When to declare protected fields in abstract class cpp - c++

I feel very uncomfortable with the concept of abstract classes, and I'd be happy if someone could make it a bit clearer. I do understand that it's also a matter of implementation and personal style, but I'd like to have at least some guidelines to think about when trying to solve a problem.
I thought that abstract classes only represent a type of behavior that their derived classes will inherit. since we cannot instantiate an object from an abstract class type, so if they have a c'tor or any data fields, they should be in protected mode. I've encountered a piece of code today, where the abstract class had a public constructor and it made me even more confused. I have few questions about this:
the only unique thing about abstract classes is that they have pure virtual functions? it's the only thing that prevents me from instantiating object from this class
on what occasions do I want to declare protected fields in an abstract class? when is it useful to add protected constructor? when is a public constructor needed?
I see many different uses of abstract classes, but sometimes I think about totally different solution, which most of the times is much more complicated and cumbersome than the one presented.
Thank you for your time and attention everyone.

Use abstract classes when you want to provide a base implementation for something, leave some parts of the implementation up to the child classes, but make it mandatory to implement the bits and pieces that are missing.
the only unique thing about abstract classes is that they have pure virtual functions?
A class is abstract because some parts of it (methods) are abstract too (have no implementation).
However, you can declare a class as abstract even if it has no abstract method. That is you want to prevent people from instantiating it. (you could in that case also declare the constructor protected)
on what occasions do I want to declare protected fields in an abstract class?
On the same occasion you would declare protected fields for any class: some properties which may be used by child classes
when is it useful to add protected constructor?
When you want to prevent instantiation of objects of a class. If the class is abstract, there is no additional benefit as it will not be intantiable anyway.
when is a public constructor needed?
For abstract classes, it is not. But that is valid. That constructor will then be used by child classes to pass parameters from their own constructors. In the case of abstract classes it may be declared protected without any side effect.
Kindly note that I am no C++ expert, but those questions are valid in any OOP language.


Is there a way to bring all definitions in a C++ struct/class into scope without deriving from it?

Musing on a Sunday...
Deriving from a class brings all names from the base class into the scope of the derived class. However, it also adds the base class non-static data members to every instance of the derived class.
Is there a way to achieve the former without the latter? I'm asking in the interest of concise notation.
Obviously, when the base class doesn't have any data members, I get what I want. There are quite a few empty classes or class templates in the standard library defined to do just that - inject names summarily into a class scope through inheritance. There's even the empty base class optimization to make this as cheap as possible.
But if I wanted to do the same with a non-empty base class, I would be tempted to employ something like:
struct Bar {
using struct Foo;
But, alas, that's not supported by C++. My question is, is there another way to achieve the same which I overlooked?
To provide a more complete example:
struct Foo {
enum { some_constant=42 };
// data members follow here ...
struct Bar {
using class Foo; // this doesn't compile
int f();
int Bar::f() {
return some_constant; // I want to use the constant directly, without Foo::
One clumsy way could be to split the definitions in Foo into two classes, one with the constants (which would be an empty class I could derive from without penalty) and the other with the data members, but that looks rather like an inelegant hack to me.
If there isn't a clean way to achieve this, maybe someone can provide a rationale for why it doesn't exist, or perhaps shouldn't exist.
Deriving from a class brings all names from the base class into the scope of the derived class.
Let me stop you there. Yes, it is true that inheriting from a base class causes the (non-private) names in the base class to be accessible from the derived class definition. However, that's not why you inherit from a base class; that's merely the mechanism by which inheritance achieves its goal.
To publicly inherit from a base class is to make a statement about the relationship between the derived and base classes. You're saying that every instance of the derived class should behave like the base class in virtually all ways. Even virtual function overriding still carries with it the expectation that the derived class implementations of these methods are conceptually doing the same job, just in a way appropriate for that derived class.
This is true even of mixin-style base classes, where the base class is used to define common functionality that is imported into a particular derived class. In such interfaces, there is little expectation of a user explicitly talking to base class definitions. But this provision of common functionality is ultimately still based on the semantic idea of a derived class being a base class. And that's very important for many of them to do their job.
Consider what is probably the most prominent mixin in the C++ standard library: std::enable_shared_from_this<T>. It has non-static data members, without which it couldn't actually provide the functionality it does (well, it could, but you would have to provide some interface in your derived class to store them, so it may as well do it).
This is true of private inheritance, though there is some modification. While to the outside world, the derived class is just a derived class, to the class definition itself, it still remains a base class. It remains wholly a base class, along with all the baggage that comes along with it.
Do not mistake the mechanism for the meaning. Mechanisms are important; don't get me wrong. But those mechanisms exist to facilitate meaning.
Having a class contain everything of some other class except the non-static data members is, semantically, nonsense. It doesn't mean anything about the relationship between the types. And you've essentially admitted that the main reason you want this is so that you don't have to scope-qualify the names defined in the "base" class.
This is a mechanical reason, not a semantic one. You shouldn't employ a semantic tool like inheritance to escape the mechanical consequences of how you have chosen to design your types.
In reference to your specific example you could make the constants you want to access static, which will allow you to access them from the second class by fully qualifying with the "base" class

Example for non-virtual multiple inheritance

Is there a real-world example where non-virtual multiple inheritance is being used? I'd like to have one mostly for didactic reasons. Slapping around classes named A, B, C, and D, where B and C inherit from A and D inherits from B and C is perfectly fine for explaining the question "Does/Should a D object have one or two A sub-objects?", but bears no weight about why we even have both options. Many examples care about why we do want virtual inheritance, but why would we not want virtual inheritance?
I know what virtual base classes are and how to express that stuff in code. I know about diamond inheritance and examples of multiple inheritance with a virtual base class are abundant.
The best I could find is vehicles. The base class is Vehicle which is inherited by Car and Boat. Among other things, a Vehicle has occupants() and a max_speed(). So an Amphibian that inherits from both Car and Boat inherits different max_speed() on land and water – and that makes sense –, but also different occupants() – and that does not make sense. So the Vehicle sub-objects aren't really independent; that is another problem which might be interesting to solve, but this is not the question.
Is there an example, that makes sense as a real-world model, where the two sub-objects are really independent?
You're thinking like an OOP programmer, trying to design abstract models of things. C++ multiple inheritance, like many things in C++, is a tool that has a particular effect. Whether it maps onto some OOP model is irrelevant next to the utility of the tool itself. To put it another way, you don't need a "real-world model" to justify non-virtual inheritance; you just need a real-world use case.
Because a derived class inherits the members of a base class, inheritance often is used in C++ as a means of collecting a set of common functionality together, sometimes with minimal interaction from the derived class, and injecting this functionality directly into the derived class.
The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern and other mixin-like constructs are mechanisms for doing this. The idea is that you have a base class that is a template, and its template parameter is the derived class that uses it. This allows the base class to have some access to the derived class itself without virtual functions.
The simplest example I can think of in C++ is enable_shared_from_this, which allows an object whose lifetime is currently managed by a shared_ptr to actually retrieve a shared_ptr to that object just from a pointer/reference to that object. That uses CRTP to add the various members and interfaces needed to make shared_from_this possible to the derived class. And since the inheritance is public, it also allows shared_ptr's various functions that "enable shared_from_this" to to detect that a particular type has the shared_from_this stuff in it and to properly initialize it.
enable_shared_from_this doesn't need virtual inheritance, and indeed would probably not work very well with it.
Now imagine that I have some other CRTP class that injects some other functionality into an object. This functionality has nothing to do with shared_ptr, but it uses CRTP and inheritance.
Well, if I now write some type that wants to inherit from both enable_shared_from_this and this other functionality, well, that works just fine. There is no need for virtual inheritance, and in fact doing so would only make composition that much harder.
Virtual inheritance is not free. It fundamentally changes a bunch of things about how a type relates to its base classes. If you inherit from such a type, your constructors have to initialize any virtual base classes directly. The layout of such a type is very odd and is highly unlikely to be standardized. And various other things. C++ tries not to make programmers pay for functionality they don't use, so if you don't need the special properties of virtual inheritance, you shouldn't be using it.
Its the same reason C++ has non-virtual methods -- because the implementation is simpler and more efficient if you use non-virtual inheritance, so you need to explicitly ask for virtual inheritance if you want it. Since you don't need it if your classes never use multiple inheritance, that is the default.

How do you handle a "cannot instantiate abstract class" error in C++?

How do you handle a "cannot instantiate abstract class" error in C++?
I have looked at some of the similar errors here and none of them seem to be exactly the same or problem that I am having. But, then again, I will admit that there are several to go over. Here is the compile error:
This leads me to this page:
Compile Error C2259 is from a C++ program but the page calls the abstract class an "interface":
Whenever you derive from an interface and implement the interface methods in the derived class with access permissions other than public, you may receive C2259. This occurs because the compiler expects the interface methods implemented in the derived class to have public access. When you implement the member functions for an interface with more restrictive access permissions, the compiler does not consider them to be implementations for the interface methods defined in the interface, which in turn makes the derived class an abstract class.
There are two possible workarounds for the problem:
Make the access permissions public for the implemented methods.
Use the scope resolution operator for the interface methods implemented in the derived class to qualify the implemented method name with the name of the interface.
The bad news is that I have already made all of the methods public in the class:
class AmbientOccluder: public Light {
The error means there are some methods of the class that aren't implemented. You cannot instantiate such a class, so there isn't anything you can do, other than implement all of the methods of the class.
On the other hand, a common pattern is to instantiate a concrete class and assign it to a pointer of an abstract base class:
class Abstract { /* stuff */ 4};
class Derived : virtual public Abstract { /* implement Abstract's methods */ };
Abstract* pAbs = new Derived; // OK
Just an aside, to avoid memory management issues with the above line, you could consider using a smart pointer such as std::unique_ptr:
std::unique_ptr<Abstract> pAbs(new Derived);
Visual Studio's Error List pane only shows you the first line of the error. Invoke View>Output and I bet you'll see something like:
c:\path\to\your\code.cpp(42): error C2259: 'AmbientOccluder' : cannot instantiate abstract class
due to following members:
'ULONG MysteryUnimplementedMethod(void)' : is abstract
c:\path\to\some\include.h(8) : see declaration of 'MysteryUnimplementedMethod'
An abstract class cannot be instantiated by definition. In order to use this class, you must create a concrete subclass which implements all virtual functions of the class. In this case, you most likely have not implemented all the virtual functions declared in Light. This means that AmbientOccluder defaults to an abstract class. For us to further help you, you should include the details of the Light class.
Provide implementation for any pure virtual functions that the class has.
Why can't we create Object of Abstract Class ?
When we create a pure virtual function in Abstract class, we reserve a slot for a function in the VTABLE(studied in last topic), but doesn't put any address in that slot. Hence the VTABLE will be incomplete.
As the VTABLE for Abstract class is incomplete, hence the compiler will not let the creation of object for such class and will display an errror message whenever you try to do so.
Pure Virtual definitions
Pure Virtual functions can be given a small definition in the Abstract class, which you want all the derived classes to have. Still you cannot create object of Abstract class.
Also, the Pure Virtual function must be defined outside the class definition. If you will define it inside the class definition, complier will give an error. Inline pure virtual definition is Illegal.
In my case i declared a function in COM Control .idl file like
[id(1)] HRESULT MyMethod([in]INT param);
but not declared in my interface .h file like this
STDMETHOD(MyMethod)(INT param);
Problem solved by adding above line into my interface .h file
this might help some one .
If anyone is getting this error from a function, try using a reference to the abstract class in the parameters instead.
void something(Abstract bruh){
void something(Abstract& bruh){
Can't construct an abstract class, even from a subclass. Abstract classes are basically templates for other classes to be built on and don't have constructors themselves. It's kind of another way to do an interface that involves inheritance.
There's a lot of stuff online about polymorphism, and it's all dumb. C++ makes it so that you can inherit from multiple classes at the same time, so abstract classes and interfaces are the same there. I think the reason why abstract classes exist is because some languages, like Java, can only inherit/extend from one class only.
Abstract classes are quite literally an abstract concept. They are parents of classes, but only in our minds. They are an answer to a question that doesn't have a right answer. Like, "What is the predecessor to GTA?" and you'd say, "Well, there's Race n' Chase" but that's not even a correct answer because they're the same game, just with the name changed. Abstract classes are the answer to "what's the parent of that class"? Like you could say "Oh, a String is just a character array" and "a character array is just a couple iterators" and "iterators are just pointers". Abstract classes allow us to formalize these stupid answers into inheritance.
I have answered this question here..Covariant virtual functions return type problem
See if it helps for some one.

What is special about the abstract class mechanism in C++?

I have question that bothers me for few days.
Abstract class is a special type of class that we cannot instantiate, right?. (Which is denoted/specified by giving a "= 0" to at least one method declaration, which looks like an afterthought).
What are the extra benefits that the abstract class mechanism brings to C++, that a 'normal' base class cannot achieve?
According to the wikibooks section on abstract classes:
It's a way of forcing a contract between the class designer and the users of that class. If we wish to create a concrete class (a class that can be instantiated) from an abstract class we must declare and define a matching member function for each abstract member function of the base class.
As mentioned, it's a way of defining an interface to which derived classes must adhere. Their example of the Vehicle abstract class is very apropos: you'd never have just a Vehicle in real life, you'd have a Ford Explorer or a Toyota Prius, but those both conform to (for the sake of argument) a base set of functionality that being a Vehicle might define. But, you can't just go to the Vehicle dealership and drive a Vehicle off the lot. Thus, you'd never want to be able to construct and use a base Vehicle object where you'd really want a specialized, derived object.
This offers the best way in C++ to define an interface without any default implementation.
C++ does not have C#'s interface concept.
It's the equivalent of what Java turned into "interfaces". Basically, it implies that the class itself is not usable - you need to override all pure methods.
An example is MFC's CView class which has a pure OnDraw method - the basic CView doesn't do anything and is as such useless. You have to override OnDraw.
(Btw - it is still possible to provide an implementation for a pure method, and subclassed implementations can fall back to it, but they still have to provide their own override.)
They are used as a base class in a class hierarchy design.
Abstract classes are used to define a clean interface for all derived classes.
At design stage, abstract classes define an interface, per specification and derived classes implement the desired functionality accordingly.
Also using abstract classes instead of "normal" classes helps separating the implementation details from the interface.
A concrete class implements an interface, but the abstract class defines it. You could use a concrete class as a base class in your design but abstract classes are not meant to be used directly in code and can not be instantiated. They serve as prototype.
By using the "normal" class as you say, you have to define an implementation for all methods.
Don't think of it at the class level.
Look at the method, and think of what it should do in the default case:
virtual std::string getName() const = 0;
What would be a right implementation for this method ? There is none than I can think of.
By marking it "pure virtual", you ensure that if the user ever get an instance of a class derived from your interface, then this method will have a sensible behavior.
The only other way to do this would be a throw NotImplemented("getName"); body, but then you'd discover the issue at runtime, not at compile-time, which is not as nice :)

Abstract Base Class with Data Members

If I'm creating an abstract base class, and the classes derived from it are going to have some of the same data members, is it better practice to make those members private in the abstract base class and give protected access to them? Or to not bother and just put the data members in the derived classes. This is in C++.
The main question to ask in an OOP setting is: Where does this data belong?
In an inheritance relationship, Data (and functionality) should be defined at the highest stage where it is more or less invariant. This promotes maximum modularity and code-reuse. For example, assume two classes:
class Human;
class Student : public Human;
When adding a data member 'm_Arms', we determine the 'Human' level as the best place to define the data, its usage and its visibility to the derived classes, based on the following questions:
Will specializations of humans require more-or-less invariant behavior from the human's arms? i.e. Will they be able to do something that a 'generic' human normally cannot? - (determining common data).
Will the student (or other possible Human specializations) require direct access to it? (determining visibility to child classes).
If visible, which functions are common? (determining associated common functions)
The context should be thought of from the base class's perspective - even if there is one additional is-a-Human class that can do something extra, then it needs to have access to the data. e.g. If for some reason, you decide class Robocop : public Human, you need access to his thigh directly to store the gun inside. Under this architecture, Thigh then needs to become visible to all child classes of Human.
The architecture can be refined using the same principles of data modularity, function modularity and visibility. For example, when defining the class Robocop, The base class Human can be further extracted as follows to allow a change in visibility, and consequent changes in functionality.
class Human;
class NormalHuman : public Human; //declare Thigh private here.
class SuperHuman : public Human; //continue using Thigh as protected.
Further, Arms may themselves be made polymorphic, allowing (excuse the unintended dystopic interpretation) factory-based architectures to modularly assemble different types of Humans using Human parts.
If the data belongs to the derived class, let the derived class do what it wants to contain that data.
By placing that data in the base class (not privately), you force every derived class to have it. The derived classes shouldn't be forced to do anything unless they need to fill out the data member, for example. The base class defines what derived classes must do, not how they should do it.
If you find there might be a common theme, you can make a derived class that has those members and implementations, which is then intended to be the base class for those that want to use it. For example:
struct car
virtual ~car(){}
virtual unsigned year(void) const = 0;
virtual const std::string make(void) const = 0;
// Dodge cars can feel free to derive from this instead, it's just a helper
struct dodge_car
virtual ~car(){}
virtual unsigned year(void) const = 0;
const std::string make(void) const
static const std::string result = "Dodge";
return result;
And so on. But you see, any derived classes still have the choice of implementing the entire car interface. This also improves code cleanliness. By keeping your interface a real interface, implementation details won't get in the way.
Any variables your base class uses should be private, because derived classes don't need to know how it works, in the same way users of your derived class don't need to know how the internals of the derived class work.
How can you make members private and give protected access?
Derived class cannot access base class' private members.
Would Derived class A and Derived class B both need those data members you are talking about? If yes, then put them in base class and make it protected yes.
I know, I actually wanted to post a comment, but I don't know how. May be I need more reputation?
Don't think about what some of your derived classes would do, think about what all of them must do, when writing the base class. In other words, think about the base class itself and the guarantees it makes—its interface.
C++ doesn't have a separate concept of "interface definition" and just reuses classes for that. (Or duck typing in templates.) Because of this, be careful how you write your abstract interface classes so you don't impose restrictions on implementations.
I'm not answering either yes or no because you haven't given enough information, and the answer depends on those other details; but if you follow the guidelines I've briefly laid out, you'll be in decent shape.
There's nothing wrong with having some of the data (and of the implementation, i.e. methods) in the base class.
The base class could be virtual by the mere fact that only one of its methods must be implemented in derived class. The decision of making these variables and methods [of the base class] private, protected or even public, is a case by case issue.
For example the base class could have a public method, a protected method and/or data, and a few private methods.