own database which may contain the user's app specific data?
user logs into facebook -> gets token back -> send token to amazon cognito (?) -> get back cognito token (?)
I'm currently looking for documentation on how to implement the above but there doesn't seem to be a direct link to it.
You could setup a social IdP such as Facebook and use the authorize endpoint.
Alternatively, Cognito now supports hosted signup and login pages for your application. You just need to create a Cognito domain, and set App Client Settings.

OAUTH2 server for getting AWS Cognito User Pool token?

I am attempting to allow a third party app (Google Home) to access information from a AWS Cognito User Pool.
The flow of the entire process is as follows (assuming I understand it correctly that is):
The user tries to link their devices (which are all managed inside various AWS services) to Google Home.
The user is then redirected to our oauth2 page where they log into their account in the cognito user pool
They succesfully log in and are provided with an oauth token
The Google Home app can then use that token to send requests to our back end, allowing them to control their devices, but not the devices belonging to other users.
I am not exactly sure how to setup the cognito user pool as an oauth2 provider. I can find lots of info going the other way (for instance using Google to sign into our AWS user pool using federated identities) but that doesn't solve our problem.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Amazon Cognito now supports OAuth 2.0. Login to the Amazon Cognito Console and follow these steps for an existing user pool:
Create a domain in the "App Integration" section.
In the same navigation go to "App Client Settings" and enable the providers you want enabled on the client, in your case Cognito. Also add the allowed callback and logout URIs as well as the allowed OAuth flows and scopes.
Now your authorize endpoint is and same way you can find the token endpoint.
More details...