Remove all diacritics without script with a single formula for use in all cells without making calls to Google API - regex

I created a formula that removes diacritics but needs to make calls through an ImportDATA. If I use this formula on every cell I need, it will exceed the call limit I can make. And it will lock the spreadsheet.
=ArrayFormula(if(exact(A1,Upper(A1)),Upper(VLOOKUP(A1,split(trim(transpose(split(query(SUBSTITUTE(regexreplace(regexreplace(query(IMPORTDATA(""),"Select Col1 where Col1 contains '<td'",),"<td class=.+>","")&"~"&MOD(ROW(A:A),4),".+~[01]$",""),"~3","#"),"",9^6),"#"))),"~2"),2,0)),split(trim(transpose(split(query(SUBSTITUTE(regexreplace(regexreplace(query(IMPORTDATA(""),"Select Col1 where Col1 contains '<td'",),"<td class=.+>","")&"~"&MOD(ROW(A:A),4),".+~[01]$",""),"~3","#"),"",9^6),"#"))),"~2")))
Instead of making this call to ImportDATA, I would like to use column A to put the diacritics and column B the corresponding common letters ... So make changes without having to make calls outside the spreadsheet and also without having to of creating a new Script function that is also often used, has a google limit that blocks usage ... But as I created this formula with the help of 3 answers here from StackOverflow, now to make this change I'm not succeeding.
And preferably that this formula already made the changes in a complete column instead of converting one cell only.

SIGN(ROW(A2:A)), 0)&""), L2:L)))


How to set NULL values to a single character in IICS?

There are 100+ incoming fields for a target transformation in IICS. NULLs can appear in any of these columns. But the end goal is to convert the NULLs in each of the incoming fields to * so that the data in the target consists of * instead of NULL.
A laborious way to do this is to define an expression for each column. That 100+ expressions to cover each and every column. The task of the expression is to convert NULL into *. But that is difficult in terms of maintenance.
In Informatica Power center there is a property on the target object that converts all the NULL values to * as shown in the below screenshot.
Tried setting the property Replacement Character on IICS for the target transformation. But that didn't help. The data is still coming in as NULL.
Do we have a similar functionality or property for target transformation on IICS? If so how to use it?
i think i find easier to create a reusable exp transformation with 10 input and 10 putput. Then copy it 10 times for 100 fields.
create an input, output port like below -
out_col = IIF(isnull(in_col) OR is_spaces(in_col),'*',in_col)
Then copy in_col - 10 times. And copy out_col 10 times. You need to adjust/fix the formula though.
Save it and make it reusable'
Then copy that reusable widget 10 times.
This has flexibility - if formula changes, you just have to change only 1 widget and viola, everything changed.
Try using Vertical macro. It allows writing a function that will affect a set of indicated ports. Follow the link for full documentation with examples.

Importrange + Query + Matches + Regexp

I am trying to filter out data from a different sheet with a specific account number. However the code below doesn't give out any results
=query(importrange(Setup!B1,"Sheet1!A2:F"),"Select * where Col4 matches '\d\d-\d\d\d\d-[14-7]\d\d\d'",1)
This is supposed to filter out all accounts where the 1st digit in the 3rd group of numbers is either 1,4,5,6 or 7. The width of the account numbers are all the same following the format xx-xxxx-xxxx.
Try using this as your match criteria:
Also, while I can't see your data, make sure you actually have a header in the first row of your IMPORTRANGE results (which you've requested with the 1 at the end of the QUERY). If you don't actually have headers, the 1 will leave you with one more result than you want; if that is the case, just remove the ,1 from the end of the QUERY.
If this doesn't produce the results you want, it may be due to mixed data types in your raw data that are being filtered out by the QUERY. In that case, you can try using FILTER and REGEXMATCH instead:
It is always hard to write complex formulas sight unseen. If none of these solutions (which work in my local sheet) produce the results you expect, I encourage you to share a link to both of your sheets. The raw data sheet being called by IMPORTRANGE can be "View Only"; but you'll want to set the Share permission on the second sheet (the one with the IMPORTRANGE formula itself) to "Anyone with the link..." and "Editor," so that those here can access it to test.

Searching within the result of a vlookup using a range of values and parsing text

parse a MM/DD date from the result of a vlookup so that it can be used in a project plan
The vlookup result contains multiple values separated by a "•" (I don't need all of them)
The value I'm looking to parse is not always in the same location in the vlookup result (otherwise I could use the RIGHT formula)
There is a finite number of the values I'm looking to retrieve (and I know them already)
The value that I'm looking to retrieve contains some text with a date range; I only want the first four values in the date range (MM/DD)
I'd like to achieve all this with a single formula with the result in a single cell
The formula that I've been working on that is not working is:
=ARRAYFORMULA(if(iserror(search(Iterations!D2:D7,(VLOOKUP(A2,'Results {2596503}'!$C$2:$L$183,3)))),,))
I've set up a sheet called "Erik Help" with the following formulas in B2 ad C2:
They may be longer than actually needed, but you did not share realistic results in Column B or list which symbols may appear in Column B other than in the date; so I tried to account for either a hyphen or a forward slash possibly appearing in Column B in places other than within the date span.
Your analytics sheet also shows a formula that is sorting the results from data!A:A. So even though in your example the original data order happens to be the same as in analytics!A:A, that is not a given (again, based on your formula). Therefore, the VLOOKUP is also necessary.
You did not indicate whether you need to further use these returned date-snippets in calculations, or whether you just need to view them. So the results generated in "Erik Help" are text.
If you want usable numbers/dates, you add further issues that would need to be controlled for in the formula, because you'll only be extracting month and day, not year. That's fine right now. But what about when the date range to be extracted is "12/28-01/13"? If you simply make these values/dates, they will both be assigned to the current year. So the end date here will wind up being earlier than the start date.
Because of this, I've added a second sheet, "Erik Help 2," which contains extended formulas to account for these cases while still returning the date format you want as actual dates which can be used in calculations.
(following your note on the sheet: "I would like to remove col b altogether and nest in the formulas in col c and d")
You can adjust the range B2:B by replacing it with your already existing formula in B2.
The new adjusted formula will become
Original answer
You can use the following formula:
Make sure you format the results as Date.
(Please adjust ranges to your needs)
Functions used:
VLOOKUP(data!A2:A, data!A:C, 2), "\d+/\d+-\d+/\d+"), "-"), "mm/dd"))))

How to set up COUNTIF or COUNTIFS formula in Google Sheets to compare columns?

I am trying to compare the numerical data in two columns in Google Sheets (say, Col. A and B) and return a count of all of the times that they vary by say, more than 1 (e.g., if A3 = 5 and B3 = 2, this should get counted). The two-column arrays will always be of equal size.
At first, I thought that either COUNTIF or COUNTIFS would be my go-to tool, but I can't get this to work with either formula. These formulas seem to handle criteria within a cell, but - as far as I can tell - can't handle criteria comparing data within two different (adjacent) cells.
Can someone help me with some super syntax work-around to get COUNTIF/COUNTIFS to work... or is there a more appropriate formula to the job (perhaps involving FILTER)?
*Quick Edit: I know I could always add an additional column, which would be very simple in this example. But my real-world spreadsheets are a lot more complex and are already suffering from column overload. A lot of other formulas are already set up around existing columns, and I was hoping to discover a more elegant solution that would allow me to come up with the count without having to add a new column for each and every comparison calculation.
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A:A&B:B), IF(A:A-B:B>1, 1, )+IF(B:B-A:A>1, 1, ), ))
if you want final sum instead of "per row" count use:
=SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A:A&B:B), IF(A:A-B:B>1, 1, )+IF(B:B-A:A>1, 1, ), )))
Add a third column, containing e.g. =ABS(SUM(A3-B3)). (The ABS gives you the positive difference regardless of which value is larger.)
At the bottom of that column, use COUNTIF like =COUNTIF(C1:C25, ">1") (where C1:C25 is the range of cels containing those positive differences).

How can I resolve INDEX MATCH errors caused by discrepancies in the spelling of names across multiple data sources?

I've set up a Google Sheets workbook that synthesizes data from a few different sources via manual input, IMPORTHTML and IMPORTRANGE. Once the data is populated, I'm using INDEX MATCH to filter and compare the information and to RANK each data set.
Since I have multiple data inputs, I'm running into a persistent issue of names not being written exactly the same between sources, even though they're the same person. First names are the primary culprit (i.e. Mary Lou vs Marylou vs Mary-Lou vs Mary Louise) but some last names with special symbols (umlauts, accents, tildes) are also causing errors. When Sheets can't recognize a match, the INDEX MATCH and RANK functions both break down.
I'm wondering how to better unify the data automatically so my Sheet understands that each occurrence is actually the same person (or "value").
Since you can't edit the results of an IMPORTHTML directly, I've set up "helper columns" and used functions like TRIM and SPLIT to try and fix instances as I go, but it seems like there must be a simpler path.
It feels like IFS could work but I can't figure how to integrate it. Also thinking this may require a script, which I'm just beginning to study.
Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve and the corresponding errors: Sample Spreadsheet
The first tab is attempting to pull and RANK data from tabs 2 and 3. Sample formulas from the Summary tab, row 3 (Amelia Rose):
Cell B3: =INDEX('Q1 Sales'!B:B, MATCH(A3,'Q1 Sales'!A:A,0))
Cell C3: =RANK(B3,$B$2:B,1)
Cell D3: =INDEX('Q2 Sales'!B:B, MATCH(A3,'Q2 Sales'!A:A,0))
Cell E3: =RANK(D3,$D$2:D,1)
I'd be grateful for any insight on how to best index 'Q2Sales'!B3 as the correct value for 'Summary'!D3. Thanks in advance - the thoughtful answers on Stack Overflow have gotten me this far!
to counter every possible scenario do it like this:
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, LOWER(REGEXREPLACE(A2:A, "-|\s", )))), 'Q2 Sales'!B2:B}, 2, 0)))